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E3 - Will Bioware announce a new SWTOR Expansion?


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I did not mean that 2.2 will be the main topic, as was mentioned, it comes out when E3 starts. But I believe that they will at least mention it. IF the game will be at E3, I still stand by my assumption of showing 2.3/.2.4 content


Time will tell but don´t get your hopes up :tran_angel:

Edited by Icestar
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With what voiceactors?


I think what we get is what they have already done. There is no way with this games current budget and development that all the actors would get together and record more.


We simply have to be content with more flashpoints and that kind of content, forever and ever.


And you're basing this opinion on what, exactly?


They are making money. They are capable of bringing in voice actors again. It's not like the actors are paid millions of dollars. If they want to put the time into it, then they could certainly produce more true story content.


However, I think future expansions will be similar to ROTHC. Except when they do space. That will be huge.

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Considering that in the last investor call they barely even mentioned the game I seriously doubt swtor will have a presence and if it doesn't, it just confirms the fears of many in the community, which is that the game is just in milking mode. I know I'll give up on this game in that case because we will never get more quality story content.
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Considering that in the last investor call they barely even mentioned the game I seriously doubt swtor will have a presence and if it doesn't, it just confirms the fears of many in the community, which is that the game is just in milking mode. I know I'll give up on this game in that case because we will never get more quality story content.




I take it you don't understand earnings calls? SWTOR is old news to investors. So long as it continues to put out good numbers, it is in the clear. They are always looking forward to new games. Even Blizzard spends very little time discussing WoW when they announce new games, and lay out roadmaps for new releases.

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Considering RotHC just released 7 weeks ago, I would say it will likely be October 2014 before we see another expansion. It only took 18 months to get the first one. It would not be an unreasonable assumption to think the next one would take the same amount of time... or more.

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I don't think we'll see any big announcements regarding SWTOR at E3 but I'd like to be surprised.


As for the whole "we'll never see a 'full sized' expansion" versus "we better get a 'full sized' expansion", I'd like to add my two cents: I would rather we get something Rise of the Hutt Cartel sized every six to eight months versus some massive expansion that comes out every 18 months. Over the long term, you're getting about the same amount of expansion content: it just happens to be in smaller chunks but at a faster pace.

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Considering that in the last investor call they barely even mentioned the game I seriously doubt swtor will have a presence and if it doesn't, it just confirms the fears of many in the community, which is that the game is just in milking mode. I know I'll give up on this game in that case because we will never get more quality story content.


It was mentioned in the report that SWTOR makes tons of money (on both "extra content" and subscription fronts) and that EA officials are "pleased" with it, what more would you want from a report to investors? That is investors of the entire EA, which produces crapload of games that people buy without thinking (FIFA, etc) not just the BioWare brand.

Not having a presence on E3 would not be strategical plan...

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I honestly don't see it happening, but who knows really? Would be cool.


If BioWare is at E3 it'll be to announce a game on the PS4. And maybe the Xbox One... Is the new Xbox a gaming console? :eek:


Bioware will be pushing Dragon Age: Inqusition first It should be the closest to to release of their projects. ME3 multi-play goodies and SWTOR going F2P will not be in the spot-light but you can be sure they will be actively promoting both of these to some degree.

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I don't think we'll see any big announcements regarding SWTOR at E3 but I'd like to be surprised.


This. I expect nothing, but hope for something...hope springs eternal in the human breast.

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Bioware will be pushing Dragon Age: Inqusition first It should be the closest to to release of their projects. ME3 multi-play goodies and SWTOR going F2P will not be in the spot-light but you can be sure they will be actively promoting both of these to some degree.


ME3 already had what they called the last things given to it. All they will add is MP packs to open. Hardly E3 worthy.

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Bioware will be pushing Dragon Age: Inqusition first It should be the closest to to release of their projects. ME3 multi-play goodies and SWTOR going F2P will not be in the spot-light but you can be sure they will be actively promoting both of these to some degree.


ME3's done. They added the last multiplayer and single player stuff to it a couple of months ago. I think you are right though, if there is anything from Bioware, it's likely to be Dragon Age 3 and Mass Effect 4. If they are ready for reveal. I don't think there'll be anything SWTOR related.


And yes, the Xbox One is a gaming console, considering Microsoft is investing a billion dollars in first party games for it.

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And yes, the Xbox One is a gaming console, considering Microsoft is investing a billion dollars in first party games for it.


That made me LMFAO!! I'm shocked people still believe this somehow makes a box revealed to focus on TV and all-in-one crap "a gaming console"...just throwing money at something doesn't mean it will be good...just look at this game...they threw more money on this game then any game ever and its now F2P with a cash shop and less then 1/4 of the servers it started with...most likely never seeing a true expansion because of this.


But hey, go ahead and buy your spybox one "gaming (lol) console". I'm sure the NSA and Microsoft will enjoy the candid scenes of your living room while your staring at the thing trying to find the billion dollars worth of games, while screaming "what the crap did I buy this thing for?"

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I highly doubt it. Most MMO expansions have a life span of about 2 years.


But the recent expansion was a small one, I highly predict another "small" expansion will come out next year.


Manaan or Dantooine or Kashyyk anyone?

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That made me LMFAO!! I'm shocked people still believe this somehow makes a box revealed to focus on TV and all-in-one crap "a gaming console"...just throwing money at something doesn't mean it will be good...just look at this game...they threw more money on this game then any game ever and its now F2P with a cash shop and less then 1/4 of the servers it started with...most likely never seeing a true expansion because of this.


But hey, go ahead and buy your spybox one "gaming (lol) console". I'm sure the NSA and Microsoft will enjoy the candid scenes of your living room while your staring at the thing trying to find the billion dollars worth of games, while screaming "what the crap did I buy this thing for?"


So the PC isn't a gaming platform? The PS3 isn't a gaming platform? The 360? I can do non-gaming stuff on those.

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Except we're never going to get a "decent" expansion out of TOR.


TOR is never going to have a WoW type expansion pack or a "full on" or what people think of as a traditional style expansion pack. This is a F2P game now and it's updates are going to be reflective of that.


It's unlikely that will ever see anything bigger than ROTHC in terms of an update due to the fact that a large part of that content was produced when they had more money to work with.


You are absolutely correct. The word is the TFB, Section X, ROTHC and all its content and the new FPs we are getting in version 2.3 have already been developed in 2011. A new expansion worth $30-$40 will require a huge amount of content to justify the price. Based on the quality and quantity of content we have been getting since the beginning of this year (including ROTHC), I do not think BW has the capacity to develop a large expansion.

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With what voiceactors?


I think what we get is what they have already done. There is no way with this games current budget and development that all the actors would get together and record more.


We simply have to be content with more flashpoints and that kind of content, forever and ever.


Most, if not all, voice actors/actresses are under contract with Bioware. Some, like Jen Hale and Jo Wyatt, do a lot fo work for BW. Budget is also not a factor. BW knows the expense of VO work and has said that it is much cheaper than most people think. When they do add more story content it will continue to be fully voiced by the same VAs.

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So the PC isn't a gaming platform? The PS3 isn't a gaming platform? The 360? I can do non-gaming stuff on those.



First of all I want to apologize to the OP and those actively discussing the point of the thread for derailing it on this silly console war aside. That being said, since this was brought up it seemed like the best place to address it.


In response to Bomyne, you missed the point. That's OK though, I kind of figured that would happen (not a slight against you, just that most people seem to lose objectivity when it comes to their console company of choice). Yes, you can do that on a PC, but what company comes out with a PC and advertises it to do those things? People don't think of PCs in that manner.


The point I was trying to make was that just because Microsoft is throwing a billion dollars at games doesn't change their marketing scheme of all-in-one. That marketing scheme by its own nature indicates that the console isn't a gaming console nor is it a cable box nor is it a online gateway. Its a little bit of all of those, that being the case it will most likely not be the best at any one of those things. The fact that they have so many intrusive security measures takes away from the potential of the thing being great at one of them even more. Microsoft seems to be biting off more then they can chew and calling their new console just a "gaming console" is a gross misrepresentation of an extremely convoluted marketing scheme that will surely be the bane of gamers everywhere!

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Considering RotHC just released 7 weeks ago, I would say it will likely be October 2014 before we see another expansion. It only took 18 months to get the first one. It would not be an unreasonable assumption to think the next one would take the same amount of time... or more.


That's not totally true. They had to scramble and put F2P in, which took a hit on any expansions. They don't have that problem now.


Because of how light these content updates are, it seems like something is on the horizon. But that doesn't mean we'll hear about it at E3 or anytime soon for that matter.

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if makeb was an actual expansion rather than DLC then yes, it might be too soon. however, as DLC it wasn't a robust complete expansion.. so theoretically there could be another DLC announced at E3. it's alot closer to DLC map packs for say Call of Duty, than a WOTLK or Cata sized genuine expansion from WOW. COD for instance usually announces the next set of DLC map packs a few weeks after the last set of maps were DLC released.
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As I did last year I will be at E3 and post a thread with anything new I see at the bio booth :-)


This scoop just in...


The Super Secret Space Project has been upgraded to Super Double Secret Space Project. Release date has been announced as between now and then.

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Just what are you basing your information on? LotRO has full blown expansions and is free to play and do many other games that are free to play. I think you may need to Google just a bit harder next time.


Lotro expansions are far, far from full blown. Most of the content in these so-called expansions is just new ways for them to monetize their cash shop. Not only that, but some of the content from previous expansions remains in an unfinished state. Also, some major raid bugs never get fixed (Draigoch). Lotro had an initial boost when it went F2P but each additional expansion has seen lighter content with a higher price tag. The game is a shell of its former self. And this is coming from a formerly huge fan of Turbine.


SWTOR is likely headed down this road as well. And to call ROTCH an expansion is a joke. As others have said, this was likely meant as a free content patch until the population tanked.

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