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E3 - Will Bioware announce a new SWTOR Expansion?


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I highly doubt it. Most MMO expansions have a life span of about 2 years.


Well most MMO expansions are far bigger then this one so they shouldn't rest on this expansion for 2 years.

I don't expect them to announce anything special at E3 . From their talking Rothc took so much effort that i doubt that there is anything that far in progression that they can show us something.

I am hoping that after they released everything that was on the roadmap before release creativity kicks in and they produce something that can really surprise us.

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Well most MMO expansions are far bigger then this one so they shouldn't rest on this expansion for 2 years.


If we want a decent second expansion, we need to give them a decent amount of time.

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If we want a decent second expansion, we need to give them a decent amount of time.


Yes thats why i wrote that my guess is that they won't show anything special at E3 (especially not a new expansion)

But 2 years is to long for this kind of expansion. 1 year to the reveale of the next expansion after Rothc sounds resonable for me. I would be happy to wait 2 years if they at least go on with the class story and add chapter 4 (really chapter 4 and not just Rothc side story.)

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If we want a decent second expansion, we need to give them a decent amount of time.


Except we're never going to get a "decent" expansion out of TOR.


TOR is never going to have a WoW type expansion pack or a "full on" or what people think of as a traditional style expansion pack. This is a F2P game now and it's updates are going to be reflective of that.


It's unlikely that will ever see anything bigger than ROTHC in terms of an update due to the fact that a large part of that content was produced when they had more money to work with.

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Why the hell would they announce a new expansion? If anything they should be announcing new FPs and Warzones or the space project even. I don't expect to hear another expansion for awhile.


The SSSP or Space project as you refer to it is gonna be a major expansion to the game. I am hoping they do announce that and at least have some playable demos for people to check out and some game play videos.

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Except we're never going to get a "decent" expansion out of TOR.


TOR is never going to have a WoW type expansion pack or a "full on" or what people think of as a traditional style expansion pack. This is a F2P game now and it's updates are going to be reflective of that.


It's unlikely that will ever see anything bigger than ROTHC in terms of an update due to the fact that a large part of that content was produced when they had more money to work with.


Just what are you basing your information on? LotRO has full blown expansions and is free to play and do many other games that are free to play. I think you may need to Google just a bit harder next time.

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Except we're never going to get a "decent" expansion out of TOR.


TOR is never going to have a WoW type expansion pack or a "full on" or what people think of as a traditional style expansion pack. This is a F2P game now and it's updates are going to be reflective of that.


It's unlikely that will ever see anything bigger than ROTHC in terms of an update due to the fact that a large part of that content was produced when they had more money to work with.


I really really hope you are wrong that about, Darth-Obvious. I really do. I want to see a smash hit second expansion. I know Bioware is capable of it.

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I honestly don't see it happening, but who knows really? Would be cool.


If BioWare is at E3 it'll be to announce a game on the PS4. And maybe the Xbox One... Is the new Xbox a gaming console? :eek:

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Except we're never going to get a "decent" expansion out of TOR.


TOR is never going to have a WoW type expansion pack or a "full on" or what people think of as a traditional style expansion pack. This is a F2P game now and it's updates are going to be reflective of that.


It's unlikely that will ever see anything bigger than ROTHC in terms of an update due to the fact that a large part of that content was produced when they had more money to work with.


If you believe they are making less money now than before, then you will believe anything lol.


EA will be making tons more money out of this cash cow model than they were out of just subscriptions alone.


But anyway I doubt they announce a real expansion at E3 but hey here's to hoping.

Edited by RTCBrad
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First, it's not too soon to announce another expansion. I say that only because we got a mini expansion, not a large one. If it was bigger then yes, I would say it would be too soon.


Secondly, I don't think you will hear anything about an expansion at E3. They have laid out what they plan for the summer, though we may hear of a major content update coming in late fall or the beginning of next year. I'm sure there has to be something to talk about.


I am crossing my fingers and hoping something big will be announced. But I'm not holding my breath.

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How is it to soon to have an announcement for the next expansion? And two year wait because of RotHC?


It's not to soon, but they may not. Okay. But to wait 2 years after that...no :p CoH gave bigger (and free) expansions than RotHC in less time than 2 years. :p

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Will Bioware announce a new SWTOR Expansion? What do you think? :D


I hope so....


I just paid for another 6 month sub(auto renewed) and activated 2 90 day cards i was given as Birthday gifts by friends that didn't know i already subbed. So i'm set until June 2014..lol

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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Will Bioware announce a new SWTOR Expansion? What do you think? :D


With what voiceactors?


I think what we get is what they have already done. There is no way with this games current budget and development that all the actors would get together and record more.


We simply have to be content with more flashpoints and that kind of content, forever and ever.

Edited by Icestar
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If SWTOR will be at E3, my guess is announcing the new PvE stuff in 2.2 (NiM OPS) and 2.3 (new dailies, new event, etc) or maybe whatever that "not just a new WZ" "big" PvP update for 2.4 is.


I don´t think recyceled content is enough to make a buzz at E3


They would be better off spending money on developing the game instead of spending it telling people that.

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With what voiceactors?


I think what we get is what they have already done. There is no way with this games current budget and development that all the actors would get together and record more.


We simply have to be content with more flashpoints and that kind of content, forever and ever.


Actually, they had some new voiceovers done for Makeb.


And, for new OPs and FPs, they do it as well.


They've constantly said that Voice Acting is NOT anywhere near as expensive as people think, and it isn't the reason for not going ahead with things like class stories.

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If SWTOR will be at E3, my guess is announcing the new PvE stuff in 2.2 (NiM OPS) and 2.3 (new dailies, new event, etc) or maybe whatever that "not just a new WZ" "big" PvP update for 2.4 is.


I don't think they will be speaking about 2.2, unless it is a "We just released x. . . and all this new stuff is coming!" Don't forget, 2.2 comes out same day E3 starts.


My guess is -- if they do discuss SWTOR, we will hear about 2.3, maybe some sneak peaks at 2.4 -- and, just maybe, hints on a "planned" expansion. But nothing more.

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I don´t think recyceled content is enough to make a buzz at E3


They would be better off spending money on developing the game instead of spending it telling people that.


I did not mean that 2.2 will be the main topic, as was mentioned, it comes out when E3 starts. But I believe that they will at least mention it. IF the game will be at E3, I still stand by my assumption of showing 2.3/.2.4 content

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