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Scoundrel healers impossible to kill


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operative vs sorcerer in arena:

Operative has 4 instant heals vs 2.

Operative has unlimited instant heal (if health below 30%).

Operative can hide in stealth, thats really good.

Operative has 3 instant stuns vs 1 with activation time.

Operative can hide whole team in stealth for first attack.

Operative mass heal ability is targetable which is much usable.

Operative has much easier energy managment, adrenaline probe is not damaging you.

Operative has channeled heal skill which heals and restores energy.

Operative has cool escape ability at lvl 51 but its different then force speed, cant say that really better.


Sorcerer has mass knock back skill.

Sorcerer has extrication skill which is whery cool in some special moments.

Sorcerer has immortality for 10 seconds but it makes sorcerer useless for that time anyway.

Sorcerer has static barrier skill which is really good and saves sometimes better than surgical probe but operative has good shield for himself anyway.


But i like my sorcerer more then my operative anyway for now. Missed smthng?

Edited by APCrol
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Its not that 1 DPS "should" or "shouldn't" be able to take down 1 healer. It shouldn't be a rule either way. It should be more along the lines of player skill. There should be a chance for either player to win.


And I hate to say it, but Operative healing IS too easy to play. In non-arena matches, I frequently finding myself wandering aimlessly around the fight area, not paying attention to anything but the ops health bars because there is very little risk of death.


I feel like I should be required to put in a little more effort to be such a solid healer. My Op in partisan gear is way better as a healer over my Merc in full Obroan gear or whatever its called.

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Operative healer vs DPS, the Operative actual has a very high chance of winning any 1v1 fight even as healer, seeing as they can just put up HoTs, slice you up, get down to under 30% stun you, heal back up for free, and repeat. keep in mind that this is without any damage buffs like the DPS get, meaning operatives can basically facetank and be perfectly fine. This alone makes the Op class live up to its abbreviation as OP, as no healer should be able to tank, and operatives can tank in their sleep.

hots tick every 3 sec, for 1,3k if it crits for 2.2k if you are unable to out dmg this as a DD you really need to L2P. the "free" heal back to full is restricted to HP-values below 30% so if you cast your heal at 29% it heals for 2k crittical up to 4.5k lifting you back to 38-40% health after that you have to either cast a spell or use your insta and you will be running out of upper hands/tactical advances as you can build up only one charge every 9 sec by hots.

no operative can "tank" any DD worth his salt - sadly most dds are not. only exception are LOSed range dd´s.


so stop crying and learn to play.

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Of course you should be able to kill an unsupported operative by yourself as a dps. You should be able to kill any healer by yourself if they get no help. It should take longer than killing another player, but all things being equal the final outcome should not be in doubt. The idea that a support class should just shrug off a single dps is completely ridiculous. Again, all things being equal.


What a narrow minded picture you have of pvp dynamics. If you are pressuring the healer, then they aren't healing their team = their team dies = you getting your dps ***** from dropping another class.

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I play jug vengeance and one match I was just attacking one healer the entire game...he didnt die once..


I know my class, i know how to play, i'm fully geared/augmented but I cant kill them


They have heal

They have roll

They can go invisible

They can stun me and heal up

They can stun me and go invisible, run around a corner and heal up


We played another game again, same scoundrel was there...he survived longer than me when i wore my fully augmented tank gear. Its ridiculous


Weird I play a Balance Sage and I have killed many Scoundrel/Operative Healers. Sure none of them were named Scold but they die just like everyone else.


The Bastion

Jenna'syyde / Crackroxx

Rellik / Syck'syyde

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I don't understand why everyone keeps talking about 1 v 1 this 1 v 1 that.


This is a team based game. This is a team orientated game. If you are not playing as a team. You are not doing it correctly.


If you are assisting one another. Protecting your teammates / objectives together. Play your roles according to what a team should do. You are winning. Lose/win you are still Winning at the game congrats.


Seriously this whole my X class should take out your X class 1 v 1 mentality is so weak.


The devs focus on balancing this game around team based game play. If they hot fixed it every time someone felt their class was under powered in a 1 v 1 situation. Shoot you may as well not bring the game back online and just keep it down because it'll never be proportionate in that manner.


Seriously go play a FPS where you both get the same load out and same guns for real.


Say it again, Seriously...

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I don't understand why everyone keeps talking about 1 v 1 this 1 v 1 that.


This is a team based game. This is a team orientated game. If you are not playing as a team. You are not doing it correctly.


If you are assisting one another. Protecting your teammates / objectives together. Play your roles according to what a team should do. You are winning. Lose/win you are still Winning at the game congrats.


Seriously this whole my X class should take out your X class 1 v 1 mentality is so weak.


The devs focus on balancing this game around team based game play. If they hot fixed it every time someone felt their class was under powered in a 1 v 1 situation. Shoot you may as well not bring the game back online and just keep it down because it'll never be proportionate in that manner.


Seriously go play a FPS where you both get the same load out and same guns for real.


Say it again, Seriously...


They do it because they dps to get their epeen wet. Thinking above troglodyte levels is difficult for many pvpers.

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Don't expect any sort of operative healer nerfs before EA goes bankrupt. Just accept the current PvP reality that healers have returned to pre SWTOR 1.2 performance.


So what you're saying is that a 1.2-era nerf is coming to Scoundrels where every single one of their healing abilities get nerfed? This jaded Combat Medic is going to go buy popcorn for this! :rak_01:


And EA will never go bankrupt. #TBTF


Ranged DPS cannot kill operative healers. PT has been nerfed to be less of a threat against healers. The rest, the melee DPS are far from hard countering operative healers, which balance wise should be the case btw


It will be interesting to see what the consequences of the cover nerf for Scoundrel healers are. The good ones have always made use of cover purely because it was effectively a passive way of completely avoiding most gap closers in the game, while the other two healers had to burn active cooldowns of at least 20s to do the same for a limited period of time. Obviously Scoundrels should be on the move and have less to cast, but no longer being able to avoid gap closers should give melee DPS an edge against Scoundrel healers now. Interestingly, most of the classes who had gap closers that were countered by Cover were melee DPS (Guardian, Sentinel, Vanguard). Correlation may not equal causation, but that's a noteworthy coincidence right there.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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1 Full Geared juggernaut tank can hold a Voistar door alone by himself vs 2 reps like...10 secs before he dies. An Operative healer mid geared can hold that door like forever vs 2 players using his stuns, CC's vanish, autoheals, rolls, etc etc. The problem is when HEALERS can tank better than tanks.
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Played an arena yesterday.


Our team had 1 healer (me) and 3 dps

Enemy team had 2 healers (both scoundrels) and 2 dps


my team won, 1st round we killed one of the healers within 10 seconds of engagement.



Edited by BraaxusKun
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Played an arena yesterday.


Our team had 1 healer (me) and 3 dps

Enemy team had 2 healers (both scoundrels) and 2 dps


my team won, 1st round we killed one of the healers within 10 seconds of engagement.




5$ say that neither of them were named Scold tho.

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Played an arena yesterday.


Our team had 1 healer (me) and 3 dps

Enemy team had 2 healers (both scoundrels) and 2 dps


my team won, 1st round we killed one of the healers within 10 seconds of engagement.




Played an arena today.


My team had 2 healers, other team had 2 healers. Nobody died during the 3 rounds. We lost cause during "poison phase" their 2 sages used bubbles and we couldn't deal them enought dmg to make them die first.

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Damn, I need to step up my play then and train with those godly scoundrels and operative healers you meet, because I don't feel godly at all (scoundrel lvl 42). Maybe if I get a guard, I can hold up a little longer, but unguarded I'm dead meat in seconds, specially if I had an assasin popping out from nowhere...then I see my health bar going to half instantly.


And no, I refuse to use cover, specially since it will get nerfed on 2.5 . I don't want to end using it as a crutch.

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Of course you should be able to kill an unsupported operative by yourself as a dps. You should be able to kill any healer by yourself if they get no help. It should take longer than killing another player, but all things being equal the final outcome should not be in doubt. The idea that a support class should just shrug off a single dps is completely ridiculous. Again, all things being equal.


You clearly have no clue about how to balance a healer class, please move on to hello kitty island adventures

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Of course you should be able to kill an unsupported operative by yourself as a dps. You should be able to kill any healer by yourself if they get no help. It should take longer than killing another player, but all things being equal the final outcome should not be in doubt. The idea that a support class should just shrug off a single dps is completely ridiculous. Again, all things being equal.


You clearly have no clue about how to balance a healer class, please move on to hello kitty island adventures

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One dps class should be able to kill a healer after a lengthy fight 1v1. If not, there is no way to kill a properly guarded/taunt protected healer that has peels and knockbacks/stuns.


Someone enjoys their godmode.

Edited by tynt
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Played an arena yesterday.


Our team had 1 healer (me) and 3 dps

Enemy team had 2 healers (both scoundrels) and 2 dps


my team won, 1st round we killed one of the healers within 10 seconds of engagement.




Played an Arena recently. Equally skilled players + equal gear. Tank, heal, 2 dps. No one died.

80% of Voidstar games ends at 1st gate.


You have only won because your enemy got much worse gear or they did not have Scoundrel/OP healer or they were much, much worse.

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I've heard it many times. The tank does not have to kill DPS his task taunt and protect. DPS should not kill healers because there will be no point in playing them. Stealth class should kill everyone in every situation, because their class is called a murderer or even worse ... it is at least silly.


The reason why healers are unkillable because SWTOR PvE game with PvP has attached to it. And there is almost nothing to bring the tanks on the battlefield but two taunt and little damage reduction. When viewed in the context of the survival of the tank can be easily replaced by another DPS, a healer not. For a object based warzone its that's enough. But if this game would have been an open mass PvP, then it would be clear what a bad connection between the tanks DPS and healers, and especially how helpless tanks on the battlefield.


r.i.p Warhammer..

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Scoundrels go down to madness sorcerers hard. You can use cloaking screen to escape, but all of those periodicals stay on you. If you try hugging pillars, you're still losing HP to periodicals. No one expects it and it throws a lot of people off. Honestly though, when I play my operative, the only class that constantly scares me is shadow. When a really good shadow mauls you from behind, it's really easy to panic. Operatives/Scoundrels are significantly less than immortal. It's just the case that not every class is equipped to deal with them. Remember that cloaking screen has a long cool down. If a scoundrel cloaks out, then keep your eyes open for him to reappear after he heals up. He can't cloak again for a long time. In a lot of ways, scoundrels and operatives can be quite vulnerable because they have no knockbacks and no reliable speed boosts other than the mild one some of them might be getting from hit and run (gives you a 2 second speed boost after using shiv).
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