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How is the supply of Cartel dyes on your server?

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On my server, the supply of Cartel-market dyes keeps dwindling steadily. Some of the really ugly ones no one cares about are still abundant, but especially the "gold" rarity ones keep shrinking instead of being re-supplied. Not just Black/Black and White/White either; even stuff like Gray/White and Pink/Purple is dropping steadily toward non-existent with each passing day.


A single Black/Black, for example, was on market for 5 million credits for 1 week — without competition —before finally disappearing. 3 days later it still hasn't been "restocked". Same with Black/Purple (2 days missing). Even the expected weekend population surges didn't appreciably change the quantities.


But all the craftable dyes, even the relatively expensive Artifact colors, are flooded — sometimes 2-3 pages worth.


When Dye Packs released there was a steady stock of 4-5 Black/Black, White/White, etc on any given day. Now there's zero. Are people just giving up on Dye Packs? Or is this experience unusual?

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On my server


Which server is that?


Stocks have fallen off their peak glut in the market on Harbinger.. but there remains a solid and steady supply from what I see.


A better question IMO is: whats the supply of crafter produced dyes on your server?

Edited by Andryah
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A better question IMO is: whats the supply of crafter produced dyes on your server?


pfft. Crafted dyes... Why would they be in short supply? I'll humor you though: they are plentiful.


I think the OP was wondering where all the CM dyes are that we can supposedly buy off the GTN with credits. You know, the mechanism the apologists tend to like to point to as justification for anything they try to soak us for on the CM. "Oh just buy it off the GTN with credits - it doesn't cost you a cent of real money" :rolleyes:


Jedi Covenant:


1 black/black set for 2.73 million. Been there for 2 days (no one seems to want to touch it at that price)

no white/white at all

a couple black/white (white/black?) for between 1 and 2 million

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pfft. Crafted dyes... Why would they be in short supply? I'll humor you though: they are plentiful.


I think the OP was wondering where all the CM dyes are that we can supposedly buy off the GTN with credits. You know, the mechanism the apologists tend to like to point to as justification for anything they try to soak us for on the CM. "Oh just buy it off the GTN with credits - it doesn't cost you a cent of real money" :rolleyes:


Jedi Covenant:


1 black/black set for 2.73 million. Been there for 2 days (no one seems to want to touch it at that price)

no white/white at all

a couple black/white (white/black?) for between 1 and 2 million


Exactly! The dye system is a joke if no one wants to use it, and people DO want to use it, so it must be in the implementation of it!


I think many realized the price wasn't worth it, and so those who said "Just buy it off the GTN" got to be proven totally wrong.

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The gambling boxes for dyes are a poor business model for the long term.


Cartel Packs work fine, and probably will continue to. This is because it always feels like you're getting something, and there is such a wide variety of things that can drop. Dye boxes, however, only give you 2 dyes and you rarely get anything that doesn't look ridiculous.

Edited by Jenzali
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pfft. Crafted dyes... Why would they be in short supply? I'll humor you though: they are plentiful.


I think the OP was wondering where all the CM dyes are that we can supposedly buy off the GTN with credits. You know, the mechanism the apologists tend to like to point to as justification for anything they try to soak us for on the CM. "Oh just buy it off the GTN with credits - it doesn't cost you a cent of real money" :rolleyes:


Jedi Covenant:


1 black/black set for 2.73 million. Been there for 2 days (no one seems to want to touch it at that price)

no white/white at all

a couple black/white (white/black?) for between 1 and 2 million


OIC....we are going to pivot a rant around the 3 or 4 monochrome dual dyes that you simpy must die to have. :rolleyes: How on earth do you navigate through such a narrow view of the game universe?


Crafted dyes in general are in shorter supply then Cartel dyes from my observation. Then again, why would you care since they don't craft dyes you want?


As for the CC dyes... they are plentiful and market prices have not spiked noteably on Harbinger except for White/Orange and Orange/White (probably because people finally realized they are decent dyes for many armor sets and are still modestly prices even with the demand spking prices). The few monochrome dual dyes will always be rare, over priced, and over coveted.


And I would imagine that a good number of people are stockpiling some of the nicer (yet still modeslty priced) CC dyes. It's the smart thing to do.... buy at good prices... save for later use. You know.. planning ahead for future use.

Edited by Andryah
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Well I certainly won't spend 200 CC on the dye kit in the off chance I get something worth the cost. I've been burned too much on packs, I'll never buy them again. I don't need any of that stuff that bad. So yeah, I'm guessing other people are maybe of the same opinion so less and less of the rare ones are gonna show up.
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OIC....we are going to pivot a rant around the 3 or 4 monochrome dual dyes that you simpy must die to have. :rolleyes: How on earth do you navigate through such a narrow view of the game universe?


Crafted dyes in general are in shorter supply then Cartel dyes from my observation. Then again, why would you care since they don't craft dyes you want?


As for the CC dyes... they are plentiful and market prices have not spiked noteably on Harbinger except for White/Orange and Orange/White (probably because people finally realized they are decent dyes for many armor sets and are still modestly prices even with the demand spking prices). The few monochrome dual dyes will always be rare, over priced, and over coveted.


And I would imagine that a lot of people are hoarding some of the nicer (yet still modeslty priced) CC dyes. It's the smart thing to do.... buy at good prices... save for later use. You know.. planning ahead for future use.


Yeah well, maybe on the west coast fruity colors are acceptable, but us on the east coast want black. Especially us New Yorkers. :D


I can craft any of the crafted dyes (and so could anyone with a few hours of Artifice grinding). I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make there, except to derail the thread on a tangent. Perhaps because arguing that the "CM items are always available on the GTN for credits" is beginning to look too shabby to prop up anymore?


Maybe you would like to explain to us why the few monochrome dyes should be so rare and overpriced?


My contention is there should be no selective restriction on color availability. I didn't ask for that. I'm guessing many agree with me regarding that idea. So we got it anyways. Fine. Paying more for an item that has been made artificially scarce is one thing, but making an item so rare that it isn't available at all grinds against basic economics.


I'm sure there is some hoarding going on, but if that is the case, perhaps BW could help out with some "quantative easing" by making the rarer dyes a little more plentiful.

Edited by DAMossimo
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Yeah well, maybe on the west coast fruity colors are acceptable, but us on the east coast want black. Especially us New Yorkers. :D


I can craft any of the crafted dyes (and so could anyone with a few hours of Artifice grinding). I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make there, except to derail the thread on a tangent. Perhaps because arguing that the "CM items are always available on the GTN for credits" is beginning to look too shabby to prop up anymore?


Maybe you would like to explain to us why the few monochrome dyes should be so rare and overpriced?


My contention is there should be no selective restriction on color availability. I didn't ask for that. I'm guessing many agree with me regarding that idea. So we got it anyways. Fine. Paying more for an item that has been made artificially scarce is one thing, but making an item so rare that it isn't available at all grinds against basic economics.


I'm sure there is some hoarding going on, but if that is the case, perhaps BW could help out with some "quantative easing" by making the rarer dyes a little more plentiful.



It would make no economic sense for them to do that. If the rare dyes stay rare, either those wanting the rare dyes will spend the CC's on the dye packs to try and get one of those rare dyes, or others will spend CC's on the dye packs in the hopes of being able to sell that rare dye.


Could they have done the dye system in a different manner? Yes. We are stuck with the way they implemented it, though.

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I can craft any of the crafted dyes (and so could anyone with a few hours of Artifice grinding). I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make there, except to derail the thread on a tangent. Perhaps because arguing that the "CM items are always available on the GTN for credits" is beginning to look too shabby to prop up anymore?


The OP made a comment, implying that CC dyes are drying (no punn intended) up in the market on his server. Personally I see the crafter market going dryer then CC dyes on my server, hence my comment. It's not a tangent, just because you could care less about it since you can produce them yourself. I can produce them too, but usually I buy them as it is easier and really just as economical for me.


My contention is there should be no selective restriction on color availability. I didn't ask for that. I'm guessing many agree with me regarding that idea. So we got it anyways. Fine. Paying more for an item that has been made artificially scarce is one thing, but making an item so rare that it isn't available at all grinds against basic economics.


Your contention is well known.


Maybe you would like to explain to us why the few monochrome dyes should be so rare and overpriced?


This is an MMO.. so it's for the same reason that these same dyes generally speaking are the rarest and most expensive in other MMOs as well. MMO PEOPLE LIKE rare and exclusive.. as it makes them look and feel special in their little virtual world. If it's common, readily available, and cheap... people don't feel it's special. It's why there are things like the Revan's mask and other extremely rare items in this MMO and gee... in other MMOs as well. Personally, I don't like the monocrhome dyes in this MMO. It's simply too cliche'. For the few times I want a dark dye on a piece of armor... The player crafter Deep Blue/Black works fine, is not rare, and is economical in price.

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OIC....we are going to pivot a rant around the 3 or 4 monochrome dual dyes that you simpy must die to have. :rolleyes: How on earth do you navigate through such a narrow view of the game universe?


Crafted dyes in general are in shorter supply then Cartel dyes from my observation. Then again, why would you care since they don't craft dyes you want?


As for the CC dyes... they are plentiful and market prices have not spiked noteably on Harbinger except for White/Orange and Orange/White (probably because people finally realized they are decent dyes for many armor sets and are still modestly prices even with the demand spking prices). The few monochrome dual dyes will always be rare, over priced, and over coveted.


And I would imagine that a good number of people are stockpiling some of the nicer (yet still modeslty priced) CC dyes. It's the smart thing to do.... buy at good prices... save for later use. You know.. planning ahead for future use.


Yes...players wanting their Sith in black is terrible! Should totally go against the grain and go pink/purple Sith (I say this as someone who's favorite color is pink :p So it's not like I hate pink).


Wanting those assassins and shadows and secret agents in black...terrible! :p


I've seen those other colors, and no, not all of them look good, or people won't think they look good. Yes, it's nice that /YOU/ find some of those common color combos to be so great *clap clap* You're special!

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A better question IMO is: whats the supply of crafter produced dyes on your server?
I answered that in the OP :confused:


1 black/black set for 2.73 million. Been there for 2 days (no one seems to want to touch it at that price)

no white/white at all

a couple black/white (white/black?) for between 1 and 2 million

Thanks, that sounds close to what I'm seeing, but at least you still have a Black/Black and it's under 3 million. :(


I'm not sure why this frustrates me so much. I've watched Command Thrones and Color Crystals and all manner of other goofy Cartel stuff go up for millions, bought overpriced Cartel nonsense, and been like "eh". But having these dyes so restricted, hard to find, and single-use is driving me crazy.

Edited by SW_display_name
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But having these dyes so restricted, hard to find, and single-use is driving me crazy.

They will finally put some robes that look like jedi and sith in the star wars movies , but damn... they'll be yellow with some green phosphorescent strips somewhere. But no stress about it, theres an easy fix, buy dye packs off the CM !!!!:p

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I answered that in the OP :confused:


Thanks, that sounds close to what I'm seeing, but at least you still have a Black/Black and it's under 3 million. :(


I'm not sure why this frustrates me so much. I've watched Command Thrones and Color Crystals and all manner of other goofy Cartel stuff go up for millions, bought overpriced Cartel nonsense, and been like "eh". But having these dyes so restricted, hard to find, and single-use is driving me crazy.


Because they were asked for, for so long, only to become what NO ONE ASKED FOR!


No one said "BW! Give us a chance to possibly maybe change the color of our armor to the colors we want" they said "BW! Give us the ability to change the color of our armors to what we want!"


And it's only stupidity that makes people think people were asking for 1 when they were asking like they did with 2. :p


Let me repeat that...STUPIDITY! MORONIC! And of course, any who think this was a good idea on BW's part are basically the same. *shrug*

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Hey, someone finally posted a Black/Black! And it's only 7 million credits! :(


Let me repeat that...STUPIDITY! MORONIC! And of course, any who think this was a good idea on BW's part are basically the same. *shrug*
I don't personally feel dyes are that bad. It's still a huge step up from not having them. The over-scarcity, single-use, and cost of the more appealing combos is kind of blunting the excitement for me, though. Edited by SW_display_name
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I think this system could still work if they added dyes to the collection system. Just like saber crystals, you bind to one character and you can clone bound copies of the same colour or pay CC to unlock on other toons in your account. This would drive demand for the dyes as people will want to collect more than just one colour per character and you'll see greater variation on fleet as people change and experiment with their look.


This will be even more important as it looks like they will be adding more colour combinations in the future by bringing out a new dye kit series, like the cartle packs.

Edited by Thufir_Hawat
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On my server, the supply of Cartel-market dyes keeps dwindling steadily. Some of the really ugly ones no one cares about are still abundant, but especially the "gold" rarity ones keep shrinking instead of being re-supplied. Not just Black/Black and White/White either; even stuff like Gray/White and Pink/Purple is dropping steadily toward non-existent with each passing day.


A single Black/Black, for example, was on market for 5 million credits for 1 week — without competition —before finally disappearing. 3 days later it still hasn't been "restocked". Same with Black/Purple (2 days missing). Even the expected weekend population surges didn't appreciably change the quantities.


But all the craftable dyes, even the relatively expensive Artifact colors, are flooded — sometimes 2-3 pages worth.


When Dye Packs released there was a steady stock of 4-5 Black/Black, White/White, etc on any given day. Now there's zero. Are people just giving up on Dye Packs? Or is this experience unusual?

the dye system was poorly implemented. most of the colors and combinations look terrible...the only dyes that done look terrible are so rare that its not worth buying the dye packs to try and find them. and if you do, you want to keep them because you'll need to redye items since they cannot be removed from gear.
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the dye system was poorly implemented. most of the colors and combinations look terrible...the only dyes that done look terrible are so rare that its not worth buying the dye packs to try and find them. and if you do, you want to keep them because you'll need to redye items since they cannot be removed from gear.


White/light orange is awesome.

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If cartel dyes were available in collections, or if the price was about 25-50%, Id be interested.


Very few armor sets that I personally like, dye well. There is a few other games that utilize dying armor/fashion, and they do a better job at it - and its implemented a lot cheaper. It's still expensive to do, but not outrageous like here, and you don't lose money because you got circus colors.


Best system I've seen is that there is standard colors available to choose from, and random packs. Random packs are considerably cheaper, and the color choice is 5x the price. They also did seasonal colors.


Right now 100 CC for 1 dye is really bad. Thats 100k in game coins thereabouts, something lower level players cannot access well as they're trying to keep their gear up to spec. If it was cheaper, there would be more sales in terms of quantity as lower level players who are more casual (and tend to spend on cosmetics over gear more readily) will find the price more accessible.


750k-2m+ for most of the wanted colors is way out of the price range even in 50+. That's a lot of gear upgrades, crafting leveling, stims, etc - to skip for fluff.


And to the OP:


Black/Black is slowly disappearing.

Crafted dyes has steadily increased, I stopped making them and trying to sell them as they now sell for a loss.

There is PAGES AND PAGES of the crap color dyes nobody wants.

Theres a few Black or White / Whites, grays, and dark purples, about 15ish in total left. There used to be pages of them. Still at 750k-2m+. I was debating a White/Black or a Black/White or a White/Gray but it just didn't look cool enough (not to mention, there was still issues with stuff that didnt dye) on any of my three sets of armor to be worth the price of not augmenting out my gear.

Edited by Maelael
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I have the ability to craft dyes...have I? No.


Why? Because they are varying shades of fugly that no one would ever want. So why waste my time.


The good colour combinations on Shadowlands, like Black/black, white/white, purple/black etc are all insanely expensive starting at about 1.5 million for white/black and going all the way up to 6 million. Ridiculous. Had to know that EA/Bioware would find a way to screw this up in order to sate their greed. :mad:


I love how instead of letting crafters craft the nice ones so they can make some I/g credits for fun, they company decided to be the ones to provide it so they can line their pockets instead.

Edited by Lunafox
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Been seeing this myself, colors are becoming more and more rare and prices are getting higher and higher. I hope it develops so far that these packs almost never sell anymore. Maybe then we can get a dye system that is not locked to the stupid CM that just keeps ruining this game. Every cool new thing is locked to gambling packs and crap like that. Just think if we had a system that was handy, like a vendor that sold all these colors for a small price of credits. This way you could actually just use exactly the color you want, instead of having to deal with one of the worst dye systems ever made for a game.
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Things have gone crazy! Supplies flooded! Today we have:


  • A record two Black/Black dyes! 7 million credits for one, and the competition has listed for a very generous 5 million credits (clearly, out of the goodness of his heart).
  • Two Black/Purple, 2 million and 1.75 million credits.
  • One Black/White, 1.5 million credits.
  • Two White/Black, 1.5 million credits each.
  • Two Pink/Purple, 500k and 475k credits.
  • Twenty-five unsold Deep Red/Black (3 pages) at less than 100k credits each.
  • Nineteen unsold White/Light Orange (2+ pages) at 30-50k credits each.
  • Thirteen unsold Dark Blue/Deep Green at 10-15k credits each.
  • Six unsold Deep Green/Dark Blue at 8k-10k credits each.



In the not-sarcastic category, there are some actually-anomalous changes:


  • Medium Gray/White has jumped from one single unit at 5 million credits, to six additonal units (total 7) ranging from 375k to 750k. The one at 5 million remains stubbornly re-listed. That's confidence!
  • Three White/White (wait, this dye exists??) with one of them under 1 million credits! Well, it's 999,999 credits, but still... that's less than 5 million!



And in the "pure garbage" category:


  • Thirty-three unsold Dark Blue/Light Brown (4 pages) ranging from 15k to an optimistic 75k


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