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SWTOR PvP is not a deathmatch!


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Sorry in advance for lashing out, but I'm going through a bad case of being grouped with people without a clue of how to roll in a WZ. I just hope this thread however apparently foolish and useless might give some insight into people new to the game.


Firstly, in SWTOR PvP is objective based, each different warzone having unique objectives and approaches to it in order to reach victory (Even in Ancient Hypergate, which can be considered the most 'deathmatchy' warzone, capturing pylons takes priority).


This might be a somewhat experienced pvper's point of view, but the people coming into the 2 low level brackets have no clue whatsoever how to secure a win for their team. Often times you find your teammates chasing enemies, whose purpose is to lead them away from the objective they're guarding, willingly.


Also in the server I play (Tomb of Freedon Nadd) there are hardly any healers queue'ing solo in the imperial faction. Most times you're facing a republic team with 3 scoundrel healers with nothing but wannabe assassins without a strategic thought in their minds. I get it, assassin is OP , videos on youtube make it look really attractive and is actually a very useful class to have in a warzone, but mindlessly chasing people for damage numbers will only get you killed. At the end of the day it's a numbers game and it comes down to coordination and strategy.


Now I have a theory why you see so few healers in the imperial faction... Most new players choose the imperial faction, because everyone wants to be a ****** sith no question there. I figure there's a lot more imperial players than republic players in ToFN for that reason. Why are we in such a short supply of healers? User preferrence, and who am I to judge it.


Point being, if are a new player and are interested in the pvp side of this game and wanna play as an imperial, play a healing class. It may not be glamorous and you might not be able to get exciting footage of your gameplay, but it's the most important class to have in any pvp environment.

This goes both ways, when you're facing an enemy team with healers you have to nuke them down to be able to wipe them, and any healer with a pea sized brain is able to run when targetted, let alone skilled ones.


So please, unless you have a fair degree of skill, stick to healing.


Feel free to flame, this was written after over 10 matches lost because of brain neutral plays made by my teammates. Be it leaving doors unattended while defending in voidstar, or turrets in Civil war or Novare Coast. Or even leaping into the fray on the middle section of Ancient Hypergate while the discharge timer is running out and your pylon defender is being overrun.


Now that my QQ'ing is done, shout out to all pvpers out there who feel the same frustration and wishes of a quick learning process to those causing the frustration.



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Please don't complain about the awareness of objectives in regards to people who have been playing the game for a short time. I was terrible at PvP on my first toon, just like everyone else was. The skill difference between someone playing for, say, 30 levels compared to someone who has played for a year and a half should be gigantic. It's the primary reason you see people at 80k damage and others at 800k damage. Not to mention, they are probably just doing a warzone here and there, not using it as their primary source of leveling since they've never seen all the side quests.


If you go into anything below 55 PvP and expect a renaissance of online gaming, you will always be angry. Even PvP at 55 is pretty terrible, but at least then you can argue that people should know what they are doing at least. I get mad when people make stupid mistakes or perform terribly, but I just have to remind myself that I don't know them or how long they have been playing.


TL;DR Have a beer and enjoy the game for what it is. If you really wanna win, play with some friends or do rateds.

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SWTOR's objective based PvP by and large rewards non-intuitive play. I would guess most people PvP so that they can fight against other players. Several of the warzones are winnable without even engaging an enemy player. And even where you need to engage, playing defensively (after securing a superior position) is usually preferable to trying to get kills.


Taking these things into account, it's hard for me to get mad at less experience players when they make mistakes. Oftentimes, doing the right thing is boring and seems counter to the general purpose of PvP.

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I agree with the top post. But, if you go into a warzone and the Operations Leader isnt giving commands or strategies then take the initative and say, "hey one stealth go to snow, everyone rush mid" or whatever the case may be.


ALSO, make sure players know to watch the nodes and call out inc. Give instructions so that you can do better. But then again there are players that just suck.

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Makes a half decent pvper feel like LeBron in Cleveland. Premades and rateds are a solution yes, although your friends are not always available for those. Hopefully the knowledge we drop on this thread will influence people to be more objective driven in WZ.


And indeed, some people either don't pay attention to the ops chat or simply can't read (PvP tunnel vision syndrom). I make sure to provide instructions so my teammates are aware of what's going on, especially when I'm stuck defending an unthreatened node.

(And sorry to any Cleveland Cavaliers' fans :p)

Edited by IGotRawr
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I agree with the top post. But, if you go into a warzone and the Operations Leader isnt giving commands or strategies then take the initative and say, "hey one stealth go to snow, everyone rush mid" or whatever the case may be.


ALSO, make sure players know to watch the nodes and call out inc. Give instructions so that you can do better. But then again there are players that just suck.


Ops leaders are picked purely on how many games they've played or their valor level iirc.

You can still be absolutely rubbish at PvP and be ops leader :p


Look at those who farmed valor on ilum when it was around.

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I find myself typing that in just about every PUG at the moment..


"can you focus more on objectives and less on team deathmatch please"


Kindly put. I type often: "Cap and def, quit overrotating you DMing dingleberries"

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I enjoy the low lvl pvp b/c people aren't really familiar with it. So I take the time before each match to issue instructions to my group. Sometimes they're followed, sometimes not. It doesn't really matter to me. I go into the warzones to have fun. I also always queue for warzones with at least 2 other guildmates. That way, we always have some people that know what they're doing. And it's not just beginners that don't know *** they're doing! I've seen plenty of people I've seen in other warzones of higher lvl that don't know *** they're doing! I play on The Jedi Covenant Server. I have a total of 12 toons, adn I pvp with a select few of my toons not all. I hate being the healer b/c I don't get any enjoyment in being the squishiest one in the warzone. If you want to pvp with people that know what they're doing, join a pvp server.:rak_03:
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The problem with SWTORs PvP is that the most important job that needs to be done, involves doing NOTHING! I've never met anyone who was excited about "guarding". Players don't stand around on Fleet, hoping they can catch a break from the fast paced GTN with a little node defense.
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The problem with SWTORs PvP is that the most important job that needs to be done, involves doing NOTHING! I've never met anyone who was excited about "guarding". Players don't stand around on Fleet, hoping they can catch a break from the fast paced GTN with a little node defense.


So true. Especilly the unlucky shmuck who gets the off node in a civil war with a full-game stalemate at mid.

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Please don't complain about the awareness of objectives in regards to people who have been playing the game for a short time. I was terrible at PvP on my first toon, just like everyone else was. The skill difference between someone playing for, say, 30 levels compared to someone who has played for a year and a half should be gigantic. It's the primary reason you see people at 80k damage and others at 800k damage. Not to mention, they are probably just doing a warzone here and there, not using it as their primary source of leveling since they've never seen all the side quests.


If you go into anything below 55 PvP and expect a renaissance of online gaming, you will always be angry. Even PvP at 55 is pretty terrible, but at least then you can argue that people should know what they are doing at least. I get mad when people make stupid mistakes or perform terribly, but I just have to remind myself that I don't know them or how long they have been playing.


TL;DR Have a beer and enjoy the game for what it is. If you really wanna win, play with some friends or do rateds.


Sorry but this is just a load of bull. Unless this is the first videogame you ever play a little common sense should get you very far. Hell i got into one of my servers very top guilds within 2 months of starting to play the game.

Edited by Evolixe
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I enjoy the low lvl pvp b/c people aren't really familiar with it. So I take the time before each match to issue instructions to my group. Sometimes they're followed, sometimes not. It doesn't really matter to me. I go into the warzones to have fun. I also always queue for warzones with at least 2 other guildmates. That way, we always have some people that know what they're doing. And it's not just beginners that don't know *** they're doing! I've seen plenty of people I've seen in other warzones of higher lvl that don't know *** they're doing! I play on The Jedi Covenant Server. I have a total of 12 toons, adn I pvp with a select few of my toons not all. I hate being the healer b/c I don't get any enjoyment in being the squishiest one in the warzone. If you want to pvp with people that know what they're doing, join a pvp server.:rak_03:
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The problem with SWTORs PvP is that the most important job that needs to be done, involves doing NOTHING! I've never met anyone who was excited about "guarding". Players don't stand around on Fleet, hoping they can catch a break from the fast paced GTN with a little node defense.



You make an excellent point.

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The problem with SWTORs PvP is that the most important job that needs to be done, involves doing NOTHING! I've never met anyone who was excited about "guarding". Players don't stand around on Fleet, hoping they can catch a break from the fast paced GTN with a little node defense.


Can't argue with that, it's a big ol' root cause and games aren't jobs. Here's hoping the next maps (implying there'll be more WZ maps :rak_04:) don't include a vital yawnfest role.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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In Star Control 2, you can talk to Captain Fwiffo and learn about how the cowardly Spathi abandoned their base one by one, except Captain Fwiffo, not because Captain Fwiffo was particularly brave, but because he's the guy who always had the bad draw and even he knows the last guy around can't abandon the base.


Unfortunately the average player is a lot dumber than even Captain Fwiffo, and that includes the guys complaining about the people who don't defend. If you have a strong aversion to losing, you should be the one defending the node as it is very obvious leaving the node unguarded is one of the surest way of losing a game. It doesn't matter if you totally suck at what you're doing, because it's still better than having no defenders most of the time.


But of course people don't do that. Perhaps people aren't good enough to have an aversion to losing. A lot of people are really defeatist (quitters being the most obvious example), and if you don't think you can even win of course you'd not be afraid to lose. That's why people can spend time yelling at people for not defending nodes but not actually defend it themselves, because these guys aren't really afraid to lose. I am quite afraid of losing games, so I almost always stay behind to guard the node. In fact the only time I leave the node is when our team is hopelessly behind. At any other time, as long as a victory looks remotely probable, you bet I'll be behind defending because I don't want to lose by having an undefended node.

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The problem with SWTORs PvP is that the most important job that needs to be done, involves doing NOTHING! I've never met anyone who was excited about "guarding". Players don't stand around on Fleet, hoping they can catch a break from the fast paced GTN with a little node defense.


Node guarding in this game is the worst, especially in Rated where matches can take an eternity.


If I get stuck node-guarding in a Reg or Lowbie WZ, especially on one of my dps toons, my teammates better pray someone from the opposing team doesn't come over to cap the objective because I'm only there for show. It's highly likely I am tabbed out surfing pr0n or just watching sports. I'm definitely NOT paying attention. lol

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Sorry but this is just a load of bull. Unless this is the first videogame you ever play a little common sense should get you very far. Hell i got into one of my servers very top guilds within 2 months of starting to play the game.


That either says a lot about you, a lot about how good the best guilds on your server are, or you are missing the point entirely.


I'm leaning towards the last option. I'm not saying it isn't possible to research how to play your class and the best strategies for the warzones and play a lot in 2 months to have seen a lot of different scenarios and how to react. But many players don't spend the majority of their time in warzones. It helps them level up their characters and can be a nice break from flashpoints and leveling.


If someone ran 2-3 warzones in between planets they would only do like 25 in the course of leveling a character. Split between 5 different warzones that gives you maybe 5 times you've seen a particular warzone on your first character. Even if you have 3 characters, a primarily PvE player may have only seen 100 warzones.


Don't assume that everyone in your warzone has 8 alts and is primarily focused on PvP. That is the purpose of my post.

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Node guarding in this game is the worst, especially in Rated where matches can take an eternity.


If I get stuck node-guarding in a Reg or Lowbie WZ, especially on one of my dps toons, my teammates better pray someone from the opposing team doesn't come over to cap the objective because I'm only there for show. It's highly likely I am tabbed out surfing pr0n or just watching sports. I'm definitely NOT paying attention. lol




But I do like your style :)

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Node guarding is boring as heck, no doubt there. Still, until BW gives us a more all-around active WZ or arena-thingy we're stuck with it :p


Hopefully soon we'll have ourselves a deathmatch type warzone, an arena thingy or even FFA pvp areas getting rewards worth being there for.

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Node guarding is boring as heck, no doubt there. Still, until BW gives us a more all-around active WZ or arena-thingy we're stuck with it :p


Hopefully soon we'll have ourselves a deathmatch type warzone, an arena thingy or even FFA pvp areas getting rewards worth being there for.


It's really not that difficult to have an objective that doesn't need to be guarded - Hypergates for example, imagine if we just fought over the orbs and kills, not the pylons, I think it would be 100x's more enjoyable to me. We'd still have a reason to run orbs (points), but nobody would be forced to stand there, guarding the f'ing pylon - it would be almost like Huttball with 4 balls and kills that count for something. Huttball has no guarding, and that's arguably one of this games most popular WZ's - I'm not a fan of it tbh, but it is certainly popular.


Or hell, why not just add in mechanics that would allow players to NOT have to guard - like a perimeter sensor in NC or CW that goes off if an enemy enters a radius near your pylon/turret/node. Have a turret pop up that protects the objective from caps for a few seconds, allowing players time to respond. I'd have so much fun f'ing with the enemy by setting off sensors, that they would always be splitting up to come protect their node.


PvP in SWTOR may not be "deathmatch", but there's no reason it needs to be boring as all hell for one player.

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The solution is and has always been very obvious


They need to create a pure deathmatch warzone and let people specific queue for it outside the random queue.


The result is all the baddies who just want to deathmatch will queue for that, and none of those windowlickers will be in our actual objective warzones anymore.

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The solution is and has always been very obvious


They need to create a pure deathmatch warzone and let people specific queue for it outside the random queue.


The result is all the baddies who just want to deathmatch will queue for that, and none of those windowlickers will be in our actual objective warzones anymore.


And if you smear Peanut Butter and Jelly on the windows of said Deathmatch WZ that would attract the window lickers even faster! Although for the really BAD window lickers you can just make one of the windows Booger Flavored and they'd be just as happy.

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