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Any other leapers falling short of their destination?


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After watching a LOT of 'Tube videos from PVP and PVE and experience all this myself from 2.0 I am starting to think this was an PLANNED change from the devs side. I cannot for the bare life of me understand WHY???


Seeing chars jump they (after 2.0) now go to where the target WAS when starting the jump, not to where it moved when the jumper gets to it.



If it wasn't forcing me to jump where they were when I used the ability they could use the same ability to someone else and I'd be teleported all over the place.


The issue is that sometimes it drops you a few meters short, not that you go to the wrong place.

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If it wasn't forcing me to jump where they were when I used the ability they could use the same ability to someone else and I'd be teleported all over the place.


The issue is that sometimes it drops you a few meters short, not that you go to the wrong place.


Read what i wrote, I said the same thing.


Btw this is my last entry in this thread as it seems BW won't fix this so its no use keeping up the posts. I'm starting to feel the same way about Reporting bugs in general, nothing ever happens.

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It's getting really annoying, especially now that I started doing more PvP to finally hit Valor 100. Landing too far from the enenmy to initiate Ravage, and enemy being rooted 3 meters + away from me is no good when I need to waste valuable seconds of Unremitting and Force Charge root on running up! Add the damage bonus from the pvp set, too. This should be fixed especially for Juggernauts/Guardians who's talents and set bonus are actually working during those few seconds after the Force Charge and we should not be wasting them on getting close to the enemy further.


Also... Jumping to guys who are on the catwalks and landing down in the pit instead? Come on!

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I can't reach to my damned targets in 90%. Especially on huttball. Where is the damned bugfix?? This is core game mechanics. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. :mad:



BIOWARE cmon *** is this?


Fix this bug, at least put this bug in damned Known In-Game Issues - Updated: October 2nd, 2013 ! list!


This not a "frustration" this is RRRAAAAGGEEEE. Fix it already!!! :mad:


More whines and details right here (19 pages).






Hello there,


We are absolutely investigating the issues that you're reporting with leaps and intercepts.


When posting about ability bugs of this nature, details are always going to be very helpful(we saw the video, thanks!). Does this happen with every leap ability? Is it every time, and if not how often? Do you notice it more in any particular instances (some said Huttball, for instance)?


Thanks so much for your patience! As we have details regarding what's causing this or when a fix is incoming, we'll be sure to let you know.



Thanks for patience... Oh, really nice.

We are absolutely... WOW, good!

5 months later - nothing happens. Patience is a virtue! BS. :mad: FIX IT!



(this is just a game lol, but this is NOT FUN AT ALL) :(

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Dude, it got even WORSE after 2.4. Even Obliterate is screwed up!!!!


Played few arenas today, it's just impossible to intercede to a mate on catwalks because it either stops you mid-air or just before the edge of the platform


Seriously noticed how often force charge fails now.


And even Obliterate failed me, too.


While not official forum post and answer, one of the users reported that Eric Musco talked to him during some cantina tour and said that it's very hard to fix this kind of thing because it's tough to recreate it (???).

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While not official forum post and answer, one of the users reported that Eric Musco talked to him during some cantina tour and said that it's very hard to fix this kind of thing because it's tough to recreate it (???).


Of course it's "tough" to recreate, because you cant do it without login into game! :rolleyes:

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I've only had this happen to me on Huttball on the catwalks or anywhere else if there is some boulder or something between me and my target and is very close to my target.


I have not had it happen any other time.


PS: On a side note, the Vanguard from Mass Effect 2 had the same problem with his charge.

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Situation got serious after 2.4 This is happening on every match. Leaping half-way to the enemy, glitching through the map and falling to death, glitching through catwalks, even though there is clear view of the target and lots of space to land on, missing intercede. Seriously, the place you land in can decide life and death in the arenas! This is not acceptable.
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same thing to me it sounds like how ever write the code may have though it was force "sweep" then FORCE LEAP ( to much partying that night before the ....like a lot of wax in the ears!!) because in you go to leap over a small rock etc. yes your still their at the same spot its was as far back as 2.1 that I had noted and sadi to bioware at the time..

Its a mix bag when playing you can't realy plan your next move of develop your taicts..

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This is still an issue! Can't get up to the snipers on Thrasher in S&V Hard Mode. Try to jump to Demolitionist and end up sliding down the wall. Has been happening since 2.1. Before then, it worked just fine.
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This is a horrible issue affecting Marauders and Juggs alike. It happens on both of these classes and has cost me several Huttball matches due to this bug. This needs to be fixed ASAP. No excuse for breaking a key ability for a class and not fixing it.
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