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Am I the only person that LIKES Space Combat?


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Love it.

Great distraction or "casual time". It breaks things up and does nothing but add to the game.

Could it be bigger/better? Of course it could...Could the "One Percent" be wealthier? Of course they could. Do they need to be? Probably not...


The xp is pretty f'ing sweet as well.

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I enjoy space combat. I want to see it made a bit more robust tho.


My only real complaint is how spasmodically the ship pitches, rolls and yaws as you move the cursor around. It looks absurd. IMO the ship shouldn't change orientation at all for targeting and should instead just move appropriately for the flight path it's taking.


I would like to see specific system damage when your shields drop. Separate health levels for each system: weapons, shield generator, engines, etc. If you lose shields and take damage something is going to suffer for it. Systems should lose some of their effectiveness when damaged.


I'd like to see more bonuses and they don't have to be displayed as objectives. If the player manages to take out key targets on a battle cruiser, for instance, there should be acknowledgement and a bonus commendation. (Also I want to see the darn thing blow up, not just drift out of view!)


I understand why combat is on rails and honestly I don't mind it. However, it would be nice if the rails could branch. Think of the shooter-on-rails arcade games like "Time Crisis" and "House of the Dead". Along the flight path there should be alternate routes that we could take by, for instance, blowing open a hangar door on a space station and flying through it.


Space combat is a fun little minigame, but it could be so much more, even short of being rebuilt as a full space flight sim.


Give it time, bro.

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I simply enjoy the fact that my Sith Fury is full of awesomeness. Space combet is on their list and I am assuming it'll be in a form of some sort of expansion. It's going to take 2nd place priority no doubt since the ground game is the primary focus as is.
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I do it a fair bit and I get hooked on it and forget about the rest of the game.


Yeah, it realy hurts my questing. I'm totally addicted to it I lvled twice before I let go of it. It is kinda of Arcady and linear, but that's not neccessarily a bad game. I'm sure that the space game could have been a successful game on its own, especially since its not overly complicated like x3 and it likes. When I place a space game I wanna fly and shoot, most games burden you with all kinds of crap like economy and stuff. The fact that their first announcement about the future of the swtor mentioned a revolutionary (secret) improvement to the space game (holding my fingers for co-op. and I hate co-op.), realy makes me optimistic for this game.

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I want to add my 2 cents and say I agree 100% with the OP.


It is a nice to be able to take a break from questing and play a FUN mini game.


Yes, it could have a few more features, (shields health bar for one) but it is just the beginning and I'm sure more features will be added in the future.


For those of you who hate it, there is a game out there with very in depth space combat out there called Eve Online.


Edited by Solcutta
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I hate it. I grew up on X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Freespace and Wing Commander. This minigame is a joke. I can't wait for something more expansive.


Try enjoying it after the 100th time flying the same, predictable mission.

Try enjoying anything after the 100th time. Your post makes no sense. Just the rambling diatribe of a lonely crybaby.
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I hate it. I grew up on X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Freespace and Wing Commander. This minigame is a joke. I can't wait for something more expansive.


Try enjoying it after the 100th time flying the same, predictable mission.


I grew up on these too, but I also love the nod to the arcade games of the star wars era.


Dont change space combat, this is an mmo not a fighter game, this is a nice distraction, leave it at that, if you want a comabt sim, do buy one.

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Played my first space mission this morning and I like it. Rail shooters have a lot of limitations and restrict your freedom, but they also allow for a greater "cinematic" experience, since your ship is largely being controlled. The devs can make sure you're in the right place at the right time to see something or do something instead of me being futzing off somewhere else in the opposite direction.


In the future I'd love to see an expanded and enhanced space combat system for the players who want to dogfight, but I like the rail shooter aspect enough I wouldn't mind keeping that as well for certain missions. I'd also like to see additional ways to upgrade your ship and make sure that player crafters have a large place in ship parts.


Also, if BW could manage to combine flashpoint-like multiplayer dialog and decisions even into the rail shooter system, that would make for a nice distraction.

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I do really like it since its totally differant from what I'd expect in an MMO, and its simplistic to the point where I can do it while I craft spam and would normally just be sitting at a crafting hub in another game hitting "craft" over and over. I wish it was a little harder, but I can tell I want to do the repeatables every day and as they add more to the combat missions I will keep playing. I don't consider myself a fanboi for swtor at all since I'm not even that into Star Wars other than having seen the movies and beating my brother senseless with a plastic lightsaber. Just use it as a tiny distraction from questing every now and then and dont worry about it. Plus its super short so its no big deal if I only have 20 minutes to play.
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I hate it. I grew up on X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Freespace and Wing Commander. This minigame is a joke. I can't wait for something more expansive.


Try enjoying it after the 100th time flying the same, predictable mission.


This is me also. I really wish we would have XvT with the story telling of Wing Commander.


There is a decent foundation to build on. BW has the models and the zones they just need to remove the rail and implement throttle control and the 3rd axis.

Edited by Jaqknife
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