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Why are we doing space missions again?

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I can find no reason to do space missions prior to level 50, and even then I'm not sure it is worth it. I can't say they aren't paying attention because they continuously nerf the payout on space missions, but dog-gone it, I've been flying missions and all I've gotten in return is a net loss on credits and a whopping 4-6k xp per mission (including the kill experience and bonuses). The payout is really sad.


Is there some hidden message in there that the devs are trying to relay (that we shouldn't bother doing space) or is there something important that I am missing?

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I don't particularly care for them either, but with space xp buff and added legacy space xp increases they actually help the leveling process quite nicely for very minimal effort. Not sure how you're losing credits doing them? :confused:
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I don't particularly care for them either, but with space xp buff and added legacy space xp increases they actually help the leveling process quite nicely for very minimal effort. Not sure how you're losing credits doing them? :confused:


The travel costs have been jacked-up recently, and the space mission credit-payouts removed and nerfed. Net loss.

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Just because they are there doesn't mean you have to do them. Just like you don't have to do Warzones or Operations. They are there for the people who enjoy them and I honestly don't understand the mentality that everything must be super important and integral to enjoying the game.


You don't have to go to every ride to have fun in a theme park.

Edited by Jandi
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The travel costs have been jacked-up recently, and the space mission credit-payouts removed and nerfed. Net loss.
if you only do the daily space missions, you get tokens and a good amount of credits as well as rep. don't bother doing the others.
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I only tend to do them if I'm just short of a level before starting a new planet / re-gearing, and only then with rested XP and an XP boost. It's certainly not worth the credits and when you've got more than enough coms for the secondary ship bits - it's not worth it any more
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if you only do the daily space missions, you get tokens and a good amount of credits as well as rep. don't bother doing the others.



This. Only do the daily missions. I do them solely for leveling purposes. Pre-50, a typical two-stage mission will give you about 5000 XP for each, and then another 10K for completing them both - plus a decent amount of credits (not a ton, but certainly more than enough to cover travel costs). And around 14 fleet commendations (which, granted, are near useless). So 20K XP for about a 10-15 minute time investment. If you have any space XP boosts lying around, even better.

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I am hoping to see two major improvements (IMO) to the current space combat system in place in the future that I think would give the feature much more appeal...


1) Adding turrets to all ships


This would give other players that group with you the ability to run the mission with you and use the turrets to down enemy attack points and ships during the run.

2) Allow other folks to run the mission with you in their starship


I would like to see up to 3 other ships allowed in the pipe, but at least one more. The other players would fly along in the pipe with you and you would work together to complete the objectives.


Finally I would like to see a dynamic added to the feature that would allow players to repair systems on your ship or you could use your companions during the flight.

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I am hoping to see two major improvements (IMO) to the current space combat system in place in the future that I think would give the feature much more appeal...


1) Adding turrets to all ships


This would give other players that group with you the ability to run the mission with you and use the turrets to down enemy attack points and ships during the run.

2) Allow other folks to run the mission with you in their starship


I would like to see up to 3 other ships allowed in the pipe, but at least one more. The other players would fly along in the pipe with you and you would work together to complete the objectives.


Finally I would like to see a dynamic added to the feature that would allow players to repair systems on your ship or you could use your companions during the flight.



if they do go multi player, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can we get rid of the sucktastic RAILS allready

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I only briefly played SWG-NGE so i didnt do a lot of the space combat there. BUT i did play the original X-Wing and TIE Fighter games back in the day. It would have been nice to have the same kind of freedom and manueverability as those games. But i can understand if there were limitations to the game engine or other kinds of limitations.


Personally i find it kinda funny that this game has a "Star Wars" tag but the space combat portion of it is the way it is.

Edited by swtonewbie
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My personal opinion and just a theory, one that you all might think is ridiculous, but just hear me out for a second. :D


I think they saw that to many people were just doing them for the rewards. The one reward they really hit hard was the Credits. So in my theory the reason behind this all stems to the Cartel Market. I think they thought that if players had an easy way to get credits that it would hurt the Cartel Market as many people would just get most of the stuff off the GTN after others had put things from the CM on their. So they wanted to get rid of some of the Easy Credits that players could get. The Space Missions was the Easiest way to get Credits as the missions are extremely easy. So they chose them to lessen the Credits in hopes that it would make players have less areas to gain Credits.


There is an added bonus for them doing this. They already know that the majority of the players Hate the Space Missions. The second part of my theory stems to them wanting to see what the numbers would be after they lessen the rewards for doing them. So in removing some of the reward for doing them that can reevaluate weather our Hate that we have expressed for the Space Mini-Game is real or not. :rolleyes: They obviously got there answer on that. :D


You know why I came up with this theory. The Nurf to the Space Mission Came around after the Cartel Market was released and during the phase of them looking for ways to improve the sales in it. Plus we constantly keep complaining about how bad this Rail Shooter of a mini-game is.


Anyways that is my theory. It may sound like a Conspiracy Theory but it makes sense to me. :rolleyes:

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