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Non-Raider PvE Endgame


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I'm just coming back to SWTOR and I have a couple of questions about endgame. I'm burnt out on raiding from other games and I'm not much of a PvP'er. Is there anything else to do at endgame other than raid and/or PvP? Crafting, maybe? Can high-end PvE gear be obtained on the auction house?


Thank you!

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Well, right now, there's Ilum and Makeb, since endgame is the end of your class' story. There's also HK-51, which you can't get until you hit 50. There's also a ton of dailies and hard mode flashpoints for you to get more bang for your buck.


And you can also roll a new character, and experience a different story, or the same story in a different way, making choices you didn't make before. There's a LOT of PVE content to do if you're willing to do it.


And don't really listen to the naysayers on the forums. I've seen that the forums is where the majority of the negativity in this game comes out. They may whine and complain about how "there's nothing to do" and "EAware is nickle and diming us to death", but they still maintain their subscriptions, and still spend hundreds on cartel coins. So, take what they say with a grain of salt.

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That's disappointing. How about single group PvE content, is there much of that?


High end pve gear is available to some extent without raiding. At the moment we have a new tier of gear that has 3 levels in it and a 4th one coming. We currently have 66,69 and 72. The first two can be crafted. Just not the top one. However, we will soon have the 4th one added which will be 75 and then 72 will become available to crafters.


You can also get this gear with commendations. However, not with set bonuses. Without set bonuses however you can get commendations by doing various activities, but it does involve mostly flash points and operations in story mode. I personally think that the 55 ops in story mode are not that difficult and can be enjoyed in a more casual way, but that's your personal choice.


We have daily quests for level 50-55 in Belsavis, Ilum, Black Hole Section X and Makeb. Newly added SGI dailies are also available on 5 planets like Makeb, Alderaan and more.


Crafting has been extended to level 55 as well (rating 450) and you can do a lot with that. Especially the level 66 gear (req level 53 to equip) is very easy to get together as a crafter.


Now Operations are an important part of PvE endgame for sure. And for top notch gear, well, you have to do them to get the top gear and I think that's fair enough. But one step lower and you can craft it. Level 55 fp's drop 69 gear and the weekly for them give ultimate comms for 72 gear. You won't get them as fast without ops but it is possible. Also the weekly for level 50 ops, which you can do at level 55 are a breeze to do, specifically EV or KP HM once a week is a piece of piss really.


Then there are the macrobinoculars and dread seed quest chain and the possibility to go around planets and dig stuff up, including legacy armor sets etc. Really, ops are a big part but there is more to do than ops alone. Just saying.

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I wish they made it possible to replay our class story, instead of keep pushing out boring daily quest grinds without any story. Story and Companions is what this game got that is unique and fun, everything else is just the same as all other theme park MMOs.
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I think the problem is that end game in TOR is weak, they released with very littlle end game, they then added a little more and then made level 55 end game. This has resulted in split end game. Now when ever they release additional end game content it is seen as too little. Even the raiding comunity tends to be upset toecause they have so few raids, there is only one lv 51-55 set of dailys and the leve 50 and 55 flash points are just rehashed lower level flash points.


I dont do raids and so I dont think I have seen free end game content since Section X.

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here's the thing..if you're not raiding..you really don't "need" the gear.


you can get lvl 66 stuff as mods now which makes you able to steam-roll ANY solo content....


and if you could get top-end gear solo..most wouldn't raid at all..there'd be little point unless you just love raiding.


it's called risk-vs.reward. You don't hand out top-tier crap to solo players...they have no need of it, for one...two it trivializes too much (again 66 mods make you a virtual god anyway).


so why and how is it disappointing? I don't get why so many solo players (of which I AM ONE MYSELF..I haven't done a single raid in swtor having played since beta) think they need, or deserve, top-tier stuff.

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I wish they made it possible to replay our class story, instead of keep pushing out boring daily quest grinds without any story. Story and Companions is what this game got that is unique and fun, everything else is just the same as all other theme park MMOs.

They did, it's called rolling an alt and choosing a different advanced class.

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Hopefully at some point they add more "sandboxy" features for non-raiding/pvp casual players at end game.


My biggest hope is for the ability to decorate our ships inside and out, using a system as powerful as the SWG housing internal decoration mechanic. That in and of itself would be a HUGE time sink IMO.


The next thing I would want to see would be building and training droid companions for sale, capturing and training animal companions for sale, creating upgrades to original speeder abilities that would replace current ability, pazaak on our ship and Nar Shaddaa as well as swoop racing and the upgrade/tinker market that would come with it.


I also suggested a PVP/PVE arena setup that might interest casual players..... Hybrid Arena - Nar Shaddaa

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Thanks for all the help!


I agree that solo players shouldn't get top gear. Good gear, though.


they already do..as I said..as of now 66 gear is perfectly fine for solo..and makes you steamroll most everything.


next patch you can get the higher tier made for you..which will make that even better.


there's no need for solo players (again which I am) to be able to obtain top tier stuff. There has to be a reason to raid other than the sake of doing so..becaue even those that love raiding will get bored of the content really fast if there's no "carrot"


and no raiding itself and the experience is not a "carrot"

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Hopefully at some point they add more "sandboxy" features for non-raiding/pvp casual players at end game.


My biggest hope is for the ability to decorate our ships inside and out, using a system as powerful as the SWG housing internal decoration mechanic. That in and of itself would be a HUGE time sink IMO.

The next thing I would want to see would be building and training droid companions for sale, capturing and training animal companions for sale, creating upgrades to original speeder abilities that would replace current ability, pazaak on our ship and Nar Shaddaa as well as swoop racing and the upgrade/tinker market that would come with it.


I also suggested a PVP/PVE arena setup that might interest casual players..... Hybrid Arena - Nar Shaddaa


agreed. But look at the DYE system and Character Customization Kiosk..if we DID get something like this (or anything else of the sort) you can bet your arse it's going to be CC only

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Can high-end PvE gear be obtained on the auction house?


No it cannot, however it can be obtained on the Galactic Trade Market, however not the top end, only 1 tier below top. And that is because top tier is not available to learn, until new gear is released, then the current top becomes learnabe, while the new top is not.

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agreed. But look at the DYE system and Character Customization Kiosk..if we DID get something like this (or anything else of the sort) you can bet your arse it's going to be CC only


I'd actually be fine with that, though it would be a bit disappointing. I would just like to see it in the game, if that means by CC than so bit it from my perspective.

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Planetary comms can get you Makeb mods which are very good. With those you can roflstomp most solo content, do well in hardmode FP's, story mode ops, etc. If you ever change your mind and want to get into ops, you can always start doing the HM dailies and buy higher end rating 30 mods off of the GTN which will give you the edge you need for HM Ops.
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There are lots of achievement titles to go after on each planet, click on your legacy button to see. Heroics, exploration, space, companion, kills etc., plenty to keep you busy.


Plenty to keep you busy...but nothing that rewards you. Toon doesn't get better after 100 hours of play but you can brag to people about finishing a codex. YAY!!!!!

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I love seeing these threads and I hope ppl keep them going. Lack of Non-Raid elements in MMORPGs is what is killing them in America, imo. MMO's should be large virtual worlds filled with tons of chooices not a liner world that ends with two chooices (PvP, or Raid)
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I think the problem is that end game in TOR is weak, they released with very littlle end game, they then added a little more and then made level 55 end game. This has resulted in split end game.


It's funny you should say that... SWTOR launched with the same number of end game raids that WoW launched with, one. SWTOR launched with the same number of end game raids that WoW had at the time, one (remember Dragon Soul.)


Weak end game.. if SWTOR had weak end game, so do all MMOs. SWTOR had weak communication, Bioware failed to get the message out that there was a second raid near completion after launch.




To the original poster, if you don't want to Raid or PvP, you can get gear by doing dailies.. but it doesn't compare to Raid and PvP gear.

Edited by SirUrza
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Yes, Endgame gear is available on the GTM. 69's, and soon, 72's numbered mods, enhancements, armorings, hilts/barrels, and ear/implants will be available on the GTM for your purchaseing pleasure.


Go go team Pay to Win.

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