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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In-Game Bullying?


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1 http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b621/Eyescream31288/1_zps27ce3a47.jpg


2 http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b621/Eyescream31288/2_zpsb688ed0d.jpg


3 http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b621/Eyescream31288/3_zps3da5e484.jpg



I didn't save the full conversation, I should of, but I didn't. These 2-4 people consistently were just plain verbally abusive, and weren't very nice. I don't expect everyone to be nice in any online game I play, but I've also been gaming sense I've been 10-12 yrs old. (25 now). And the hatred grew strong with these individuals for about a good 30minutes. I wasn't trolling them or anything either, just was on to try and start lvling my jug.

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I personally don't understand the whole "internet bullying" thing. Just about every game I know has an ignore button. There are ******es out there but all you have to do is ignore them. Learn the process as soon as you get in game if you feel like you are extra sensitive to what people say online. That's why it's there. Throwing chat screens up on the forums won't help your cause at all. If they are seriously bad report them for harassment then ignore them.
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3 http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b621/Eyescream31288/3_zps3da5e484.jpg



I didn't save the full conversation, I should of, but I didn't. These 2-4 people consistently were just plain verbally abusive, and weren't very nice. I don't expect everyone to be nice in any online game I play, but I've also been gaming sense I've been 10-12 yrs old. (25 now). And the hatred grew strong with these individuals for about a good 30minutes. I wasn't trolling them or anything either, just was on to try and start lvling my jug.


Seriously man, bullying is such a "trendy" word anymore. This isnt bullying. These are just some keyboard cowboys being annoying little piss ants. You could ignore them at anytime.

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I don't understand. Looks like a typical chat to me. :/


Signed. If this bothers you then A. The internet must be a frightening place for you. B. You're probably best just completely disabling general chat.


Not trying to be rude, but these were extremely tame, unless you /ignore half the server you'll see worse stuff everyday.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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It's mean, and you can report it if you want, but tbh, a lot of people like to be jerks and you can't change that fact no matter how much you try. /ignore is your best friend with this kind of people, second-best way is to troll them - usually makes them shut up, or at least makes everything feel more like a joke and less like an attempt to hurt your feelings. Don't take them seriously and they get bored pretty soon.
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2 http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b621/Eyescream31288/2_zpsb688ed0d.jpg


3 http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b621/Eyescream31288/3_zps3da5e484.jpg



I didn't save the full conversation, I should of, but I didn't. These 2-4 people consistently were just plain verbally abusive, and weren't very nice. I don't expect everyone to be nice in any online game I play, but I've also been gaming sense I've been 10-12 yrs old. (25 now). And the hatred grew strong with these individuals for about a good 30minutes. I wasn't trolling them or anything either, just was on to try and start lvling my jug.


You were trolled, and rather gently at that. Seriously, just /ignore if someone is ruining your time.

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Just imagine what a sad, miserable life people must have if their outlet for their own frustration is "bullying" others in an MMO. Someone ought to put them in touch with the suicide hotline as I fear that's probably their next step. I'm mostly serious.
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Bullying??? In my day bullying meant the sixth grader P. Webber beat the snot out of me until my mom put in the PABA where I learned to box. Next school year I baited that punk into trying to hit me first. He lost.


Today? Cyber bullying? I have three words for you poor, poor victims; 'ignore' or 'log off'.

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Bullying??? In my day bullying meant the sixth grader P. Webber beat the snot out of me until my mom put in the PABA where I learned to box. Next school year I baited that punk into trying to hit me first. He lost.


Today? Cyber bullying? I have three words for you poor, poor victims; 'ignore' or 'log off'.


I like ur mothers style :)

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oh grow a thick skin and learn to use ignore , all i see is some mild kidding in chat.


i read what those pic's had in text if you can't handle that then you need to just turn off chat, i bet you will think i just bullied you no it's called a reality check and you should learn the meaning of what bullying really is.

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Bullying... did someone say bullying let me have a look.....





you've been hit by, (thump, thump) You've been struck by (dump, dump) Aaaaa smooth trollingggg...

derp a derp derp, derp a derp derp, Ho Yaaaaaa TROLLING a long sing mah song....


(points) see what a mean boy'O

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2 http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b621/Eyescream31288/2_zpsb688ed0d.jpg


3 http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b621/Eyescream31288/3_zps3da5e484.jpg



I didn't save the full conversation, I should of, but I didn't. These 2-4 people consistently were just plain verbally abusive, and weren't very nice. I don't expect everyone to be nice in any online game I play, but I've also been gaming sense I've been 10-12 yrs old. (25 now). And the hatred grew strong with these individuals for about a good 30minutes. I wasn't trolling them or anything either, just was on to try and start lvling my jug.

if only there was a way you could ignore them in game!


also, why do people throw the label "bullying" around

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