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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Solo-Only Toggle for Warzone PVP.


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It's actually hard to believe that an MMO that gets money from its players doesn't have this option in 2013. It doesn't really matter if premades against solo players is unfair or not. People can't be forced to play against premades if they don't want to. Period.
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Should've been annoyance a long time ago. The facts are rateds aren't that popular because really premades use them to win trade for gear then queue to smash pugs then gloat. If the real problem is getting 8 vs 4 then a premades only queue should easily match 2 groups of 4 to play with. **a bit of sarcasm I know some guilds love the competition and that's what they play for but some that claim to be good not so much.


Although once they really have to play against other organized groups how many will stop and start solo queuing? If it is only about playing with your friends this change is no problem but likely it will high light that only a small percentage want a fun close fight.


They should be able to do this as originally there was suppose to be a solo queue for ranked and maybe that is what they need to do is put that in place my guess is it would have queues popping.

Edited by Avicii
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The Truly funny thing is the premades who demanded a special ranked warzone don't even play it. Instead they 'practice' on pugs.


Anyone else hear the rumor that some of the better premades are in fact BIOWARE employees?

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The Truly funny thing is the premades who demanded a special ranked warzone don't even play it. Instead they 'practice' on pugs.


Anyone else hear the rumor that some of the better premades are in fact BIOWARE employees?


If they are they won't have the guts to say so anymore than they have the guts to pit their group against other groups when there's solos to farm. I wouldn't be surprised if they've been some of the non-admin forum members laughing about lack of dev response, enjoying even the meaningless advantage of keeping that secret that "devs" are responding.

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The problem is not that premades are "good" matched up against "bad": its that premades are A) handpicked heals tanks dps versus random players B) practiced teams running the same gimmicks and plays versus a group of people who've never played together before and C) a coordinating team calling out voice targets versus other players who have to type everything out. You want to pat yourselves on the back with the idea that matchmaking is whats really missing because your opponents arent "good" - its a lot of B.S.
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Here's the deal, Comfterbilly.

I've already /signed.

But at this point, 1.5 years after the game's launch, I don't think Bioware cares or thinks its in their best interest to improve the matchmaking system in any way.


For two reasons:

1. Because PVPers spend huge amounts of time doing the same (very few) things over and over again to get their gear and losing all the time to a "better" premade group is frustrating - and they don't want to mess with them more than they already are.


2. Because being constantly rolled by premades makes people more willing to join a Guild. A Guild means that you have more reasons to stay in a game in which the PVP updates are much less frequent than the PVE ones. Therefore, in their eyes, there is nothing to fix or improve because this (unfair) system gets them more guild members, which translates to more players staying in the game for the people they've met rather than the game itself.


What I find most funny about the "hardcore PVPers" who are against a solo queue is the irony in bragging they are the best, yet how unwilling they seem to be to go up against another premade group, rather than a bunch of people who were randomly put together. You'd think they'd appreciate some competition but nope. Apparently, doing 2mil damage (when you have a pocket healer and a tank guarding you) is much more important for them than the sense of real accomplishment.


That and the fact they keep using the same lame comments ("L2P", "stop being bad", "get a group of your own" etc.) to justify their ridiculous stance on the issue. As if this game has Arenas or Deathmatch maps and not objective-based maps were one person alone cannot make a difference no matter how good they are if the rest of the team just refuses to do what they should.


I read my server's sub-forum for the lolz.

It's really funny seeing people brag about how good they are or how Solo Queuing is unnecessary and people need to stop being "bads", when you've watched some of their streams and you know for a fact that

a) they are usually the first ones to ragequit when the game doesn't seem like a certain win after 1min.

b) they solo queue so rarely that they don't even remember how it is.


tl;dr: I wish Bioware cared or realized that bolster bugs are a minor nuisance compared to the damage done to casual/semi-hardcore PVP by premades vs pugs. But they refuse to see it that way.

Edited by TheNahash
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I think the above post holds a lot of weight with how the game is right now. If Bioware thinks catering to the few half premade pvp guilds then they have injested a pill that will slowly kill them.


Most of the established pvp guilds DO NOT want new members. Their 'tryouts' are extreme forms of teen hazing. Those of us older than 24 years of age who have 9-5 jobs don't really want to voluntarily regress into that pre-drivers license world of cliques and pre pubescent antics.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's the deal, Comfterbilly.

I've already /signed.

But at this point, 1.5 years after the game's launch, I don't think Bioware cares or thinks its in their best interest to improve the matchmaking system in any way.


For two reasons:

1. Because PVPers spend huge amounts of time doing the same (very few) things over and over again to get their gear and losing all the time to a "better" premade group is frustrating - and they don't want to mess with them more than they already are.


2. Because being constantly rolled by premades makes people more willing to join a Guild. A Guild means that you have more reasons to stay in a game in which the PVP updates are much less frequent than the PVE ones. Therefore, in their eyes, there is nothing to fix or improve because this (unfair) system gets them more guild members, which translates to more players staying in the game for the people they've met rather than the game itself.


What I find most funny about the "hardcore PVPers" who are against a solo queue is the irony in bragging they are the best, yet how unwilling they seem to be to go up against another premade group, rather than a bunch of people who were randomly put together. You'd think they'd appreciate some competition but nope. Apparently, doing 2mil damage (when you have a pocket healer and a tank guarding you) is much more important for them than the sense of real accomplishment.


That and the fact they keep using the same lame comments ("L2P", "stop being bad", "get a group of your own" etc.) to justify their ridiculous stance on the issue. As if this game has Arenas or Deathmatch maps and not objective-based maps were one person alone cannot make a difference no matter how good they are if the rest of the team just refuses to do what they should.


I read my server's sub-forum for the lolz.

It's really funny seeing people brag about how good they are or how Solo Queuing is unnecessary and people need to stop being "bads", when you've watched some of their streams and you know for a fact that

a) they are usually the first ones to ragequit when the game doesn't seem like a certain win after 1min.

b) they solo queue so rarely that they don't even remember how it is.


tl;dr: I wish Bioware cared or realized that bolster bugs are a minor nuisance compared to the damage done to casual/semi-hardcore PVP by premades vs pugs. But they refuse to see it that way.


In regards to the guild thing. You really opened my eyes into a whole new aspect at play here. It really does make sense to keep things as they are, since it insures future players to stay in the game longer.


The current state is a sad affair. If you look at the huge post in the PVP section, it's clear that one side favors a real solution while the other just wants to keep things the same but label it "matchmaking".

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  • 2 weeks later...
Personally (bump) I thought, what a waste these premades have made out of double XP weekend. What a nice, fond warm welcome to all the guests dropping by the game for the first time: being served up like fish bait to so many groups of selfish pugrollers. Really fun being in the same lowbie queue as 6-8 guildies all levelling up new toons on Ventrillo. That's gonna boost the game population.
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To borrow official Blizzard stance on the 'premades' issue, "Playing with friends is fun and important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of the fun of others."


If a paying customer does not want to face premades in warzones, he should not face premades in warzones.



I found doing Battlegrounds solo way more enjoyable in WoW than in TOR from my own personal experience. There philosophy has held true for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Extremely well said and exceptionally thought out. I commend you good sir and could not agree more. This would be a great and healthy addition to the game.


I once considered myself a hardcore subscribing PvPer, I signed up for the 6 month recurring sub just to PvP, but I lament to admit this last sub was a complete and utter waste and I'll be allowing it to die. I sincerely doubt I will re-sub. I have not only abandoned PvP due to the blatant problems mentioned by the thread but also the gross lack of content updates (PvP related), and absurdly slow balance patches/hotfixes. The overall lackluster and player repelling experience of PvP is literally unhealthy and only serves to stem and eventually kill off the population that actually enjoys fair and competitive PvP.

Edited by LeonHawkeye
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1. Just because we can make our own premades does not mean we want to.

2. Just because they want to "play with their friends" doesn't mean we want to play with their friends.

3. Just because premades spam gimmicks and "plays", doesn't mean we want to be forced to do the same.

4. Whatever the merits of premades - we are not interested.


So basically you want to play alone, not getting in contact with any other player.

This is an MMO you're supposed to TEAM UP with other players in PVE AND PVP to play this game that is what an MMO is about!


If you dont like this fact you're definately in the wrong genre!


2 Brackets for Queues would increase the time waiting for an invite.

Especially for Premades since there are more solo queurs. which means that in the end Premades will queue solo at the same time to get into the same WZ.

Edited by Dragores
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