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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[POT5] [Quesh World PvP Event THIS SATURDAY!]


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[Quesh World PvP Event] Saturday, June 1 @ 8:00pm EST



Quesh, Republic Operational Headquarters/Imperial Outpost






Saturday, June 1 @ 8:00pm EST



Like the world PvP events held on Hoth, Belsavis, and Voss, this event is about nothing more than killing. We’re going to fight each other at a faction base in the world! No rules, just a good ole fashion base bust. Trying to establish rules for these PvP events has proved to be somewhat pointless in the past because too many players show up last minute with no real knowledge of the event. Instead, the republic has a great stronghold on Voss, and I thought it would be fun to fight over it. Our Voss World PvP Event BROKE THE SERVER! Let’s see if we can push the servers to their limits once again.

This base is a great location with several NPCs and only one choke point at the an entrance. I hope republic forces use this to their advantage! Additionally, it is another location that has a nice 'base' feel to it. This base has a lot of buildings that both imperial and republic forces can enter, so there is definitely potential to have an urban feel to the battle.


For you RP'ers

Republic forces, do you think you can stop the Imperials from entering your main medical bunker in the Republic Operational Headquarters? Do you think you can push the imperial scum back to their base outpost?


Imperial forces, how confident are you that you can demolish the Republic Operational Headquarters and secure the medical bunker? Will you create a path of destruction along the way?


Below is a view of the main entrance to Republic Operational Headquarters



Below is a bird’s eye view of the Republic Operational Headquarters



Below is a map of Quesh; you can clearly see the Republic Operational Headquarters and the Imperial Outpost.



Below is a view of the Imperial Outpost and Rally Point on Quesh



Below is a view of the Southern Assault in between the Republic Operational Headquarters and the Imperial Outpost.



Below are two views of the Northern Assault in between the Republic Operational Headquarters and the Imperial Outpost.





It hasn’t been that successful in past events, but I’m not giving up!


We could “designate” a Player General for each faction. Each faction would have only one Player General and these generals could not be a stealth class (for obvious reasons.) Each faction's general is the primary target.


The Republic General would be limited to the Republic Operational Headquarters and would be the primary target of the Imperial siege forces. It would be wise for the republic to defend this person and keep them alive!


The Imperial General would be with the main Imperial siege forces. If the Republic forces repel the invading army, the Imperial forces must ensure the Imperial General makes it safely back to the Imperial Outpost and prepare the outpost’s defenses.




Open World PvP on Voss

http:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXoheIk0vfs


Open World PvP on Belsavis



Open World PvP on Hoth



See you all there!!

Edited by Cilas
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For you RP'ers

Republic forces, do you think you can stop the Imperials from entering your main medical bunker in the Republic Operational Headquarters? Do you think you can push the imperial scum back to their base outpost?


Imperial forces, how confident are you that you can demolish the Republic Operational Headquarters and secure the medical bunker? Will you create a path of destruction along the way?


we are going to have to work on your RP Cilas...

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I will likely be blacked out but should I remember I may make an appearance and go for the 2nd server crash.


A good opportunity to continue my trooper lvl 6 on Bastion server since that server crash.


Nice to see these World PvP event back Cilas.


Gonna stream and record it too if I'm enable to LoS wife agro this day.

Edited by Rendolphe
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Thanks for putting these together Cilas. I look forward to picking the meat from your bones.


You certainly can try.


SPOILERS, I may or may not be with a Special OPS base infiltration team

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w00t!!! It's on my calendar! I'll make every effort to be there Cilas. We actually had some fun on Quesh last night helping defend a guildie. Great location with easy travel for PvP.
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w00t!!! It's on my calendar! I'll make every effort to be there Cilas. We actually had some fun on Quesh last night helping defend a guildie. Great location with easy travel for PvP.


Good deal!

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Sounds pretty fun! I'll be defending the Republic from the villainous Imperial invaders!


P.S. - PvP translation for those reading this forum - I'll be pwning face and killing noobs.


LOL thanks for the translation and I hope to be by your side.

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Sounds pretty fun! I'll be defending the Republic from the villainous Imperial invaders!


P.S. - PvP translation for those reading this forum - I'll be pwning face and killing noobs.


If you're only killing noobs I guess I don't have to worry! ;)

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