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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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Oh Hai! :) I haz you on /follow in the forum atm. :p


I personally don't feel like they ever committed to this. They hummed and hawed just enough for people to interpret that as a "yes". But so much of the games direction and design has changed since the emotional event that triggered the passion around this.. that I really would not bet on it ever happening.


But hey.. who knows.. they DO like to surprise the players. [please to note: I am not setting expectations with/for anyone by this comment. :p ]



Haha, stop following me!


Nah, Kuddos to the Devs if they do this. Not sure any other game has ever allowed this...so if they do it, it will be a first to my knowledge. I am ashamed to say I have a 50 or 55 of every class in game, so not sure it would ever be useful to me, heh. I don't really care either way...yay if they do, meh if they don't.

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I just rerolled my level 45 Sith Marauder into a Sith Juggernaut last Sunday. She is now level 20 and already has more credits and better looking gear than she had before. I expect she'll be 40 by next weekend and 55 the week after that.


You want to switch AC? Just suck it up and reroll.

You'll be glad you did.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Guild Wars 1 did it right. You can learn ALL the abilities for ALL classes but only have one used at a time. This essentially means you play all the classes storylines on one toon, which made for people playing longer. It worked, and it was enjoyable to be able to change your profession whenever you wanted as long as you had learned the skills for that classs/secondary.



You want to switch AC? Just suck it up and reroll.

You'll be glad you did.


And here we have a prime example of the elitist egotistical gamer. Whenever someone uses the term "suck it up" you know they play games based on what it can do for their ego. Because somehow it makes them feel superior, when they aren't. Only pathetic for thinking that what everyone else does in a game should be done exactly how they did it. Because gaming is for being macho and tough boosting your childish ego.....:rolleyes:

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Guild Wars 1 did it right.


And here is a prime example of an uninformed gamer..


This isn't guild wars.. You want to play by guild wars rules then you are playing the wrong game..


You want to role another class, then roll another character.. Don't ruin it for the rest of us because some people are to lazy to role an alt..


Changing your class should never be allowed.. Period.. :rolleyes:

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BW please give us an ETA about AC change :)


They have.. Played the game lately?? Played a character around level 10?? Chosen an AC and had the game tell you that your AC is permanent?? Who do you think programmed the game to say that?? A player??


From Bioware, your AC is permanent.. Have a nice day.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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They have.. Played the game lately?? Played a character around level 10?? Chosen an AC and had the game tell you that your AC is permanent?? Who do you think programmed the game to say that?? A player??


From Bioware, your AC is permanent.. Have a nice day.. :rolleyes:


Quote by Damion Schubert dated 16th November 2012 on Dulfy.net

18. Will be there any faction or Advanced Class change option available for purchase in the future?


We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually. Species is likely as well. Doing a faction switch is considerably more difficult for us, though, due to the various quest flags set throughout the level up process, so this isn’t on the horizon anytime soon.

Original source here: http://dulfy.net/2012/11/16/swtor-f2p-future-content-interview-with-damion-schubert/


From Bioware Lead Designer, we may allow an AC change in the future... Have a nice day... ;)

Edited by Vhaegrant
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That proof has been provided many times. It is dismissed by most of the anti-change side as a soft no.


Naturally those with common sense would likely see that excuse is ridiculous. It means what it says...doesn't mean a guarantee it will happen, but it's strong evidence they are considering it.


I would rather not see AC change, but at least I don't subscribe to the fantasies that most of the anti-crowd seem to cling to. If the majority wishes it I will begrudgingly accept it.

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According to dulfy.net that article does not exist. Even if they said maybe, does not mean yes or no.


Sorry about that, I just cut and pasted from a previous post I had made with the link which worked, so I never checked it.


Many thanks to LordArtemis for correcting it and I've gone back and edited ;)

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Oh cmon... this is a terrible idea. Dont do it Bioware. It negates 45 levels of work and dedication. It should be acessable at the click of a finger, it should be necessary to put in the effort to level a class to play it. Edited by Nemmar
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That proof has been provided many times. It is dismissed by most of the anti-change side as a soft no.


Naturally those with common sense would likely see that excuse is ridiculous. It means what it says...doesn't mean a guarantee it will happen, but it's strong evidence they are considering it.


I would rather not see AC change, but at least I don't subscribe to the fantasies that most of the anti-crowd seem to cling to. If the majority wishes it I will begrudgingly accept it.


I'm curious as to why people with "common sense" would only see your views.


How much have the devs talked about changing class since that quote? Have the devs even uttered a single whisper or hint of the possibility of changing class since that quote? Have the devs even said one word in response to this 200+ thread?


Are the devs on record as having said that they see AC's a fundamentally different class designs? Are the devs on record as having said they have no plans to implement AC switcing (albeit prior to the Feb. quote)?



Even if the devs are "considering" allowing class changes, that does NOT mean class changes are a certainty. I'm not sure that almost a year and a half of ABSOLUTE silence from the devs regarding class changes means that they are really considering it. I highly doubt that if they were actually being considered that someone, somewhere would not have slipped up and let something out.

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And here is a prime example of an uninformed gamer..


This isn't guild wars.. You want to play by guild wars rules then you are playing the wrong game..


You want to role another class, then roll another character.. Don't ruin it for the rest of us because some people are to lazy to role an alt..


Changing your class should never be allowed.. Period.. :rolleyes:



How am I 'uninformed" when being "informed" has nothing to do with it? That statement makes ZERO sense. I was saying that they did it right in Guild Wars, it worked well imo. I was using it as an example, becasuse quite alot of other MMO's let you "re-roll".. Being "uninformed" has nothing to do with it, or anything here for that matter. Get over yourself man. Seriously.


How in heck does it effect YOU if someone ELSE re-rolls their second class? It doesn't. You just want everyone else to play and do as YOU did. News flash, this game isn't all about YOU and what someone else does in their game should be of no concern to you....unless you let your ego run you life. Again, if you don't want to re-roll, then don't. Why deny someone else? If someone else want's to then why on bloody earth would you care? It's frankly none of your concern, and flat out ridiculous to think it matters to you or your game somehow.


It shouldn't be allowed? Who says, you? Guess what, you don't dictate how everyone plays. You see, people like you are invasive egomaniacs. You are the ones who ruin it for everyone else with your "only MY way of playing is right" childish self centered egomanic holier than thou elitist mentality.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Because it's more sensible to take BWEA at their word (that they are considering allowing AC change) rather than to "read between the lines" to get the "soft no" you'd prefer it to be.


Has there been ANY further mention from the devs regarding class changes since that quote from a year and a half ago?


Ignoring a year and a half worth of complete and total silence on the subject (despite several lengthy threads, including this one) to continue to believe that class changes are coming makes even less sense than a "soft no".

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Well, over 200 pages in this discussion.


BW have said that it's likely, but not definitely. The quote is on the first page of the conversation and has been repeated here on this page as if it was new in this discussion...I lol'd at that.


Also after 200+ pages not a word from BW in it. So to answer the OP. There is no ETA and I don't expect one until they are in a late stage of production...if they are doing it at all.


Personally I agree with the people who see it as a bad thing for the simple reason that part of leveling is learning a class. Nothing is more annoying in a fp or ops than someone who "bought" his character as I've seen in other games. Allowing AC changes would have the same effect.

Edited by Tsillah
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Well, over 200 pages in this discussion.

It's not really the size that's important it's the content ;) For most of the 200 pages it's been a pretty circular argument :)


BW have said that it's likely, but not definitely. The quote is on the first page of the conversation and has been repeated here on this page as if it was new in this discussion...I lol'd at that.

The only reason I brought the quote up was in response to a previous post, so really to consolidate and maintain the flow of discussion. Also its use on the first post was an edit and you don't always remember every single post by the time you get so far into a thread :)


Also after 200+ pages not a word from BW in it. So to answer the OP. There is no ETA and I don't expect one until they are in a late stage of production...if they are doing it at all.

I don't really expect any response from BW either, they have been fairly consistent in their delivery of details only speaking out when they have something concrete and rarely to reiterate information that was fairly explicit the first time it was said. I think the quote falls into the 'fairly explicit category' they've had serious talks, it is a possibility for the future.


Personally I agree with the people who see it as a bad thing for the simple reason that part of leveling is learning a class. Nothing is more annoying in a fp or ops than someone who "bought" his character as I've seen in other games. Allowing AC changes would have the same effect.

If levelling a character is part of the learning experience why are there so many people in end game PUGs that just don't know how to play their character or the abilities they have to hand? The simple truth is a bad player is a bad player and they exist in all games, with luck many are just inexperienced and will learn in time but unfortunately much of that learning experience must take place in 50+ FPs and OPs. You don't tend to have access to a full rotation till the mid-late 40s and if you are overlevelled while levelling (not difficult) it is very easy to overestimate your ability when you enter the end game content.

Allowing AC changes would have no effect on the percentage of bad players playing the game, to avoid this the best solution is to join a guild and play with folk you get to know, not to prevent a change that allows a greater flexibility for those on a restricted time budget.



As an aside I saw a part of the San Diego cantina meet up, in it they made reference to the potential for future additional Advanced Classes Ootinicast.com

There will be no new class in the foreseeable future. A new Advanced Class would come first, but that is not in the pipeline.

So no new AC work in the pipeline which would suggest that any real need to provide an AC changing facility would be on the back burner too.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Because it's more sensible to take BWEA at their word (that they are considering allowing AC change) rather than to "read between the lines" to get the "soft no" you'd prefer it to be.




I said considering. I also said it was fantasy to consider that a soft no instead of taking it as it stands. I also indicated it didn't mean it was going to happen.


My point is my opinion, but I feel it is a sensible one. It does not make sense, however, to call it a soft no...that is a stretch AT BEST.


What would make more sense IMO, would be to say that perhaps they were considering it at that time, but since they have not spoken about it in quite a while, nor commented in this thread it can be said it is likely they are no longer discussing it or considering it.


THAT I could accept as a sensible conclusion.

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I have to say that rerolling my smuggler has actually been a pretty good experience.


Not only have I had the opportunity to redo Cybertech (this time making sure all entries have a blue option, instead of cherry picking what I need) but I changed my look. I'm satisfied with the results so far.


I still have the original smuggler....using it as an alternate crafting bot.

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Because it's more sensible to take BWEA at their word (that they are considering allowing AC change) rather than to "read between the lines" to get the "soft no" you'd prefer it to be.


It would actually be smarter and more sensible to just go with what the game says.. 'NO!' There is no soft no involved.. The game says no everytime someone chooses an AC..


I just have to wonder why some people just keep ignoring the completely obvious and what is right in front of them..


I suppose now you are going to try and tell me that Bioware didn't make the game say that?? :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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It would actually be smarter and more sensible to just go with what the game says.. 'NO!' There is no soft no involved.. The game says no everytime someone chooses an AC..


I just have to wonder why some people just keep ignoring the completely obvious and what is right in front of them..


I suppose now you are going to try and tell me that Bioware didn't make the game say that?? :rolleyes:


It's not that everything in an MMO is set in stone though. The game telling you now that your choice is permanent can be changed by the devs whenever they feel like it.


Don't get me wrong, I'm strongly against an AC change option for several reasons, but what the game is telling you now is just not indicative of any decisions BW might make in the future.

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I'm just going to throw in my 2 cents here, I rolled a Sith warrior because I wanted to try a Sith storyline, I ended up going marauder not really sure what I was getting myself into. When I hit level 28 I got Jaesa, who is probably my favorite companion/story I have encountered thus far. However, I'm having a hard time staying alive when I'm with her because of no healing or tanking from either of us. So at this time I wish I was a Jugg so that I could more enjoy my single player experience (I'm not huge into late game MMO content). However, since I can't AC change, my options are to continue playing a character that doesn't give me the same level of enjoyment as it did earlier, or reroll. Call me lazy if you want, but I play games to have fun, and my definition of fun is NOT replaying the exact same quests for an entire week. I've also spent Cartel cash on a few character perks that would now go to complete waste.


At bare minimum let us change AC through level 40. Gear turnover is high enough in early game that you can easily replace your gear in just a few quests.

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You are being silly, if you need a healer for your ride you find one from the fleet, this is why this is an mmo, and not your private game.


As it woks now you are being told there is no going back so system works as intended. If it was a simple thing to do it would be available already, if it has been removed there must have been a reason. Just because you do not understand the reason behind it, it does not mean you are correct, it actually implies the opposite.


I personally do not care, though I am inclined to accept that AC change should not be allowed. This is because I have put a lot of effort getting all of my characters to where they are, and idea that I may have not need to spend all this time does not amuse me.

Edited by ELRunninW
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