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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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2. I actually made my example assuming that your ELO would be reset , if nothing else it would allow them to have all the datacron bonuses, BiS relics, implants and earpiece on a single toon (you normally have to grind out another set of non-mod items since you can't send them to an alt).


So they start PvP scoring from zero again to reach top level to get another title what is wrong with that?

Edited by Jaxtes
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All the base skills? Tell me. What base skills does an Assassin use, in ANY tree, that a Sorcerer uses? What base skills does a Powertech use that a Mercenary uses? Same question for the others..


First open up your abilities window. On the left there are various categories. One of them should be the name of your advanced class and one should be the name of your class. If you select the category that corresponds to your class name you will find a list of several abilities. These abilities are common to both ACs. I believe this is what he meant by "base class skills".


Example: Player gets an incredibly high rating early in Season, changes AC, gets very high rating. Gets "All-Galaxy Assassin" and "All-Galaxy Sorcerer."


1. Reset rating if they switch. Of course a warning dialog box will be need for this.




2. Keep track of 2 separate ratings.

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Oh i have all the AC they are just stuck on the wrong side is all 3 tanks on pub side 3 healers on imp side. Wanted to roleplay so chose the AC i thought would fit the story. Turns out having a mix on both sides would have been better for the guilds i am in. Kind of a mental block having done all the class stories and each AC to 55 am not going to do that again.


Here, ladies and gentlemen is an admission of a player's aversion to the effort of actually leveling that new class they want to play. Instead, they come to the forums and ask BW to give them a new class. As if that is not enough, they get offended when not everyone agrees that they should be just handed a new class.



Effort put forth in the past to level those characters he already has does NOT preclude that player being too LAZY now to actually obtain for himself what he wants instead of begging for handouts.

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If I am not mistaken, the Inquisitor abilities. Base skills. Inquisitor is the base class of both ACs. That also goes for the Bounty Hunter abilities, used by both a Powertech and a Mercenary.


That might be what he was alluding to.


I know that all inquisitors have the same "base" abilities. How may of those "base" abilities do both an assassin and a sorcerer use in their rotations? How many are used by both a powertech and a mercenary?




It does not automatically make someone lazy if they wish to change their AC. For some folks, some ACs are just terrible, but they do not want to lose those unique items they have acquired. There are many other valid reasons to want AC change, and valid reasons to be against it....I posted a long list long ago in this thread.


IMO there is no need to insult those that desire AC change. To resort to insults gives credence to the idea that an argument is weak to begin with.


And it isnt....you don't like AC change....I don't like AC change. But note that I do not insult those that do. Instead I give my personal reasons why I am against it.


If a player simply refuses to use the means available to them now to play that new class because they simply do not want to put forth the effort to level that new class, what would you call it?


I know there are some players who have unique and no longer obtainable items and do not wish to lose them. I have already put forth a suggested compromise that would allow those players to keep those items while addressing many of the concerns that those against class (AC) changes have brought forth.

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First open up your abilities window. On the left there are various categories. One of them should be the name of your advanced class and one should be the name of your class. If you select the category that corresponds to your class name you will find a list of several abilities. These abilities are common to both ACs. I believe this is what he meant by "base class skills".


Having and using the skills are two completely different things. For example, Sages do not really use their melee attack (unless bored or dumb). Project is also used very rarely on Sages. Majority of abilities used are specific to AC. Even the Shared Trees are shared by abilities they unlock, but the talents are different.

So you can reasonably say that ACs are their own classes, not a spec.

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Having and using the skills are two completely different things. For example, Sages do not really use their melee attack (unless bored or dumb). Project is also used very rarely on Sages. Majority of abilities used are specific to AC. Even the Shared Trees are shared by abilities they unlock, but the talents are different.

So you can reasonably say that ACs are their own classes, not a spec.


Logic, truth and rational thought will still be dismissed and ignored by those too averse to the effort of actually leveling that new class they wish to play since admitting that AC's are different classes would bring up the whole "no changing classes in an MMORPG" unwritten rule.

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we'd likely see faction defection before AC changes. as a pvper, i am hardcore against AC changes. if the amount of scrubs running around in pvp wasnt enough the AC change would just destroy pvp for the hardcore players. nothing like a scrub changing to a class he literally has no clue how to play and being even scrubbier.
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I know that all inquisitors have the same "base" abilities. How may of those "base" abilities do both an assassin and a sorcerer use in their rotations? How many are used by both a powertech and a mercenary?


I'm not speaking to that, nor do I need to. I was only replying to the question as to what abilities do they SHARE. They most definitely share base abilities.


If a player simply refuses to use the means available to them now to play that new class because they simply do not want to put forth the effort to level that new class, what would you call it?


Depends, I might call it many things. Probably not lazy though.


I know there are some players who have unique and no longer obtainable items and do not wish to lose them. I have already put forth a suggested compromise that would allow those players to keep those items while addressing many of the concerns that those against class (AC) changes have brought forth.


....and so have I. They should rebuild the ACs to make them more meaningful. I think that solves ALL problems.

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Having and using the skills are two completely different things. For example, Sages do not really use their melee attack (unless bored or dumb). Project is also used very rarely on Sages. Majority of abilities used are specific to AC. Even the Shared Trees are shared by abilities they unlock, but the talents are different.

So you can reasonably say that ACs are their own classes, not a spec.


One can also reasonably say that they are not, for almost as many reasons as they are.


Frankly I am pretty tired of the seeming fact that most players seem to be giving Bioware a pass on what I view as poor class design. The ACs are barely meaningful as they are IMO. They are playstyles, preferences, spec holders....barely classes by the most generous definition of the word in my view.


They need to be REAL classes IMO. There is no need for the base class, period. We should start the game as our AC...and that is the ONLY class that should receive abilities.


Just my slant.

Edited by LordArtemis
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One can also reasonably say that they are not, for almost as many reasons as they are.


Frankly I am pretty tired of the seeming fact that most players seem to be giving Bioware a pass on what I view as poor class design. The ACs are barely meaningful as they are IMO. They are playstyles, preferences, spec holders....barely classes by the most generous definition of the word in my view.


They need to be REAL classes IMO. There is no need for the base class, period. We should start the game as our AC...and that is the ONLY class that should receive abilities.


Just my slant.


I won't argue that slant.


It's not so much that I am giving BW a free pass with regards to their class design. I am, however, recognizing that as poor as it is, this IS the class design with which we have to deal.

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Actually one more, a likely long post (apologies before hand).


This will likely be a rant.


Now, why does this exist? Why in the world would people cling so desperately to the hope that they will one day be able to change their AC?


Well, I think I can answer that. But first a few points.


Faction - The particular organization or group, often designed as an opposite to another organization or group that you can choose and will likely define your class availability.

Class - the very definition of your purpose in the game, your place in the game world, who you are. Often defined by a distinct storyline.

Role - the supportive branch you are willing to fulfill in end game activities and general play. The part of the Trinity that defines your playstyle.

Spec - A set of abilities that allows you to fulfill the role you have chosen.


Your faction defines classes available, your class defines roles and specs available, your chosen role defines the spec you have to choose. Faction, class, role, spec.




Now, what is an Advanced Class? A storage bracket for additional specializations, or a specialization itself? A pure definition of your purpose and place in the game world? A redefinition of your journey in the game? A hybrid of two classes in one? A role?


What is it? Do you know? Not what the devs call it...they could paint a donkey pink and call it a petunia and that doesn't make it so. What is an AC.....what is it to you?

Can you think for yourself for the sake of this discussion? Are you capable of individual thought when it comes to the definition of AC? Can you define what an AC is based on your own qualified opinion without bias?


I think the answer to that set of questions for most is likely no.


Many of you have likely been playing these types of games for quite some time, so you will likely recognize things from the past like....


Games that allow you to transform your class into a new class....which changes your story.

Games that allow you to choose special hybrid classes that can contain two or more classes in one.

Games where you temporarily change to another class.

Games that have a base class and a spec, that spec set as a specific role.

Games that have a class but no spec, defined by base abilities.

Games where storylines are singular across all classes, or split by faction instead of by class.


Most games in the MMO genre that use the class/spec/role setup work in the following way...

You have a faction. You have a class. You have a spec....and that defines your role.


Look at that for a moment. Just look at it. Does that seem like folly to any of you? Do you find that unacceptable?


Ok, now, tell me how many threads exist, in this forum, that are asking for the ability to change your base class. There must be at least one in existence, perhaps a few. And how long are those threads? How many folks are passionately for the idea of changing your base class?


Why.....why do you think there are few if ANY threads demanding, requesting or begging for class change?


Could it be because.....our base class actually feels like a class?


The problem here is not lazy players......its not entitled people....its poor design.




You want to stop folks from asking to change AC? MAKE IT A CLASS. That would stop it right there.


Want to know how many classes this game truly has?


....how many storylines does it have? That is your answer.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I won't argue that slant.


It's not so much that I am giving BW a free pass with regards to their class design. I am, however, recognizing that as poor as it is, this IS the class design with which we have to deal.


That sounds fair. They certainly seem to WANT us to accept them as classes.


And I want to accept them as classes.


The problem is that I struggle to do just that....because unfortunately I know what a class is. Ive played these types of games long enough to know IMO.

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Actually one more, a likely long post (apologies before hand).


This will likely be a rant.


Now, why does this exist? Why in the world would people cling so desperately to the hope that they will one day be able to change their AC?


Well, I think I can answer that. But first a few points.


Faction - The particular organization or group, often designed as an opposite to another organization or group that you can choose and will likely define your class availability.

Class - the very definition of your purpose in the game, your place in the game world, who you are. Often defined by a distinct storyline.


Not always. Look at WoW. The "story" is determined by your race, or the areas in which you decide to quest, NOT your class.


Role - the supportive branch you are willing to fulfill in end game activities and general play. The part of the Trinity that defines your playstyle.

Spec - A set of abilities that allows you to fulfill the role you have chosen.


Your faction defines classes available, your class defines roles and specs available, your chosen role defines the spec you have to choose. Faction, class, role, spec.




Now, what is an Advanced Class? A storage bracket for additional specializations, or a specialization itself? A pure definition of your purpose and place in the game world? A redefinition of your journey in the game? A hybrid of two classes in one? A role?


What is it? Do you know? Not what the devs call it...they could paint a donkey pink and call it a petunia and that doesn't make it so. What is an AC.....what is it to you?

Can you think for yourself for the sake of this discussion? Are you capable of individual thought when it comes to the definition of AC? Can you define what an AC is based on your own qualified opinion without bias?


I think the answer to that set of questions for most is likely no.


I can only speak for myself, but I base my class choice on the role I wish to play. If I wanted to tank, I would not pick marauder. I would not pick juggernaut if I wanted to heal.


Many of you have likely been playing these types of games for quite some time, so you will likely recognize things from the past like....


Games that allow you to transform your class into a new class....which changes your story.

Games that allow you to choose special hybrid classes that can contain two or more classes in one.

Games where you temporarily change to another class.

Games that have a base class and a spec, that spec set as a specific role.

Games that have a class but no spec, defined by base abilities.

Games where storylines are singular across all classes, or split by faction instead of by class.


Most games in the MMO genre that use the class/spec/role setup work in the following way...

You have a faction. You have a class. You have a spec....and that defines your role.


Look at that for a moment. Just look at it. Does that seem like folly to any of you? Do you find that unacceptable?


Ok, now, tell me how many threads exist, in this forum, that are asking for the ability to change your base class. There must be at least one in existence, perhaps a few. And how long are those threads? How many folks are passionately for the idea of changing your base class?


Why.....why do you think there are few if ANY threads demanding, requesting or begging for class change?


Could it be because.....our base class actually feels like a class?


The problem here is not lazy players......its not entitled people....its poor design.




IMO, it is primarily lazy people who want to use a poor design to justify their desire to change their class if the OP class they chose gets nerfed or the other class gets buffed. In this case, the poor design is the enabler for the cries from the lazy, entitled people to be able to change their class.


You want to stop folks from asking to change AC? MAKE IT A CLASS. That would stop it right there.


Want to know how many classes this game truly has?


....how many storylines does it have? That is your answer.


How many story lines does WoW have? How many story lines does Wildstar have? How many story lines does Star Trek online have? The number of story lines does NOT determine the number of classes. The number of classes does NOT determine the number of story lines.

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Not always. Look at WoW. The "story" is determined by your race, or the areas in which you decide to quest, NOT your class.


I mentioned the fact that are games (plenty of them in the market) in which your storyline is determined by your faction, in whole or in part. In some of those games, your class only defines the area you start in, until you usually get the ability to choose a spec.


I can only speak for myself, but I base my class choice on the role I wish to play. If I wanted to tank, I would not pick marauder. I would not pick juggernaut if I wanted to heal.


Fair enough.


IMO, it is primarily lazy people who want to use a poor design to justify their desire to change their class if the OP class they chose gets nerfed or the other class gets buffed.


....and in my opinion they are barely the minimum classification of a class to begin with. To me when someone asks for AC change, they are asking for a spec swap. And to me this does not seem like a request motivated by laziness any more than any other spec swap request.


I, as you well know, do not want the already pretty meaningless "class" distinction of the ACs to be made even more meaningless by treating them like nothing more than a container for specs....so that is why I am against it.


You and I only seem to differ on how we view the ACs and those that ask for the change.


In this case, the poor design is the enabler for the cries from the lazy, entitled people to be able to change their class.


Well, if that is the case that can be corrected. I think you and I could both agree on that.


How many story lines does WoW have? How many story lines does Wildstar have? How many story lines does Star Trek online have? The number of story lines does NOT determine the number of classes. The number of classes does NOT determine the number of story lines.


Again, I already mentioned that in my post....not to mention that it DOES DO SO HERE. In this case the number of storylines DOES define the number of classes.


And that is the answer. That is why folks do not ask to change a smuggler to a trooper IMO. Because the storylines give those classes meaning, too much meaning to trivialize with a class change. Instead folks wish to roll a new class.


That is NOT how many feel about ACs because of how they are designed IMO....but they could.

Edited by LordArtemis
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That sounds fair. They certainly seem to WANT us to accept them as classes.


And I want to accept them as classes.


The problem is that I struggle to do just that....because unfortunately I know what a class is. Ive played these types of games long enough to know IMO.


I have no problem accepting them as classes. I cannot tank as a priest in WoW, but I can heal and DPS. I cannot tank as a sorcerer in SWTOR, but I can heal and DPS. I cannot heal as a DK in WoW, but I can tank and DPS. I cannot heal as a guardian in SWTOR, but I can tank and DPS.


Would I prefer it if BW were to make a definitive statement as to AC's being class or spec? Yes.


Would I like BW to change the system so that at creation a player chooses STORY, with the knowledge that their CLASS can be chosen at level 10 or anytime after that? Yes.


Unfortunately, we are stuck with what we have.


How many of those players who wish to claim that AC is only a spec would pass a lie detector test regarding how they saw AC's? We'll never know, but I would be very surprised if many of those claiming that AC's are only specs could pass that test. I think most players recognize deep down that AC's are to this game what mage, rogue, druid, DK, etc. are to WoW.

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How many of those players who wish to claim that AC is only a spec would pass a lie detector test regarding how they saw AC's? We'll never know, but I would be very surprised if many of those claiming that AC's are only specs could pass that test. I think most players recognize deep down that AC's are to this game what mage, rogue, druid, DK, etc. are to WoW.


This is where you and I differ strongly....I think it is the exact opposite. I think deep down most...in fact I would wager almost ALL....note I said almost....folks that call ACs "classes" know they are not. Not even close.


Sure, they WANT them to be. Heck, I WANT THEM TO BE VERY BADLY. But they know, deep down, they are nothing more than glorified spec sets. The reason they "fight the good fight" IMO is that they do not want to accept the truth....they want the choice to have meaning, rightly so, and will fight tooth and nail with anyone that will diminish an already weak premise.


And I stand with those folks though we many not agree on particulars.


Like I said....if most folks knew deep down they were REAL classes we would likely not even see this argument. Considering the lack of requests for "base class change" that stands in evidence.


We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

Edited by LordArtemis
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You and I only seem to differ on how we view the ACs and those that ask for the change.


Yes. I see AC's as very distinct classes.


IMO, the only true valid reason for wishing to change class and not actually level that new class a player wishes to play is the potential loss of unique and no longer obtainable items. However, if that player had a mercenary main and wished to play a sorcerer, they would still lose all those unique and no longer obtainable items, so the potential loss of unique and no longer obtainable items is not sufficient reason to allow class changes from mercenary to powertech, either, IMO.


Well, if that is the case that can be corrected. I think you and I could both agree on that.


We do agree that BW could do much to end this debate, but they have not chosen to do so.

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This is where you and I differ strongly....I think it is the exact opposite. I think deep down most...in fact I would wager almost ALL....note I said almost....folks that call ACs "classes" know they are not. Not even close.


Sure, they WANT them to be. Heck, I WANT THEM TO BE VERY BADLY. But they know, deep down, they are nothing more than glorified spec sets. The reason they "fight the good fight" IMO is that they do not want to accept the truth....they want the choice to have meaning, rightly so, and will fight tooth and nail with anyone that will diminish an already weak premise.


And I stand with those folks though we many not agree on particulars.


Like I said....if most folks knew deep down they were REAL classes we would likely not even see this argument. Considering the lack of requests for "base class change" that stands in evidence.


We will have to agree to disagree on this one.


I think the lack of demands for "base class change" does not in any way indicate that people do not see AC's as their class.


I think the lack of demand for base class change stems more from the fact that there is no "wiggle room" in which they can claim that a marauder is the same class as a mercenary. If there were ANY way for those players to justify the demand to change from a marauder to mercenary, the forums would be full of people asking to do so, so they could avoid the effort of leveling that mercenary, IMO.


IMO, the fact that there are two classes sharing each story line (which BW has already stated was only a cost cutting measure) simply gives those who know that in most MMO's you cannot change your class a crutch on which they can lean when they demand to be able to change their class.

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Yes. I see AC's as very distinct classes.


As do I. I have always seen this game as having at least 8 distinct classes for each faction, and not just the four base classes. Just the same as a Samurai and Mage were distinct classes in Wizardry, though they were both able to learn spells from the same pool. The same with a Cleric and Lord. Sure Wizardry allowed a character to classes, but there were severe drawbacks to doing so - including going back to level 1 of the new class.

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I think the lack of demands for "base class change" does not in any way indicate that people do not see AC's as their class.


I think the lack of demand for base class change stems more from the fact that there is no "wiggle room" in which they can claim that a marauder is the same class as a mercenary. If there were ANY way for those players to justify the demand to change from a marauder to mercenary, the forums would be full of people asking to do so, so they could avoid the effort of leveling that mercenary, IMO.


IMO, the fact that there are two classes sharing each story line (which BW has already stated was only a cost cutting measure) simply gives those who know that in most MMO's you cannot change your class a crutch on which they can lean when they demand to be able to change their class.


Thats bordering on conspiracy IMO.


Which do you think it more likely.....


Players do not have the ability to demand class change in X game because in X game there is no way to put a slant on the definition of that class so they can do so, and they know class change is not accepted by most. Being lazy, they do not wish to put forth the effort to level a new class.



Players do not ask for class change because class change does not interest them. Spec and role change does.


I think the answer is obvious, and with all due respect I find your entire line of reasoning flawed in this respect.


The notion that those that demand AC change are lazy (your general point as I understand it) and most accept ACs are classes is becoming more and more tenuous and aberrant as time passes.


It's really very simple IMO. Most people probably do not see ACs as classes, only holders for specs, therefore some don't care one way or another, others wish they were classes and oppose change, yet others desire to do what all spec swap folks want to do....change to a new spec.


There are the select few that honestly see them as true classes. I count you among those people.


Again, I think we just have to disagree on this point. In the end we hope for the same thing....for things at least to remain as they are, hopefully improved in design in the future perhaps.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Yes. I see AC's as very distinct classes.


IMO, the only true valid reason for wishing to change class and not actually level that new class a player wishes to play is the potential loss of unique and no longer obtainable items. However, if that player had a mercenary main and wished to play a sorcerer, they would still lose all those unique and no longer obtainable items, so the potential loss of unique and no longer obtainable items is not sufficient reason to allow class changes from mercenary to powertech, either, IMO.


The grand flaw in your thinking is that when you play as a Sage, you see a completely different class story to playing as a Guardian.


When you play as a Guardian, then roll another alt and play as a Sentinel, it is the EXACT SAME STORY.


Since the class story is the same, it is just one class. Otherwise there would be difference in the story for Sentinel vs. Guardian.


If I want to play a Vanguard, nothing is new vs. playing a Trooper.


You're welcome to your opinion, but even Bioware disagrees with you, they consider the game to have 8 classes and 16 advanced classes.


There are 8 classes, no more and no less.

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The grand flaw in your thinking is that when you play as a Sage, you see a completely different class story to playing as a Guardian.


When you play as a Guardian, then roll another alt and play as a Sentinel, it is the EXACT SAME STORY.


Since the class story is the same, it is just one class. Otherwise there would be difference in the story for Sentinel vs. Guardian.


If I want to play a Vanguard, nothing is new vs. playing a Trooper.


You're welcome to your opinion, but even Bioware disagrees with you, they consider the game to have 8 classes and 16 advanced classes.


There are 8 classes, no more and no less.


Well, to play devils advocate here (note I do NOT disagree with you) the point was made that in many games there are not individual stories for each class...in most games the storyline is class tied only to the point when you are allowed to begin your spec choice, then the story generally falls into factional guidelines.


I tend to agree that storylines in this game give classes a real distinct feel....but despite that, I would have been fine with repeating a story for different classes if those classes (ACs) started at level 1.


This is the part that I do not understand. They could have given the game 16 unique classes and simply had most of them share a common storyline. Why they chose to mix oil with water IMO I will never know.

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This topic reminds me how some people where totally against appearance tabs as it would ruin not only the iconic look but also make it so players can't recognize other's class in PvP.


Now look where we are with adaptive gear. In fact I see way more players wanting more of it than less and not even one wanting to get rid of it.


Since the devs never made any story [class mission] difference between the ACs, and thus there is no real difference between ACs, I don't oppose AC changes in general.


However, I would like to "+1" your never seeing anybody wanting to get rid of adaptable armor -- I don't care if any class can wear any armor, but I would like to be able to tell how "squishy" somebody is based on how "squishy" they look. All things being equal, somebody wearing more/better armor should be harder to hurt than somebody wearing less/worse armor.

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The grand flaw in your thinking is that when you play as a Sage, you see a completely different class story to playing as a Guardian.


When you play as a Guardian, then roll another alt and play as a Sentinel, it is the EXACT SAME STORY.


Since the class story is the same, it is just one class. Otherwise there would be difference in the story for Sentinel vs. Guardian.


If I want to play a Vanguard, nothing is new vs. playing a Trooper.


You're welcome to your opinion, but even Bioware disagrees with you, they consider the game to have 8 classes and 16 advanced classes.


There are 8 classes, no more and no less.


Actually, BW has stated that the AC's are fundamentally DIFFERENT CLASS designs and that they were treated as FULL CLASSES within the story lines.


They have also stated that the reason there are only 8 stories is due only to cost. Having 8 stories was half the cost of having 16. They did not have to write 16 stories or hire the extra voice actors, etc.

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Well, to play devils advocate here (note I do NOT disagree with you) the point was made that in many games there are not individual stories for each class...in most games the storyline is class tied only to the point when you are allowed to begin your spec choice, then the story generally falls into factional guidelines.


I tend to agree that storylines in this game give classes a real distinct feel....but despite that, I would have been fine with repeating a story for different classes if those classes (ACs) started at level 1.


This is the part that I do not understand. They could have given the game 16 unique classes and simply had most of them share a common storyline. Why they chose to mix oil with water IMO I will never know.


Sure, they could've made the ACs more distinct, they could've even gone down the much more difficult road of not having exact mirror classes and still keeping balance.


Truth be told, I'm content with the compromise BW struck by giving us 8 truly amazing class stories(having 16 stories would've been overkill and would've taken up too many ressources imo and having less stories would've watered down the one thing that really made this game stand out in comparison to other MMOs).

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