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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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It's not hypothetical at all.


The returning player was proficient at one point in the class


A new AC is quite a bit different then a veteran returning and reusing an AC they were already proficient at.


Stop being petulant. It's OK if we have different views on the topic. As adults we should be able to discuss them without you resorting hyperbole.


We disagree. I don't think it's very different at all Andryah.


Your assertion that a veteran player returning was once proficient is completely baseless...stop using hyperbole when you so vigorously attack others for it.


I'd prefer to have a CONTINUING player who switches ACs to fill a needed role for their guild, or switches because their AC has been changed, than to have that player become a former player.


This would not hurt the game at all - it would help it.


And injecting lots of brand new ACs into the community on a server is roughly equal to injecting insta-55s into the community. It's bad for the community.


As adults we should be able to discuss them without you resorting hyperbole.


And you accuse me of using hyperbole?! How is it bad? It's no more disruptive than a server merge or server transfer option is...are you against those too?

Edited by TUXs
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I thought I was very clear in expressing my opinion on the matter...let me try again...


If changing your AC makes YOU happy (you as in anyone who would like to do it), I fully support it. In an MMO, I find it very easy to understand WHY someone would want to change.


I understand it to. In fact, I have been posting all of the proposals everyone has had, and the pros and cons on both sides that folks expressed constantly in the thread.


Just because I don't support AC change at this time does not mean I do not understand the desire that some folks have to have it, nor do I think my views should be forced on others.

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I understand why people want it. Hell, I've got a 55 sorc I don't touch that I would love to convert to an Assassin. But I don't think an "easy button" is the way to go about it. Instead, I'm levelling a new one.


the people advocating for AC change based on the fact that my opinion matters not where their gameplay is concerned have a valid point; My individual opinion should have no bearing on you whatsoever. However, you have to recognize that Developers intentions and opinions do matter. Initially, they said there would be no AC change. Since they've remained silent for so long, we can assume that hasn't changed. The only reason for them to change their minds now would be the overwhelming desire of the majority of the playerbase. This thread is collection of a few passionate supporters, but for the most part, there is no significant appetite for this change.


Therefore, I think it's time some of you started playing the game as it was meant to be played, and go level this other AC you want so badly. I know it's been mentioned a few times, but I'll say it again. In the time you've spent ranting and raving in this thread, you could have levelled multiple new AC's.

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I understand it to. In fact, I have been posting all of the proposals everyone has had, and the pros and cons on both sides that folks expressed constantly in the thread.


Just because I don't support AC change at this time does not mean I do not understand the desire that some folks have to have it, nor do I think my views should be forced on others.


I respect that. I apologize if my original reply came over as rude or dismissive to you. I'm a firm believer in choice in an MMO - as I've mentioned to Andryah, with MMOs being as fluid as they are, I completely understand the desire switching ACs would provide to some people.


It's not something I would use, but I want players to have every opportunity to enjoy this game...if swapping ACs gets Bob to play 2-months longer, awesome. I encourage him to stay :)

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I understand why people want it. Hell, I've got a 55 sorc I don't touch that I would love to convert to an Assassin. But I don't think an "easy button" is the way to go about it. Instead, I'm levelling a new one.

I just want to point out that it's not exactly an "easy button"...they've done all the quests, leveled the toon...they simply made the wrong choice in ACs...they went left instead of right, called heads instead of tails...they aren't getting a duplicate toon, they're switching to an advanced class they may enjoy more...nothing more.

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I think this movement would gain more traction if the PRO group got away from wanting to be able to respec so early into their toon's life.


It really is on average 4 hours of play time per planet.


Level 10 takes 4 hours to achieve for a slow poke. Level 16 takes 8 hours. Level 20 takes 12 hours. Level 24 takes 16 hours. Level 28 takes 20 hours. Level 32 takes 24 hours. So on and so forth. I see absolutely no justification to allow respec before you finish Act 1. If you are pre-Act 1 finale, delete and start over. I have no sympathy on this matter and neither do a lot of others.


In all honesty I think if it is allowed, following Act 2 is the most natural place to allow it. Everyone is told FOUR times when they select their AC that it is permanent. It is no ones fault but their own that they didn't read.


BUT inserting a conversion conversation between 2-3 gives the option to do it long before it impacts end-game, frames it within your story AND "ensures" that it is only used once. Still the slippery slope remains.


That's fine changing the level it happens. I say start at level 45, when each class finally comes nearly full circle on what they will be doing for a while.


You can't make it based on acts, since some people skip the story entirely and you can't put number of game time hours, since it varies between each player.


Still it makes sense to allow it, since it's just another option for a player to use rather than it not to be there.

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It has BEEN debated. Literally hundreds of times. Here are but a few:




As I said before you cannot expect to win an argument when you use the same argument that has lost every other time.


So you want costumers who feel passionate about something, to stop voicing their opinion? :rolleyes:


If you don't like the thread, why are you posting in it?

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Exactly. With all the issues facing SWTOR's future, the lack of pvp content, the missing SSSP, etc... he wants to selfishly waste dev time on AC switching? It would take them forever to get AC switching coded right, would come with an abundance of bugs, and would take development time away from REAL content that matters


So you work at bioware and know how and which task are being handled?


This is such a cliche thing to say. Please define "real" as well.

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There is no might about it. If a level 55 AC just respected to the other AC.. they will indeed not play that AC as well until they become practiced and fluent in the AC


The same problem will happen with field respec. That's why this talking point doesn't hold much weight, we already have noobs at the highest level of the game. I lost count how many tanks never use taunt or healers who just DPS, just so they can get faster queue times.

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I understand why people want it. Hell, I've got a 55 sorc I don't touch that I would love to convert to an Assassin. But I don't think an "easy button" is the way to go about it. Instead, I'm levelling a new one.


the people advocating for AC change based on the fact that my opinion matters not where their gameplay is concerned have a valid point; My individual opinion should have no bearing on you whatsoever. However, you have to recognize that Developers intentions and opinions do matter. Initially, they said there would be no AC change. Since they've remained silent for so long, we can assume that hasn't changed. The only reason for them to change their minds now would be the overwhelming desire of the majority of the playerbase. This thread is collection of a few passionate supporters, but for the most part, there is no significant appetite for this change.


Therefore, I think it's time some of you started playing the game as it was meant to be played, and go level this other AC you want so badly. I know it's been mentioned a few times, but I'll say it again. In the time you've spent ranting and raving in this thread, you could have levelled multiple new AC's.


Thank you. Even though I am pro-AC change. I have no trouble adding restrictions on it.


I do not support unlimited AC changing at all. Hell, I used to say 2 AC changes but 1 AC change per character at a high CC/credit cost is fair enough for me.


As for your last paragraph, come on. People here are posting from work. Hell I can even type up a post while I'm raiding in between trash/boss pulls. This is hardly time consuming.

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Thank you. Even though I am pro-AC change. I have no trouble adding restrictions on it.


I do not support unlimited AC changing at all. Hell, I used to say 2 AC changes but 1 AC change per character at a high CC/credit cost is fair enough for me.


As for your last paragraph, come on. People here are posting from work. Hell I can even type up a post while I'm raiding in between trash/boss pulls. This is hardly time consuming.


I would be grudgingly OK with something like a high CC cost, 6 month cooldown AC change. That was it wouldn't be taken lightly, and the high CC cost would gate the accessibility.


As for time consumption, neither is levelling a new toon. It takes less than 40 hours to level a new toon to 55, if you do it right. And you can halve that if you took advantage of the Double XP weekends.

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The problem already exists, the difference with good players though is they take an hour or two of their own time to run some lower level Heroics or FPs with a companion to test out their new build and rotations before joining in with group content along with others.


I never said the problem I referenced did not exist in game in some ways.


That however does not mean PUT MORE OF IT IN, and with more extreme variations (cough.... Sage <--> Assassin). AC ---> AC represents an extreme version of the issue of proficiency vs inter AC respec/returning players/spazes.


Ben: "Oh.. look... the car has a flat tire!"

Jerry: "Heh, might as well flatten the other three then." :rolleyes:

Edited by Andryah
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Based on their recent comments saying we'd see a new AC before an actual class; I'd be very surprised if we will ever be allowed to do this. And if we are I imagine the option to do so will come with those new ACs. So it won't be anytime soon if ever. Edited by Inflicktion
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I never said the problem I referenced did not exist in game in some ways.


That however does not mean PUT MORE OF IT IN, and with more extreme variations (cough.... Sage <--> Assassin). AC ---> AC represents an extreme version of the issue of proficiency vs inter AC respec/returning players/spazes.


Ben: "Oh.. look... the car has a flat tire!"

Jerry: "Heh, might as well flatten the other three then." :rolleyes:


I'm glad to see you don't use hyperbole much....(that's sarcasm cuz you do).


Allowing others to switch AC's would be beneficial to those players whose AC sucks or for players who went heads instead of tails. I'd be fine with restrictions, CC costs, in-game credit costs...but I believe that the option should be there, if for no other reason, because of the fluid nature of MMOs and the ever changing classes.

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I understand why people want it. Hell, I've got a 55 sorc I don't touch that I would love to convert to an Assassin. But I don't think an "easy button" is the way to go about it. Instead, I'm levelling a new one.

If someone else wants the "easy button" and is willing to pay CCs for it, that's none of your business.


This thread is collection of a few passionate supporters, but for the most part, there is no significant appetite for this change.

Which amounts to absolutely nothing in terms of whether it should be offered. Obviously, the final call is BWEA's. No one on the "pro" side is gonna have a fit if they never offer it. But going by the language in many of the "anti" folks' posts, offering it would be an unmitigated disaster. That's all they have: hyperbole.


Therefore, I think it's time some of you started playing the game as it was meant to be played, and go level this other AC you want so badly.

The game is mean to be played however BWEA deems it should be played.


I know it's been mentioned a few times, but I'll say it again. In the time you've spent ranting and raving in this thread, you could have levelled multiple new AC's.

False dichotomy, and more hperbole.

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I think that I would like to see restricted / limited class changes.


I have a level 28 character with three level 450 crafting skills and more schematics than I can shake a stick to. I created the character early on after launch and tried an AC that turned out to be the only one that I do not like. By the time I switched off to play another character, the number crafting schematics that I had through discovery were just to extensive and valuable to abandon. So the character sits there, unplayed and crafting his poor fingers off and taking up room. I would like to bring the poor pixel soul to 55 (he has served me well) and the ability to change the AC to one that I enjoy would be great.

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It's not a divisive issue, it's people wanting to control others. Who cares what anyone else plays?! What class "I" play, only matters to ME. If I want to change to fill out a group or to meet the needs of whatever team I'm playing on, who are any of you to say "no"? That only hurts the game.


There's NO valid reason that this shouldn't be allowed. NONE! It's all selfish and stupid reasoning. This is an MMO, classes and balance are always shifting...let the players shift too.



So, you want the ability to change your class if your current class gets nerfed? That sounds a lot like FOTM to me. I do not think that is a compelling reason to allow class changes. If you want to play a sage after leveling a shadow, the mechanics already exist in game to allow you to do that. It's called "level a shadow".

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Current list, pros and cons as reported by participants, updated as needed as we go.



Option 1

Level 10 to 15 - Allow AC Change - max 2 changes allowed - reduction to level 10 with change - 24 hour cooldown - once you reach level 16 AC is permanent - everything except XP and quests are unaffected - armor/earpieces/weapons for character and companions are removed and must be reequipped.


Option 2

Level 10 to 55 - Allow AC Change - max 1 change allowed - reduction to level 10 with change - no cooldown - no level gate for permanent AC choice - everything except XP and quests are unaffected - armor/earpieces/weapons for character and companions are removed and must be reequipped.


Option 3


Level 10 to 55 - Allow AC Change - max 2 changes allowed - no reduction in level - one month cooldown - no level gate for permanent AC choice - everything is unaffected - armor/earpieces/weapons for character and companions are removed and must be reequipped.


Option 4


Level 10 to 30 - Allow AC Change - max 1 change allowed - no reduction in level - no cooldown - no level gate for permanent AC choice - everything is unaffected - armor/earpieces/weapons for character and companions are removed and must be reequipped.


Option 5

Level 10 to 46 - Allow AC Change - no maximum changes, can change at will up to 46 - no reduction in level - no cooldown - once you reach level 47 AC is permanent - everything is unaffected - armor/earpieces/weapons for character and companions are removed and must be reequipped.


Option 6

Level 10 to 55 - Allow AC Change - no maximum changes, can change at will - no reduction in level - no cooldown - no level gate for permanent AC choice - everything is unaffected - armor/earpieces/weapons for character and companions are removed and must be reequipped.


Option 7

Level 10 to 55 - Allow AC Change - no maximum changes, can change at will - no reduction in level - no cooldown - no level gate for permanent AC choice - Must level one character to max level in an AC to unlock legacy ability to switch AC for that class - everything is unaffected - armor/earpieces/weapons for character and companions are removed and must be reequipped.


Option 8

Level 10 to 55 - Allow AC Change - maximum 8 changes per account, can change at will - no reduction in level - no cooldown - no level gate for permanent AC choice - everything is unaffected - armor/earpieces/weapons for character and companions are removed and must be reequipped.


Option 9


Level 10 to 55 - Allow AC Change - no maximum number of changes - must change at AC trainers on fleet - 1 Week cooldown - Option for AC change unlocked as Character Perk for 600 cartel Coins (or 1.5 million credits) - Each subsequent AC change costs 40 cartel coins (or 100,000 credits).


Option 10


No AC change allowed.




And this is the pro and con list as it stands right now. It is certainly open for more additions or corrections.

Note that by posting this list I am not making a statement as to the validity of any of these reasons...they are simply posted to present the points folks have brought up over this issue.




1. breathing life into characters that may have been abandoned and thus extending someone's stay in game, their enjoyment in game.

2. allowing people who only have fun playing through a story once - experiment with their character without having to suffer through the story they already know and aren't having fun replaying.

3. allowing people to keep using unique, no longer acquirable items, that include pets, speeders, crystals, armor shells, as well as legacy perk unlocks on a character they have grown attached to, while enjoying the game play style that works better for them, within the same archetype, rather than having to reroll from scratch and lose all the investment they made into a character.

4. making extra money for bioware by making ac switch purchasable with cartel coins.





1) I would expect that many folks are not going to react well to this change if implemented.

2) They flirted with the idea before launch, even talked about it publicly, but in the end decided not to allow it. At the time folks were pretty dead set against it. I don't think it's likely the current environment has changed much since then.

3) Some classes could end up underrepresented due to bad design. Right now some folks stick with an AC they choose because they would have to reroll and do not wish to do so I would guess.

4) If restrictions are not in place this could end up being abused or exploited.

5) This will likely further demean AC choice.

6) Could cause FOTM issues.

7) If late game AC change is allowed it could end up causing folks that have an AC but do not know how to properly play it running Raids and Operations, making an existing problem worse.



I have decided to support option 1, option 7 but would prefer option 10. I like the idea of option 7...you have to level an AC to max level to get a legacy unlock you can use to switch to that AC inside the class for another character account wide.


I still prefer no AC change, but I'm open to support 1 and 7.


I would also add what I would like to see happen with respect to AC.


1) Bioware would come out and publicly state, in no uncertain terms, that AC IS YOUR CLASS.


2) Make AC choice mandatory at level 10, move all abilities under the AC heading in the abilities pane and remove the base class header, move all trainable abilities from that point forward under the AC header on the trainer.


3) Remove all references in the game to your base class that can be removed once you choose your AC.


4) Add a small quest line at max level that is AC specific, where they refer to your AC directly.


IMO this would make the choice more meaningful.

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I'm glad to see you don't use hyperbole much....(that's sarcasm cuz you do).


Allowing others to switch AC's would be beneficial to those players whose AC sucks or for players who went heads instead of tails. I'd be fine with restrictions, CC costs, in-game credit costs...but I believe that the option should be there, if for no other reason, because of the fluid nature of MMOs and the ever changing classes.


Were those players advised that the choice they were making when they chose that AC advised at least 4 times that the choice was PERMANENT? Did they click the confirm button at least twice to confirm that they KNEW the choice was PERMANENT and they were certain that the choice they were making was the one they wanted to make? If the answer to those questions is "yes" (and it is), then they can use the mechanics already in place in game to play that other class, by leveling it.


You can say "they went left instead of right" or that they chose an OP class that later got nerfed, but those are not compelling reasons to allow class changes.



I have put forth a suggested compromise that would enable those who have items that are unique and no longer obtainable in game to keep those items, and also allow those who desire not to have to replay the same story line twice to avoid having to replay the same story line, while at the same time addressing many of the concerns that those against allowing class changes have expressed.

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Yes.. You lied.. You said I edited a post and I didn't..


No, I did not. It is plain as day what happened and why. Post histories stand in evidence. I will let others draw their own conclusions.


You have been insulting toward me and others.. You have been less than civil to those that are against AC swapping.. And your post history is evidence to that..


Insulting, perhaps. Less than civil, possibly. I tend to react with snark to folks that deride others for having opinions that oppose their own or engage in trollish behavior. Like I stated..my history isn't perfect, but I would compare it to others and let the forum decide.


In this case throwing stones is probably not wise.


I will and have admitted when I am wrong.. I did it in this very thread.. Have you?? Not that I have seen..


Fair enough. I will put my post history up against yours and let the chips fall where they may. We will let the forum draw their own conclusions.


You get pissy when I say you are Pro-AC swap.. Yet you never once have settled down and asked why I feel that you are.. I have told you.. Many times in fact.. Yet I am sure you do not have a clue..


You made a mistake. You lashed out at me because you THOUGHT I was part of the pro-AC change group simply because I was reasonable. You wanted and still want all anti-AC change folks to be vehement about it.


When you realized your mistake you tried to cover it. It didn't work.


That is the reason. Again, evidence in post history.


I don't have an issue with you lord..


You have clearly demonstrated otherwise.


I am willing to discuss AC swapping with you.. But you don't want to discuss.. You say you do, but your post to me earlier said otherwise.. This is your problem. You send conflicting messages..


If my message to you is not clear, it is only because you choose for it not to be. I have made it painfully clear whether or not you and I have any common ground on which to have a discussion....I am NOT willing to discuss it with you or the likes of you until your behavior improves.


I think I've made it pretty clear I DO have a problem with your behavior on this forum, specifically in this thread. Until that changes my earlier comment stands.


You say you are against AC swapping.. Yet you are quick to point out where a dev said it would 'LIKELY' be added.


That is because it is the truth..I am quick to post the truth.


I have never seen a quote where the word likely was used in regards to AC swapping..


Frankly, if you can't be bothered to pay attention when it has been posted MULTIPLE TIMES in response to your accusations it was LIES that is not my problem.


All I have ever seen is 'Soft No's'.. A concept that you seem to ignore.. One that you wouldn't ignore if you were truly against AC swapping..


And there is the crux of the issue. You want me to grab the torches and pitchforks like others have chosen to do...since I have chosen to be more reasonable you have determined I am your enemy. Your intent is crystal clear.


You call it a soft no...as others have. I cant argue against that. I choose to take it for what it means instead. I can do that...it's my opinion. You do not have a right to dictate my opinion to me, or tell others what their opinions should be.


You would also be like me in pointing out what the game says.. The game is directly from Bioware.. Those are Bioware's words.. Permanent.. Your choice will forever dominate your destiny.. The game tells you multiple times.. That isn't even mentioned on your little pro's and con's paste..


It is not a reason posted in this thread. It is a ridiculous contention posted by folks over and over that is stating the obvious IMO.


Anyone who chooses an AC knows it is stated that it is permanent. So it will not be added to the list because it is not a reason...it is a bully tactic by forum members that wish to muscle their opinion on others IMO...just as ridiculous as the Pro AC change statement that "you have no right to tell me how to play"...


These kind of combative reasons will never make the list. I do not take sides when it comes to the list. I simply leave out the trollish reasons, as I should.


It should be.. It is key to this discussion..


So you say. And you saying so does not make it so. But you have every right to say that.


People want to hear from Bioware.. Well.. The game is speaking for them.. They don't want to hear from Bioware.. They want to hear what they want to hear.. Which is why people like me in this discussion are always having our words twisted and manipulated into things we never said.. I spend most of my time repeating myself it isn't even funny..


Playing a wounded dove does not further your contentions.


Nobody that is against AC swapping has ever told someone how to play their game... Yet we are accused of that constantly.. Nobody that is against AC swapping has ever told someone not to play this game.. Or in my case if you don't play it my way then you should leave this game.. Yes! I was accused of that.. I never said it.. I could name the person that made that accusation, but I am not a jerk like that.. I don't have an ax to grind..


...which is the reason why neither of those contentions are in the list as well. They are just as ridiculous as saying "the choice is permanent, Bioware said so" or "no dev has ever said they are considering change". I leave out the posturing in the list. Anyone who is actually willing to DISCUSS the issue has their reasons pro or con added to the list. I ignore the trollish comments.


I am just here like everyone else wanting to share my views on this topic.. But I deserve the same respect that I show everyone else..


I tend to think you are getting the same respect you are showing everyone here. If you wish to garner more respect for your views you may consider changing your behavior and it will likely happen to your satisfaction. Your behavior so far has been disappointing.


I have never lied about anyone.. I have never misrepresented what someone has said.. (Correction, did it once to make a point.. The point was missed by the other person involved..) I haven't insulted anyone.. I have never called anyone a troll unless I was called a troll first.. No two wrongs do not make a right.. But at least the other person might understand how it feels to be called a troll.. Yes, I know that is most likely a losing battle as well..


You don't have to justify yourself to me. Nor do you need my approval. All you need is self respect.


Yet all of the above has been done to me by you and others.. It has been done to other folks that are against AC swapping as well... Again by you and others.. Make no mistakes.. The insults, lies, and misrepresentations are all coming from one direction.. The folks that want AC swapping and including you..


Again, playing the wounded dove. Does not lend credit to your contentions. Problem is that people can view your post history. I think others might come to different conclusions.


And by the way...an Anti AC change forum member that does not accept trolling behavior from other side does not become a Pro AC change person by default. Trolls do not represent any side...they only represent themselves with trollish behavior. I submit that trolls do not represent the Anti AC change group and should not be viewed as such. I believe the Anti AC change group is much more reasonable and open to discussion.


I think all Trollish behavior on both sides should be rejected, and all opinions based on or presented in that trollish manner be ignored. They do not deserve consideration IMO.


I expect you aren't going to like this post. Oh well.. It is what it is.. Typos and all.. As I said.. I would love to discuss with you the topic of AC swapping.. Just please show me the respect that I show you.. Do not lie about me.. Do not misrepresent my words, and do not insult me.. Thanks.. :)


I do not need nor ask for your respect. I ask you to respect yourself. Then you may receive what you ask.


For now you and I have nothing to discuss. If your behavior changes that may change in the future.

Edited by LordArtemis
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So you want costumers who feel passionate about something, to stop voicing their opinion? :rolleyes:


If you don't like the thread, why are you posting in it?


Perhaps because using the same tired arguments that have habitually lost isn't going to go anywhere. If I didn't like participating in this discussion I would have sent the link list of related threads to the mods and had this one shut down.


I'm not 100% diehard against it, but if it ever happens it needs to be done right. Low level respec, and multiple respec scenarios will always be met with a wall of resistance.

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The same problem will happen with field respec. That's why this talking point doesn't hold much weight, we already have noobs at the highest level of the game. I lost count how many tanks never use taunt or healers who just DPS, just so they can get faster queue times.


That should give it more weight because the problem would be compounded by people that not only don't know their AC but they also don't know their spec or role as you clearly pointed out.

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I could live with an early AC swap (maybe pre-30) but I would oppose one at or near the level cap. With all the threads around about "Noobs in endgame" and personal experience I think that a swap that late would be chaos, with all the people in endgame content playing basically brand new toons. They should have at least the 30-55 experience under their belt before endgame at least. I would rather not see one at all, but whatever, I just think a swap around 30ish could qualm some of the arguments in this thread, with both sides compromising.
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This is a terrible idea that would trivialise the whole achievement of the leveling process. I hope it never happens.


To see how ridiculous this is, imagine in WoW you could swap class of your warriors to a priest. How ridiculous is that? It completely devalues the efforts of those who leveled the class from scratch.

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