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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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I asked the Magic 8Ball, it said 'Outlook not so good.' And I thought about it, and was like, what does my Office email program have to do with this!? Stupid 8ball is broken.


Huh?....uh....um....OH!!!! LOL!!! That was great :D

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Heard in future WZ:


Sorry, I might fail because I just switched to shadow from sage... :eek:


Please no!


Just because YOU would have tremendous difficulty going from a Sage to a Shadow, doesn't mean everyone would - geezus man, half of your skills DO NOT CHANGE. If that's all it takes to keep a player happy and joining the WZ queue, I'm 100% in favor of it!

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My theory is he wants to say:



Not right now

maybe later


some point in the foreseeable future

realistically a possibility

should be implemented by

etc etc etc...

Your theory is incomplete.


If he wants to say these things, why isn't he saying them?


Wouldn't it be more logical that he isn't saying them because he doesn't know?

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Your theory is incomplete.


If he wants to say these things, why isn't he saying them?


Wouldn't it be more logical that he isn't saying them because he doesn't know?


If you honestly believe a company as big as BW, that just made $912M in revenue in the past quarter, would have a team of devs who "just don't know" working for them... I have a bridge in San Franscisco to sell you. I will even throw in the little island which it over looks. Here is some 411 that shows they have at least an inkling of a clue. It comes from another post of mine in this very thread.


On Nov 16, 2012, Damion Schubert spoke about Advanced class swapping in an interview:



On Dec 7, 2011, Steven Reid answered questions related to AC swapping, in a similar fashion:



Ironically, the source thread has since been deleted, but the screen capture still exists.


Another interesting fact is there have only been 47 threads, out of 147k asking for such a feature. None of those threads ever received an answer from BW.






Daniel Erickson: We have no plans for switching advanced classes - which we see as fundamentally different class designs- but dual spec is in the works and coming soon.


You'll note the bolded part above.


In another thread, BW opened a SECOND thread on the topic and never once commented in either thread:

Thread 2: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=178253

Thread 1: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=173707


Even Wikianswers acknowledges the permanency of your initial coice




That one really was just to lighten the mood.




“Folks, please don’t overreact about the possibility of something happening in the future.


Advanced Class switching (or re-speccing, take your pick) was, at one point, potentially going to go into the game. Right now, it’s not in the game. It could potentially be added after launch. Like, frankly, anything else. To quote Georg “we reserve the right to change our minds based on feedback and testing”.


This thread is feedback. It’ll be taken into account by the developers, along with the usual metrics we look at. I’ll say this much – any sort of Advanced Class changing is not under discussion for launch, or even right after launch.


Absolutely anything in the game is potentially open to change in the future. That’s part of what an MMO is about. Your feedback on those changes is absolutely welcome, but just because we say that yes, something may potentially happen in the future… that doesn’t make it a certainty.”

So there you have it… We’ll most likely be seeing some form of Advanced Class switching post-launch. Though it isn’t guaranteed. I don’t think it’s too surprising for BioWare to admit it’s a possibility at some point post-launch – as anything can be changed to meet the demands of the game as it continues to mature.


Advanced Class switching certainly seems to be a feature for a more developed game, and it’s certainly something that I see them adding at some point in the future. I do think that it should not be ‘easy’, and switching should involve some cost and effort for the player. How do you feel about Advanced Class switching? Do you think it’s something that is necessary, and if included at all – should it be costly or as easy as the press of a button?


Let us know your thoughts!


After such a posting, the thread was eventually deleted as the lack of interest was also apparent in the responses on the site which retained the original quote.




"Advanced Class change is in the game. 1st swap is cheap. After that it gets expensive"


Apparently, AC change made it all the way into the production line and was DROPPED at the last minute.


April 26, 2011



In another interview with TOR designer Georg Zoeller:


"Correct. The ability to respec your skill point distribution is still in the game.


Summary, since this is a confusing topic:


You can change your skill point distribution by paying credits at a vendor on your capital world. That has not changed.


You may or may not be able to change your Advanced Class, we haven’t decided on this one yet. If you can, the cost would be significant. That has not changed.


There is currently no plan to add dual spec (the ability to swap almost instantly between two skill point configurations) for launch. At this point, it seems not necessary for us, but we’re not opposed to add it at a later point / patch should we feel that the game would benefit from it.


Hope that helps.


Notice how in April, they say Maybe, in July they say yes, and then November they say "maybe later". It is obvious from the number of times the topic has been discussed, and the number of named BW staff interviews, that there was intent to add it to the game. So much, in fact, one interview actually said it was IN for launch, and later removed as a "maybe".


After 3 years, a half dozen interviews, and less than 50 thread topics on the subject, it would seem they have received their feedback. In most of the other threads, it was not a majority of rousing endorsements. I think this topic died a long time ago, and BW just doesn't want to step in and confess it. Do not take my word for it. Please look into all 47 threads and see how many times they responded. Even on a thread that hit level cap way back when, they even opened up a 2nd thread for it, and never once confirmed or denied any of it.


Even a "We don't know" at this point would be SOMETHING.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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If you honestly believe a company as big as BW, that just made $912M in revenue in the past quarter, would have a team of devs who "just don't know" working for them... I have a bridge in San Franscisco to sell you.

*le sigh*


First of all, you didn't respond to my point. If Eric wants to say those things then why do you think he isn't?


Second of all, Eric is not a dev. He is the community manager. I'm sure there are plenty of things that are going on behind the scenes that he isn't privvy to.


Thirdly, why are you treating me as an enemy in this discussion? I'm not even in favor of AC changes. I ask an honest question, and your response is snide, snarky, and patronizing. It is the type of response designed to encourage me to retort in kind, dragging the discussion down.


I've been trying to treat you with respect, despite how aggressively you act in this forum. Do me the same courtesy.

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Yes Eric, step in and throw the kids a bone. But make sure to emphasize how it is a "Maybe" and not a "Yes". Without that in the quote, you will likely have a hundred new threads pop up excited about the fact that "He said YES in the big thread" since taking things out of context is what some of us do very well :D


On a more serious note, I think the people in the thread deserve at least a "possibly in the future, maybe years down the road when the situation presents itself." kinda response. Just something that helps validate their need to cling to a 241 page thread founded on 18 month old information.


Stop telling devs what to think, please...


I atleast want Eric to drop to say Yes, No, Maybe....not just "Maybe"

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There aren't a great many threads on this but this is one of the most epically large and longest running ones that has been recently touched on these forums.


Hood toggles was another one: not too many threads about it but one VERY large one going on for years, also with little in the way of dev response. The final words were from a producer state of the game saying it would happen and in a later producer chat session saying it was too difficult. Neither involved any sort of yellow text on these forums.


I agree it would be nice to get some yellow text but the existence/non-existence of it doesn't mean much. Yellow posts with vague and incomplete negative answers have blown up in the past, as have posts giving guesses about release dates for systems/features that are being half-worked on. The smart play from BW on a powder keg (for some) like this -is- silence until something is concrete and even then...

Edited by Savej
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*le sigh*


First of all, you didn't respond to my point. If Eric wants to say those things then why do you think he isn't?


Second of all, Eric is not a dev. He is the community manager. I'm sure there are plenty of things that are going on behind the scenes that he isn't privvy to.


Thirdly, why are you treating me as an enemy in this discussion? I'm not even in favor of AC changes. I ask an honest question, and your response is snide, snarky, and patronizing. It is the type of response designed to encourage me to retort in kind, dragging the discussion down.


I've been trying to treat you with respect, despite how aggressively you act in this forum. Do me the same courtesy.


Ok... courtesy:


First & Second: Eric is not responding to the topic because the topic is volatile and the answer he has will make things worse. However, answering with a "Maybe" or "Someday" might just leave the window open and offer others a little solace on a topic which has long been ignored. Blanketly saying "He doesn't know" is a poor answer. Trust me. He has someone on speed dial whom he can just call and say, "Hey ____________, there's a big ole thread in the forums asking about AC swapping. Is it still on the wall of crazy? Yeah? Cool. Thanks." And with that, he can say "Maybe". Even if the answer was "No Eric, we took that down years ago", he could still come in with his "never say never" speech.


He is in this forum daily, and responded to my 7 page thread in less than 24 hours about a topic that was directly tied to the one on the front page of this particular thread. Instead, the topic goes unadressed and is only moving forward by a handful of supporters who are hanging all their hopes on something stated 18 mons ago. The largest proponent of this feature is someone who was quoted as saying, "I think they should spend resources elsewhere before AC swapping".


3rd: I am not treating you as an enemy, you are just keyed up and taking things personally. This is not about you, or me, this is about a topic that is un-addressed in 47 separate threads and the realists explaining to the optimists where things stand. I answered your question and again you came right back to "maybe he doesn't know" which we all know is a heaping pile of mushroom food. I will admit, the bridge comment was a bit much, but it does stand to reason that since you were stuck on the same answer, maybe you just didn't realize you were falling for some fallacy.


The day a CM is incapable of making a call to a dev, or just walking across the hall, just to get a generic, and politically correct ambiguous answer, we might as well just stop asking them questions and assume they know nothing.

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Stop telling devs what to think, please...


I atleast want Eric to drop to say Yes, No, Maybe....not just "Maybe"


Yes, because we all know I have some invisible string that makes the devs dance and bow to my whim like marionettes. :rolleyes: So, let me fix that for you:


Dear Eric. Please just say YES. Then we can all get on with our day. Thanks!



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There aren't a great many threads on this but this is one of the most epically large and longest running ones that has been recently touched on these forums.


Hood toggles was another one: not too many threads about it but one VERY large one going on for years, also with little in the way of dev response. The final words were from a producer state of the game saying it would happen and in a later producer chat session saying it was too difficult. Neither involved any sort of yellow text on these forums.


I agree it would be nice to get some yellow text but the existence/non-existence of it doesn't mean much. Yellow posts with vague and incomplete negative answers have blown up in the past, as have posts giving guesses about release dates for systems/features that are being half-worked on. The smart play from BW on a powder keg (for some) like this -is- silence until something is concrete and even then...


Yes but people should expect good answers, I mean they are devs why would they give a "Maybe" I find all their posts clarifying on their intentions, Eric is one of the favorites.


I really dont understand why people expect: NO most of the time, as if they knew they were wrong in the first place?


Yea Im one of the many folks that do expect a YES with clarifying on their intentions about this subject.

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Yes but people should expect good answers, I mean they are devs why would they give a "Maybe" I find all their posts clarifying on their intentions, Eric is one of the favorites.


I really dont understand why people expect: NO most of the time, as if they knew they were wrong in the first place?


Yea Im one of the many folks that do expect a YES with clarifying on their intentions about this subject.


Your expectations should not be a burden to realists.

Edited by Superman_AZ
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First & Second: Eric is not responding to the topic because the topic is volatile and the answer he has will make things worse.

Thanks. I get that this is your opinion, I just don't see this topic as particularly volatile. Here why:


A small handful of people really really want this feature. A small handful of people are really really opposed to this feature. 99% of all posts in this thread are by those same people, who sometimes get on a roll and go back and forth 10-15 times in a single day.


I think the majority of players really don't care one way or the other.



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Says who?


Im a realist and I know good things do happen.


Expecting a YES does not make you a realist. It makes you an optimist. A realist hopes for a yes, but anticipates a no. The pessimist will just say, "I know it's a No, so just come in and tell me no".

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Thanks. I get that this is your opinion, I just don't see this topic as particularly volatile. Here why:


A small handful of people really really want this feature. A small handful of people are really really opposed to this feature. 99% of all posts in this thread are by those same people, who sometimes get on a roll and go back and forth 10-15 times in a single day.


I think the majority of players really don't care one way or the other.




Right....what a insightful, down to the core post....dam

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Thanks. I get that this is your opinion, I just don't see this topic as particularly volatile. Here why:


A small handful of people really really want this feature. A small handful of people are really really opposed to this feature. 99% of all posts in this thread are by those same people, who sometimes get on a roll and go back and forth 10-15 times in a single day.


I think the majority of players really don't care one way or the other.




So, if the topic is NOT volatile... he has no excuse for NOT answering :rolleyes: Which brings me back to, why the silence?

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Expecting a YES does not make you a realist. It makes you an optimist. A realist hopes for a yes, but anticipates a no. The pessimist will just say, "I know it's a No, so just come in and tell me no".


I realist evalutes the scenario:


A realist will expect based on that, the amount of people supporting, the amount of work to it, the amount of of impact to the game overall.


for me it leans to a YES. Because im realist.


Realists arent pessimistic when they ask for something, because realists know they are right.

Edited by ZahirS
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Personally, I doubt I’d ever bother with changing my Advanced Class if they added the feature. I’ve played enough ACs to know what I like and what I don’t like. It might have been nice to have the option early on (i.e., when the game released). My first character was a Shadow and it took until he was in his mid-30s to realize how much I hated the class. I started a Sage instead and love the class so much, I have four of them now. The Shadow was long ago cast into Delete oblivion.


I pretty much agree with those who suggest that it does not take until level 55 to decide whether you like your AC. If the rationale for changing AC is a hearty dislike of the AC you chose, I suppose they could set a maximum level to change AC (say, around 30ish) … to give a player time to try out an AC to see if it’s fun.


I’m not sure I agree with the justifications offered by those who advocate letting 55s change their AC. That seems to dance close to making class choice almost irrelevant. In my opinion, there is something … off … about allowing a character to press a button and change its very essence. I would find characters frequently flip-flopping between ACs distasteful and unseemly. But my opinion is no reason to deny players the option. Plenty of people like chocolate, and I can’t stand the stuff.


But the reason I have a hard time arguing against AC changes is that I just don’t see how it affects me. The chief complaint seems to be a concern over someone changing their AC, but having no experience or understanding of playing that AC or using those skills. Such disadvantaged characters (arguably) jeopardize the success of the group play in which they engage. But I have a solution to that concern, which I shall set forth as a modest proposal to resolve the debate:


Allow anyone to change their AC at any time, at any level (subject to some fee charged in either CCs or credits, of course). But, anyone who changes their AC gets marked with a designator beside their character name so other players know they have changed their AC. The Group Finder would have an option to not group you with anyone so designated. The designator would need to be easily understood and sufficiently graphically distinct to not get lost in all the blue name/title/guild text we already see. My suggestion? We mark anyone who changes their AC with a scarlet “A” (for Advanced Class).

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I realist evalutes the scenario:


A realist will expect based on that, the amount of people supporting, the amount of work to it, the amount of of impact to the game overall.


for me it leans to a YES. Because im realist.


Realists arent pessimistic when they ask for something, because realists know they are right.




a person who tends to view or represent things as they really are.


As they are... not as they want it to be.

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