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HK series quest just stupid now


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For me a returning subscriber when the expansion came out I'm seriously disappointed in the how stupid hard the HK quest line is. I can't image anyone thinks it's fun spending several hours solo (since most already have the HK) scanning huge areas.


I've spent 2 hours at the Dark Temple and still not found the part. Very sad and disappointed in the whole thing, 16 second timer on scans, mobs all over the place, huge areas to scan = not fun.

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Stop your complaining for 2 reasons!


1: There are websites that have guides on where you should try searching at.

2: Instead of solo searching you should find the pieces with other players! It makes things a ALOT EASIER!!!!! :jawa_evil:

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For me a returning subscriber when the expansion came out I'm seriously disappointed in the how stupid hard the HK quest line is. I can't image anyone thinks it's fun spending several hours solo (since most already have the HK) scanning huge areas.


I've spent 2 hours at the Dark Temple and still not found the part. Very sad and disappointed in the whole thing, 16 second timer on scans, mobs all over the place, huge areas to scan = not fun.


I've done it solo 3 times now cause I'm cheap and don't wanna buy the unlock. There is nothing hard about it, never was and the only stupid thing about it is people complaining about it. It takes a LOT longer to level a char to the point where you can get the opposing factions part than it does to dig the pieces up.


My guess is, you don't understand how the quest works and are just randomly running around and scanning because in the 3 times I've done I've never spent more than an hour on one spot.

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When the HK parts first came out - it was a lot easier to go on a 'random running around the area to find it' spree - as there were a large number of people in any given spot - and most of the people were kind enough to shout out the waypoints in general chat.


Those times have since past but you can still find people willing to group up for the HK parts on almost every planet - just gotta ask around; and even doing it by yourself it's pretty easy - as by now there are tons of guides on the internet to help you out.

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This is the worst designed quest chain in the game and any mmo I have played, it forces you to group to get the part from the heroic flashpoint, and without lots of other people it is immensely tedious and not fun at all. The thing is that I have asked friends if they would bother to do this quest, but none wants to as it is just boring and not worth the effort. What I just don't get is why they force you to group on this quest chain, when the reward is something you use mostly when you quest solo.


I would not be surprised that mostly only those who got it on release when lots of people did this are the only people with this companion as I can't see anyone actually bother to do this quest chain anymore.


I suggest to at least make the scanning thing, a part of the new seeker droid system.

Edited by Merwanor
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For me a returning subscriber when the expansion came out I'm seriously disappointed in the how stupid hard the HK quest line is. I can't image anyone thinks it's fun spending several hours solo (since most already have the HK) scanning huge areas.


I've spent 2 hours at the Dark Temple and still not found the part. Very sad and disappointed in the whole thing, 16 second timer on scans, mobs all over the place, huge areas to scan = not fun.


Yes worst quest ever, buggy, horribly thought out, a huge lame time sink with no imagination.... how any casual player is supposed to complete this is beyond me. Do yourself a favor and put it into the" SWTOR most stupid ever" this is a place we put things like Force leeping during Hutt ball, cathar skin jobs, Cyborgs, etc etc.....

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It's a 10 minute excercise per planet. You have to think through your search and be systematic. I actually greatly appreciate that there's something that requires an ounce of brainpower in it.


Most funny and untrue post ever, congr@z

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When the HK parts first came out - it was a lot easier to go on a 'random running around the area to find it' spree - as there were a large number of people in any given spot - and most of the people were kind enough to shout out the waypoints in general chat.


Those times have since past but you can still find people willing to group up for the HK parts on almost every planet - just gotta ask around; and even doing it by yourself it's pretty easy - as by now there are tons of guides on the internet to help you out.



Besides, I love quests that give an excuse to go back to places like Dromund Kaas, or Taris, or Tatooine, even just to wander around and admire the scenery while I search for stuff. Heck, there are added bonuses to exploring areas you missed on lower-level planets like Dromund Kaas.

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"Without a thought of effort put into the quest,"..."one of the worst designed questlines in an MMO." What? It was a very creative mission. The Fatality and Theoretika are still some the most amazing group missions I have ever played. Surveying can get grindy, I suppose, but it should require some effort, there are online guides and it is worth it. HK is the most powerful companion in the game, and does even have his own story. If you think this is one of the worst quests ever, you don't understand a three things.

1. MMORPGs, no matter which way you go about it, contains tedium.

2. You need to put in effort to get a good reward.

3. You only have to do the quest once per faction, other times you can just unlock him with CC or credits.

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I've done it solo 3 times now cause I'm cheap and don't wanna buy the unlock. There is nothing hard about it, never was and the only stupid thing about it is people complaining about it. It takes a LOT longer to level a char to the point where you can get the opposing factions part than it does to dig the pieces up.


My guess is, you don't understand how the quest works and are just randomly running around and scanning because in the 3 times I've done I've never spent more than an hour on one spot.


An hour? Really? Longest I spend was 15 minutes and that was on the first planet I looked, Taris, because I started looking in the middle of the path instead of close to the ship.


I've found all the others very fast and while I leveled a new character I heard people all the time saying they found a piece on DK.

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I find these "Space missions too hard / HK quest too hard / I can't jump / Flashpoints are too hard / etc" QQ threads to be so ridiculous. This game is already very easy and if developers actually try to do something more interesting than just killing mobs, they should be praised for it, yet instead people cry about it.


It seems you just want "Give All" and "Kill Selected Target" abilities in your action bar. 'Cause you are unwilling to do any work to receive rewards.

Edited by Aelther
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An hour? Really? Longest I spend was 15 minutes and that was on the first planet I looked, Taris, because I started looking in the middle of the path instead of close to the ship.


I've found all the others very fast and while I leveled a new character I heard people all the time saying they found a piece on DK.


The Hoth one, for some reason, kept eluding me. Could not even get a whiff!

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I've done it solo 3 times now cause I'm cheap and don't wanna buy the unlock. There is nothing hard about it, never was and the only stupid thing about it is people complaining about it. It takes a LOT longer to level a char to the point where you can get the opposing factions part than it does to dig the pieces up.


My guess is, you don't understand how the quest works and are just randomly running around and scanning because in the 3 times I've done I've never spent more than an hour on one spot.




You can do it ALL in a night (if you already have the opposing faction toon ready to go)

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everything is boring and harder when played alone, period.

HK quest, heroics (even 2+ that can be solo are boring when you're alone), anything in a MMO is better when you have somebody to play with, even if it's 1 friend, it can make the quest for HK-51 a lot funnier.

it was damn boring looking for the part on taris alone, but when i found people to look together, it was so much fun.

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It takes almost 10 min (or more) to zone/speeder/travel to the area where the items can be found on many of the planets. And there's no way to cover a substantial fraction of the search areas solo in 10 min. So much bs on these forums...
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It takes almost 10 min (or more) to zone/speeder/travel to the area where the items can be found on many of the planets. And there's no way to cover a substantial fraction of the search areas solo in 10 min. So much bs on these forums...


Not really.


The issue with some people is that they don't cover the area properly and in some instances, they even don't look at the right place at all. Also, even though it is said to be random, I found the HK component more or less around the same area, most of the time. However, if it will make you feel better, I can always take a screenshot of every level 55 I have, with HK-51, fully equipped, still using rakata mods for a couple of months now.

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I did the quest 4 times. I spent no more than 10 minutes on any planet any time. Hoth seems to be the biggest search area, I wouldn't feel too bad with 20 minutes on that one.


Get lucky enough and you could find the each piece on your first try.


Get unlucky enough and you'll search for an hour per planet.

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Get lucky enough and you could find the each piece on your first try.


Get unlucky enough and you'll search for an hour per planet.


Not really possible if you move a proper distance before trying again. That's the problem, people don't look at the mechanics and think about what they are doing.

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Not really possible if you move a proper distance before trying again. That's the problem, people don't look at the mechanics and think about what they are doing.


You can move the proper distance every single time; if you start 21 meters away from the part then walk in the opposite direction of it, it's going to be a long while before you find the damn thing.

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An hour? Really? Longest I spend was 15 minutes and that was on the first planet I looked, Taris, because I started looking in the middle of the path instead of close to the ship.


That interesting, because I was a fair distance away from the ship when I found the Taris piece. Another player ran through while I was searching, and said his guild mates had all found their pieces on Taris in the middle of the water. It wasn't in there for me either.


The only useful thing that guides online provide you with are letting you know which map you need to be on.

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