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PvP Update: 2.4 - Arenas? New BG?

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If only it was that... But it won't be.


Considering their response, it will be more than 'just' a new Warzone. I expect a new system to appease to the more hardcore PvP'ers. I guess arena's fit the bill, but do we really just want a copy of World of Warcraft PvP?

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If only it was that... But it won't be.


Considering their response, it will be more than 'just' a new Warzone. I expect a new system to appease to the more hardcore PvP'ers. I guess arena's fit the bill, but do we really just want a copy of World of Warcraft PvP?


I'll take a copy of WoW pvp at this point. Yes. Yes. Yes.

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2.4 will be another promise of a future pvp update.


I fear this is more accurate, but as long as we're talking about things we'd love to see, my list is pretty short.


1.) Matchmaking system

2.) Cross-server queues

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2.4 = 1 new Warzone, 1 new gear-Tier



Lol - naturally, another tier of gear. A new warzone, if you are going to call it a PvP update. We could DEFINATELY use Cross-Server Ranked PvP queues, different types of Warzones (i.e. 3v3v3v3), and maybe smaller requirements for groups needed to queue for ranked PvP.



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Whatever it is, I guarantee it will disappoint and it will be much smaller than anything you might imagine it would be.


Such is the power of self centered pvp players.

fixed that for you and indeed


whatever BW put out, the PVPers will QQ.

Edited by astrobearx
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Please try to set your expectations so high that you will certainly be disappointed when the patch comes out.


Maybe you will get some stuff people are suggesting here, but certainly no all or even most.

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maybe they are getting smart and realizing that PvP gear was a stupid idea to begin with.



PvP is PLAYER vs PLAYER not gear vs gear. Hell blizzard figured it out after 8 years and just removed their main PvP stat from the game... they PvP gear now only will make it so that when fighting other player they are equal to high end raid geared players not superior to them.



On the topic of arenas that is the worst thing this game could do. Arenas nearly killed PvP in wow because of balance issues. Blizzard has been trying for years now to move the focus off of arenas because of the whining it causes due to balance. They have said more then one their biggest mistake was the arena system.


Regardless MMORPGs are PvE based games that can have PvP int hem, they are not PvP based games so if you play it just for PvP you are doing it wrong and your money is best spent elsewhere.


PvP gear has never been good for MMOs and everyone MMO pre wow understood that and most post wow have understood it with few exceptions. They need to use the bolster mechanic to make the playing field equal so that it is player vs player inside of warzones, and the revards only need to be titles mounts and cosmetic shells. True PvPers will be happy with the, they typical terrible player that requires PvP gear to beat someone 5 levels lower then them will never be happy with anything anyways so just ignore them.


The ONLY way to make PvP in this game good is to get rid of PvP gear all together and use bolster to make everything equal in a warzone. Only once gear is no longer a factor of any kind can they work on class balance in terms of PvP.


TBH i'm happy PvP updates are months away and they have said they are months away just so the cry babies can stop whining about how they are no longer OP in PvP and want new crutches to lean on.

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  • 1 month later...

I 100% agree with your statement.


PVP armor is the worst idea there ever was. All it does is give PVPers an imbalanced bonus to "gank" someone trying to get dailies done in a PVE environment. I am hoping that they just make Expertise mean nothing outside of warzones.


That way we can focus on who is the better player and not who has the better gear.


Gear VS Gear is a total fail.


maybe they are getting smart and realizing that PvP gear was a stupid idea to begin with.



PvP is PLAYER vs PLAYER not gear vs gear. Hell blizzard figured it out after 8 years and just removed their main PvP stat from the game... they PvP gear now only will make it so that when fighting other player they are equal to high end raid geared players not superior to them.

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If only it was that... But it won't be.


Considering their response, it will be more than 'just' a new Warzone. I expect a new system to appease to the more hardcore PvP'ers. I guess arena's fit the bill, but do we really just want a copy of World of Warcraft PvP?


We're already getting their Scenarios, might as well just slap every feature in they can and hope it all sticks.

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Though i really hope its either Arenas or Space Warzones/PVP, It'll most likely just be another warzone, Another start of the ranked season, And probbably a new tier of PVP gear. Not gonna get my hopes up :/
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