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No PvP content until 2.4...I think this is it for this guy.


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While I am thinking about it; they don't even mention any real ideas for PvP; just that it will get an update in 2.4. We don't even know if they have even a decent idea to entice anyone to optimistically wait around for it.


Just think they haven't even thought about PvP then realized "Oh hey! We are announcing all this stuff and forgot about PvP! We have no plans! I know. Lets make our plan, to plan on having a plan in a future update we haven't really thought about yet and throw it on there."

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Wow, this is like the worst case scenario. I don't see how anyone who plays this game solely for PvP could justify paying a $15 subscription for this game.


In a year and a half, for PvP content, we've gotten 2 warzones and a broken ranked warzone system, and now they are saying that the next major PvP update (which they won't even talk about) won't be coming out for the duration of this summer. Thats going to be like a 9 month gap in between PvP updates, just awful.

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Well I play with some avid BF players so I shall be getting ahold of you to put some holes in people.


Sounds good. This account is inactive within the next few days so you cna always hit me up on notpersonal.enjin.com.


Prolly the easiest way.

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Honestly the one thing we are getting is our CC break will now reset on death (which I think is pretty stupid) However, I have been hoping and praying for some content because I find myself less and less motivated to do anything in game. I log in, see whats going on and I log off. I don't think I can justify waiting another 3 months for one more warzone.


Dayum dood...


I've only known you through the forums, and yeah fought with/against ya in-game but...

You seem really down lol. It's unbecoming of you.


Try this for medicine...


...go snag a couple women and a bottle of rum.

That should set any man straight.

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I have been looking at Wildstar and it looks pretty cool. Been trying to get into the Beta. It won't be out until the fall though I think. That would be awesome if they make a new Battlefront game. Supposedly it's going to be built on the Dice engine like Battlefield
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I have been looking at Wildstar and it looks pretty cool. Been trying to get into the Beta. It won't be out until the fall though I think. That would be awesome if they make a new Battlefront game. Supposedly it's going to be built on the Dice engine like Battlefield


That's what I heard... which sounds off the hook. That's the perfect engine for something like that I would say.

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I have been looking at Wildstar and it looks pretty cool. Been trying to get into the Beta. It won't be out until the fall though I think. That would be awesome if they make a new Battlefront game. Supposedly it's going to be built on the Dice engine like Battlefield


I need to find something short term that will keep my occupied. I find it unfortunate that I actually do like this game and will get over whatever pisses me off then resubscribe again only to be reminded there isjust the same stuff over and over again. Gotta find a new obsession I guess; to break free of the old one.

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I have been looking at Wildstar and it looks pretty cool. Been trying to get into the Beta. It won't be out until the fall though I think. That would be awesome if they make a new Battlefront game. Supposedly it's going to be built on the Dice engine like Battlefield


wildstar looks amazing. gonna be preordering that sucker as soon as its available.


i really want to see a next gen Xwing vs Tie Fighter game. would be mind bottling

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PvP content 1.6 ---> 2.4 = 8-9 MONTHS!?! What are BioWare thinking? They really expect PvPers to keep playing the same old content and only farming for new Gear/Stats for 8-9 months?


BioWare said in pre2.0 Cantina Q/A that PvP content would come shortly after 2.0-

2.4 is NOT shortly after 2.0

With the massive outcry over 2.1 did they really not expect this to happend here aswell? They totally ignored PvPers.

Bolster at 55 ruined alot aswell.

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wildstar looks amazing. gonna be preordering that sucker as soon as its available.


i really want to see a next gen Xwing vs Tie Fighter game. would be mind bottling

I think i'm going to be trying out Final Fantasy out in August. Cousin said it would be good, so i'm going to give it a try or maybe try to get back into competitive CoD

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2.4 better be amazing, I just resubbed this past week after a 2 month hiatus away from this game. Turns out that its not like I'll be seeing anything new after all.

Least Server xfers will be here relatively quickly and then we can get more competitive pvp going...

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I need to find something short term that will keep my occupied. I find it unfortunate that I actually do like this game and will get over whatever pisses me off then resubscribe again only to be reminded there isjust the same stuff over and over again. Gotta find a new obsession I guess; to break free of the old one.


I know exactly what you mean. I really enjoy this game. I just wish someone at BW would wake the **** up and figure out how to do their damn job. The amount of missteps this game has made is unreal. If this wasn't a Star Wars game it would have been dead out of the gates. It's really the only thing keeping me interested.


I'll probably just finish up the story lines on my alts maybe play on the Imp side for the stories until the day I check my mail and see an ESO or Wildstar invite.

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Least Server xfers will be here relatively quickly and then we can get more competitive pvp going...


I'd be interested to see if that even matters. Aren't most PvP guilds suffering from a loss of members already? Imagine what it will be like by August.

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I have not played a lot of FPS on PC. I might try Planetside or Defiance even for the MMO side of things to still be there. I do have a founders account on MWO as well, and I haven't played Skyrim a lot but Skyrim seems to make me nauseous. Something about the camera on it.
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Thx for the link. Very, very disappointing news for PvP. Never thought I would unsub, but looks like the time has come. Probably better to just surf and play more golf this summer anyway.


I have no interest in Wildstar or ESO whatsoever. GW2 is a big disappointment too. Probably better that I just unplug, but I really enjoy PvPing in video games. heh

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Yeah the CC change and the complete lack of content ruins this game for me. Waiting months and months for pvp content that is underwhelming and class changes that do not show understanding of pvp functionality.


This game made me go from loving bioware to hating bioware.


Maybe if they had content coming out soon I would stay, but they aren't so I see no reason to when only the PVE area of this game is considered priority.

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Link is here.



Honestly the one thing we are getting is our CC break will now reset on death (which I think is pretty stupid) However, I have been hoping and praying for some content because I find myself less and less motivated to do anything in game. I log in, see whats going on and I log off. I don't think I can justify waiting another 3 months for one more warzone.


The CC break is ONE of the minor things coming. I read it as there will be a significant patch for 2.4 with him noting CC break as a tease. That said, it's pretty disheartening to know that PvP will basically be neglected all summer long.

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Yeah the CC change and the complete lack of content ruins this game for me. Waiting months and months for pvp content that is underwhelming and class changes that do not show understanding of pvp functionality.


This game made me go from loving bioware to hating bioware.


Maybe if they had content coming out soon I would stay, but they aren't so I see no reason to when only the PVE area of this game is considered priority.


I agree with everything here.



The CC break is ONE of the minor things coming. I read it as there will be a significant patch for 2.4 with him noting CC break as a tease. That said, it's pretty disheartening to know that PvP will basically be neglected all summer long.


There is nothing minor about this change, its major...its another slap in the face in the ever going effort to make this game more casual friendly.

Edited by cycao
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I will see you all in 2.4, think its time to take a break, PvP was getting dull with the same 5 maps, they needed to spruce it up big style, and this just sucks. Plus the PvE is a load of crap, woop NiM TFB, wow like that ops hasn't been around forever, its just slack, drip feeding us these updates slowly and ripping us off. This is not good value for money, well done BW you just lost another customer.
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