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B30 Ranked Schedule 2.0


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You seem to have a lot of animosity towards us just by the manner in which you seem to hang on every post i make and throw out subtle cheap shots at us in replies. I don't know the reason why, but I was always cordial with you and when you wanted an invite in the early days i gave you one no questions asked. I don't think anyone ever was disrespectful to you. On the rare occasions you were logged on, we offered you spots in the GvG games or in regs, although you played pub side more. I never even knew you quit the guild until awhile later just because you rarely logged on so it was by your own accord. I hear stories of you on pub side constantly talking crap about us.


I'm just curious, what happened that made you so angry with us?


really? constantly talking crap on pub side? you mean like when your douche bag guildies hop on their rep toons and troll me in general, and then I reply to them in general? or in a WZ ops?


they're not cheap shots. they're truth. I don't exaggerate. I don't make things up. and I don't troll ppl UNLESS they're my friends. know what I'm saiyin? it's cool. you don't hold your guldies hands. doesn't matter.

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You seem to have a lot of animosity towards us just by the manner in which you seem to hang on every post i make and throw out subtle cheap shots at us in replies. I don't know the reason why, but I was always cordial with you and when you wanted an invite in the early days i gave you one no questions asked. I don't think anyone ever was disrespectful to you. On the rare occasions you were logged on, we offered you spots in the GvG games or in regs, although you played pub side more. I never even knew you quit the guild until awhile later just because you rarely logged on so it was by your own accord. I hear stories of you on pub side constantly talking crap about us.


I'm just curious, what happened that made you so angry with us?


The guy crys aboot everything why even sweat it. Drink another beer and smash some republic pugs with an 8 man beer thirty group. Enjoy your time in the game with your friends how you see fit.



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The guy crys aboot everything why even sweat it. Drink another beer and smash some republic pugs with an 8 man beer thirty group. Enjoy your time in the game with your friends how you see fit.



hey Jenna'syyde, there's a WZ starting on JC. if you you hurry up and login, you'll be able to leave it.

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And now this thread has degraded into who's more angry behind a computer screen. I'm sure once guilds that have been carrying you krak like all these dual premades of people too scared to solo que like LD, Bloodline,prime-defense, republic g-men, server transfer, you might actually learn to play your class and can actually back up some of your forum talk.
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And now this thread has degraded into who's more angry behind a computer screen. I'm sure once guilds that have been carrying you krak like all these dual premades of people too scared to solo que like LD, Bloodline,prime-defense, republic g-men, server transfer, you might actually learn to play your class and can actually back up some of your forum talk.


Let the tunneling commence?

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And now this thread has degraded into who's more angry behind a computer screen. I'm sure once guilds that have been carrying you krak like all these dual premades of people too scared to solo que like LD, Bloodline,prime-defense, republic g-men, server transfer, you might actually learn to play your class and can actually back up some of your forum talk.


your math isn't so good. dual premade = full ops. no room for me. if you want to point out where I've said anything untrue here, you go right ahead. I don't think you can, so you're attacking my....what? class knowledge? I'm good. I'm not great. never claimed otherwise. I don't cheat. and I don't resort to personal attacks just because someone's pointed out a truth that I don't like. grow up.

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Definitely at least Wednesday Uncensored should be in the rated q at the same time as you guys this week.


Our A and B teams will be in the queue, which should give us atleast four teams. Should be a fun night!

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first post O_O


what shall i try to convey in my first and most likely my last post hmmmmm


antiphon.... ah yes antiphon.... keep crying about b30 bruh, keep being mad, keep hating, keep posting in a thread that has "ranked" in it even though u dont play ranked so it has nothing to do with u. pls keep doing all those things if they make u feel better man. we all need to do things to relieve the stress that builds from real life. stress is a killer, so in a way, i'm saving ur life. thank me later.

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your math isn't so good. dual premade = full ops. no room for me. if you want to point out where I've said anything untrue here, you go right ahead. I don't think you can, so you're attacking my....what? class knowledge? I'm good. I'm not great. never claimed otherwise. I don't cheat. and I don't resort to personal attacks just because someone's pointed out a truth that I don't like. grow up.


What you fail to grasp is the intent is of this thread was to notify other PvP guilds of B30's schedule and encourage other teams to queue up for ranked as well. Somewhere in reading the post you felt it necessary to make it about yourself and problems you have with our guild by airing out what you think is our dirty laundry which in fact is common knowledge to the majority of our PvP "community". The only statement you made that was false was your claim that B30 "super-queue" and drop warzones until we end up in the same warzone instance, its not something we have ever practiced because well..um...its lame, and to be frank its not something we feel we need to do to win warzones

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Our A and B teams will be in the queue, which should give us atleast four teams. Should be a fun night!



Good stuff. Hopefully we'll do more than 1 night for the week it's just last week some of our guys were sitting at 3000 m/s and dc'ing all over the place.

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I'm sure once guilds that have been carrying you krak like all these dual premades of people too scared to solo que like LD, Bloodline,prime-defense, republic g-men.


Dear Mrs. Fallenturtle.


Little Johnny is so full of spunk and delight, he knows how to make the other kids giggle. However, he has an independent streak that prevents him from making friends and playing with them. For some reason, he's also developed a bit of a superiority complex for being all alone. This has led to some confrontations on the playground. In one such incident, and completely unprovoked I might add, he started calling names at a group of four. That group beat him up and took his lunch money. We're all hoping Johnny will crack out of his shell one day.



Cates Von Tankington Esq. III

Schoolyard Proctor

Edited by TalonKorr
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Our A and B teams will be in the queue, which should give us atleast four teams. Should be a fun night!


Tonight is an off night for us, but if we have a solid core on, we'll try to get a team together, if not, have fun

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Dear Mrs. Fallenturtle.


Little Johnny is so full of spunk and delight, he knows how to make the other kids giggle. However, he has an independent streak that prevents him from making friends and playing with them. For some reason, he's also developed a bit of a superiority complex for being all alone. This has led to some confrontations on the playground. In one such incident, and completely unprovoked I might add, he started calling names at a group of four. That group beat him up and took his lunch money for the day. We're all hoping Johnny will crack out of his shell one day.



Cates Von Tankington Esq. III

Schoolyard Proctor



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And now this thread has degraded into who's more angry behind a computer screen. I'm sure once guilds that have been carrying you krak like all these dual premades of people too scared to solo que like LD, Bloodline,prime-defense, republic g-men, server transfer, you might actually learn to play your class and can actually back up some of your forum talk.


Who are you?

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What you fail to grasp is the intent is of this thread was to notify other PvP guilds of B30's schedule and encourage other teams to queue up for ranked as well. Somewhere in reading the post you felt it necessary to make it about yourself and problems you have with our guild by airing out what you think is our dirty laundry which in fact is common knowledge to the majority of our PvP "community". The only statement you made that was false was your claim that B30 "super-queue" and drop warzones until we end up in the same warzone instance, its not something we have ever practiced because well..um...its lame, and to be frank its not something we feel we need to do to win warzones


on the contrary, I was in mumble when someone said superQ (as in let's go). and then a female voice responded soon after "should we take that?" the male voice again, "hold on. let me check." there was more to the convo. I was present for more than one of their Q pops. but I think you get the gist.


and yes, when I see superQ come up, I do jump into the thread. and I will continue to do so. although in this instance, I do believe I explained that what jaiden was calling a superQ was, in fact, not one.

Edited by foxmob
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on the contrary, I was in mumble when someone said superQ (as in let's go). and then a female voice responded soon after "should we take that?" the male voice again, "hold on. let me check." there was more to the convo. I was present for more than one of their Q pops. but I think you get the gist.


and yes, when I see superQ come up, I do jump into the thread. and I will continue to do so. although in this instance, I do believe I explained that what jaiden was calling a superQ was, in fact, not one.


Keep fighting the good fight, no one cares

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Thanks for the good read, on other news as for the unicorns a lot of interest in wanting to do ranked and xil expressed interest in trying to field a team. That being said due to the crazy south Korean times I won't be able to play against you guys on any of those days. Hopefully *crosses fingers* Unicorns will start doing ranked soon though. As for the trolls, without you this game wouldn't be fun keep doing what you do.




P.P.S I hate that I disconnect all the time....damn you swtor

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hey Jenna'syyde, there's a WZ starting on JC. if you you hurry up and login, you'll be able to leave it.


Edited For Biowares Approval.

Please Don't Ban Me Bioware, Just Nerf the evil inside me. It Is Way to Over Powered For ME to control.


Love Always,


Edited by rlamela
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Oh and to that no talent whiny little teribad Kayko stop wasting good forum space with you dribble aboot how Over powered Marauders/Sentinels are (which by the way they are not). Its just pathetic really. Now your making up nonsense aboot 36M leaps.



Love Always,


Yes, you're right, I am a "teribad"


First off, I'm asking a question in the PvP forums to try and figure out if I am missing something. I don't play a Marauder or a Sentinel, I don't have the playing knowledge of the class. I take the time to record and review my warzones in an effort to get better and learn any little trick against a particular class/spec. It's something I picked up from my old days of WoW and pushing US firsts, it stuck with me and something I will always continue to do.

I have been under the knowledge that 30 meters is the max range for Force Leap and noticed in my video that this particular leap was further then my assumed range.


At any point, I will fully admit that this play is far better at their class then I am at mine, I am not above admitting someone is better.


I removed all the names from the warzone as to not even look as if I am calling someone a hacker. Without proof of hacking or exploiting, I will never assume that is the case.


About the quitting of warzones, Every time I saw your name in a warzone, before the second turret was fully turned, before Baron Deathmark finished saying "Score one for", before the fade of the notification of your first death was gone, I knew that I would see your name leaving the warzone. You like many other quitters want nothing more then to be carried by others and the way you leave shows that to be true.

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Yes, you're right, I am a "teribad"


First off, I'm asking a question in the PvP forums to try and figure out if I am missing something. I don't play a Marauder or a Sentinel, I don't have the playing knowledge of the class. I take the time to record and review my warzones in an effort to get better and learn any little trick against a particular class/spec. It's something I picked up from my old days of WoW and pushing US firsts, it stuck with me and something I will always continue to do.

I have been under the knowledge that 30 meters is the max range for Force Leap and noticed in my video that this particular leap was further then my assumed range.


At any point, I will fully admit that this play is far better at their class then I am at mine, I am not above admitting someone is better.


I removed all the names from the warzone as to not even look as if I am calling someone a hacker. Without proof of hacking or exploiting, I will never assume that is the case.


About the quitting of warzones, Every time I saw your name in a warzone, before the second turret was fully turned, before Baron Deathmark finished saying "Score one for", before the fade of the notification of your first death was gone, I knew that I would see your name leaving the warzone. You like many other quitters want nothing more then to be carried by others and the way you leave shows that to be true.


Think what you will, but people who like being carried wouldn't quit every warzone he entered that had 2 3man premades on his team. People who like being carried wouldn't have quit 90% of warzones he entered that had a 4man Nataly (QQ) Premade on his team.

But keep making posts like this http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=638868 they are very much why I laugh when you mention my quitting matches you were in. If I would have known you were in the match I'd have quit before it even started.

Yes I'm pretty sure I got carried to some victories.And I'm also sure I carried myself to many of those victories also. And Then there were many many of victories I pulled my weight. And seriously my quitting was never as big as you all like to make it out. I'd play 150 warzones a week and quit maybe 15. And yes I quit many matches before they start (but its no different then making a premade. I just had a list of teribads I refused to do warzones with.)

And now that I play on a server that isn't 50% full of stupid, I quit maybe 3 or 4 a week. I mean win or lose if my team is actually there trying to win its fun. But on Jedi Covenant 50% of the PVP population cant even manage to do simple things like call inc, respond to inc, fight at nodes facing nodes, break 50K damage or 50k healing in full warzones.



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on the contrary, I was in mumble when someone said superQ (as in let's go). and then a female voice responded soon after "should we take that?" the male voice again, "hold on. let me check." there was more to the convo. I was present for more than one of their Q pops. but I think you get the gist.


Edited by _Adisa_
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