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User Interface improvements: What's your wishlist?

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I really wish that SWTOR would add visible mission rewards! You know, like the ability to see what your experience gains, credits, and items will be from completing a mission!


I really hope this happens with Game Update 2.1.1 too! :rak_09:




Slightly off topic, but please forgive me! Hopefully Mr. Musco sees this, but would it be possible to bring back the pre 1-2 UI? Updated, of course with the "things" it would need, ie: Ancient Hypergate score card. I'll post a link below to give an idea of what I'm referring to. :)


Naturally, players can choose to customize the UI that was given to us with 1.2 but the option (IMO) should be there for players to choose a pre-1.2 UI or post 1.2 to give some variety.





Would love to see this come back as I really really liked it and was a little disappointed to know we were unable to retain it after 1.2 was launched.

Edited by XaviusVedinas
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Pretty much what I want has been said, but just in case they're counting votes I'd like to add mine to:


-Everything that's been said about buffs/de-buffs. Maybe even have party members' panels change color in the raid frame when they get a cleanseable debuff/dot.


-Grey out party members that are out of LoS. This annoys the @#$% out of me as a healer. *I* can see my tank, so why isn't this heal going off? Oh, crap... my dude apparently can't see over that 4' tall crate. Oops, tank died.


-Target of Focus Target. This would be a healer's best friend.


-More obvious procs - even the ability to set a notification when ability on quickslot X, Y, or Z is available


-EXPORT/IMPORT KEYBINDS!!! This is a serious PITA when setting up a new character, especially since my setup is pretty radically altered from the default.


Oh, and one that just came to mind - have toolbars lock in combat, whether you've locked it manually or not. Would have saved me embarrassment that one time I stealthed up to a CC target with my Sawbones and hit what SHOULD have been my CC but had apparently been inadvertently swapped with an attack during the heat of the previous battle. :o

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There's one thing I would really like to see with the UI -- I play a Jedi Shadow, and (especially since 2.0) there are an awful lot of 'stacks' of effects that buff/modify my various abilities. I find it hard, at times, to pick things out quickly, when I'm in a situation (FP or Ops, especially) with tons of buff icons to search through.


I'd like to have stack indicators placed on the actual ability icons they affect. For instance, if stacks of Breaching Shadows would actually display on any Force Breach icons I have slotted in my hotbars. Stacks of Circling Shadows could be shown on Shadow Strike icons and so forth. This would make it a great deal easier for me to see at a glance where I am, as I already have to keep an eye on the hotbars for the cooldown status.


It would likely be easier to implement simply putting 'stacks' in a separate (user-movable) frame from the buffs, but placing indicators on the ability icons themselves would be the ideal solution, IMO.

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I would like to see some QoL improvements to some of the UI windows. I'd like them to remember the last state they were in when they close. Specifically, windows like crafting. I'd like to be able to sort it and have it stay that way until I change it. Or crew missions as well. When leveling crew missions and a new tier is unlocked, you have to keep selecting the previous tier tab when there are not enough of the new missions to take. It's just tedious.


I would also like to 2nd a previous request for GTN changes to selling items. An item should be able to be dragged to the buy search box and have it automatically run a search for that item. Selling multiple items on the GTN is just a pain.

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I have lots of ideas and wishes for the UI but here are some of my most-desired:



  • Ability to re-arrange my compaion window so I can put my most-used ones at the top so I don't have to scroll down to select my companions that have the critical bonus.
  • Smaller and tighter character selection screen when I start up the game. Right now only 8 are listed and need to go to the next page to see the other 4. The list should be small enough to fit all 12 (or even 16) slots on a single page.
  • Gathering missions should also all fit neatly into a single window so that I don't have to scroll up and down every time to find a mission I want to do.
  • This one is difficult to explain: when companions return and the window pops up the "accept" button is always in a different position depending on what happens upon return (ie. success, failure, long description, short description). So if I get 5 mission returns that I have to accept they should put the "accept" button in the same place so I can just click 5x quickly in one spot instead of having to move my mouse to 5 different spots after each one.
    OR, and this is probably easier to do, put a small "accept all" button next to the "pending" notification.
    OR, how about an option to "auto accept all gathering missions" similar to how we can "auto decline duel invites".
  • To un-clutter my crafting list I'd like to be able to "hide" things that I have no use for any longer. Once I RE and learn how to make the blue version of something, I can hide the green one cuz I won't be making it again. This goes for blue-to-purple also.
  • One-click gear changer. At the very least we should have a quick way to switch between PvE and PvP gear. Right now we have to click on 14 different pieces every time we want to go do something else.
  • This is my first MMO so I have nothing to compare it to but the way many things are labeled/graded/etc is ridiculously clumsy. For example, gathering missions are labeled "Mission Level 10-16" that gets us Grade 1 stuff but has nothing to do with the actual level of my character. Why not just label them like "Grade 1, Grade 2, etc"? If I need to gather a Grade 4 Gemstone I actually have to select "Mission Level 33-40" from the dropdown.
    And what about how mods are labeled? You'd think getting "AnyMod 13" would mean you have to be at least level 13 to use it, right? But that's not the case... AnyMod 13 actually requires me to be Level 31 so why not label them them as AnyMod 31 so it's obvious to see that I need to be Level 31 to use it? This goes for anything... armoring, enhancements, hilts, etc.
  • I have 11 characters and I'd like to be able to view my entire Legacy Family Tree by being able to zoom out or something. Right now I can only scroll around if I want to see everything.

Edited by PetFish
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-Improve Naga Mouse support right now holding down the right click button causes the mouse cursor to click through occationally which will cause the camera to spin on you.



I get this with all mice, not just my naga.



So while I'm at it, for gods sake please allow me crafting window to remain sorted by level.

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  1. Mission History - Listing of completed missions and rewards. Would be useful if it could also show completed chains and in-progress quest chains. Very useful when you come back to an ALT after a while.
  2. Cutscene History - Ability to play cutscenes that you have already seen again - probably tied to above Mission History
  3. Reward History - Show rewards/codex entries/achievements you have received in a sortable order (by type/by order) and the ability to click on them and open the appropriate item. For example, see the codex entry you just got and click on it to go to the entry.
  4. Multiple Crew Management - A mechanism by which we can manage all crews across all characters on a server for crafting.

Edited by Omne
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  • Smaller and tighter character selection screen when I start up the game. Right now only 8 are listed and need to go to the next page to see the other 4. The list should be small enough to fit all 12 (or even 16) slots on a single page.


That could work. I'd be happy just to switch from having discreet 'pages' to having a vertical scrollbar. I find a quick scroll via mouse-wheel to be much better than having to click an on-screen button to change pages.

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I really wish that SWTOR would add visible mission rewards! You know, like the ability to see what your experience gains, credits, and items will be from completing a mission!


I really hope this happens with Game Update 2.1.1 too! :rak_09:




Thats all fine and good, not sure really how useful that will be once you get into the phase (lvl 55) of doing dailies over and over, as if you need to be reminded what the rewards are. However useful this may be for some players, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most people could give two. What players HAVE been asking for pretty consistently since release, and certainly afer 1.2 when the UI editor was implemented would be things like....


-Not in any order of demmand, but all requested repeatedly.


1. Debuff filtering

2. Debuff/Buff /Hots/Dot tracking e.g. bars.. moveable. not attached to the unitframe

3. Improved raid frame options.. buff/hots/debuffs

4. Click to cast functionality

5. Power auras type feature

6. Save talent builds

7. Save keybinds for different specs

8. Save gear loadouts


Of all the good ideas people have been posting on this thread, if I was to prioritize all of them... being able to see the rewards you get from a quest would be dead last. Props for trying I guess. :(

Edited by MindSpore
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  • I'd like an option to disable character portraits. I'd like that a lot.
  • Class coloured health bars.
  • Role icons on raid frames - though by extension this means being able to designate who is filling what role, presumably by the raid leader / lieutenant right-clicking the frames.
  • Predictive healing - I can't find a handy link to describe it to those who will assume this somehow automates the game. It's a visualisation on health bars that illustrates incoming heals as they're being cast.
  • Smoothed damage animation - in some ways the mirror of predictive healing except that rather than showing incoming damage (though that would be nice), it hilights how much damage has just been taken.
  • Mouse-over (raid frame / character frame) healing.
  • Generally anything you can duplicate from VuhDo, Grid or Prat (see curse.com for details).
  • An in-game combat log (yes, I know it's on the wall).
  • Placable markers - ie for use during raids (I know, they're on the wall too, most of these are).
  • Alternate UI border colour or perhaps even one day in the distant future, full alternate colour themes.
  • Right-click functions on character names in chat, particularly group invites.
  • Some control over scrolling combat text - I never see it with larger creatures as it appears above their heads which are already out of frame.
  • Colour & symbols used for SCT to make the numbers relevant to whatever attack / heal they're representing. The current sea of numbers really doesn't tell us much because it has so little context.
  • More prominent display of abilities that have become available because their trigger condition has been reached. A (movable) icon that appears at that time, outside the action bars would be nice. (AKA a simple Weak Auras).
  • Refined crafting windows - which I won't detail here because that deserves its own discussion.
  • Ping-able minimap (with a restriction on how rapidly a player can ping..)

Edited by Kynesis
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I play a madness sorc in a 16 man raiding guild. My #1 quality of life UI feature would be dot filtering and scaling in the UI. I want to be able to see whether other raid members put up armor debuffs etc., so I would not be happy with a toggle that only gives you the option to show all dots/debuffs on a target or just your own.


I want a way to distinguish my dots and debuffs on a target from another player's at a glance. For example, one way would be through scaling. It'd be amazing if you could adjust the size of your own dots/debuffs on a target. You could make yours 2x the size of other people's. Then it would be very easy to discern at a glance if that affliction still on the target is yours or another sorc's.


This leads to my second wish: dot timers. I want to be able to track the number of seconds left on all my dots on all targets (or maybe a cap of 5, for example). This way I can easily track dot uptime in a multi-target fight. That is all. Thanks.

Edited by Nhudri
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For me the UI is very very good for one that is not custom moddable by 3rd party solutions.


However, there is one ABSOLUTE must for me:


1) Ability to track and identify your buffs, de-buffs, DOTs etc on a mob and not every man and his dogs. Seeing 4 incinerate DOTs and not knowing which one is yours for example is a pain in the butt!


And one wishlist item:


2) Mouse over healing, please reduce the wear and tear on my naga by 50%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I love my UI as scarce as possible. I prefer to watch the game, not various other screens. Sure I can edit it but there is just too much stuff there which is essential. I could always memorize the toolbars but it's so much effort :>


Alt+z makes the game look beautfiful...

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There probably is a way to do this, and if not, there dang well should be.


- I'd like to see a feature where I can compare the armour, mods and enhancements from one piece of gear with another at the same time.


At the moment I have to open one via right click, look at the stats (I actually note them down on paper. TBH I enjoy this a bit - feels old school) then open the other piece via right click and see which is better.


I find myself doing this a lot, both for min/maxing and because I rarely (actually ... never) like the campaign or PvP sets and always strip the mods etc for my own 'look'.


- I'd also like to see a way to make the proc boxes bigger without making the whole health bar display bigger - at the moment they are fixed together.

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- Option to save keybinds per character or per account

- Multiple different Unitframes and/or being able to hide character portraits

- Different unitbar designs (the square around the abilities)

- More options for flytext such as buffs and debuffs.

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The UI would really benefit from enabling the resizing and movement of all major windows. And get rid of the limitation on the number of windows that can be open at once. In other words, I'd like to be able to browse the GTN, crew skills menu, inventory, and character sheet simultaneously. I also want to be able to resize these windows so that they'll all fit on the screen at once. Having to close one window to open another is reminiscent of computing at 800x600 back in 1995.


This! Completely agree.




Just saw this:

The multiple window thing already exists, but it's not obvious. Under the interface editor "enable moveable secondary window" both makes them moveable and allows many windows to be opened at once.

Edited by Randilor
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I wish a UI that isn't buggy.

for instance companion frame goes to the left when I go in a group... as in not saving it position properly.

Companion Frame sometimes get a small overlay so I cannot summon it.

PvP flags disappearing and reappearing at random.

just not loading at all seriously. the UI shouldn't have that stuff even after several re-installs.

Edited by Boejakka
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I wish that the collections system was never made and i wish i havent got this game since the release, and i wish i havent got the collector´s edition, and i wish i didnt spend a lot of money on the lotery bags basicly i wish i was smart enough not to play this game but eaware can take our soul from us and bring us to the darkside
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Vendor interface needs to be redone in a way to at a minimum enable easy sorting by sets.


With 3-4 sets per class the fixed window size you must slide up and down on is infuriating.


And as a slap to the face, the new pve tier gear sold on the operation ships is cut down to 2 vendors, one for "tech" and one for "force" classes. Enjoy finding anything.


Way to rub salt into the would BW lol.

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Let me definitely echo the people saying "Make Cleansable debuffs stand out".


As I've gotten into higher-level FPs, playing the "Can I cleanse this?" guessing-game is getting frustrating, especially when the person has 4-5 debuffs popping up and random ones inexplicably remain after a cleanse.


Or there's no consistency — I can cleanse off some Armor Reduction debuffs. And then other ones, nothing happens. It's really confusing. +100 points to all the suggestions for a stand-out border color to cleansable debuffs.

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