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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Events bringing the trolls out from under their bridges, and how to fix it.


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lol... are you serious? There's like 7 PvE missions to PvPs 2. If you want to make it even based, make 7 PvP missions and 7 PvE ones. You are being biased. Just stop.


I totally agree with you BUT, you are mistaken in one point!


There are no 7 pve and 2 pvp missions in the Gree event. There are 7 pve missions outside, and 2 pve missions inside the pvp area. BIG difference. I totally agree with you, that there sould be 7 pve and 7 pvp missions at least, but as things are now, there are 9 pve missions, and 0 pvp missions. BioWare design fail.

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Oh no, my post wasn't written calmly and politely?

Do I need a timeout now?


I'm merely telling you that you will achieve nothing with that tone and that it's hypocritical to tell someone to stop whining while giving off the impression that the entire thread is a personal insult to you and the way you think other people should behave.


Edit: Just saw your second reply.


It is your opinion that people are wrong to feel this way all right, there's nothing factual about it. Obviously I wasn't referring to the mechanics of the event (which are the facts you stated) as it's clear that that is how they currently are and the OP questioned whether they should be changed. You don't think so, which is fine, but there's no need to be as rude about it as you are.

Edited by Lung_Tien_Lien
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I totally agree with you BUT, you are mistaken in one point!


There are no 7 pve and 2 pvp missions in the Gree event. There are 7 pve missions outside, and 2 pve missions inside the pvp area. BIG difference. I totally agree with you, that there sould be 7 pve and 7 pvp missions at least, but as things are now, there are 9 pve missions, and 0 pvp missions. BioWare design fail.


your wrong there they are pvp quests you want that node to get the middle then fight for it, that part of ilum has bin pvp area since day 1 of this game and today it still is, dont like to pvp then dont go in a pvp area easy as that

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If you don't like it, either go back to the Sims or dont venture into a PvP zone.


EA has developed "Star Wars : The SIMs" ? Go on, tell me more about it !!!




The end.


It could be you, too.



And there are 2 questions Bioware has never answered :


- Why is there no mechanism to let one self get "unflagged" ?


- Why is there no mechanism to let PvP players get flagged for PvE when they enter PvE area ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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wow i haven't even really started reading the thread responses yet, and this is the most backward thing i've read all morning, so let me fix it... PvE players play for the love of the game, PvPers rush through or skip most of the core game only to play the bonus content and to grief those that legitimately love the core game...


It's very cynically put, but I agree here.


Grief-PvP'ers only want 1 thing . To get to the top as fast as possible so that they can grief everything beneath them.

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your wrong there they are pvp quests you want that node to get the middle then fight for it, that part of ilum has bin pvp area since day 1 of this game and today it still is, dont like to pvp then dont go in a pvp area easy as that


Ok, let's look it from another way. In a warzone, if you lose a strategic point, or the ball, do you lose something? Yes, the match. On Ilum, if you let players to the pylon charger, to do their quest, do you lose something? No. So, are you an a**hole for not letting people there, who did nothing against you? In my eyes, you definietly are...


You see, if someone attacks you, it's self defense to attack back. If someone calls you names, and taunts you BEFORE you attack him, it's ok, they brought it on themselves. There is a player who does nothing against you, just goes around doing his thing, and you attack him for no reason. Just because you can do it. Possibly, after the defeat the player ask you to not do that again, and you attack him on sight again, what does that makes you?


My personal answer:


That makes you an a**hole griefer.


I think pvp and pve players have different answers to this question. And that is a major problem too.

Edited by Stib_
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You understand it right. The gankers/griefers are defending their position with "its a pvp quest, because its named pvp, and its in a pvp area, and rewards warzone comms", but they refuse to see, that the quest itself is by design a pve one, not a pvp one. So its a pve quest in a pvp area.


No the quest by design is a pvp one not pve. Ever wondered why the orbs explode when you die or when you cap the pylon? Why they, cough, damage other players? Because its a pvp quest designed for pvp.

The entire point of both pvp quests is to challenge pvpers to be able to complete mission objectives why constantly being under the threat of attack.

Honestly as a pvper nothing beats 2v4ing some pubs while also fighting a champion mob and the adds from the heroic. :D

As for the rest of the pve whiners, why are you there if you're so afraid to fight? You don't need comms, there are plenty of pve ways to get rep, why the heck are you in the pvp area?

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Ok, let's look it from another way. In a warzone, if you lose a strategic point, or the ball, do you lose something? Yes, the match. On Ilum, if you let players to the pylon charger, to do their quest, do you lose something? No. So, are you an a**hole for not letting people there, who did nothing against you? In my eyes, you definietly are...


You see, if someone attacks you, it's self defense to attack back. If someone calls you names, and taunts you BEFORE you attack him, it's ok, they brought it on themselves. There is a player who does nothing against you, just goes around doing his thing, and you attack him for no reason. Just because you can do it. Possibly, after the defeat the player ask you to not do that again, and you attack him on sight again, what does that makes you?


My personal answer:


That makes you an a**hole griefer.


I think pvp and pve players have different answers to this question. And that is a major problem too.


lol, if i let you cap middle were i need it 2 im gonna fight for it cause your in my way cause we BOTH need it at that same time, im not gonna stand in line till its my "turn" to take middle in a freakin pvp area ill fight for it if i loose i loose if i win i win, its PVP

Same for the node if i spot a node and some 1 else also he gonna have 2 fight for it winner gets the price ( node in this case )

Edited by NrDLeipe
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lol, if i let you cap middle were i need it 2 im gonna fight for it cause your in my way cause we BOTH need it at that same time, im not gonna stand in line till its my "turn" to take middle in a freakin pvp area ill fight for it if i loose i loose if i win i win, its PVP


So you admint there could be a peacful solution, but you choose not to do it that way. I think this supports my answer, thank you.

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So you admint there could be a peacful solution, but you choose not to do it that way. I think this supports my answer, thank you.


you choose to step in pvp area then you marked yourself as a potential target, there is no peace in pvp only victory or failure

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The whole Gree event was poorly excecuted in general. The pvp area of Ilum was originally intended for open world semi objective pvp to take place, the big revamp that Bioware had fans of open world pvp excited only to be let down. Not only is the whole Gree business NOT a real pvp event, its a periodic mostly pve related event.. so once again Ilum is void of people while the Gree are off doing other things.


I assume the pvp side is free for all to avoid one faction having a huge advantage in numbers, usually more Imperial players than Republic, instead of coming up with a technical solution.. say making it a pvp event that happens every hour or so, and limits the number of combatants so neither side has an advantage in numbers, instanced area during battles for performance. Instead Bioware takes the easy route by making everyone hostile to eachother regardless of faction. This is a smack in the face of one of the major themes of the game, the ongoing conflict between the Empire and the Republic.


Just think if the development resources used to piece together the pve side of the event was instead used to give Ilum the pvp revamp that us players deserved.. yes deserved, large scale battles on Ilum was one of the features Bioware boasted for the game. As unlikely as this is to happen Ilum needs to be thought through once again.

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The whole Gree event was poorly excecuted in general. The pvp area of Ilum was originally intended for open world semi objective pvp to take place, the big revamp that Bioware had fans of open world pvp excited only to be let down. Not only is the whole Gree business NOT a real pvp event, its a periodic mostly pve related event.. so once again Ilum is void of people while the Gree are off doing other things.


I assume the pvp side is free for all to avoid one faction having a huge advantage in numbers, usually more Imperial players than Republic, instead of coming up with a technical solution.. say making it a pvp event that happens every hour or so, and limits the number of combatants so neither side has an advantage in numbers, instanced area during battles for performance. Instead Bioware takes the easy route by making everyone hostile to eachother regardless of faction. This is a smack in the face of one of the major themes of the game, the ongoing conflict between the Empire and the Republic.


Just think if the development resources used to piece together the pve side of the event was instead used to give Ilum the pvp revamp that us players deserved.. yes deserved, large scale battles on Ilum was one of the features Bioware boasted for the game. As unlikely as this is to happen Ilum needs to be thought through once again.


In this case it rly doesnt matter how many reps or empires there are you can attack all players, if an empire is trying to take middle ill still attack him and may the best player win and claim his price afterwards ( the capture of the middle )

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I agree that it's kind of silly to make PvE quest objectives in a PvP area. Especially if you're a lower level (54 and below). I don't do those dailies because I have 5 characters that are doing those dailies - so what I lack in number of quests, I make up for in sheer amount of times I do said quests.


That being said, if you are pressured into doing it because you really want that armor/mount/pet/weapon and you only have 1 or 2 characters to do the dailies so you kinda gotta do the PvP ones - don't think of it as a PvE objective in a PvP area. Think of it more like ''The object is to do [x] while putting your life in someone elses hands' because in essence; that's whats happening - even more so if you're lower level - you can only hope that either the person attacking you is the same level, or they aren't interested in killing you.


I also recommend doing the PvP missions last - as that way you won't get flagged until you're done with the other dailies, so you can make a quick getaway to the dropbox.

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You are not forced to go in there.

You CHOOSE to go in there. Period.

And because you got killed.. .(again by chioce), you want this changed.

I'm sorry, but life isn't all puppydogs and rainbows like your mommy made you think it was growing up.

There are consequences, you made a choice, didn't like the consequences, and you want it changed?

Don't go in there if you don't like the possible outcome.




Tried event five times first time around, never went into pvp area and ended up flagged each time. Still not sure how. Each time griefed by groups of 20+ players, mostly when at half heatth after fighting champ mobs.


I only play this game because wifey does and when she is not playing I play other (imo better) mmos. After the last time being griefed wifey will not go back to gree event, so we do not do it.


I greatly respect pvp players who are talented and good at their craft. Unfortunately, that is a small part of them and imo most are poor low skill ******* who get a kick out of giving others grief. One person at the beginning of the thread said that he/she will take down small groups of pvpers who are griefing. I must admit that I really enjoy doing that as well, perhaps I am a retarded pve player.


I agree with the point that this is another example of poor design and pve players on a pve server end up putting up with bottom feeder pvp players. I don't see a talented pvp player getting anything out of going after helpless victims.

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why the hell do you people think there needs to be a god damn reason to kill someone, you PVP to SEE DEAD PEOPLE WHILE YOUR STILL STANDING... THE END


People who care about K/D and need an incentive to PVP are tools big giant super tool that break often :p


Anyways this is getting old fast as hell stop crying and go kill 2 worldbosses and get double the rep you get from the PVP area.

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Tried event five times first time around, never went into pvp area and ended up flagged each time. Still not sure how. Each time griefed by groups of 20+ players, mostly when at half heatth after fighting champ mobs.


I only play this game because wifey does and when she is not playing I play other (imo better) mmos. After the last time being griefed wifey will not go back to gree event, so we do not do it.


I greatly respect pvp players who are talented and good at their craft. Unfortunately, that is a small part of them and imo most are poor low skill ******* who get a kick out of giving others grief. One person at the beginning of the thread said that he/she will take down small groups of pvpers who are griefing. I must admit that I really enjoy doing that as well, perhaps I am a retarded pve player.


I agree with the point that this is another example of poor design and pve players on a pve server end up putting up with bottom feeder pvp players. I don't see a talented pvp player getting anything out of going after helpless victims.


If your issue is with the game pvp flagging you (outside of a pvp zone) when you don't want to be flagged, then take that issue up with the devs and I'll support you fully. But that separate bug/exploit issue has nothing to do with the pvp zone itself. By entering the pvp free for all zone you are agreeing to allow yourself to be pvp flagged, and you are then free game to anyone that wants a fight.


And by the way, most of the time I've seen someone get "flagged" in a pve area, where they had no intention of doing so, its because they accidentally tab targeted onto me or someone else that was flagged and attacked. That's not the games fault, thats just an individual mistake.

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.............. then take that issue up with the devs and I'll support you fully. ............


Take it up with the devs? Surely you are kidding.


We all must be considerate and realize that there is an extensive list of customer input that is being ignored. The last thing that they need is another issue to not consider.


PS - I have seen pvp / flagged players run or stealth into aoe casts of pve players to cause them to become flagged. That can be part of the reason but still is greifing (causing someone to become flagged in a non pvp area so that you can attack them). There are also some abilities that do hit multiple mobs (flagged players) in an area whether or not you intend to. If that causes you to get flagged, it is poor design because a pve player (other than not castng some abiities) has no control.

Edited by asbalana
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Take it up with the devs? Surely you are kidding.


We all must be considerate and realize that there is an extensive list of customer input that is being ignored. The last thing that they need is another issue to not consider.


PS - I have seen pvp / flagged players run or stealth into aoe casts of pve players to cause them to become flagged. That can be part of the reason but still is greifing (causing someone to become flagged in a non pvp area so that you can attack them). There are also some abilities that do hit multiple mobs (flagged players) in an area whether or not you intend to. If that causes you to get flagged, it is poor design because a pve player (other than not castng some abiities) has no control.

Aoe's are not supposed too, as supposedly this was patched last year because of all the idiots griefing lowbies by sleathing into their aoe; but who knows if it's still bugged or not. However, the point is the game mechanics are not supposed to allow that to happen. So don't complain about the pvp player that killed you, complain that they won't fix the stupid bugs.;)


PS If I see a flagged opposite faction toon, I have no way of knowing whether they want to pvp or not, if I wait and don't initiate they could get the drop on me, therefore I attack. So morale of the story is if you don't want to open world pvp, don't flag and if you get flagged because of broken game mechanics go back to a safe area and unflag.


And no I don't enjoy ganking solo players repeatedly while I'm grouped. In fact the last fight I had this morning on Ilum was 1 v 3 ...... and I jumped them.:D

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Aoe's are not supposed too, as supposedly this was patched last year because of all the idiots griefing lowbies by sleathing into their aoe; but who knows if it's still bugged or not. However, the point is the game mechanics are not supposed to allow that to happen. So don't complain about the pvp player that killed you, complain that they won't fix the stupid bugs.;)


PS If I see a flagged opposite faction toon, I have no way of knowing whether they want to pvp or not, if I wait and don't initiate they could get the drop on me, therefore I attack. So morale of the story is if you don't want to open world pvp, don't flag and if you get flagged because of broken game mechanics go back to a safe area and unflag.


And no I don't enjoy ganking solo players repeatedly while I'm grouped. In fact the last fight I had this morning on Ilum was 1 v 3 ...... and I jumped them.:D


True, not sure if it is working or not. My comments are just based on my first experience with the event and perhaps things have changed since then. Although things have improved somewhat over time, I still laugh when I play in Bug Town, seems very descriptive to me. Since my wife will not try the event again, I have no reason to see how things are playing out now.


I think that you are right on in that if you see a pvp flagged player, you have to assume that he/she is there for pvp and go for him/her especially considering that the initial attack can determne the outcome of the fight.


If I met you while I was accidentally flagged and you kllled me, that is all good. I will do my best to kill you and a fair fight is exactly that. You are obviously one of hte pvp players that deserve respect. I do not believee that the issue is with someone like you, but rather with the bottom feeders that roam in groups with the only purpose of giving defenseless players a hard time. Unfortuately, there seems to be an aweful lot of them. They give pvp a bad name and cause pve players to hold pvp players as a group in low esteem.


PS - My last pvp fight was in that other game. I caused it by doing what you said. I tabbed him by accident and hit him with an attack. As a result, he and three guildies fought me. At the end of the fight, I was dead, but three of the group were dead as well and the fourth did not have much health left. I know how to play my class and pay attention to my armor. The fight left me feeling good all day and indeed I did not have the helpless victim feel.

Edited by asbalana
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I just dont understand the basic concept of entitlement that makes someone who doesnt want to PvP go into a free for all area to complete PVP quests, and expect not to be attacked and left unmolested.


It entirely boggles my mind.


The quest is PvP, regardless of it having PvE objectives. It awards PvP comms... if you dont want to PvP you dont need PvP comms. So dont go into that area. You arent entitled to finish every quest that pops up just because its in your log. if you want to complete the quest, you simply need to accept that you might be delayed by...PvP.

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The removal of Bolster (to fix the levelling exploits) gives free reign to the PVPers that enjoy ganking. Re-enable that for level 50+ and at worst the PVE players will have a fair chance of getting away from unwanted PVP assaults. Edited by Ancaglon
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I just dont understand the basic concept of entitlement that makes someone who doesnt want to PvP go into a free for all area to complete PVP quests, and expect not to be attacked and left unmolested.


It entirely boggles my mind.


The quest is PvP, regardless of it having PvE objectives. It awards PvP comms... if you dont want to PvP you dont need PvP comms. So dont go into that area. You arent entitled to finish every quest that pops up just because its in your log. if you want to complete the quest, you simply need to accept that you might be delayed by...PvP.


THIS. PVP isn't just "kill the other guy". A lot of PVP has objectives. This is PVP with objectives. Don't want to PVP? You don't have to go for these objectives. Do the 10+ PVE objectives and let the PVP players have their measely TWO.

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