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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Events bringing the trolls out from under their bridges, and how to fix it.


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However, as you'd expect, there are players who will forego any missions or objectives, and merely walk around killing other unsuspecting players who are only there to quest.


What do you expect to happen when you're flagged inside of a pvp area?

Do you expect the enemy to be walking around handing out lollipops and giving unicorn rides and free hugs?

I'm really curious as to your logic about the people that are attacking other people IN A PVP AREA.

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I'm sorry, I just flat out disagree. It's a PvE server yes, but these areas give you plenty of warning before someone is able to attack you. And these areas are so few and far between it honestly shouldn't even be a concern. I personally like it because its optional. It isn't like being stalked all the time. You can avoid the areas and miss almost nothing content wise. BW should do nothing. This is a perfectly fine system. Stay the hell out of the PvP areas and you will be fine.
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What about people that are just starting the event? I personally don't have the rep to get the ticket. Which in order to get the cool gree stuff; (not the armor the other stuff.) takes the helix components which for a low rep person like me is only one per day. Now the speeder is the most expensive and I still can't get any of the cheaper stuff. I at the first time this event came up didn't have a toon anywhere near the level so I had to sit out. So in order to even get to the friends of the gree rep I would have to do the dailies like a mad man for a few days. Then after I get to that point I would have to run the missions that drop the helix things to try to get the stuff. And I only have one toon that can do this event so there is no way in hell I can get the stuff I want for all my guys. Now the pvp stuff I know I could just not do it and what not; but I want to get as much rep as I can so I have to go in the pvp area. So when I had to go through the pvp I was hoping that I could just do my stuff and leave unless someone asked for help and what not. After awhile and more then five times of trying to get this done and being killed by the same person every time. So in the end I say a few things; 1 make the pvp some type of pvp that is a hutt ball thing and off to the side away from people that don't like pvp. the second would be make it so anyone can do this event not just 45+. and last get ride of the bull crap stat that makes you do more better in pvp; I am not that a big fan of pvp because almost any game that is pvp there is some; weapon tool or some crap that gives the player edge.
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Now the pvp stuff I know I could just not do it and what not; but I want to get as much rep as I can so I have to go in the pvp area. So when I had to go through the pvp I was hoping that I could just do my stuff and leave unless someone asked for help and what not. After awhile and more then five times of trying to get this done and being killed by the same person every time. So in the end I say a few things; 1 make the pvp some type of pvp that is a hutt ball thing and off to the side away from people that don't like pvp. the second would be make it so anyone can do this event not just 45+. and last get ride of the bull crap stat that makes you do more better in pvp; I am not that a big fan of pvp because almost any game that is pvp there is some; weapon tool or some crap that gives the player edge.



You are not forced to go in there.

You CHOOSE to go in there. Period.

And because you got killed.. .(again by chioce), you want this changed.

I'm sorry, but life isn't all puppydogs and rainbows like your mommy made you think it was growing up.

There are consequences, you made a choice, didn't like the consequences, and you want it changed?

Don't go in there if you don't like the possible outcome.

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What about people that are just starting the event? I personally don't have the rep to get the ticket. Which in order to get the cool gree stuff; (not the armor the other stuff.) takes the helix components which for a low rep person like me is only one per day. Now the speeder is the most expensive and I still can't get any of the cheaper stuff. I at the first time this event came up didn't have a toon anywhere near the level so I had to sit out. So in order to even get to the friends of the gree rep I would have to do the dailies like a mad man for a few days. Then after I get to that point I would have to run the missions that drop the helix things to try to get the stuff. And I only have one toon that can do this event so there is no way in hell I can get the stuff I want for all my guys. Now the pvp stuff I know I could just not do it and what not; but I want to get as much rep as I can so I have to go in the pvp area. So when I had to go through the pvp I was hoping that I could just do my stuff and leave unless someone asked for help and what not. After awhile and more then five times of trying to get this done and being killed by the same person every time. So in the end I say a few things; 1 make the pvp some type of pvp that is a hutt ball thing and off to the side away from people that don't like pvp. the second would be make it so anyone can do this event not just 45+. and last get ride of the bull crap stat that makes you do more better in pvp; I am not that a big fan of pvp because almost any game that is pvp there is some; weapon tool or some crap that gives the player edge.


... Btw... You don't have to do the pylon quest in the PvP area...

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You are not forced to go in there.

You CHOOSE to go in there. Period.

And because you got killed.. .(again by chioce), you want this changed.

I'm sorry, but life isn't all puppydogs and rainbows like your mommy made you think it was growing up.

There are consequences, you made a choice, didn't like the consequences, and you want it changed?

Don't go in there if you don't like the possible outcome.


Yeah I know I don't have to go in there I said that. I am saying it's unfair that people that enjoy BOTH pvp and pve get to run the hell out of pvp to getting "God gear." This 45+ event only being for people that have just killed themself by playing this game every hour of the day to get max level and all the end gear stuff. Now it isn't a big deal to me that I got killed; bo ho I could very well run pvp get the good gear and it wouldn't happen as much. Do I want to waste time doing that? No I want to level the rest of my guys and have cool looking stuff while I do it. Now is it really fair to secure others from doing a event or mission because one of the missions have to do with a pvp area? This pvp stuff isn't needed for the event. Maybe even just add two more missions for pve people so they don't have to worry about the pvp.

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Why add two more missions? Why can't the PvP missions be bonus rep. Why do you figure you deserve as much as you would get from all the missions if they pulled be PvP quests?


And what is this crap about people playing every hour of the day? You just sound ignorant now. Stop running around fleet and be constructive. I play a few hours a night maybe 2-3 hours a week and I have end game gear on two toons and a decent set of pvp on a 3rd. Get in a guild that does things. Stop playing with yourself. Your mom wouldn't approve.

Edited by Beyondsadistic
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I say add two more missions and maybe make it so you can't do the pvp ones if you have the two others because people that love pvp get to do all the missions with out having to worry about running through a pvp area and feeling paranoid because they don't want to bother fight another player. The biggest thing I am trying to get at is to make it so everyone can have fair game without having to bother with ******es that just want to camp a spot and murder anyone that comes near it.
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If people are being idiotic, then they should know, so they can stop being idiotic. If no one pointed out someones stupidity at times, then the world would be over run by stupid people too afraid to say their opinions. We'd probably end up in a world like that movie Idiocracey.

Unfortunately, is the idiotic people that dismiss being told that they're being idiotic and continue to spread their brand of idiocy and call everyone else an idiot.


And this is where PvP and PvE players differ :) PvP players play for the love of the game.

Your statement is incorrect. PvP players play for the PvP.


Although, there are varying degrees of PvP players. I am aware that there are some people that don't mind PvP occasionally. Then there are those who practically live in the PvP areas and feed off the bones of the weak (usually lower level, under-geared players). I will be kind and say that most of the players in the game fall in between those two positions.

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Yeah I know I don't have to go in there I said that. I am saying it's unfair that people that enjoy BOTH pvp and pve get to run the hell out of pvp to getting "God gear." This 45+ event only being for people that have just killed themself by playing this game every hour of the day to get max level and all the end gear stuff. Now it isn't a big deal to me that I got killed; bo ho I could very well run pvp get the good gear and it wouldn't happen as much. Do I want to waste time doing that? No I want to level the rest of my guys and have cool looking stuff while I do it. Now is it really fair to secure others from doing a event or mission because one of the missions have to do with a pvp area? This pvp stuff isn't needed for the event. Maybe even just add two more missions for pve people so they don't have to worry about the pvp.


Dude... the point in the Gree Event was to revamp Ilum OW PvP. That was one of the things they listed specifically when they talked about the Gree event. Now if it did that in a good way? That's up for discussion. But don't sit here and say there was no PvP premise to the Gree Event.

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I won't be doing it; and nor did I say I was going to bother with the pvp. Now do I want others that hate people that live to be ******es to have a good time in events? yes I really do. people are always going to be ******es and just about nothing can stop that. Can people prevent that ******e crap? Yes they really can and it really wouldn't be that hard.
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I say add two more missions and maybe make it so you can't do the pvp ones if you have the two others because people that love pvp get to do all the missions with out having to worry about running through a pvp area and feeling paranoid because they don't want to bother fight another player. The biggest thing I am trying to get at is to make it so everyone can have fair game without having to bother with ******es that just want to camp a spot and murder anyone that comes near it.


lol... are you serious? There's like 7 PvE missions to PvPs 2. If you want to make it even based, make 7 PvP missions and 7 PvE ones. You are being biased. Just stop.

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lol... are you serious? There's like 7 PvE missions to PvPs 2. If you want to make it even based, make 7 PvP missions and 7 PvE ones. You are being biased. Just stop.


Alright well I shall just end it with this; I say they should do a new event that every player that is sub'd can do. Also this event should split the pvp and the pve make one big area a pve and another pve then no pve player would have to worry about going through to get that extra rep.

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I completely disagree with the premise of the original post.


You are not required to take what are explicitly labelled as "PVP Missions" to advance your reputation or to attain the component pieces.


If you do not wish to be attacked, stay out of those areas where you are explicitly warned are PVP and don't take missions explicitly as labelled as PVP Missions.


Have you considered that even on an RP or PVE server players will sometimes want to engage in cross or intra-faction combat? How that might fit in with RP under certain circumstances?


I personally have never attacked another player unless in defense but that is my preference. I'm not going to whine about the few (rare) times I've been killed when lollygagging about in a dangerous area alone without an escort. And you are right, it is completely possible to complete the PVP Missions independently. Just be smart about it and cautious and don't whine if you are killed.


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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I guess I don't get all the QQing. The quests are clearly labelled PVP and they're optional. If you're not a fan of PVP then don't do them.


I was out there yesterday morning on my server and took 4 of my 50+'s thru. I had fun doing them even though I'm not a PVPer. Don't like it but I found it a bit thrilling. I knew I was going to be ganked a lot and I did. I understood the ramifications for heading out there & getting flagged for PVP to do those quests. At first I would just stand there like what the heck then after a while I was just laughing about it, rez back a the med center and head right back out there.


It's nice to do something outside of your comfort zone every now and then and hey maybe you'll like it! It being doing something different/ out of your comfort zone or *gasp* PVPing.


Open your mind, have fun with it and remember it's just pixels on the screen.

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This is an MMO. You're not playing a single-player game. There are other players. This is a PVP zone and thus the missions are marked as PVP and are setup to encourage you to fight. I WISH the missions were more PVP-centric. If I had to kill X # of other players I would much prefer that than to sit with an orb waiting in line for 5 minutes only to get ganked when it's my turn to activate the pylon. It's stupid. That being said, get a group if you want to do it and you'll be less likely to get jumped.
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The whole point of the Gree event is to provide an open-world PvP setting. So either you're saying you don't like the Gree event, or you want them to change the design goals, taking away the one thing in the whole game that's designed for fans of spontaneous, open-world PvP.


Why would you do that?

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Im not a pvper at all in this game. Ive done pvp pretty well in other games but this one i leave it alone. Personally im not to fond of the pvp areas myself.....but...i will go into them if it exist in any given area. There always something that draws me to them. *shrug*


To put it plainly as i can, i like the thrill of the whole thing. I understand that going into an area as this that flags you is pretty much my permission for somebody to gank me when im not looking...its part of that thrill im speaking of. The thrill of having to look over my shoulder to see if anybody is lurking is a thrill....just like it was in many other games ive played that involved walking around in hostile areas.


I say keep the pvp ffa areas as is. I actually think there should be more of them.....i would venture in them all...even though im not a pvper myself.

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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Hate to be cliche, but PVP happened in a PVP area. Stay away if you don't want to face the consequences.


My only real gripe is the fact that it's FFA. The craptastic targeting system and inability to have Ops groups to assist with friendly targeting makes the experience a bit clunky during brawls.

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There is nothing that can be done about trolls unless BioWare decides to take a very strong stance against it and creates real repercussions and puts a system in place for punishing trolls. MMORPGs have ALWAYS brought out the worst in some people, and this stuff has been happening for a very long time. Fact of the matter is... you're going into a PvP zone, the quest, whether the objective is killing other players or not, is in a PvP zone, and you have to deal with that. You can either find ways to get around this, or you can just not do it at all.


I hate to say it but I just see this as straight up whining, these quests you're talking about are in a PvP zone for a reason, you know there's very little world PvP going on if any at all... right? This is probably one of the only things that promotes world PvP. Deal with it, find a way around it, or don't do it at all. I'm sorry.

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