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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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I just started playing a little more and did the first flashpoint The Esseles and it seemed like it made all my quest turn green by the time I completed it. This is not an issue as I like to solo in MMOGs until later levels. I feel the pace of level is fine. I am really playing to experience the story which so far I'm really enjoying. The voice acted quests are my favorite part of the game.
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I find it extraordinarily funny that every thread about this issue of "leveling too fast" comes from someone who made it to lvl 50.....ROFL LMAO


Nobody is dictating how fast you play...nobody except...wait for it here it comes...........YOU


Bioware certainly is not making you lvl fast. They give us so much to do. We can create 8 characters on one server....we can go to another server and create more....in fact last I heard you can create up to 50 alts in this game. I have 14 myself and enjoying every one of them


I am in no hurry unlike the OP who mad rushes to lvl 50 and then proclaims from up on a mountain top: the sky is falling slow down leveling....they made me lvl too fast. Bioware forced me to play the game 24/7...stop the madness!!! R O F L


These threads have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY whatsoever except for people like me to respond to and laugh at which clearly Bioware does same thing...they laugh at threads like this.


YOUR playstyle and time...dictated how fast you got to lvl cap and your bull headed insistance to play ONLY ONE CHARACTER!!!! LMAO

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Space combat, PvP dailies, FP dailies, Heroic quests, solo-quests.


The dev's stated you can get to 50 doing your solo-quest lines. They added the others for diversity.


Not everybody does the daily space, pvp, FP, or heroic quests. You are the exception and not the rule. It's called allowing for diversity in game play and alternative paths to end-game level.


And yet you, the original poster, find a way to complain about it?


Sometimes I wonder if people spike their morning coffee before they post on these boards ....

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I agree as I'm level 21 entering Taris with quests for level 16s. I took a break from travelling to Taris from Coruscant(did some flashpoints,space combat, pvp) and now I'm worried that i'm going to be too high leveled for quests. I'd like to at least see a rested state option as I can now probably get to at least level 21 and more in a rested state.
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I disagree to the OP. I think lvling is at a great pace, and maybe even too slow for alt chars. I enjoy lvling a char on each faction, but it was just too time consuming to play two chars so I am focusing on one. Hell I am not even lvl 50 yet.


It might be too fast for a focused person who does not do any of the side activities like trade skills and sit around looking for flashpoints.


I'm really happy with the pace of exp and funds.

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I completed every quest I saw, except planet bonus's. I completed half the Flashpoints and half the Heroics. I did some Space Combat inbetween planet changes too. I literally hit 50 on my last class quest. I would say that's a good pace. I also leveled 3 85's this past year on WoW and leveling my Trooper to 50 took almost as long.


Bottom line is, leveling pace is relative to the player.

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I love the pace of leveling in this game. I primarily play for the quest and stories. I do partake of and enjoy the repeatable content (Heroic missions, Flashpoints, PvP, Space), but most of the time I just want to experience more of the story and missions, and I can do so without having to grind or play catch up.


The last thing I want to do is be forced to run repeatable content I don't want to in order to catch up to the level of a new planet, or worse, be forced to grind mobs over and over again. I know that my only options at level 50 IS repeatable content, so why burn myself out on it while I'm leveling?


So, in short, leave the experience curve alone. It's fine.

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Space combat, PvP dailies, FP dailies, Heroic quests, solo-quests.


The dev's stated you can get to 50 doing your solo-quest lines. They added the others for diversity.


Not everybody does the daily space, pvp, FP, or heroic quests. You are the exception and not the rule. It's called allowing for diversity in game play and alternative paths to end-game level.


And yet you, the original poster, find a way to complain about it?.


Well maybe if the endgame was fun people wouldn't complain. There is nothing to work for once I'm 50. I can just run Directive 7, Battle for Ilum, False Emperor and Kaon Under Siege for higlevel gear or if I pvp'd my way up to 50 I already have it. There is nothing to look to at the end.

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Since apparantly my new thread was not good enough compared to the 5+ day old threads I was directed to..


I just had one of those lightbulb moments. You know, they dont happen often, but you know when they do. WHAM, a realization you never saw coming. If you had you would have dreaded its arrival.


The death of the MMO, as the most loyal and obsessed fans know them. The noobs cannot understand, how could they? They never experienced EQ1 or any of the other "true" old school MMOs (or any real MMO at all for that matter). The ones where you actually had to dedicate part of your life to play them well, that actually felt like a real thriving world. Back then if you did not feel a true connection to the world, its creatures and your own character, well MMOs were not for you!


So what happened exactly? I think the community changed, and it took a nose dive straight into the dumpster. Yes I am refering to World of Warcraft. Those of us who started in Beta or when the game first came out have very fond memories of this game. In fact, ask a group of WoW players, all from Vanilla (basicly old school WoW, back when it was at its prime) and see what they say about their favorite memories from the game. Personally I will never forget some of my experiences in that game, and I hope I never do. The community was amazing back then, so alive, so fiery, so happy (ok most of the time). We loved WoW, and it was good for a long time.


January 2012, SWTOR. An MMO where you could quite possibly level to 50 in 10 days.




That's right, I said it is entirely possible to level from 1-50 in 10 days. How..could this happen? Who decided it was a good idea to cut out the point of an MMO? I don't know, but as you all know, SWTOR is what we got. Now we are stuck with it. Only time will tell if the MMO genre as a whole is destroyed utterly, or if TOR will simply die quickly and allow a new, hopefully far more experienced company to try again. Either way, it is a sad day for the hardcore community, the MMO community as a whole, and gaming as a whole.


WoW....what you've said is the biggest load of BS I have ever read.

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I completley Dissagree leveling is way too slow I am on hoth level 39 and im tired of questing already I want to be level 50 on at least one toon. I admit I had a lil bit of Alt-itus and have mulliple level 10 toons but if I have to go through balmorra or nar shadda or hoth this slow again i just might die from boredom. please increase leveling speed. I play about an hour or less a day due to life work,school children etc. im one of the people who pays to keep your gme afloat and have brought others with me here and we all agree leveling is really slow...lets not mention some of those slow rides to datacrons on nar-shadaa or tatooine either. Edited by Enriquezarmy
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It is only fast if you make it fast..


I found that if you want to level fast, there is a heap you can do to make it fast (though for some it may not be fast enough) I also found if you want to level slow there are a heap you can do to slow it down as well...


so if you feel your self leveling to fast, slow yourself down...

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I sort of agree. I don't mind leveling quickly, and after the first few alts sometimes you just want to power to 50...


and the actual pace of the leveling itself is okay. That is, I feel the time it takes to get from 1-50 is about right...


But I feel the game's way too tightly tuned level wise. It's way too easy to overlevel relevant PvE content ( my newest IA has had every planet be either Green or Grey simply because I've done all the heroics/planet quests/flashpoints and did a couple warzones )

Edited by Sylriana
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Does anyone out there really believe anyone (ANYONE) would use an xp toggle to slow down xp?


Talk about being obvious about wanting powerleveling in the game.


It's not about powerleveling... READ the OP's post. It's about being overleveled when going to every world because I actually "play" the game (by "play" I mean doing more than just the minimum story line quest) and I ACTUALLY kill things and not avoid them, like some people.

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You have less than one month to do it, or I'm outta here! (NOT RESUBBING WITHOUT IT!) :mad:


Happy now, moderator... I've removed the foul language... I'm glad you're reading this forum post. Now do something about the REAL PROBLEM, please!

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Does anyone out there really believe anyone (ANYONE) would use an xp toggle to slow down xp?


Talk about being obvious about wanting powerleveling in the game.


Absoloutely. There will people who want to makes twinks so they can feel amazing in pvp owning people and pretending that they are actually good at the game.

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