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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For seasoned players grown disaffected: An invitation to quit.


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This is at least an attempt at a serious post. I tend to be a sarcastic kind of guy, and I’m trying to turn that off for this little essay. I’m not going to belittle anyone, call them names, or engage in any kind of one-upmanship or other kind of negative screed. I really don’t want to argue, just present the issue as I see it.


Many long-time players at least appear to be disaffected with the game. Before we get too far into this, I’m not talking about people angry about dye packs, the Cartel Market, one-time passwords, or what Bioware employee lied to them about “free content,” or how they’ve been screwed over by F2P, the lack of “new features” in PVP, or the lack of options for LGBT players who want to put the make on their mythical companions. That's issue for a whole new thread.


The issue really is thinking that SW:TOR can be your new best friend forever. There’s an old joke about marriage. A woman marries a man thinking he will change, but he does not. A man marries a woman thinking she won’t change, but she does. The only person I ever considered a “mentor,” because I kind of despise the term, told me once that “Passion is an energy that passes.” So, he said, you’d better be able to wake up with the same person for a very long time, because that initial passion will not be enough to sustain your marriage.


SW:TOR is between a rock and a hard place for two different basic reasons. The first is that a lot of different people are attracted to it, and it is difficult to please these varied groups. On the one hand you have people who are very VERY fast at “burning through content,” and others who are much slower, including people who have never played a game like this before. So you have people who (claim to, cough) level a character to 50 in an hour, and others who take a couple of weeks to realize those things on your toolbars aren’t “things” at all; they’re abilities. They have to learn that a Medpac should not be used when you start a fight; it should be used if you’re about to die and have no other choice. Yet some people claim they “never use Medpacs” at all.


So you have a variation in abilities of the players, and Bioware (and any MMORPG) has to accommodate that and try to find a happy medium that suits all players, a near impossible task they shouldn't be trying to do.


The second reason is related, and has to do with players who have finished the game. They’ve leveled to 55 a couple dozen times. They’ve done all the characters available with all the options. You hear them on the forums saying, “But I’ve done this a gazillion times already!” These are the folks who will say, “Press the spacebar! The spacebar! For God sakes press the spacebar!”


And it is this level of player I think ought to consider leaving the game. Unsub. Depart. Game over. It’s time to move on. Find another game. These aren’t the droids you are seeking. Move along. Really.


I’m not saying that with any degree of malice. I’m just saying that you aren’t very fun to play with. You make it difficult for slower players or even fast players who are new. You are impatient and, in a word, discontented, and we all suffer for it. I want to watch the movies, the conversations. Thank you very much, but you know what? I'm not in a hurry and the fact that you are is not my problem. It's not my fault.


And here’s the deal: SW:TOR is NOT going to furnish you with enough new content to satisfy you. They are NOT going to establish another dozen planets with levels 56-100 for you to churn though, some of you, if you are to be believed, in a day or two. It would take tens of millions of dollars to do that, not to mention the time, and your $15.00 per month is not enough to cover it, even though you may think such a thing ought to be free. It isn’t, and you need to come to terms with that.


In essence, the game (any game) needs to attract new players who have never before seen the content, and those who are in a position to have seen the current content “gazillions of times” need to quit and move on. Bioware needs to see this, too. They simply cannot afford to try to keep you subscribing. They need to turn to the new players and attract them, not attempt to keep old players who will never be satisfied.


Make that decision. It’s an honor, really, to know that you excelled in the game beyond any reasonable doubt, but there came a time that it really no longer satisfied, and greater challenges lay ahead, new opportunities. I salute you. You’re better than I am, more competent, faster, with a greater knowledge of the game. I doubt I will ever equal your achievements here. It’s OK. Be a vanguard for the Next Big Thing. We’ll probably follow you, in a little while, after we finish this.


And thanks.

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Brilliant part about spacebar commandos.


You know, there are people who are online every time you login. They are still online when you logoff. Sometimes I envy they have so much time to play, do ops on a daily basis, level their 15th alt and so and so... While I understand I can never reach their heights because I just can't afford to sacrifice my real life by spending 100% of free time in game. There are other things to do.

Edited by space_mechanic
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lol the way people waste time these days


the internet is so self centered people actually think that posts like this are some how deep and informative, lets all give the op his 15 mins so his head doesn't explode and then he can go on to the next forum looking for attention with more opinionated nonsense


get a life, its a game

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The second reason is related, and has to do with players who have finished the game. They’ve leveled to 55 a couple dozen times. They’ve done all the characters available with all the options. You hear them on the forums saying, “But I’ve done this a gazillion times already!” These are the folks who will say, “Press the spacebar! The spacebar! For God sakes press the spacebar!”


And it is this level of player I think ought to consider leaving the game. Unsub. Depart. Game over. It’s time to move on. Find another game. These aren’t the droids you are seeking. Move along. Really.


I’m not saying that with any degree of malice.


What you seem to be ignoring is how much these players also add to the game.


While you're content watching your little videos in your FP and leveling your alt a level a week, these "hardcore" players are blasting through the Ops, crafting the new items, flooding the GTN with new resources, posting video walkthroughs of different tasks, finding the impossible to reach +10 datacron on Makeb, learning new recipes from Rep vendors, running the newest Ops, teaching other groups how to run the newest Ops so that they may one day take you.


Where you only see negatives, I see a group of players who contribute a LOT more than they ask for in return.

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It's a very good post that will sadly be wasted on people who aren't really interested in seeing common sense.


There isn't a shred of common sense in it. It's a bitter rant fluffed up to not look like one.

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There isn't a shred of common sense in it. It's a bitter rant fluffed up to not look like one.


Eh, I do get rather upset with people who scream at me to spacebar.


I level'd my main toon up to 50 without doing a single FP, and immediately moved into raiding. On my alts, I've enjoyed not space-barring the first time through a FP.


Most people I've met are polite, and ask. Generally I'll say, "I haven't done this one before." And they don't mind.


IMO -- people on both sides of every topic could stand to be more polite to eachother. My only problem with people in-game is when they want to detract from my playstyle because they are impatient.

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Some of you guys need to read more, lol. That shouldn't have been a challenge. It was well written, used spaces in the right placed and had no problems with grammar. Seriously, if that was difficult, log out and read a book while you still can. ;)


I get what he's saying. I'm getting really tired of running heroics and fps with people who feel the need to skip every mob possible. Not only is it kind of boring, but the acrobatics required to do so are often more time consuming and difficult than killing them would be. I'm really glad that the 55 fps require kill numbers.

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Eh, I do get rather upset with people who scream at me to spacebar.


I level'd my main toon up to 50 without doing a single FP, and immediately moved into raiding. On my alts, I've enjoyed not space-barring the first time through a FP.


Most people I've met are polite, and ask. Generally I'll say, "I haven't done this one before." And they don't mind.


IMO -- people on both sides of every topic could stand to be more polite to eachother. My only problem with people in-game is when they want to detract from my playstyle because they are impatient.


Absolutely! If you haven't done it before, just say something...I do and I just did with the new 55 FPs - I hadn't seen most of them in over a year.


But just because someone asks you (not YOU) to spacebar, doesn't mean they should quit...that's silly.

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Is that what he was trying to say?


Pretty much.. though it's more basic even then that.


It's a game. If you are playing a game angry (regardless of target of anger) it's sensible to step back and take a break, even if only temporary. Same goes for playing impatiently, which is really just a low grade form of anger IMO.


Games are not anger management vehicles, they are not anger expression vehicles, and they are not metaphorical space races either. At least not to normal well balanced emotionally mature human beings. Games are for fun and challenge, not for anger.


Games: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game

Edited by Andryah
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The OP is spot on in his description and advice to a certain group of players. But that group of players is not "long time subscribers" ~ it's "long time d-bags".


And as irritating as that group of players is.. it's not good when they unsub, because it breaks the GTN, and the game suffers from them not paying their subscription fees.


I subbed in Dec 2011 - and unsubbed for the first time a few days ago. I didn't unsub because I grew tired with the content, or because I'm not having fun. And I'm not planning on leaving the game. But I'm not going to continue to pay for BW to update the CM at my expense, when I'm not getting the quality or volume of updates that I did during the first 12 months of my subscription.

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The OP wants people to leave after they're "done?" I thought the whole point of MMO's was that they didn't end, like a SPRPG does. That's what the "end-game" is, isn't it?


Perhaps I misunderstand MMOs.


Did I misunderstand


In the old days of MMOs, you would be correct.


However, the MMO playerbase has been infiltrated by a generation of console players (or similar transactional mindsets) that believe you play the game, you beat the game, you abandon the game.


Not every player approaches MMOs as transactional entertainment to be consumed and discarded, but the majority do IMO.


This is why MMOs are faced with subscribe/play/unsubscribe/wait for new content/rinse and repeat customer base these days.


And yet, some wonder why the dominant business model of the genre evolved to fit the behavior of the broader population of players. It moved from subscription -> Freemium precisely because players tastes drive the business model. The new player base has evolved to the mobile gaming mindset where you play the game for free, if you like it you pay to play the whole game until you are bored, then you play it for free again until you are frustrated, then you pay to play again... and the circle repeats.

Edited by Andryah
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What you seem to be ignoring is how much these players also add to the game.


While you're content watching your little videos in your FP and leveling your alt a level a week, these "hardcore" players are blasting through the Ops, crafting the new items, flooding the GTN with new resources, posting video walkthroughs of different tasks, finding the impossible to reach +10 datacron on Makeb, learning new recipes from Rep vendors, running the newest Ops, teaching other groups how to run the newest Ops so that they may one day take you.


Where you only see negatives, I see a group of players who contribute a LOT more than they ask for in return.


OP and others in this thread need to reread this post.


Do I complain when I have to teach you the boss mechanics? Not if you ask, if you wipe the group because you didn't ask, then yes I will complain.


Do I complain when I am the tank and I do more damage than you? I may grumble under my breath, but I won't try to make you feel bad about it unless you start acting like a jerk.


Do I complain when I have to remind you what the unwritten social rules of the game are? Not unless you repeatedly break them after you've been told.


Do I begrudge you the fact that myself and players like me wiped endlessly on the boss to form the boss strats that allow you to kill it so easily? No.


Do I begrudge you the fact that you geared up so much more easily than I did because of players like me carrying you and/or adding mats and gear to the economy for you to buy? No.


So forgive me if I ask you to space bar or skip trash.


If you haven't done the instance before and want to watch, ASK! I may sigh to myself, but I won't belittle you for it.

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OP and others in this thread need to reread this post.


Do I complain when I have to teach you the boss mechanics? Not if you ask, if you wipe the group because you didn't ask, then yes I will complain.


Do I complain when I am the tank and I do more damage than you? I may grumble under my breath, but I won't try to make you feel bad about it unless you start acting like a jerk.


Do I complain when I have to remind you what the unwritten social rules of the game are? Not unless you repeatedly break them after you've been told.


Do I begrudge you the fact that myself and players like me wiped endlessly on the boss to form the boss strats that allow you to kill it so easily? No.


Do I begrudge you the fact that you geared up so much more easily than I did because of players like me carrying you and/or adding mats and gear to the economy for you to buy? No.


So forgive me if I ask you to space bar or skip trash.


If you haven't done the instance before and want to watch, ASK! I may sigh to myself, but I won't belittle you for it.


You are obviously not the type of player he is talking about...

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There's so much wrong with this post.


For 1 - if you want to experience content, find friends and play with them. Group finder is like an escort service - lots of people looking for a payday who don't want to cuddle. The people you're talking about are grinding, which means speed matters to them. It's an etiquette thing to not use group finder to explore content - asking those people to quit isn't going to do you any good. Make friends, raid with them. I've never used the GF tool to explore new content. That's what guilds are for, group finder is not a replacement for a guild. FWIW I don't use group finder at all, so at least be happy some people do.


For 2 - people are not discontent because they cannot be pleased, they're discontent because this game has had a lot of excuses ever since launch and in spite of all our patience as a community, EA has been stripping resources from the dev team while profits go up and quality of life isn't improving at a pace people want it to. People like me are especially frustrated because as someone who releases software that is 'web scale' and highly visible - its not impossible to get bug fixes out more than once a year. Add in that the cartel market related features seem to come fast and frequently and its even more frustrating for people interested in the actual game and not so much in 'dress up barby online'.

Edited by dcgregorya
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