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Server Transfers, 11 Months Later...


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Please make a legacy transfer thingy i have 5 toons lvl 55 well geared,but my current server sucks so i want to move them to Po5 where all my friends are but it will cost like $80-$100,so if you put a legacy transfer option that cost like $30 or $50 that would be great :rolleyes:


I too have 5+ toons I'd like to move. My wife has 3. Ouch. It would be nice to get a bulk discount, e.g. 10 transfers for 1000cc each.



Heres another question to be sure, does your cargo bank transfer over including all your cargo tabs, 1,2,3,4,5?


I don't see how they can charge us $18 a transfer and not do this. Presumably someone from APAC can confirm cargo hold is being transferred.

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I don't see how they can charge us $18 a transfer and not do this. Presumably someone from APAC can confirm cargo hold is being transferred.


I'm going to move my items to my inventory just to be safe but for someone to confirm would be nice prefferably bioware staff, no offense swtor community.

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on the other side of the coin Rift is absolutely free and you can transfer as much as you want. it's quite nice really :) see which servers have high pop when you log in.. transfer whatever toon you want to that "shard" (server) and you may commence face-melting !


plus.. where do you get the free in 3-4 months for subscribers? and if it's true how ****** that BW is going to try to even milk off more subscriber money to do transfers unless you want to wait til the xmas season lol. what a B.S. gouging of subscribers. glad my 15 bucks a month purchases me as many wz's as i want and 2 extra skill bars.. ooooh how F'ing valued I feel :(


Is it still gonna be free after the 11th or will that be a Suber thing only ? . I was impressed how rift offered it and still does .. I remember the day they did that it was one of the biggest game things of that time free Char transfer with only one real limit once a week CD and with all the other standard limits .

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I'm going to move my items to my inventory just to be safe but for someone to confirm would be nice prefferably bioware staff, no offense swtor community.


I've transferred from Apac to US and everything in your cargo will transfer (including bays), all your legacy buffs and that as well. the only things that won't transfer is in-game mail and stuff on the GTN, so make sure you clear those out

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I've transferred from Apac to US and everything in your cargo will transfer (including bays), all your legacy buffs and that as well. the only things that won't transfer is in-game mail and stuff on the GTN, so make sure you clear those out


Do you still have your legacy buffs on the server your transfered from? For example I have 4 toons, one of every class. If I move one I read I will have all 4 buffs, and I still keep all 4 on my first server even though I have 3 toons now?

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I've transferred from Apac to US and everything in your cargo will transfer (including bays), all your legacy buffs and that as well. the only things that won't transfer is in-game mail and stuff on the GTN, so make sure you clear those out


Thanks for the info and welcome to the yew ess of the muthafarking aay!

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I've transferred from Apac to US and everything in your cargo will transfer (including bays), all your legacy buffs and that as well. the only things that won't transfer is in-game mail and stuff on the GTN, so make sure you clear those out


Thanks man.

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I don't understand the thinking behind mmos charging for server transfers, people want to transfer servers because they are not happy with the one that they are on, therefore are not happy with the game. Why would you put an unneeded barrier in the way of people trying to enjoy the game?


Seems to me keeping people happy with the game so they either keep subscribing or buying the sparkly crap off the cartel market would be more important then trying to get those few extra bucks out of them that they would probably give you for a new shiny repainted speeder anyway.


When I played rift I was on a horrible server, I was days away from quitting but then Trion announced free character transfers so I stayed, transferred to a new server with a new raid guild and was very happy and trion got another 6 months worth of subs out of me, if they would have said "give us $20 and we will let you enjoy the game again" I would have laughed and moved on to another mmo.

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With that math it's going to cost me $115 to transfer all of my characters the first month.


So one thing that's been brought up that I agree with, is if there could be a Legacy-Transfer (or some kind of deal) to allow me to transfer all my characters at a cheaper rate. Maybe they will have a sale at some point. :confused:


Actually it’s cheaper than that if you assume you will use the most efficient amount.


$40 = 5500 CC

At a rate of $1 for 137.5 CC

1800 CC per transfer

1800*8= 14400 (for all 8 transfers)

14400-600= 13800 (removing subscriber allowance)

13800/5500= 2.5 (amount of 5500 CC packs needed, rounded)


2.5*$40 = $100


100/8 = $12.50 per transfer.


So, I say again, why are people complaining?


This is a service. Services should be paid for. This service happens to be a great deal, especially when compared to others of its kind. It doesn’t have to be the lowest price to be a great deal. If you don’t want to pay for the service, then don’t expect to get the service. If you don’t like what BW is doing, and you feel your voice isn’t being heard, then “vote with your dollar” and leave.


Personally, I feel that if the charges for this help fuel other add-ons and content, then I am all for it!

Edited by Markuswaters
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So, I say again, why are people complaining?


Because this community is the whiniest, most self entitled group of 'people' ever assembled. No wonder the game is losing people, the community's attitude drives them away. You want to know why Bioware won't post on the forums? Because we make it freaking horrible. You want to know why we are on our third set of CMs, because we drove them away.


Eric deserves a freaking medal for putting up with us, I know I wouldn't.

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Do you still have your legacy buffs on the server your transfered from? For example I have 4 toons, one of every class. If I move one I read I will have all 4 buffs, and I still keep all 4 on my first server even though I have 3 toons now?


Yes, you still do retain your legacy buffs. I transferred 1 first and it had all the buffs and was the only toon on the server. everything in your legacy will copy over with just 1 toon

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Because this community is the whiniest, most self entitled group of 'people' ever assembled. No wonder the game is losing people, the community's attitude drives them away. You want to know why Bioware won't post on the forums? Because we make it freaking horrible. You want to know why we are on our third set of CMs, because we drove them away.


Eric deserves a freaking medal for putting up with us, I know I wouldn't.


Sadly, I have to agree.

What should be the exception has become the rule.

Edited by Markuswaters
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Because this community is the whiniest, most self entitled group of 'people' ever assembled. No wonder the game is losing people, the community's attitude drives them away. You want to know why Bioware won't post on the forums? Because we make it freaking horrible. You want to know why we are on our third set of CMs, because we drove them away.


Eric deserves a freaking medal for putting up with us, I know I wouldn't.


while i agree that eric has a difficult job, bioware's policy decisions aren't helping him. i'm pretty sure a significant part of his job is putting positive spin on things that really have no positive quality.


i don't know why you don't understand the complaints regarding what has so far been released regarding server transfers. we're going to get update 2.2 next week. this is going to include these server transfers, which are gated through the cartel market and mostly require rl money to gain access. i expect this to be fairly popular, a lot of people will purchase transfers, it's a feature people have been asking for for a long time. that's great. this is a positive step for the game.


they're also going to release a nightmare mode re-skin of an op. no new story or anything, it's at most a couple new mechanics. it's hard to get a group of 8 people that can log in at the same time and communicate in such a way to be able to really run this content. there just aren't that many people that will really be able to gain access to this, except for quick wipes. that's it. unless i'm one of the few people with a group that can do nightmare ops, all this update is is another cartel market cash grab. again. after the last cartel market update they said they were going to start releasing content. that's been put off until august now.


if i want to consolidate my characters on a new server without giving them a bunch of money in addition to the subscription i'm already paying them, i can wait 4 months to save up the cartel coins from my subscription and then transfer one (1) of the toons i have stranded. not only do i have to save my cartel coin allotment, but i also have to choose to forgo any current or future update in that time because they've already stated new stuff, like cathar and customization, will have an associated cost based on the cartel coin allotment subscribers get.


this is another cash grab. seems to me it's focused on pvp people who can't get queues for rated, as well as those of us who have a split account due to bioware's mismanagement of server populations. the system they're proposing is fine for someone with a single character that has a friend on another server and similar situations, but i really don't think that's the common case in this game. this solution neglects the problem that makes people want to transfer, and it neglects the fact that we have legacies instead of individual characters.


instead of being condescending, why not try to use your brain for a little while and try to understand what the complaint is. it is a legitimate concern for a lot of people. try to understand their perspective. the CMs aren't leaving because of the forum complaints. the complaints of the forum come from bad decisions coming from bioware's management team, and no CM can be expected to continue to put positive spin on a company with this much negligence or lack of consideration for it's customers or whatever it is that's causing them to continue on this path.

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while i agree that eric has a difficult job, bioware's policy decisions aren't helping him. i'm pretty sure a significant part of his job is putting positive spin on things that really have no positive quality.


i don't know why you don't understand the complaints regarding what has so far been released regarding server transfers. we're going to get update 2.2 next week. this is going to include these server transfers, which are gated through the cartel market and mostly require rl money to gain access. i expect this to be fairly popular, a lot of people will purchase transfers, it's a feature people have been asking for for a long time. that's great. this is a positive step for the game.


Agreed, it is fantastic. Since I am the OP, you should know that I have been one of the ones most anxious for transfers and I am thrilled that they are finally here.


they're also going to release a nightmare mode re-skin of an op. no new story or anything, it's at most a couple new mechanics. it's hard to get a group of 8 people that can log in at the same time and communicate in such a way to be able to really run this content. there just aren't that many people that will really be able to gain access to this, except for quick wipes. that's it. unless i'm one of the few people with a group that can do nightmare ops, all this update is is another cartel market cash grab. again. after the last cartel market update they said they were going to start releasing content. that's been put off until august now.


While I am less than thrilled about having to run TfB again and again and again, this type of content is directed at my type of player, so I am happy to at least have something new to do. How is a new Operation, reused or not, a cash grab? That makes zero sense.


if i want to consolidate my characters on a new server without giving them a bunch of money in addition to the subscription i'm already paying them, i can wait 4 months to save up the cartel coins from my subscription and then transfer one (1) of the toons i have stranded. not only do i have to save my cartel coin allotment, but i also have to choose to forgo any current or future update in that time because they've already stated new stuff, like cathar and customization, will have an associated cost based on the cartel coin allotment subscribers get.


I am getting 700 CCs for my subscription, so its less than 3 months for me. Also, I have 4k CCs saved up, since there hasn't really been anything I wanted to buy. So I could get 2 transfers for free right now, and possibly a 3rd next month. Maybe you should have budgeted yours too, since you knew transfers would be coming eventually and would cost money? I know its a hard concept, but it probably would have been the smart thing to do.


this is another cash grab. seems to me it's focused on pvp people who can't get queues for rated, as well as those of us who have a split account due to bioware's mismanagement of server populations. the system they're proposing is fine for someone with a single character that has a friend on another server and similar situations, but i really don't think that's the common case in this game. this solution neglects the problem that makes people want to transfer, and it neglects the fact that we have legacies instead of individual characters.


You said this already, and I won't argue with the mismanagement part (but I feel like the community should at least take partial blame, since they were listening to our complaining when they made mistakes), but how the hell is this a cash grab?


Other games charge double what Bioware is charging for transfers.




As in, transfers are twice as expensive in other games.


And some of them make you use real money instead of letting you use currency that they give you for free.


instead of being condescending, why not try to use your brain for a little while and try to understand what the complaint is. it is a legitimate concern for a lot of people. try to understand their perspective.


The only response this warrants is "NO U".


the CMs aren't leaving because of the forum complaints. the complaints of the forum come from bad decisions coming from bioware's management team, and no CM can be expected to continue to put positive spin on a company with this much negligence or lack of consideration for it's customers or whatever it is that's causing them to continue on this path.


So you think the CMs are being fired because they did what they were told? Or you think the community acting like rotten spoiled children is acceptable just because Bioware has made a few mistakes? Because really, both of those make you look like a jerk.

Edited by Icebergy
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to address your question on the 'cash grab' comment first:

there will be content released through the cartel market (server transfers) and content released not through the cartel market (nightmare mode ops). the content being released through the cartel market is something popular everyone has access to. the content being released not through the cartel market has a pretty limited audience. i think most players don't have the group to be able to run the content being provided. what i'm saying, is that the significant part of this update is being released for money through the cartel market, and the other part is fairly minor since most people won't be able to access it (due to their ability or desire to find a group; i'm not blaming bioware for that, just saying that's how it is)


the character transfer they've proposed works for you. i think i understand your perspective, i understand you get more cc's every month than i do, i understand you have a lot of them saved up. i understand you're happy with moving only one or two toons. the complaints aren't coming because of your situation. the situation you're in is different than the situation i'm in, and your situation is likely different from the pvp players who have multiple toons and want to move to a server with more frequent rated queue pops. if you focused a bit on those situations instead of on your situation, i think it would help you understand why people are complaining and why it upsets me when you call them entitled and whining. i don't think you understand why i'm upset.


sometimes the community acts like spoiled rotten children. but there are other times when there are legitimate concerns from customers about the direction of the game. i still think this is a legitimate concern rather than the idle complaint of a spoiled kid. your comments on how other games charge more did not change my mind, though i understand you believe that's valid. i don't know if CMs were fired or quit, but i do think the cause was the nature of their job rather than people posting to forums. i haven't asked them, so that's just speculation. maybe eric can come in here and tell us what he thinks, or better yet maybe joveth can come back and tell us. i thought joveth did a pretty good job with what he was given.

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I'm with Icebergy on this. I really don't get all the complaints about Bioware finally implementing a system for which many of us have been begging them.


As has been pointed out many times, the price point is much lower than several other MMOs out there. True, it's not free, but there is more to it than just a "cash grab" when you charge for a transfer. It's also a way to manage transfers in order to avoid constant moving of toons for no reason at all, and to keep server populations relatively stable. They are trying to learn from the mistakes they made in the past. Everyone complained about empty servers. So, they merged us all into "mega-servers" and in the process split various characters within accounts. The charge for transfers helps, at least in some small way, to maintain server stability. It will make people think twice before leaving a server behind.


I certainly think that every subscriber should get one free transfer (to make up for being consolidated without choice during the merges), but after that the price point makes sense.


Nothing is stopping anyone from just creating a new character on any of the servers. You want to play with your friends? Go do it. How long have you been on different servers? I'm guessing at least a year, since that is when the merges happened. You're telling me in all that time, it never dawned on you to just start a new toon on your friend's server? That wouldn't have cost you anything (and still won't). And with the upcoming Double XP weekends, you'll be 55 in no time!


But if you want to move a toon over with all your legacy, items, titles, achievements, etc., then yes, that's a service, and there should be a charge. If you don't like it, stay on the server you're on and make the best of it. After all, if you've managed to enjoy it and stay subbed all this time, it can't be all bad, right? ;)

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I'm with Icebergy on this. I really don't get all the complaints about Bioware finally implementing a system for which many of us have been begging them.


What don't you get? That people feel 1800 coins per character is steep? It's fine if you move 1-3 toons, but 4+ should have a Legacy option available. What don't you "get" about that?

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No...why is someone moving 4+ characters off a server. If you didn't like the server, should have known that after the first character. One of my guild members, rolled one character. He didn't like the server and only rolled one character. He's moving that one character to our server. You should know you don't like a server before you make several characters so there really is no reason to move 4+ characters and if you're going to do it, pay for the service. Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Nothing is stopping anyone from just creating a new character on any of the servers. You want to play with your friends? Go do it. How long have you been on different servers? I'm guessing at least a year, since that is when the merges happened. You're telling me in all that time, it never dawned on you to just start a new toon on your friend's server? That wouldn't have cost you anything (and still won't). And with the upcoming Double XP weekends, you'll be 55 in no time!


But if you want to move a toon over with all your legacy, items, titles, achievements, etc., then yes, that's a service, and there should be a charge. If you don't like it, stay on the server you're on and make the best of it. After all, if you've managed to enjoy it and stay subbed all this time, it can't be all bad, right? ;)


This times 100.


Move your favorite 1-3 characters over to your new server so you have all your legacy unlocks, credits, crafting mats, even gear with legacy gear! And then just roll new characters. Last time they did double XP, I did two characters 1-50, and I didn't even play as much as some people do. During this coming double XP, you could have two+ more 50-55s on your new server.

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Hey folks,

How much do transfers cost?

Paid character transfers cost 1800 Cartel Coins per character. The purchase must be made using Cartel Coins.




Eric, pls tell the guys who has decided this crap: THANKS!!!!


Thanks for nothing. Thanks for no rewarding the loyal customers who have been playing this game many months leveling many characters cos THIS GAME ENCOURAGES THE LEGACY and it means several toons for many players.


I got 6 toons as you can easily check and,or i transfer all of them or nothing. 1800*6= 10800 Cartel Coins. Are you crazy? this is your way to reward your customers? no legacy transfer or even a discount depending on the toons to transfer? NOTHING??. Is this your way to handle the game?.


Pls, this is my feedback. 1800 to transfer a toon is ok but pls, give a discount depending on the number of toons or better, a legacy transfer. It is pure common sense.


Again, thanks for nothing.

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No...why is someone moving 4+ characters off a server. If you didn't like the server, should have known that after the first character. One of my guild members, rolled one character. He didn't like the server and only rolled one character. He's moving that one character to our server. You should know you don't like a server before you make several characters so there really is no reason to move 4+ characters and if you're going to do it, pay for the service.


Perhaps they liked their server 8 months ago, you know, before everyone was forced onto one server. Then, perhaps they didn't want to reroll a whole new legacy elsewhere and have to deal with everything that comes with that. Along with having no money to work with from past alts. Maybe they just moved from the east coast to the west coast and would prefer to have a double digit ping.


Just because they aren't in your situation, doesn't mean that transferring a lot of toons isn't out of the realm of possibility.

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is it really that you guys don't understand, or is it that you disagree?


i don't think it's that complicated. there are situations where what is being proposed is an excellent addition to the game. there are also situations where what is being proposed falls short. some of these posts make it sound like people think that since this solution was tailored for a situation that applies to them, we should all be excited, even if our situation is different.


as far as re-rolling goes, i put a lot of time into leveling the characters i've abandoned. i didn't leave servers on a whim. honestly, i feel like i was kind of forced out. i won't get that time back. i couldn't play those toons for several months. i'm now active on one of those servers, after a starting over and after forced mergers. i don't think it's all that horrible to ask that i get to play the characters i spent time leveling with the guild i'm currently involved with, or get to use them for crafting or whatever else. i do think it's a little insulting to suggest the time i put into those characters is worthless, as that's similar to saying i'm worthless. i will give you guys the benefit of the doubt and just assume you don't understand my position, but i honestly think i'm being clear in my explanation.

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