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Anyone starting to dislike Hypergates?


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That said it's also pretty frustrating when it's the round you're going to win, and you know the only way the enemy team can come back is by double capping, but you're still the only person by your pylon and then you get killed and lose the game.


This is crap, absolute crap. I hate it when we're at that crucial moment where we win if we just DEFEND....and we lose if we DON'T. And then of course we don't defend, or I get triple stealth ganked while guarding the node and then it's "Why did you lose it for us you noob!" instead of "We lost it because we didn't know when to switch to defense!"



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I had enough of Khaines embrace back in warhammer, Which is where they get all thier warzones from.


Novare and Cival war = battle for praag and nordenwatch and gromril crossing.


Hypergate = khaines embrace.


The only original warzone is huttball, and even that is like a modified talabac dam. Replace ball with bomb, and no passing.

They don't need to reinvent the wheel here, Warhammer had like 7 CTF Maps. More maps = more to do in varying areas.


I would also like to see larger set teams for pvp. 12 v 12 16 v16 20 v 20. But I doubt their servers and the engine could even handle it, If ilum was any indication of the engine taking crap on itself under any real pressure.


Having larger scale warzones would be alot of fun, and would solve alot of thier matchmaking issues with people crying about We are on a team with 5 healers vs other team with zero. Now you're both on the same team. Not to say a real matchmaking by class system wouldnt be better, but with no x-server that would just kill queues.


I also don't see why they cant Add maps and stuff for larger scale that wouldnt be in the rated circuit. Have the rated circuit remain 8v8 on 8v8 maps, keep devving 8v8 maps, just add in maps to mess around with in non rateds.


All this crazy money they are saying they make from cartel market, Why not invest in the games infistructure? Develop pvp, RVR, better raids. That's how you make a successful FTP transition.




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As long as I'm a stealther and guarding our pylon, this map is fine - there's always someone trying to ninja cap so I won't get bored. But I have always absolutely hated big melee festivals, so the middle is just too small place with too much players for me to enjoy.
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Its been designed for the brainless really. However, the central part is just a stun/knockback fest and if you're up against a team of healers, its essentially game over.


And, with the changes made to some classes, its even harder to ninja cap nodes solo. Never liked it, never will

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Gah - just something about this WZ is bugging me. I think the scoring system is over complicated .... and it annoys me that it's the one WZ you can win points without controlling a node.


Anyone else?


The thing I dislike about the place is that the nodes to control are so far away from where most of the fighting takes place. It's the same reason nobody wants to guard the farm or stables in arathi basin. People play pvp to pvp. They don't want to just stand there and do nothing the entire fight. Maps like AH punish your team if you don't have 1-2 people who are content by not fighting other players.

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The thing I dislike about the place is that the nodes to control are so far away from where most of the fighting takes place. It's the same reason nobody wants to guard the farm or stables in arathi basin. People play pvp to pvp. They don't want to just stand there and do nothing the entire fight. Maps like AH punish your team if you don't have 1-2 people who are content by not fighting other players.


As long as I'm a stealther and guarding our pylon, this map is fine - there's always someone trying to ninja cap so I won't get bored. But I have always absolutely hated big melee festivals, so the middle is just too small place with too much players for me to enjoy.


Made me smile. xD Exactly opposite reasons.

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The only thing I dislike about this warzone is how some people defend it by standing within 10m of the pylon.


I defended it the other night at 30m. 1 stealth mezzed me while the another one popped out to cap at the same time. think we need 2 people there and preferably 1 of them stealth, otherwise, it will be 3 stealthers next time.

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I defended it the other night at 30m. 1 stealth mezzed me while the another one popped out to cap at the same time. think we need 2 people there and preferably 1 of them stealth, otherwise, it will be 3 stealthers next time.


Yeah situations like that can be impossible to solo defend when you have two coordinated stealth for any warzone. Though sometimes in hypergate I wont even bother to cc since I assume they are not paying attention...you would be surprised how often they are not.

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Yeah situations like that can be impossible to solo defend when you have two coordinated stealth for any warzone. Though sometimes in hypergate I wont even bother to cc since I assume they are not paying attention...you would be surprised how often they are not.


It's just frustrating really. We had a stealther and another guy there and I went to fight at mid only to see those 2 come running past me heading into the fray. So being aware, I went and guarded. So when we lost the node; I had a lot of "fans" who didn't grasp the situation.

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It's just frustrating really. We had a stealther and another guy there and I went to fight at mid only to see those 2 come running past me heading into the fray. So being aware, I went and guarded. So when we lost the node; I had a lot of "fans" who didn't grasp the situation.


Well, see, you didn't do it right. You were supposed to notice that no one was guarding, and then, instead of heading there yourself, start a rant in chat about "why none of you noobs guarding". That way it won't be your fault when the node gets taken. That's what I learned from listening to all the "pros". :D

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Have you ever considered to split up your pug or pre-made team in hypergates over both pylons and ignore mid ?


It's what a good team should do every round imo.

Edited by Jorojus
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Well, see, you didn't do it right. You were supposed to notice that no one was guarding, and then, instead of heading there yourself, start a rant in chat about "why none of you noobs guarding". That way it won't be your fault when the node gets taken. That's what I learned from listening to all the "pros". :D


Oh I got called a noob yesterday in civil war. I took snow and was defending when a healing sorc came over, I was in vent with a buddy of mine who was fighting at grass since we capped the sides off the bat. He said we were losing the fight so I asked the sorc to take off I can defend solo (I do it all the time), sorc didn't respond so I took off, they attacked was kind of a late call (my death field was about 1/2 second late to stop) which didn't matter as we had the a good lead and ended up winning but it was pretty funny.

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The only thing i dislike about this WZ is the 6 sec cap, solo defending is stupid and yet everyone does it.

As an assassin or Operative, it's so easy to cap if there's only 1 person defending the node.

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The only thing i dislike about this WZ is the 6 sec cap, solo defending is stupid and yet everyone does it.

As an assassin or Operative, it's so easy to cap if there's only 1 person defending the node.


It's easy to solo defend this if you are stealth and not terrible for non stealth...don't stand on the pylon and unless its two stealth (which when working together will take any node in any game) it can be defended if you know what you are doing. Could it be 8s yes but I actually like the 6s, its a nice change of pace and ads some excitement to the warzone since stealth attempts happen more in this warzone than any other and for someone who defends often likes getting some action from time to time.

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I end up solo guarding the pylon on my sniper a lot (see previous posts in this thread about noticing that no one else is there). I think that's OK. I want to be a 30m anyway. I can spot anyone foolish enough to come at me from the front - and if I'm mezzed/stunned, I can break it, then pop entrench to make me immune for 20 seconds. Hopefully that's long enough for help to arrive and/or me to kill them. 'Course, if the other guy is quick enough, I guess he can hit me with the second mezz/stun before I get the cover/entrench off - not sure. [Edit: of course, having a second person there helping makes it a lot less nerve wracking for me. :) ] Edited by Banderal
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Well, see, you didn't do it right. You were supposed to notice that no one was guarding, and then, instead of heading there yourself, start a rant in chat about "why none of you noobs guarding". That way it won't be your fault when the node gets taken. That's what I learned from listening to all the "pros". :D



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Personally, I still like Hypergates. In fact, over time, I've become more and more a fan of the dynamic maps (Huttball, Novarre, Hypergates). I'm using the word "dynamic" loosely of course, but what I mean is that the final outcome can still change midway through the match if a team is able to execute the objectives better than the opposition.


These days Civil War is pretty much over after someone caps two turrets, especially with the boost to healing and an increase in turtle comps. Even if you can win a battle of attrition to gain a second turret back, it's almost impossible to acquire and hold three.


Voidstar is a huge bore the majority of the time. Each time I get VS, I pray and hope that my team is attacking first so that there is a greater possibility the match will end quickly.


We desperately need some new WZs, not just with new scenery and objectives, but with new team comps as well 4v4, 10v10, 12v12. The 8v8 5-map rotation is played out.

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People freak out too much about the two stealthers. Unless you can stealth yourself, and even that is iffy, there's nothing you can do to defend against 2 good stelathers working together so you might as well not worry about it. The rest of your team is supposed to take a commanding advantage while the 2 stealthers slowly make their way to your pylon and then check back on you after they've done killing all the opponents due to having a 2 man advantage.


The problem with Hypergates is that while it is superfically interesting, you're always one step flirting with the disaster of the double prevent cap strategy where neither side caps a pylon. As long as at least one side doesn't figure this out you've a lot of interesting things going on. When both sides do prevent cap (which is what they should always do) then it really sucks.

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Hated it from the very beginning and still hate it today. So I try and do my part by leaving as soon as the load screen ends so the other 7 can hopefully get someone before the match starts.


BW should have really just gotten rid of the pylons and orbs before releasing this and make this a full on death match instead of a quasi one. I'd still hate it but it would appease those who play this as TDM anyway along with those who do want an arena type WZ.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I end up solo guarding the pylon on my sniper a lot (see previous posts in this thread about noticing that no one else is there). I think that's OK. I want to be a 30m anyway. I can spot anyone foolish enough to come at me from the front - and if I'm mezzed/stunned, I can break it, then pop entrench to make me immune for 20 seconds. Hopefully that's long enough for help to arrive and/or me to kill them. 'Course, if the other guy is quick enough, I guess he can hit me with the second mezz/stun before I get the cover/entrench off - not sure. [Edit: of course, having a second person there helping makes it a lot less nerve wracking for me. :) ]


That was my thought when I saw the 2 stealthers. Typed out "2 node" "stealth" as quick as I could then breaker, and tried to go into entrench and the assassin at my back saw it coming. When I was getting my beating for losing the node and tried to plead my my case, I got the "Thats why you shouldn't use you breaker there..." to where I said "I didn't...err I did but.." Then I just gave up trying to explain.


People freak out too much about the two stealthers. Unless you can stealth yourself, and even that is iffy, there's nothing you can do to defend against 2 good stelathers working together so you might as well not worry about it. The rest of your team is supposed to take a commanding advantage while the 2 stealthers slowly make their way to your pylon and then check back on you after they've done killing all the opponents due to having a 2 man advantage.


The problem with Hypergates is that while it is superfically interesting, you're always one step flirting with the disaster of the double prevent cap strategy where neither side caps a pylon. As long as at least one side doesn't figure this out you've a lot of interesting things going on. When both sides do prevent cap (which is what they should always do) then it really sucks.


You can defend against 2 stealthers with 2 stealthers. :D Did have fun when I was on my assassin doing it. There was quite a shadow war going on as me and another assassin on my team were being confronted by 2 scrappers at our node. Sure don't need it the be AH for that sort of jockeying though.


Odds were in out favor there though. *pours one out for my homie scrappers*

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Gah - just something about this WZ is bugging me. I think the scoring system is over complicated .... and it annoys me that it's the one WZ you can win points without controlling a node.


Anyone else?


You need to have a node to get points...

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