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What's wrong with in-game community?


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I mean... you see people having trouble with mobs, you stop by, help kill the mobs twice as fast as the person could solo'ing them and then the person calls you a-hole, or worst, or whatever with things like "Go mind your own business a-hole...!"


You go into warzones and people from the other faction curses you and when you curse back or complains to keep the posture or something, they chase you the whole warzone.


You put an AoE damage to slow down enemies in warzones and other people say it's a bad move, that you're not good and stuff...


I mean... W.T.H.!!!


I just played a voidstar and we armed one of the doors, I placed an orbital strike in the way for the enemies to disarm it and the ops leader tells me it was a bad move? :confused:


I'm not complaining about bad WZ matches or stuff like that, I'm complaining about people's behavior. Sometimes it's annoying as hell and the ignore list just grows. In a few months, there won't be anyone left to play with as the ignore list keeps growing.


People need to review their concepts.

Edited by Haggardbr
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I haven't really had much negativity directed my way, but to be honest I generally am not paying attention to general chat.


Yeah, it's hard to know sometimes how to conduct yourselves. There are people who treat this as a single player game and get annoyed if you SAVE THEIR LIVES and there are people who complain that players are not helping other players out enough.


I think I may have crossed the line myself maybe once when someone blew a warzone match and I called him on it (but it was true!), but I think most of treat this like a game and don't lose too much sleep over it.


- Arcada

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but I think most of treat this like a game and don't lose too much sleep over it.


Yeah I know it's a game and I won't lose sleep over it but, c'mon... this is not a single player game, it's a freaking MMO and if people don't know how to treat each other in a game I don't even want to know how they are in real life.


In the game I'm a reflection of my real life me... I treat others how I'm treated.

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if people don't know how to treat each other in a game I don't even want to know how they are in real life.


Compensating for a lack of something in their own life. :p They feel better about themselves for those short moments until they realize they still have a small.... It is the internet after all, where everyone is a war hero, a millionaire or a rocket scientist. I don't think it's limited to this particular game.


In any event, perhaps the guy you helped was new and thought that perhaps you were stealing his kills that he needed to complete a mission. That could have been just a misunderstanding.


Orbital strike on a door is 'usually' bad for preventing caps because of how long it takes for it to start dealing damage. Now you say you planted and were using it for those going to disarm, were they all mezzed? If they were, your strike will free them of that. Just saying, there could have been a reasonable explanation. But that doesn't excuse the flaming though, so I'm with you there.


I find what works best for me is to translate what they say into a more positive message, then listen the advise. For instance, way back when I read someone saying crap like "*********** keyboard turning clickers", I read it as "perhaps, Ridickilis, you would be better off keybinding your skills and learning to move with the mouse. You'll be surprised how much more effective you could be in pvp".

Edited by Ridickilis
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Yeah I know it's a game and I won't lose sleep over it but, c'mon... this is not a single player game, it's a freaking MMO and if people don't know how to treat each other in a game I don't even want to know how they are in real life.


In the game I'm a reflection of my real life me... I treat others how I'm treated.


I hate to say this but they are probably the same in real life. It's dangerous to generalize too much, but I often feel that most people have lost their civility. How they got that way is debatable, but I believe too much of a dependency on technology and the Internet isn't helping their real-world social skills.

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I mean... you see people having trouble with mobs, you stop by, help kill the mobs twice as fast as the person could solo'ing them and then the person calls you a-hole, or worst, or whatever with things like "Go mind your own business a-hole...!"

Not sure about the PVP stuff because I don't PVP. But why would you assume someone is worried about racing through content and killing things twice as fast? If I see someone running for their life from a mob, then I'll usually jump in to help them out. But just jumping into someone else's battle because you assume that they want or need your help is pretty presumptuous. You could be hindering their quest or achievement objectives by taking kills away from them. Maybe they are trying to make the game more challenging by seeing how much they can handle at once or how much higher of a level mob they can take on. Plus, there are so many people running around trying to ninja chests and quest objectives that some people probably get jumpy any time someone else just shows up in their battle out of nowhere. But I sure wouldn't cuss someone out for doing what you described....that's pretty uncalled for.

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SWTOR has the worst community I've ever seen in a game. On starter planets subs curse out new F2P players, the answer for any in-game question is always "google it", and people will quit group finder groups if the group's gear isn't well beyond the minimum suggested level (and then whisper you about how you should quit because your gear sucks) making it hard to gear alts. This community is all about entitlement and being selfish, I have no hope for it.
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Not sure about the PVP stuff because I don't PVP. But why would you assume someone is worried about racing through content and killing things twice as fast? If I see someone running for their life from a mob, then I'll usually jump in to help them out. But just jumping into someone else's battle because you assume that they want or need your help is pretty presumptuous. You could be hindering their quest or achievement objectives by taking kills away from them. Maybe they are trying to make the game more challenging by seeing how much they can handle at once or how much higher of a level mob they can take on. Plus, there are so many people running around trying to ninja chests and quest objectives that some people probably get jumpy any time someone else just shows up in their battle out of nowhere. But I sure wouldn't cuss someone out for doing what you described....that's pretty uncalled for.


The guy I mentioned had already tagged the mobs around him and he was way below 30% of hp and his healer couldn't keep up with the damage he was taking, so I stepped in to help just to be cursed.


Then, later on on my commando doing Makeb's dailies I saw the same situation happening with what seemed to be a dps guardian and again stepped in to help and what did I get in exchange? A "Thank you very much for the help Sir!"


I know it all depends on each person, but people need to know this is actually a MMO and they're dealing with other humans, not animals or other kind of stuff.


SWTOR has the worst community I've ever seen in a game. On starter planets subs curse out new F2P players, the answer for any in-game question is always "google it", and people will quit group finder groups if the group's gear isn't well beyond the minimum suggested level (and then whisper you about how you should quit because your gear sucks) making it hard to gear alts. This community is all about entitlement and being selfish, I have no hope for it.


I won't say it's the worst I've seen but yeah... one of the worst communities for sure.

I do agree with everything that you said though.


The problem is that most of the people in this game are elitist and if you're not good enough or up to their stats, you're not worth the effort.


And the "Google it!" thing... every time I see such stuff I say that's no way to to encourage people to stick to the game and be better players, that knowledge is to be passed on not to be hold to you.


I always try to solve newbies doubts and stuff as well.

Edited by Haggardbr
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I'm there with you. I feel like the flaming and trash talking gets worse after school lets out. Let's be honest here, we were mostly all the same as teenage kids.


I do feel like there is an opportunity to have a better playerbase. Unfortunately the people who can make it better get turned off to the game by the trash talk and constant insults, or the sarcasm as an answer to a question. I try to answer questions on fleet, and if I don't know, I'll point them towards the forums. There is no possible way for me to know every answer to every question about every AC and what you should do if you find yourself in a less than optimal rotation, etc. I try to be kind and say, "I'm not sure [insert name], but I think the forums have a couple threads on it. Check the [insert section] area."




On the other hand, you would imagine that if you are looking for the Appearance Kiosk on fleet, you might have checked your map before spamming chat in all caps. I can see both sides of the fence here.

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I'm there with you. I feel like the flaming and trash talking gets worse after school lets out. Let's be honest here, we were mostly all the same as teenage kids.


I do feel like there is an opportunity to have a better playerbase. Unfortunately the people who can make it better get turned off to the game by the trash talk and constant insults, or the sarcasm as an answer to a question. I try to answer questions on fleet, and if I don't know, I'll point them towards the forums. There is no possible way for me to know every answer to every question about every AC and what you should do if you find yourself in a less than optimal rotation, etc. I try to be kind and say, "I'm not sure [insert name], but I think the forums have a couple threads on it. Check the [insert section] area."




On the other hand, you would imagine that if you are looking for the Appearance Kiosk on fleet, you might have checked your map before spamming chat in all caps. I can see both sides of the fence here.


But kids get out all the time, it's via the internet, and with various timezones and schooltimes within those timezones, teenagers are constantly online. Besides some of the most childish idiots later make comments like "Time for my college lessons" or the equivalent, so I'm thinking Kids is not the biggest problem, it's people who are supposed to be adults, unfortunately with the emphasis on supposed.

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...so I'm thinking Kids is not the biggest problem, it's people who are supposed to be adults, unfortunately with the emphasis on supposed.


Since we can't tell who's behind the toon you're dealing with in the game, I can say the same.


I've never witnessed any of those things you mentioned. Is it possible there are some differences beetween european and US servers or something?


Most likely yeah... I didn't mention the server but it is The Jedi Covenant in EAST US.

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Most likely yeah... I didn't mention the server but it is The Jedi Covenant in EAST US.


Yeah, I'm on JC too, and I detest most of the community. It's just...bad. It sucks, because my legacy is on the server so I can't just up and play on another one unless I want to start all over. Man, I hope we get server transfers again someday...

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SWTOR has the worst community I've ever seen in a game. On starter planets subs curse out new F2P players, the answer for any in-game question is always "google it", and people will quit group finder groups if the group's gear isn't well beyond the minimum suggested level (and then whisper you about how you should quit because your gear sucks) making it hard to gear alts. This community is all about entitlement and being selfish, I have no hope for it.


Have to agree with this 100%.Have had enough of the elitist/rude/selfish players who only think of themselves and don't give a hoot about players around them.Thought being on a RP server (EU) the community would be more mature,going by the community in LOTRO anyways and boy was I wrong..I pay to have fun and enjoyment in the game which it is all about.Have called it a day now last week was last straw for me ,gone back to lotro when at least the community it a lot more mature and helpful.

Been playing since launch and have seen the server community after the first forced merges hit the sewer and stay there.

Edited by Avorniel
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As a solo player I've had people try to take something I'm fighting to get, and then move on, but really it's happened in every single MMO I've ever played and I don't let them get to me, I still choose how I react to people.


Being the lone wolf type that doesn't have to depend on anyone else is really my style, but hey in real life I am always working on team projects (as management) and this game allows me to still be around others, but do things my way for a change.


The community for the most part isn't that bad. Not like in WoW, where a PUG had my younger son crying, and they were still mean. Allowing people to act without consequences will always bring out the worst in people and MMO's with random pug mechanisms, renames, server transfers, etc, allow people to do that. At least it's not EVE where bands of bullies go around picking fights they know they will win, and then saying it's the "carebears" who ruin the game.

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I believe the anonymity of the internet plays a big role here. I generalize a bit here, but people tend to become all 'Internet Hero' when they're safely tucked away behind their screen. Is it because of the option to change names, that people misbehave, change their names, and go on anonymous again? It may be just me, but I've noticed a huge increase in insults over general chat/during flashpoints, ninja-looting and just plain idiotic behaviour, since that name change option became available.


It's a sad thing, the community is not getting any better if people behave this way...

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Me, I treat everyone with respect, right until they lose it.


It's pretty much what I do too...


The other day there was this tank guardian running a 55 HM FP with the PuG I was and he thought everyone was stupid.


Telling people what to do and whatnot in a mean way like we were stupid not to know the right spots to stand or to avoid major boss damage and stuff.


I mean, for a full Elite Comm geared commando, I've run these new 55 HMs tons of times so I do know what to do in every fight and even though I don't treat people like they're stupid.

Edited by Haggardbr
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if a player isnt near death then move on and let him kill his mobs. if you can heal then heal him. just helping someone kill something because you can do it faster or want the quest mob dead so you can start your quest 15 secs faster is beyond rude. op if this is what you are doing and then get called out on it then you are what is wrong with the community.


for your comments about pvp i just dont know. but i do know that pvp in mmos have contributed absolutely nothing positive for etiquette nor the community since the blizzard era. all it has ever done is give license to rudeness to players of the opposite faction propagating said behavior into pve and an elitist attitude for those whom died enough to be well geared. years ago there was some etiquette. now it more like a gangland street brawl where everything goes including hacks and exploits.

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want the quest mob dead so you can start your quest 15 secs faster is beyond rude. op if this is what you are doing and then get called out on it then you are what is wrong with the community.


No offense, but why?


I often jump in to down a quest mob, whether it be one that requires a manual respawn or one that will respawn on a timer. Usually the person will stick around and kill mine with me, sometimes even if the timer is a long one. In my opinion, the people who are the real problems are the ones who cruise up at the last minute, refuse to group, and try to steal the respawn. Those people are part of the reason why I do what I do as well -- not only do I not know if one of them is going to show up, causing me to wait even longer, but if it's a timed respawn then I can group with the person I helped and have one more person ready to try and get the tag when the mob shows back up.


I don't think I've ever had a person complain about what I do. Sometimes they just leave and don't say a word, but that's fine. Other times they'll toss a buff even if I don't need it as a way of saying thanks, and then be on their way. But every single day I see people complaining about that other kind of person (ninjas, etc.) and I'm pretty sure many people feel that kind of behavior is like virtually giving someone the finger.

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if a player isnt near death then move on and let him kill his mobs. if you can heal then heal him. just helping someone kill something because you can do it faster or want the quest mob dead so you can start your quest 15 secs faster is beyond rude. op if this is what you are doing and then get called out on it then you are what is wrong with the community.


I'm afraid you're in the ethical minority here. Assuming the first player has tagged the mob so that credit for the kill is already assigned, then there's nothing rude with a second player helping finish it off. This allows both players to get on with their goals (quest, achievement, whatever), and the first player loses nothing.


I daresay that problems with the community likely have much more to do with poor written communication skills, as this post demonstrates.

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