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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Question of the Day 5/17/2013

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All of my characters look pretty much the way I want them to and I have no humans for the new styles.

Give me longer hair and no tattoos for Zabrak, however, and you can have some of my coins back.

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I've changed the races of my Marauder and Operative from Chiss to human.


I would give my Sith Inquisitor a nice scar, if only it was available for him...

Edited by Sorei
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I like the way it is priced so as to discourage frequent changes to names and looks. That being said 0 for me as well, but I may use it in the future. I think this is an amazing new feature for the game. I wouldn't change much except to maybe make it less expensive.
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None, again some might consider it a little bit insensitive given the widespread negative feelings that have gone unacknowledged on the forums. As always, not a dig at you personally, just saying it. :)


But in the interest of keeping my post constructive:


I'm considering using one of the new female human hairstyles (I do love the long front/back one but it just seems a little too big when I preview it). I looked at the long male one and even went so far as to mocking up a character with that style, a beard and one of the older faces (wisened older Jedi-ish). I didn't go for it in the end, though - thought about a new character with this but being described as a "young Jedi" all over Tython kinda ruins the feel of trying to make an older character.


What WOULD part me with some Coins is a range of new Miraluka "masks". I was in a d20 campaign from October 2008 right up until launch in preparation for the game (3 and a half year old community fell apart after a month but that's because the game fought back at every level of heavy RP we tried to engage in) and had a Miraluka character (hoped it would be implemented). My choice of mask was pretty much a simple white "bandage" wrapped around the eyes, like this. I settled for the brown patched up one but would love something like that.


So if you want my coins, that's how to do it. ;)


Other than that, might consider changing a head (couple of square ones I cringe looking at) or hairstyle. Nothing planned yet though.


That said, IF these appearance changes could be paid for with the credits that I've spent 17 months saving up, I'd have used it a dozen times by now.

Edited by JarenWelen
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One, so far. I changed my main’s body from 1 to 2 to reflect the fact she started out as a skinny young padawan but is now a fully fledged, grown-up Jedi master. Seemed kinda fitting.


I also spent quite a while experimenting with the dye system and new gear to give her a whole new outfit. I’m proud of the result.


I declined to give her one of the new haircuts because of the cost. Ditto buying the Cathar unlock or revamping my other toons, or even playing about with the sliders except to see how much it would add up to when changing a few minor things.


I say this because I want to get away from the negativity that’s plaguing the board at the moment – and to demonstrate that the actual mechanics of the customisations patch are a success. It’s just the horrible implementation in terms of charging over the odds for what’s on offer that I object to.


TBH – when You said your other 3 chars changes were minor I immediately thought – “That’s because you don’t have any free coins left after buying Cathar”

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None, again some might consider it a little bit insensitive given the widespread negative feelings that have gone unacknowledged on the forums. As always, not a dig at you personally, just saying it. :)

This. I love the QotD, and I suspect the lack of response to current hot topics on the forum may be out of the CM team's hands, but QotDs on those very topics is a little... hm. ^^;


On to the question itself -- I haven't made any changes yet. I spent a lot of time agonizing over my characters at creation, so I'm happy with them as they are. That may change as more options are made available (I only have one human character and he's certainly not in need of the new hairstyles or colors :p ). Also, as I progress with some of my lower-level characters, perhaps they'll gain scars or whatnot over time -- I certainly would have used that option with my Merc if it were possible earlier in the game.


What WOULD part me with some Coins is a range of new Miraluka "masks".

A thousand times this; offer one of the add-on packs with a double handful of new masks and I'll be at the Kiosk with my Juggernaut post-haste. ;)

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2. The first one was my chiss but I can hardly call it a makeover, "two" new hair colours for 240 cc and the fee for implementing it. The other was cathar and that turned out horrible... nasty colour difference line between head and body. Can I have my coins back please?
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None, again some might consider it a little bit insensitive given the widespread negative feelings that have gone unacknowledged on the forums. As always, not a dig at you personally, just saying it. :)


I agree with this

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None. I will not pay CC to use the kiosk.


I can agree with monetizing race and name changes, but as a subscriber, regardless of stipend availability, I just can't accept paying additional real world value to change my haircut.

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How many of your characters have you given a makeover since Game Update 2.1 went live on Tuesday?


Personal Answer: I think it is up to 3 characters. Besides changing my smuggler to a Cathar, the rest have been small tweaks like a new hair cut.

I'm guessing that as an employee, you get unlimited cartel coins to play with...


I get a total of 700 coins a month for my sub & security key, and I've gotten over 400 so far from achievements, but after looking at the prices at the appearance designer, I won't be spending any coins on makeovers. I spent enough time getting the looks I wanted for my characters when I made them.


Not gonna spend real money (not even "free" real money) making tweaks to them, or giving them ridiculous clown-color hair (for which I'd get charged twice: once for the hair pack from the cartel market, and then again at the appearance designer to actually apply it).

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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I haven't used the customization features, either. I spend quite a bit of time thinking about my characters' builds when I first set them up, and dream up a bit of back story for them in my mind as I put them together and include things like scars and tattoos.


As I've mentioned before, I don't see the point in tweaking them after the fact. It just seems wrong, somehow! I will note that role play folks have said that it is an excellent option for replacing characters that have "died" or otherwise gone away in a role-play environment, and I can see the value in that (as opposed to re-rolling and starting at level 1).


I ran a PuG this morning for the Athiss flashpoint, and we had a Cathar Jedi in our group. That was my first close encounter of the feline kind. :p

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