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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What none of you seem to understand about subscriber CC stipends

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Please note this is not a post about whether or not certain things should or shouldn't be in the Cartel Market, or if they cost the right amount of coins. Rather, this post is about a critical factor that rabid Bioware shills do not seem to realize about the CC stipend they get for "free," and why it is a dubious position to justify every new CM release on the grounds that subscribers get it for "nothing."


Although very few of you seem to realize it, the subscriber CC stipend is not "free." This takes a bit of thinking before you can understand it, because to many of you if you don't pay anything additional, then that means there's no cost involved. But in fact, CC stipends are not free. Rather, they represent compensation for lost value.


Originally, to play the game you had to pay $15/mo. But SWTOR failed as a subscription model game. That is not in dispute. It failed. Fortunately for those of us who like the game, EA came up with a new model that saved SWTOR. Now, F2P is not perfect (far from it), but I'd rather play a less-than-perfect game than no game at all.


However, when F2P came out, the value of a subscription was instantly diminished because much of the content was accessible for free, but subscribers were still paying $15/mo. Cartel Coin stipends are how EA compensates subscribers for the diminution in value.


Recall that even before F2P, SWTOR was clearly not seen as worth $15/mo, as proven by the plummeting subscriber numbers. If accessing all SWTOR content was not worth $15, then clearly accessing that portion of the content denied or limited to F2Pers clearly cannot be worth $15.


Make no mistake. EA's subscription price points takes your 600 "free" coins into consideration. They could have simply reduced the price of subscribing once they made much of the game away, but "free" coins cost them nothing, and in fact probably lead to more people purchasing additional coins (in rather the same way that the first hit on the crack pipe is free).


In conclusion, let me just restate that this isn't about the CC pricing policies or the wisdom of making virtually all new content CM restricted. Rather, it is to address the common, but incorrect, assertion that the CC stipend is "free."



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Its stupid now people think the sub model is worth it because they compare it to free to play, when it was exactly the same as before free to play came out


As a subscriber I was disappointed that Cathar were CM-only, but I'm not angry about it. As far as I'm concerned, it's much better to have races (which, in this game are just skins anyway) in the CM than Pay-to-Rep systems.

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Great post OP and true,


I am sure when patch 3.0 comes out in the future, and the CM portion is a 5 gig download because it got so big, you can BET that monthly allowance will still not go up. Nothing in life is free, but I would not mind being "paid" more CC for bending over and taking it a little deeper.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Great post OP and true,


I am sure when patch 3.0 comes out in the future, and the CM portion is a 5 gig download because it got so big, you can BET that monthly allowance will still not go up. Nothing in life is free, but I would not mind being "paid" more CC for bending over and taking it a little deeper.


CC stipends are unlikely to increase, but CM costs are likely to rise. Or, to be more accurate, more and more of the game is likely to be gated through the CM. We've seen that now with the barber shop, which requires coins even for modifications that other games deal with through their native economies.


Ever since F2P came out, the majority of new content has been CM bound, and this is a trend that is not only likely to continue, it's likely to increase. Particularly because old content that has been removed from the game can be re-introduced through the CM (such as the White Crystals). Therefore even those things you once could acquire through playing you can now only buy.


My personal opinion is that EAware is pushing the scam store too hard. But, even accepting that this is the model they've chosen, it would be nice if more people understood that they are, in reality, paying for their CC stipend.

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All very true, and compounded by the fact that there are less of our dollars going into actual content development.


Seriously, I'll give up my stipend if we can get some competent devs actually working on the game and not the Cartel Market.

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In any other game, a new Race likely would have came with a $40 expansion. In SWTOR, Subs pay SIX bucks for it...


In that other MMO, Subs have to pay $25 to switch races. In SWTOR, Subs pay less than 8 dollars.


I wish there was a sub only option to pay for the physical changes (excluding race change) via credits, but, it's currently cheap enough that 500 coins should allow to to do most of what you want to do.


Some people's sense of entitlement is astounding.

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In any other game, a new Race likely would have came with a $40 expansion. In SWTOR, Subs pay SIX bucks for it...


In that other MMO, Subs have to pay $25 to switch races. In SWTOR, Subs pay less than 8 dollars.


I wish there was a sub only option to pay for the physical changes (excluding race change) via credits, but, it's currently cheap enough that 500 coins should allow to to do most of what you want to do.


Some people's sense of entitlement is astounding.


It's like you copy-pasted something you wrote in a different thread and figured it would fit here as well. Did you read the OP at all?

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Also, since CC has a monetary value, then it would be very inaccurate to not remove their value from the amount that you're paying each month. At this point, everyone needs CC to access some of the cooler armors, cosmetics, so, in essence, Subs are paying 9 or 10 per month for unlimited access to FPs, WZ and Ops. And for anyone that does either of these three a lot, 10 bucks is easily worth it. If you don't ever participate in that content, unsub and enjoy the rest of the game free of charge. Then again, leveling/story (which is free) goes a lot better as a sub as well thanks to EXP bonuses and rested EXP. So, there is literally an advantage for subs with everything you do.
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It's like you copy-pasted something you wrote in a different thread and figured it would fit here as well. Did you read the OP at all?



I'm just pointing out some additional values that subbed players receive in this game. And since part the OPs point is that the game's not worth the sub, I'm giving counter reasons why it absolutely is worth the sub fee for those who enjoy it.

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That is not in dispute. It failed

you also proved me right a few times in past


So I got the mission Jedi Prisoner, to go to Talal V. I succeed, turn it in, and get the next part to do Maelstorm. But then I can never enter Maelstorm, even though it is purple. I always get the stupid "reset flashpoint" message, but resetting does nothing. This remains true whether or not I am in a group or solo or with a companion.


Well, I figure bugs will be bugs, I'll just reset Jedi Prisoner. Now I have to do Talal V again, except this time, it won't let me enter Talal V either, even though the entrance is purple. I get the same frustrating reset flashpoint message.


Now getting a little ticked off, I submit a ticket. The ticket is instantly closed by CS, with no helpful advice of any kind, only a vague promise to notify the dev team, and a notification that I will receive no further support on this matter.


What the **** Bioware?


No the sub model did not fail the company behind it failed and the subs said enough and left.


People quit because of many reasons.


to those who did leave please add the reason you left after launch of game.



I left because customer service is horrible, long waits to get ticket response, i had one ticket over an item and it took them almost 6 months to answer and they did it after i unsubbed and it was a frickin droid response.


I don't let random game glitches upset me swtor is not the only game that has them, the company failed not the sub model,.

Edited by JediJonesJr
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In any other game, a new Race likely would have came with a $40 expansion. In SWTOR, Subs pay SIX bucks for it...


In that other MMO, Subs have to pay $25 to switch races. In SWTOR, Subs pay less than 8 dollars.


I wish there was a sub only option to pay for the physical changes (excluding race change) via credits, but, it's currently cheap enough that 500 coins should allow to to do most of what you want to do.


Some people's sense of entitlement is astounding.


Who cares what another games does? This game took away items that were not bound for almost a year and made them bound, just so they can milk us for more money. As a conservative I normally back business making profits, but I will now stand with what you call entitled ones because I can CLEARLY see the difference between "profits" and "milking" of wallets.


Entitled would only apply to people asking for things they do not pay for, like a F2p complaining about the same things... in this case, people pay and not s single thing in this update do they stop asking for the money. It gets to a point, its becomes sickening......


I do not have issue with things like paying for a new race, or for new gear in the CM. Fact is, before they ruined packs with "jawagrams" I even defended them. At some point, you have to take a step back and say, "what is happening here"?


I pay for 2 subs and paid for 2 expansions (rothc), 2 digital expansions, I paid about $160 in CC for various things, and happily.... I am not even close to "entitled" and I feel I am getting bent over, and I have every right to voice that...


I EARNED that right!

Edited by Themanthatisi
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That's really your interpretation and perceived value of the subscription. I do not see it that way. I'd gladly pay my 12.00 a month (I get 6 month subs) even if we didn't get a stipend. For 12 characters slots, which I use all of them, not having to worry about the number of FPs and OPs I can do a week, not worrying about end game armor, not worrying about 1 ability bar that doesn't even hold the amount of stuff I want to put on it. You see, my perceived value of the subscription is way higher than yours. What you fail to realize that your point is merely an opinion. It may be the opinion of others too but it is MERELY AN OPINION. I'm a fan of the game. I like it. I see 12.00 worth of value in it. So for me the stipend is free.
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In any other game, a new Race likely would have came with a $40 expansion. In SWTOR, Subs pay SIX bucks for it...


In that other MMO, Subs have to pay $25 to switch races. In SWTOR, Subs pay less than 8 dollars.


I wish there was a sub only option to pay for the physical changes (excluding race change) via credits, but, it's currently cheap enough that 500 coins should allow to to do most of what you want to do.


Some people's sense of entitlement is astounding.


I have a level 44 Pandarian Shaman and I do not own Mists of Pandaria. So what you're saying is wrong :p

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In any other game, a new Race likely would have came with a $40 expansion. In SWTOR, Subs pay SIX bucks for it...


In that other MMO, Subs have to pay $25 to switch races. In SWTOR, Subs pay less than 8 dollars.


I wish there was a sub only option to pay for the physical changes (excluding race change) via credits, but, it's currently cheap enough that 500 coins should allow to to do most of what you want to do.


Some people's sense of entitlement is astounding.


In that other MMO, the $25 also gives a name change. To buy the same amount of cc in swtor to do the same things, I'd need to pay $20. Plus hair is "free" in that other MMO.


RotHC certainly didn't include any Cathar unlocks.

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The thing about the "stipend" is that it isn't stated to be a "stipend." It is a complimentary grant. Meaning that it is, supposedly, a bonus that is to be used at our discretion. If they overtly said, "Here is your stipend," sure , they're justified in dictating how it is spent. But as long as it remains a complimentary grant, not an "allotment," not a "stipend," telling the playerbase what to spend it on (and developing content around that justification) isn't justified. Edited by CelCawdro
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In any other game, a new Race likely would have came with a $40 expansion. In SWTOR, Subs pay SIX bucks for it...


In that other MMO, Subs have to pay $25 to switch races. In SWTOR, Subs pay less than 8 dollars.


I wish there was a sub only option to pay for the physical changes (excluding race change) via credits, but, it's currently cheap enough that 500 coins should allow to to do most of what you want to do.


Some people's sense of entitlement is astounding.


I just re upped my WOW sub without buying Mists. I was surprised that I could roll a Panda monk and do the whole new starting zone without paying an extra penny.


So not in any game.


Besides, the new race was not the same as every other one with a knd of different head but rather an entire new model.

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I just re upped my WOW sub without buying Mists. I was surprised that I could roll a Panda monk and do the whole new starting zone without paying an extra penny.


So not in any game.


Besides, the new race was not the same as every other one with a knd of different head but rather an entire new model.


Lies. You can roll a Pandaren, but not a Monk. :)

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Subscribing Player who spends his monthly stipends recklessly.


- Blew through all of his lumpsum allotment in the first hour during the F2P switch.

- Spends all his CCs Day 1 on new item releases.

- Buys useless fluff items for 2,200 CCs, but then complains on the forums he doesn't have 600 CCs to buy Cartel Shop items with more 'substance' like race unlocks.

- Is likely wastefull with his money in real life.


Subscribing Player who spend shis monthly stipends efficiently.


- Browses the GTN regularly for the many Cartel Shop items it holds.

- Notices that 90% of Cartel Shop items end up on the GTN and spends his credits instead (he has alot because he's smart with his credits too ;))

- Spent his lumpsum allotment of CCs he got form the F2P switch on cheap yet very useful global unlocks like GTN on his ship, rockey boots, mail on ship, reduced cooldown on fleet passes, etc...

- Doesn't buy Day 1 items on the Cartel Shop and waits patiently for hate to subside and prices to go down on the GTN.

- Doesn't buy more CCs with real $ and doesn't complain on the forums about the race unlock because he had plenty of CCs and 600 CCs is rather cheap.

- Is likely frugal and efficient with his money in real life.

- Women find him more attractive and goes on dates more often.

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Lies. You can roll a Pandaren, but not a Monk. :)


Not a lie, a mistake. You are right in that I rolled a mage. Bad terminoloy and I apologize (still sipping my first coffee).


Still rolled the new race and played the new starting zone and will check out your correction this evening.


Thanks for keeping me honest, my opinions are my own but hopefully are not anchored is bs.

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Not a lie, a mistake. You are right in that I rolled a mage. Bad terminoloy and I apologize (still sipping my first coffee).


Still rolled the new race and played the new starting zone and will check out your correction this evening.


Thanks for keeping me honest, my opinions are my own but hopefully are not anchored is bs.


Indeed. :) I should also be noted that with MoP, Blizzard opened up all species to everyone - even if you had only the basic version, you could create Blood Elves, Draenei, Goblins, Worgen and Pandaren regardless of which expansions you had purchased.

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