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Server Transfers ~ What will YOU do?


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Since we're on this wonderful tangent, I'll throw in my 2 cents.


For me, pvp warzones would be the most fair and balanced if everyone's gear was equalized. To an extent, that is what bolster attempts to accomplish: making pve gear competitive, but never superior to conqueror gear. Whether you want to call it a bug or an exploit... the point is that bolster is not working as intended when craftable purple pve gear is superior to the top-end pvp gear.


Without having all the "mathy" formulas and other associated information that we were promised from BW, it's impossible for us players to determine what the intentions of the devs were. With the recent thread highlighting the bolster exploit, I assume the devs will attempt to remedy the issue in the near future once they pin down where their maths went wrong.


I definitely don't see this new bolster issue as black and white. However, my justifications for not taking advantage of this bug/exploit are as follows:


  1. BW will fix this in the near future so I find it laughable to not only wear this buggy gear, but to augment it as well.
  2. I prefer not to treat gear as a crutch. Being a good player doesn't necessarily mean having better gear than your opponents. Like I stated earlier, my ideal pvp environment would have all players wearing balanced gear, which they can itemize themselves. The only "thing" that should be separating players is their own skill.
  3. I don't see the difference between the aforementioned exploit, or the augment/enhancement glitch, or using /stuck. To me, any player can perform any of these (until BW does something about it like they did with the aug/enhancement glitches).
  4. I see regular warzones as a chance for me to improve. I don't even use stims most of the time, although that may have to do more with me being a cheap ***. Point is, I'm forced to play smarter and harder if my stats are below par.



If you get your jollies from wearing clearly-not-working-as-intended gear in order to gain as much of an advantage over your opponents as possible (as well as all the time spent trying to find exploits for bolster), all I can say is enjoy it while it lasts. After all, you don't have to worry about what other players are doing if you're the one that the rest of us are worrying about.

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And just to be clear so everyone understands your point in it's simplest form:


You are equating crafting an entire set of level 54 PvE purples to use in PvP to gain 10-15% damage over full Conqueror due to the way bolster works, to a person using an Elite War Hero relic when killing Styrak to gain about 2% more DPS over the Underworld clicky?





The numbers don't matter. See: small exploits are still exploits, same as large exploits. There's no qualitative difference. I don't know how you don't understand this. Have you just spacebarred through my posts because you still don't get it meanwhile the only point you were harping on the -entire- time was that set bonuses can be used because they work? Idiot stamp for you, do not collect $200, perma-banned from Ellis Island.

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The numbers don't matter. See: small exploits are still exploits, same as large exploits. There's no qualitative difference. I don't know how you don't understand this. Have you just spacebarred through my posts because you still don't get it meanwhile the only point you were harping on the -entire- time was that set bonuses can be used because they work? Idiot stamp for you, do not collect $200, perma-banned from Ellis Island.




I never once disagreed with the previous point you felt the need to make in order to justify your exploiting. Again, your ethics are your ethics.


But thank you for clearing it up and finally agreeing with my original point 10 pages later.




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And just to be clear so everyone understands your point in it's simplest form:


You are equating crafting an entire set of level 54 PvE purples to use in PvP to gain 10-15% damage over full Conqueror due to the way bolster works, to a person using an Elite War Hero relic when killing Styrak to gain about 2% more DPS over the Underworld clicky?





The amount of advantage it is is IRRELEVANT. Thought we discussed this already.

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The amount of advantage it is is IRRELEVANT. Thought we discussed this already.


There is no Bolster in PvE, therefore no bug to be exploited.


But you can continue to use this to justify your cheating/exploiting/etc. to gain a competitive advantage over players, doesn't affect me in the slightest.




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There is no Bolster in PvE, therefore no bug to be exploited.


But you can continue to use this to justify your cheating/exploiting/etc. to gain a competitive advantage over players, doesn't affect me in the slightest.





It is only cheating if you don't do it, right? Totally okay with getting a 2% advantage but not okay with getting a 15% advantage by using the same strategy.


Sounds like something a scrub would say.

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It is only cheating if you don't do it, right? Totally okay with getting a 2% advantage but not okay with getting a 15% advantage by using the same strategy.


Sounds like something a scrub would say.


Actually, I just used it as an example.


Mathmatically, Underworld clicky is superior to EWH. But I do find it entertaining the lengths at which you will go to abuse/exploit/cheat in order to win.


Contrary to what you do, we actually approach exploits (trivializing encounters) the opposite way. And I see the other posters were right, as you have already resorted name calling already. Very mature.




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Since I don't see any bo-obs yet on this thread (in the literal sense) I think I need to say something. I have to come clean with an exploit I have been using from the start of the game. /inhales Before I do ranked I usually.... have a few sips of RedBull. I'm also wearing performance enhancing boxers, my chair is very comfy, and I tie my hair into a pony tail so that it doesn't distract me by tickling my nose. (I also have a beast of a machine built <1 year ago and a fiber optic connection)



Feels good to come clean, because it's not right that I get an advantage using things that aren't universally accessible to my fellow PvPers (I'd share my boxers if I could :/). Definitely violates the spirit of a system where people are supposed to interact/test/share (if they want) better and better optimizations of gear made available to us by the game.

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Since I don't see any bo-obs yet on this thread (in the literal sense) I think I need to say something. I have to come clean with an exploit I have been using from the start of the game. /inhales Before I do ranked I usually.... have a few sips of RedBull. I'm also wearing performance enhancing boxers, my chair is very comfy, and I tie my hair into a pony tail so that it doesn't distract me by tickling my nose. (I also have a beast of a machine built <1 year ago and a fiber optic connection)



Feels good to come clean, because it's not right that I get an advantage using things that aren't universally accessible to my fellow PvPers (I'd share my boxers if I could :/). Definitely violates the spirit of a system where people are supposed to interact/test/share (if they want) better and better optimizations of gear made available to us by the game.


Boxers? Lame...If you had said a thong, I would be asking you to tell me more about it. :o


I wouldn't put my hair my hair in a pony tail. I let it tickle my face. But I ended up having it cut short. I also drink coffee and set up a kick *** play list. I even went and bought a more comfortable chair and a Razer naga to go with my gamepad.

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Using set bonuses specifically designed for PvP in PvE and vice versa has been happening since the advent of the game. If it was an exploit, it would have been fixed or there would be a response from the developers about it.


My argument is based upon the comparison of two things. A bug with bolster and the use of PvE armorings in PvP and vice versa.


Nice try selectively quoting my post.




I already responded to the people in the PTS Ranked thread regarding crafted 54 PvE gear, and you can read my posts on it in that thread. The points I made are basically irrefutable, and unless you have a problem with people who use PvE set bonuses in PvP or people who used the double stacking partisan and conqueror relics (basically every PvPer with a brain) then you can't really blame anyone for using other types of PvE gear as well.


In case you forgot, this is the only reason I bothered responding to this thread because the statement highlighted in red is absolutely absurd.



Looks like you have no problem 'selectively quoting.'


I examined your reasoning.


Your reasoning is that because something existed since the beginning of the game, it is not fixed, or their is no developer response, it cannot be an exploit.


I listed an example of an 'exploit' which fell within your criteria.


Unless you believe that example is not an exploit, your justification is fallacious.






Edited by Evuo
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Who cares honestly, ID will get spanked on POT5 on a daily basis like they did all weekend long on the PTS being the new Dark Jesters of POT5 and Gray Order will continue to fail server firsts in raiding. Its a fail-fail situation for both of the self proclaimed "best" guilds in their area they focus on. Edited by hobrogaming
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Who cares honestly, ID will get spanked on POT5 on a daily basis like they did all weekend long on the PTS being the new Dark Jesters of POT5 and Gray Order will continue to fail server firsts in raiding. Its a fail-fail situation for both of the self proclaimed "best" guilds in their area they focus on.


This is an extremely accurate report on 2.2 PTS ranked

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Somnax is starting to resort to forming insults around my choice of color crystals (no, seriously... he went there).


The exact thing I said was "your power crystals amuse me." The reason they amuse me is you were trying to gain an advantage in pvp by using pve items. Sure you failed at it since they just result in having worse stats both offensively and defensively, but the fact you did yet still have this animosity towards use of crafted gear is, well, amusing.

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Looks like you have no problem 'selectively quoting.'


I examined your reasoning.


Your reasoning is that because something existed since the beginning of the game, it is not fixed, or their is no developer response, it cannot be an exploit.


I listed an example of an 'exploit' which fell within your criteria.


Unless you believe that example is not an exploit, your justification is fallacious.







My reasoning is such that the use of set bonuses on both PvE and PvP gear work regardless. It has been this way since the game was released and there have been no bug reports or issues with how this mechanic is working. If there was, I'm sure it would be deemed an exploit similar to the same as double stacking serendipitous, augment glitching, PvE damage relics proccing in PvP, etc. All of the previous issues have been responded to and fixed.


This is not the same as a bug that has existed since the advent of the game that Bioware has been unable to fix. It is also not the same as a bug that was introduced when bolster was implemented. Your example does not fall within my criteria.


By simply removing the comparison of the use of PvE armorings in PvP as justification of exploiting, the original establishment of exploiting was sound. But then it becomes an issue of your ethical stance on cheating/exploiting.




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The exact thing I said was "your power crystals amuse me." The reason they amuse me is you were trying to gain an advantage in pvp by using pve items. Sure you failed at it since they just result in having worse stats both offensively and defensively, but the fact you did yet still have this animosity towards use of crafted gear is, well, amusing.


Well, I'm glad you were so amused. Are these the kinds of humorous observations that you and red shirt guy sit around joking about in your free time?


Hate to break it to you, though, I couldn't care less about exploiting the broken bolster system to gain an advantage on people. That's why I'm running in full Partisan/Conquerer gear, instead of crafting myself a set of bolster-powered PvE gear so I can pretend my stat advantage over the average player is actually skill. I have power crystals in my gear because Bioware decided to turn my previous full PvP set into PvE gear and my expertise crystals suddenly took away ~150 expertise instead of adding any. I just haven't bothered to swap them out since then and probably won't until bolster is fixed. I don't need to abuse the system and I don't try to. I'm doing just fine with what I have. Kudos on the imaginative comparison, though, I found it "amusing."

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My reasoning is such that the use of set bonuses on both PvE and PvP gear work regardless. It has been this way since the game was released and there have been no bug reports or issues with how this mechanic is working. If there was, I'm sure it would be deemed an exploit similar to the same as double stacking serendipitous, augment glitching, PvE damage relics proccing in PvP, etc. All of the previous issues have been responded to and fixed.


This is not the same as a bug that has existed since the advent of the game that Bioware has been unable to fix. It is also not the same as a bug that was introduced when bolster was implemented. Your example does not fall within my criteria.


By simply removing the comparison of the use of PvE armorings in PvP as justification of exploiting, the original establishment of exploiting was sound. But then it becomes an issue of your ethical stance on cheating/exploiting.




This solely concerns your reasoning on deciding whether one thing is an exploit.


I gave you an example of a 'bug' that you can apply the same criteria that you used to determine PVE/PVP set bonuses functioning everywhere to not be a bug. Either you do not think my example is a bug or your reasoning is fallacious as you ended with two different conclusions using the same reasoning.


These are your words:


Using set bonuses specifically designed for PvP in PvE and vice versa has been happening since the advent of the game. If it was an exploit, it would have been fixed or there would be a response from the developers about it.


Your reasoning: (the stuff in yellow above)1. its been around since the advent of the game, 2. it would have been fixed, or 3. there would have been a developer response if it were an exploit

Your conclusion: PVE/PVP set bonuses functioning everywhere is not a bug (1. Check been around since the beginning of the game, 2. Check, has not been fixed, 3. Check, there has not been a developer response)


now apply that same reasoning to my example


Your reasoning: (the stuff in yellow above) its been around since the advent of the game, it would have been fixed, or there would have been a developer response if it were an exploit

Conclusion: Shooting/leaping under the force fields in voidstar is a bug (1. Check, been around since the beginning of the game, 2. Fail, has not been fixed, 3. Fail, there has not been a developer response)


There's the problem, they use the exact same reasoning and end at a different conclusions, one an exploit and one not.


Shooting/leaping under the force fields in voidstar has been around since the beginning of the game, has not been acknowledged by developers, nor has it been fixed. Apparently, with your reasoning it cannot be a bug.


So unless the example I have previously mentioned isn't a bug and therefore you consider it the same as this set bonuses working anywhere, it would have been fixed or acknowledged if it were actually a bug.




It has been this way since the game was released and there have been no bug reports or issues with how this mechanic is working. If there was, I'm sure it would be deemed an exploit similar to the same as double stacking serendipitous, augment glitching, PvE damage relics proccing in PvP, etc. All of the previous issues have been responded to and fixed.


I can tell you as someone who actually has a commitment to reporting bugs you are making massive assumptions that a perceived bug is not being reported or it is reported as a bug and just not being acknowledged or fixed so doesn't make it a bug.





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You guys should keep responding to each other like this... BUT, to mix things up: don't read the post before yours, quote it, and attack the integrity of the arguments.


Idk if that's what you're already doing, but it should be.

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Who cares honestly, ID will get spanked on POT5 on a daily basis like they did all weekend long on the PTS being the new Dark Jesters of POT5 and Gray Order will continue to fail server firsts in raiding. Its a fail-fail situation for both of the self proclaimed "best" guilds in their area they focus on.

Good riddance. As a PUG this makes self esteem and victory percentages raise.

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I can tell you as someone who actually has a commitment to reporting bugs you are making massive assumptions that a perceived bug is not being reported or it is reported as a bug and just not being acknowledged or fixed so doesn't make it a bug.


So after a year, you have now decided that set bonuses functioning everywhere is a bug? That's very convenient. I would love to see your bug report on it that has existed since the game was released.


Your comparison is invalid solely based on the premise that no one developer, player, or otherwise has ever considered PvE and PvP armorings set bonuses functioning everywhere to be an exploit. Now to consider them as such solely because you want to justify exploiting bolster? Give me a break.


Hell, just show me one thread from before bolster where someone is claiming set bonuses working everywhere is an exploit or a problem. There are literally hundreds of posts in various threads across all forums establishing that abusing bolster to gain unintended statistical bonus using crafted level 54 purples is an exploit. You can't justify it by blanketing everyone with the idea that something they have done at some point during the game is deemed an exploit.


We can go round and round all day. Ultimately what it comes down to is your ethical stance cheating/exploiting.


Enjoy your new server and PvP. Based on the level of talent and the streams I have seen, you're going to need every advantage you can get to avoid continuing to be steamrolled by the PvP guilds there.




Edited by Krazy_Karl
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