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Patch 2.6 New Species


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Thank you for almost giving me a stroke, OP.


But my list would have to be:




and lastly, Togruta.


Anyone who's read some of my posts knows that I'm in love with the Togruta and would kill a ***** to play as one.


But on to my real list:



Kel Dor

I don't really know.


Those are my three favorite species and I would love to play any and all of them.

Edited by JaceMatai
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The four that are IMO the most likely to be the next released, are :

  • Togruta
  • Devaronian
  • Nautolan
  • Weeqway


Togruta : I'm not fan about it, but has a pretty huge fan base, and so they're probably working on it. They may be waiting for an apparance customisation that allow Twi'leks' lekkus to be put in front before releasing Togrutas.


Devaronian : like togrutas there are some of them in the game, they can work from Pureblood models for skin color, and the face would likely be a human one with sharper chin and ears. They just need to work on horns variations (left half-broken horn, right tip-broken horn, curvy horns, strait horns...), and that should be fine .


Nautolan : famous specie here. The biggest hindrance is their lack of eye variations, they're all full black. So they have to imagine enough variations on the face so that all Nautolans do not look too alike from each other.


Weeqway : Take a pure blood, put Zabrack spikes instead of tencacles, add more wrinkles, put ratattaki skin colors, and use the ponytail like hair styles of Cathar and that should be enough to go live.

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and Bothan!


It isn't Star Wars without Bothans. We don't even see any NPC ones! That is an outrage! WE DEMAND BOTHANS! Seriously, they would make awesome Operatives. They can have romances with the human compaions.


Many Bothans died to bring us this post. :)


Personally, I'd like to see some of the more esoteric species, like the Neti, a race of shapeshifting plants. Which are easy to implement, since they can just take a humanoid form, like T'ra Saa from the Dark Horse Clone Wars comics. I mean, she's got breasts, despite being a plant. So, yeah, very little effort to integrate them into the game.


Or the Yinchorri. Completely humanoid, except for the lizard head. Five fingers and all. Of course, this species would need to be restricted to a non-Force using class, as they are naturally Force Resistant.


Another easy one to implement is the Zeltrons; pink skinned humans.


Or the Sephi. They are elves, with the pointy ears and everything. No, I'm not joking. They come from the planet Thursta, and were introduced into SW canon in the "Jedi: Yoda" comic series in 2004.

Edited by HitokiriAkins
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That's because Cathar aren't that popular as Togruta. Togruta was the species ahead of the Cathar in terms of popularity. People are picky man. Me personally, I'm not a fan of the Cathar and I think they look terrible but that's just my opinion, to each their own.


I'm simple, I don't care for many other species, all I would take is more Zabrak customization options like qui-gon jinn hair style + the horns since I only really play zabraks.


Anyways in terms of new species even though I will most likely not play them, rodians, bothans, trandoshans, weequay, Kaleesh


Cathar were the most popular and most asked for species in a poll cobducted by Bioware pre-launch, so Togruta would be most popular after Cathar were announced. :)


I have to say I think you are awesome because you love Zabs so much. Zabraks are the best damn species in all of Star wars. I also agree we need more options for them, especially the spearation of headbones from hair. We should be able to choose our formations and hair seprately.

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Cathar were the most popular and most asked for species in a poll cobducted by Bioware pre-launch, so Togruta would be most popular after Cathar were announced. :)


I have to say I think you are awesome because you love Zabs so much. Zabraks are the best damn species in all of Star wars. I also agree we need more options for them, especially the spearation of headbones from hair. We should be able to choose our formations and hair seprately.



"For the Dathomirian NightBrothers!!!"


hehe :p

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Gran - I know they are probably 100th on the BW list but I just like them. It would be fun to be a cowardly Gran. They speak basic and are humanoid but I can see an issue with the 3 eyes


Kel-dor - Ever since Jedi Acaemy I have wanted to play one of these in an MMO. At the time I wanted a Kel-dor Jedi now I think I would go with SI. They may be ugly but their face masks should be no more difficult than other speices already in game, they speak basic and we already have voice modification.


Trandoshan - Just cool looking and I had one in SWG.


Quarren - Probably not a very popular species but I like them mostly due to the KOTOR 2 mod that let me play a Quarren.

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Would I get in trouble if I said "Klingon"?


Seriously though,


You could make Droids and Alien speak species work for some classes. Most of the wookie, hutt and droid speak is already recorded and we do have sub titles. Just have to remove the romance options.



Yoda's Species

Kaleesh (cyborg Kaleesh? )

Mon Calamari

Edited by Jrea
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So this is hypothetical...


Bioware introduces FOUR new species in patch 2.6. Which four would you pick and why?



My Answer:


Nautolan because they speak basic and I read comments begging for them all the time.


Voss because you could make the unlock process a long a complex quest line ending in the ability to buy it with Cartel Coins... we have to pay and work for it ;)


Mon Calamari & Quarren Since these two species share the same planet it makes sense to introduce them together with the first water planet in SWTOR... Dac... story setting: "An Aeon old conflict erupts on the planet Dac. The Jedi council is right to suspect Sith influence, but will only realize the sources of their dark power when it is too late."


One thing to note is that all the species I chose are ones currently in the game. I figure that these ones would make for realistic choices for Bioware to achieve 5 patches from now (minus a new planet lol).


1. Bolster Bot

2. Competant pvp dev.

3. Cartel Market Muppet

4. Ability delay lag monster



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The next one will the Togruta. It's always been the most asked for after Cathar. Funnily enough, I've yet to run into a single Cathar lol so I don't hold my breath on them allocating more time to add species.


I've seen one, in a level 20 FP over a week ago. First, and last time I've seen one since the patch.







I would play light side for Jedi Ewoks. Hands down.

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The only races i can see working would be Near-humans due to a few things like romancing has to be somewhat believable , how easily they can make it so gear looks proper on them that kind of stuff. With that the ones i'd like to see that would also work are:






Chagrian ( Sergeant Rusk)

Weequay Could possibly work.

Sarkhai if you want a reskinned human ( Nadia Grell)

Houk but that might be pushing it.


just a small list , seeing as theres MANY races and near-human races they could use , just pointing out a few that are well known / somewhat known.

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I know they've said "no Wookiees" because of the whole language thing ... but it makes me sad. And there was that one Wookiee in the EU who had a speech impediment that let him speak Basic -- surely that's enough to work with? Right? er, RIGHT? :)


Nautolan and Togruta, for mine, then Kel Dor.

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Voss because you could make the unlock process a long a complex quest line ending in the ability to buy it with Cartel Coins... we have to pay and work for it ;)



Do a quest to get the honor to pay them more money? No thanks. That would be like having a complex quest to unlock the ability to buy gear off the CM, people would rage.


It's not that i mind that new races will cost CC, since i get free CC every month to cover stuff like this, I just think that if they put in a hard quest line it should unlock the race outright. I'd love to see stuff like that in game.

Edited by Deganji
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Personally, I just want to see the Togruta.


And on that note, some kind of fix for the Twi'lek lekkus, like the option to wear them over your shoulders, on the front as to avoid clipping with Bounty Hunter jetpacks or certain headgear (like hoods, though they'd still need a new model).


That's all I want when it comes to species, really.

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The next one will the Togruta. It's always been the most asked for after Cathar. Funnily enough, I've yet to run into a single Cathar lol so I don't hold my breath on them allocating more time to add species.


you have seen plenty of cathar, just they don't look all that different from a regular race unless you look close. then you can see the cat faces and fur texture.


Pretty lazy race IMO. Doesn't make the game feel anymore Star Wars. We need:


Kel Dor (Plo Koon)

Torguta (Shaak Ti, Ashoka)

Nautolan (Kit Fisto)

Mon Calimari (Admiral Ackbar)


They already have Twi'lek, so they already know how to do tentacles/weird faces. I do not understand why we are 18 months from launch and have heard absolutely nothing regarding these iconic Star Wars races.

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they don't also fix Ashara's skin condition, they are going to have a crap ton of very pissed off perverted inquisitors.


Fixed that for you. Don't dress her like a stripper and it won't bother you.

Edited by Aelther
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Togruta - They can speak Basic, and they look awesome, and we already have a Togruta companion.


Nautolan - They also speak Basic, and they look cool too.


Voss - For the same reasons you listed.


Sarkhai - This would be the easiest ever. We already have Nadia Grell, and Sarkhai are basically just another human reskin, but I like their coloring so they should be added!


so how would you explain VOSS player character being on VOSS and treated like they aren't a VOSS (outsider) because bioware ain't got no time to be writing all new dialog for everything on that entire planet.

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