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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Who feels like a valued subscriber?


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I'm sorry that the coins are free to use on anything and BW never explicitly said to hold on to them for future gayness.


Such is life. The gayness will always appear when you least expect it.

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That's exactly it. I play the actual game whenever I want with no restrictions or issues. That's what I give my $15 per month for. I give them additional money as well for cartel items because they are appealing to me.


If you feel you aren't valued and get by as a preferred account then by all means do so. They owe us nothing beyond what we already get. I expect nothing more because I get everything they promised already.


There are a few things I could complain about but this pretty much sums it up. I will likely be going down to preferred sometime in the near future, but I'll eventually return as a sub down the road. Not because I particularly feel under-appreciated but because there are other games that I want to play.

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being able to play when i want for 15 bucks(20 bucks Canadian) a month is nothing for me, i make more than that from 1 hour of work literally. Not to mention going to see a movie here costs 15 bucks just for the movie ticket, add in food, costs probably about 2 months worth of game time here.


Dont forget you are paying to play on THEIR servers, someone has to help pay for them.

Edited by deathsg
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being able to play when i want for 15 bucks(20 bucks Canadian) a month is nothing for me, i make more than that from 1 hour of work literally. Not to mention going to see a movie here costs 15 bucks just for the movie ticket, add in food, costs probably about 2 months worth of game time here.


Dont forget you are paying to play on THEIR servers, someone has to help pay for them.


Psst. $1 US = $1.015 Canadian. Unless you live in the 80's.

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Compared to F2P I feel valued, but I think the new Appearance Kiosk should be free, at least everything except maybe body size and race change, that I understand is charged. Either way, the price should be lowered, our discount should be the price for F2P players.
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I'm sorry that the coins are free to use on anything and BW never explicitly said to hold on to them for future gayness.


Aaaand we have reached the apex of this discussion. Thank you for stopping by. Please exit the thread via the back doors and to the owner of the freighter with the "I brake for Jawas" bumper sticker, those Jawas you brake for have stripped it down to nothing.


Thanks again and have a wonderful night.

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Psst. $1 US = $1.015 Canadian. Unless you live in the 80's.


they dont update their prices every day like the Canadian Dollar does to the American Dollar. its a set price they have it at which i think is like 1US = 1.4 Canadian.

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No, it's more like buying a ticket to the movies then finding you have to pay again if you actually expect to eat popcorn and candy while you're there.


Oh wait... that's EXACTLY how the movies work.


Are you the same guy that's been trying to make the same analogy about a baseball game all day?


Acutally no, its not like you say at all. It's exactly what I said in terms of analogy. It *IS* like going to movie, buying a ticket, and after u sit in the chair, they ask you to pay again to watch the movie. Oh, that was just for the chair, now you have to pay to use it/watch movie'. They sold us things we have to buy the priviledge again just to use. Use is implied with purchase and nickel and diming like they're doing is wrong.


And for another, I'm not a guy (why do ppl assume this?) . I'm a female player and if I ever quoted anything about baseball, hell would either freeze over, or EA would become reputable. I'd lay my money on hell freezing over first.


I love how these 'spin doctors' like Andryah and Tim ONeill come on here and try to discredit people's legitmate upset and try to gloss things over for the company they clearly work for.


I feel ripped off, and damn right I'm going to give them feedback anywhere I can, to make sure they don't screw people over like this again. Subs deserve to be treated better than we're getting.

Edited by Lunafox
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Acutally no, its not like you say at all. It's exactly what I said in terms of analogy. It *IS* like going to movie, buying a ticket, and after u sit in the chair, they ask you to pay again to watch the movie. Oh, that was just for the chair, now you have to pay to use it/watch movie'. They sold us things we have to buy the priviledge again just to use. Use is implied with purchase and nickel and diming like they're doing is wrong.


And for another, I'm not a guy (why do ppl assume this?) . I'm a female player and if I ever quoted anything about baseball, hell would either freeze over, or EA would become reputable. I'd lay my money on hell freezing over first.


I love how these 'spin doctors' like Andryah and Tim ONeill come on here and try to discredit people's legitmate upset and try to gloss things over for the company they clearly work for.


I feel ripped off, and damn right I'm going to give them feedback anywhere I can, to make sure they don't screw people over like this again. Subs deserve to be treated better than we're getting.


Keep your voice up high, EA ware is listening Im sure even if they have deaf ears

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Now that you mention it... I really don't feel like Bioware/EA cares about their subscribers as much as they should. I think this whole update should be free for subscribers instead of making us waste CCs.
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Now that you mention it... I really don't feel like Bioware/EA cares about their subscribers as much as they should. I think this whole update should be free for subscribers instead of making us waste CCs.


Subscriber? Customer? I've been playing MMO's long enough to realize to a company I am neither of those, but merely a replaceable $15/Month

Edited by Repman
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It's not so much that I don't feel valued as a player, so much is I don't feel like they value the subscription fee. I actually had a really nice response to an issue in game that made me feel really happy, though, in which in multiple, similar situations in other games we were mostly ignored. That makes me feel valued. But clearly, the subscription alone is no longer enough.
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they dont update their prices every day like the Canadian Dollar does to the American Dollar. its a set price they have it at which i think is like 1US = 1.4 Canadian.


It's your credit card company that does the exchange and it's based on the exchange rate at that moment. Mine has been less than $15 whenever the exchange is above par.


If you are actually paying $20/month, go to EB Games or Best Buy and buy a $30 time card for 2 months game time.

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From a sub'd PvP'ers perspective, I don't really feel that valued, probably never will I guess.


Over time I'm finally understanding that particular aspect isn't remotely important to EA/SWTOR.


But I continue to plug away like a boss, because it's Star Wars, and that's about it.



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It's a poor litmus test when people flame and complain in multiple repeat threads, mostly to vent I think (but are too cowardly to admit it), and yet if anyone tries to post reasoned counter comment or try to talk reason in any form.. they get called fanbois, BW shills, etc. etc.


Can you see how that would be a poor litmus test?


I hear what you are saying, but Bioware has made it pretty clear in multiple posts and public comments that not only do they watch the forums for feedback, they make changes based on forum feedback. More than a few changes they have credited directly based on forum feedback....not to mention the fact that they keep asking for that very feedback.


I agree that the noise tends to drown out the good suggestive or constructive posts. But I do not agree that they use only internal metrics. Mainly because they have directly and publicly indicated the exact opposite.

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I actually feel like they think I'm stupid when they expect me to use their newest content. And they expect people to do that I guess. But I'm not stupid, so in return, I don't spend any money above the subscribtion fee anymore. That's fair deal IMO.


Subscribtion itself is still worth to me by a slight margin. But honestly, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised it the new Flashpoints and operations (I mean new, not redesigned) were available only via CM unlocks. If that or something similar happenes in the future, I'd cancel my subscribtion after finishing leveling of my current characters.

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Yes, I feel like my subscription has value and is worth the money. If I did not, I would stop paying for it.


Good to know, but that wasn't the question.


I certainly don't. I don't feel like Bioware cares one bit about any subscriber - the only thing they're focused on is bringing more players to the CM. They appear to have no long term goals for this game either, just short term money grabs. They've added nothing to improve gameplay for subscribers or to try to extend their enjoyment of the game.

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