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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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Game Genie, Guerrilla, and Empires curbstomping on the server was only supressing other guilds who could've been competitive


Don't you people see this was the problem? You guys did this. You guys caused this. Your lumping 3+++ guilds worth of amazing players into one left the rest of us scrambling to even get 8 people together, let alone be competitive. Nobody else will ever dominate the server like you guys have, because nobody else actively tries to leech so much talent out of other guilds.


Team One (aka just nadir)


How dare you insult my friends that way. I'm not the only one in my guild. Blatant ignorance and disrespect like this is rampant in your megaguild and it ticks me off.



I'm not even going to read the rest of this thread because you all are so blind to what you've done that it's not even worth arguing about anymore. I've said all I need to say. Good luck on Pot5, I hope you all find whatever it is you're looking for there.

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Don't you people see this was the problem? You guys did this. You guys caused this. Your lumping 3+++ guilds worth of amazing players into one left the rest of us scrambling to even get 8 people together, let alone be competitive. Nobody else will ever dominate the server like you guys have, because nobody else actively tries to leech so much talent out of other guilds.




How dare you insult my friends that way. I'm not the only one in my guild. Blatant ignorance and disrespect like this is rampant in your megaguild and it ticks me off.



I'm not even going to read the rest of this thread because you all are so blind to what you've done that it's not even worth arguing about anymore. I've said all I need to say. Good luck on Pot5, I hope you all find whatever it is you're looking for there.


You are a wonderful person Nadir, but I think you have stumbled across words and insults that were never said. Let me clarify this for you so you might better see the comment of "Team One(aka Just Nadir). First and for most Nadir, you are the only person to log into Team One on a daily basis. everyone else that logs in seems to be in Inconceivable. Now I do see a couple people from time to time, but I really only see you. Noone was insulting your friends, so can you please calm yourself.


So I broke my word about not looking at this post again, but I figured I would clear it up for you seeing as your misunderstanding of the statement seemed to be needing help. I hope this clears things up for you and you cheer up. If you ever have any questions, come find me!=D


I don't understand how two guilds can ruin a server. Let me clear some more things for you all. Game Genie and Guerrilla are the only two guilds that really "merged." Empire is still their own guild, Dark Empire is their own guild. All anyone ever wanted on this server was ranked warzones, and it's what we still want. We think you all are good players, but the talk, is just talking, and it seems that everytime we get a team together, everyone seems to vanish, or wants to start doing a raid.


I have to admit, the talent on the Republic side is very good. But suck it up and queue.If there was less ccomplaints about a simple /command and more focusing on trying to figure out how to beat us, The problem might just disappear. We play the game to have fun just like everyone else, I don't see why there is a problem with two pvp guilds merging at this point. Our numbers are small anyway.


Please help me if I am misunderstanding something. I would like to help make this server a better pvp community, but I can't do that with all the tears and complaining. Whining and complainingonly makes things worse; don't you see?

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Don't you people see this was the problem? You guys did this. You guys caused this. Your lumping 3+++ guilds worth of amazing players into one left the rest of us scrambling to even get 8 people together, let alone be competitive. Nobody else will ever dominate the server like you guys have, because nobody else actively tries to leech so much talent out of other guilds.



^ Accurate and to the point.

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I recently re-rolled on Bastion as I am anticipating a summer move. I will say this about that server... the ranked WZ scene is crazy! There were 6 total teams playing last night. We only faced one team multiple times.


The part I hate though, is that I actually think the talent level is better here. There are a number of players on this server that I believe are top notch! The problem is the talent pool is not...we simply don't have enough players. I really love the community on The Ebon Hawk and the players I have met during my short stay. However, I play this game for the PvP and it is just not happening, for me at least, right now on this server.

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At one point in time, all Guerrilla would do was whine about Dizeren using /stuck, and Empire using /stuck, and for what. It was just a simple mechanic. it comes with being competitive. When hex decided to make a group with Zen, it was a bit after the fact that Game Genie and Guerrilla would play eachother constantly over and over again. (At the time, I would tell people in /say chat to queue up for ranked.) Who cares about composistion, or gear, or any of that other nonsense. We got tired of fighting eachother, and finally decided that we would talk more, and chill with eachother. I mean are we that much of a mega guild that we pose that much of a threat?



Any guild on the server could potentially win by using exploits like stuck but we opt not to as it's against the rules and the terms of service. Since day 1 these guilds have been willing to use any exploit they can find in order to win whether it be the old force speed over the gap in voidstar, the never-ending body type 1 coast cap, hypergate pylon bug, and we've all noticed that lag always spikes in certain matches against certain players as well as heard the allegations of scripting. Even if the scripts wasn't true, and lag was imagined, they will use what exploits are available, as you just admitted with /stuck. This makes the playing field uneven from the start.


I remember the first time I fought against Squad Six (later Game Genie). I was a member of the Code (a fairly dominant pvp guild prior to all the server mergers, it ended up merging with game genie) in a 4 on 4 tournament. Before the match had even begun they had a shadow sneak to our team's side and sap our healer so that they could focus fire right as the match started and either (A.) our team would get no heals, (B.) healer would have to use stun breaker. We lost the match, and we very well may have still lost if they played fairly but the point is from day one I saw they where willing to bend/break/abuse every rule and game mechanic they can.


With that said there are good players in those guilds who very well may still win without the exploits but as long as they use them it does discourage most groups from wanting to compete against them as they know it won't be a fair match unless they too violate terms of service. Do all of them exploit? Probably not but enough of them that it definitely turns off most the other guilds.


The recruiting Nadir spoke of is another demoralizing factor that we've seen time and time again, just in the last few weeks I've seen Silent Council have a few players start to break out only to be snapped up by Gamempirilla. The list is endless from guilds spread out on both factions. That's partially to blame on the players themselves seeking the easy mode instead of competition.


With that said, I wish them luck on the PVP server they transfer too, I'm sure they will find more like minded players in that environment and a higher level of competition. I like several of their members, and respect several of them, I am not a troll, I am trying to be constructive and I hope maybe people will actually read before the auto-rage response mode kicks in. If you can look in the mirror and tell me these things aren't true, I want what you are smoking.

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So I broke my word about not looking at this post again


As did I, its okay :)


Please help me if I am misunderstanding something...


Whining and complainingonly makes things worse; don't you see?


Yep, I see, cause you keep whining in every post you make, and it keeps getting worse and worse. It's clear you either didn't read, or didn't comprehend the words in my post. I was trying to help you understand, but I can't do that if you don't want to listen.




Ok, I'm actually done now. Please don't continue this conversation with me in this thread. If you ever feel ready to *actually* listen, I'll gladly discuss this with you in voice chat.

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Any guild on the server could potentially win by using exploits like stuck but we opt not to as it's against the rules and the terms of service. Since day 1 these guilds have been willing to use any exploit they can find in order to win whether it be the old force speed over the gap in voidstar, the never-ending body type 1 coast cap, hypergate pylon bug, and we've all noticed that lag always spikes in certain matches against certain players as well as heard the allegations of scripting. Even if the scripts wasn't true, and lag was imagined, they will use what exploits are available, as you just admitted with /stuck. This makes the playing field uneven from the start.


I remember the first time I fought against Squad Six (later Game Genie). I was a member of the Code (a fairly dominant pvp guild prior to all the server mergers, it ended up merging with game genie) in a 4 on 4 tournament. Before the match had even begun they had a shadow sneak to our team's side and sap our healer so that they could focus fire right as the match started and either (A.) our team would get no heals, (B.) healer would have to use stun breaker. We lost the match, and we very well may have still lost if they played fairly but the point is from day one I saw they where willing to bend/break/abuse every rule and game mechanic they can.


With that said there are good players in those guilds who very well may still win without the exploits but as long as they use them it does discourage most groups from wanting to compete against them as they know it won't be a fair match unless they too violate terms of service. Do all of them exploit? Probably not but enough of them that it definitely turns off most the other guilds.


The recruiting Nadir spoke of is another demoralizing factor that we've seen time and time again, just in the last few weeks I've seen Silent Council have a few players start to break out only to be snapped up by Gamempirilla. The list is endless from guilds spread out on both factions. That's partially to blame on the players themselves seeking the easy mode instead of competition.


With that said, I wish them luck on the PVP server they transfer too, I'm sure they will find more like minded players in that environment and a higher level of competition. I like several of their members, and respect several of them, I am not a troll, I am trying to be constructive and I hope maybe people will actually read before the auto-rage response mode kicks in. If you can look in the mirror and tell me these things aren't true, I want what you are smoking.


No disrespect to Silent Council or any other guilds, but we don't recruit from other guilds on this server.. Most of our players are from guildless backgrounds, or from Game Genie. So.... Evae, I fail to see what you are trying to say. Blaming two guilds and thinking they are apart of 3+ guilds is kind of funny. If anything it would be 3 guilds at most; but, As I said before, Empire is standing as their own guild, and any one of them will tell you that.

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The web of connections between the three, Empire has members in Game Genie, Guerilla has members in Game Genie, Game Genie has members in both. It's enough for me to have a perspective that pretty much lumps them together as their own little community. Trying to remember who it was most recently, Sno and Peb? I believe where both recent addition's who had been previously in other guilds. It's hard to keep up with names as lately I just have a bee-line of assassins on me in any match vs. -.-; which is frustrating enough in it's own right but that's bioware's fault.
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Any guild on the server could potentially win by using exploits like stuck but we opt not to as it's against the rules and the terms of service. Since day 1 these guilds have been willing to use any exploit they can find in order to win whether it be the old force speed over the gap in voidstar, the never-ending body type 1 coast cap, hypergate pylon bug, and we've all noticed that lag always spikes in certain matches against certain players as well as heard the allegations of scripting. Even if the scripts wasn't true, and lag was imagined, they will use what exploits are available, as you just admitted with /stuck. This makes the playing field uneven from the start.


This ^


And pretty much everyone who does PvP on a regular basis knows it. I have a boss PC and an excellent connection, yet it seems convenient that any time there's a match (especially Huttball) against a select few, there are instances of lag and glitching. Coincidence? It's kind of odd how you can play 10 matches and not have any issues, then when the known offenders are on the other side of the field, suddenly there are problems.


Amber is 100% right. These are the same types of players who exploited Ilum in the beginning to get Battlemaster gear. The same players who use /stuck, bugs, and exploits to win. It's one thing to be a good player, everyone can at least recognize that. But when you throw this crap in, people get tired of it and no one wants to play. If this is what it means to be "competitive", then you can take that **** with you to another server, and good riddance.

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You are a wonderful person Nadir, but I think you have stumbled across words and insults that were never said. Let me clarify this for you so you might better see the comment of "Team One(aka Just Nadir). First and for most Nadir, you are the only person to log into Team One on a daily basis. everyone else that logs in seems to be in Inconceivable. Now I do see a couple people from time to time, but I really only see you. Noone was insulting your friends, so can you please calm yourself.


So I broke my word about not looking at this post again, but I figured I would clear it up for you seeing as your misunderstanding of the statement seemed to be needing help. I hope this clears things up for you and you cheer up. If you ever have any questions, come find me!=D


I don't understand how two guilds can ruin a server. Let me clear some more things for you all. Game Genie and Guerrilla are the only two guilds that really "merged." Empire is still their own guild, Dark Empire is their own guild. All anyone ever wanted on this server was ranked warzones, and it's what we still want. We think you all are good players, but the talk, is just talking, and it seems that everytime we get a team together, everyone seems to vanish, or wants to start doing a raid.


I have to admit, the talent on the Republic side is very good. But suck it up and queue.If there was less ccomplaints about a simple /command and more focusing on trying to figure out how to beat us, The problem might just disappear. We play the game to have fun just like everyone else, I don't see why there is a problem with two pvp guilds merging at this point. Our numbers are small anyway.


Please help me if I am misunderstanding something. I would like to help make this server a better pvp community, but I can't do that with all the tears and complaining. Whining and complainingonly makes things worse; don't you see?


Sithius, if you can't understand that using an exploit to win in warzones is wrong then I do not see how we can help you understand anything, but I'll try.


Using an in game command designed to help you escape glitches that result in your character being stuck (thus the name, /stuck) in order to gain an advantage over the other team is and exploit -- you are using a game mechanic in manner that it was not designed to be used in and in doing so you gain a direct advantage over your opponent


So, let's break it down by map:


Huttball : /stuck to get back to your endzone, to prevent a cap (usually by firepulling someone).

Voidstar(Defense): /stuck to get the "luckyu" respawn door, thus immediately emerging from the respawn with full health/energy.

Voidstar(Offense): /stuck, when used after certain points, will actually enable you to re-spawn ahead of where you died.

Novare/Civil War:" using /stuck allows you to quickly respond to attacks on the two side nodes.


It's obvious that using /stuck gives your team a tactical advantage over the opposing team in every warzone; if one side is doing this and the other side is not doing this then the team that is exploiting /stuck has an advantage.


Finally, when you are so open about using an exploit it is very challenging for people to not believe the accusations that you are cheating.


The Huttball macro:


Two former members of empire let this one out, and since I do not have the right to share their names I won't (one of the reasons I edited my original post).


Absorbing guilds:


This is a RP-PVE server, and while there is a solid core of competent players who become hooked on the pvp meta-game, the large majority of players on this server view pvp as a side-game and prefer to concentrate on other aspects of the game; by merging/allying with guild after guild you effectively created a oligarchy of pvpers - it has been a struggle to build a pvp-oriented guild (at our max we had possibly 10-11 individual members in Zen, some of which we shared with other guilds), not because there is a lack of talented pvpers on this server, but because the individuals who are interested in devoting the majority of their game time to pvp are/were part of your oligarchy. Things were so bad that we literally had to roll imperial alts in order to work with Hex to form a ranked team that could queue up on a regular basis.


In response to your response to my post, when we first started queuing with Hex both Guerilla and GG had enough members to field their own teams, but instead mixed their groups to field an optimal composition each night - throughout the entire time that we queued there was not a single night that Hex, GG, and Guerilla all queued.


Stomping newly formed ranked teams:


Ranked is about competition, and if you jump into queue you need to be prepared to lose, but that does not translate into destroying new teams so completely that they feel that that their is no way that they will ever be able to compete against you.




I find it funny that you are so kosher with Dark Empire(nothing against DE, I enjoy the matches against and with you) taking their time to build a ranked team, but you would log over to republic fleet and **** talk Zen when we were trying to build our ranked team.


You probably don't know this, but the few times we had enough people on we did queue for ranked,, even though that generally meant queuing with 2 commandos, which no one else did. The week that Sevrin's Vanguard hit 50 we made plans to queue for ranked on the next Monday and Wednesday, **** happened, we lost people, obviously we didn't queue. Later, when we joined with Hex we queued every Mon/Wed, regardless of our group comp, until PTS Opened.


And as far as whining/************/complaining goes, our "issues" started back when you would rage after getting your *** handed to you, and then one night you started talking smack about Octavia and told me to "wake that ***** up;" so all of the "whining" and "complaining" actually started on your end - and if calling someone on using an exploit is whining I'll gladly take the title.

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I don't quite understand why so many people here waste their precious time arguing with people who don't view the world the same way. It's like arguing with radical extremists that 'what they are doing is wrong'. Some people just don't see it that way, sorry guys, different set of value systems in the RL world and in this game.


I will definitely miss the Hex players, good folks, especially Jerc and his kin.


I want to wish all the best to ANY players leaving The Ebon Hawk, may you guys find some good pastures w/e the guilds you belonged to here.


As far as poaching, Guerilla has been poaching, that is a fact. It's not good or bad, if a player wants to leave one guild and join another, whatever their reasons, they have full rights. It is always good when they leave on positive/neutral terms. If someone invites, or poaches if you will, the ultimate decision is on the player. No one puts a gun to anyone's head forcing them to leave and join another guild. So if Guerilla says "our cookies are EXTRA crispy on the DarkSeid" then maybe they are.


Once server transfers happen and our community stabilizes, we can see how 'community-oriented' our player pool is and what events, whether they be Ranked or full server parties, we can come and agree upon.


So, I propose that we leave the bickering to PMs, the hatorade thread, and wait until the transfers actually do happen before we go at each other's throats. We're not here to teach anyone morals of what is right or wrong, that taking steroids is cheating, that intentionally using exploits is cheating, that some server records are forever marked by an *. Parents and families should've been teaching morals, not our place to do that. (And yes I am a self righteous ***, tyvm.)

Edited by AsiriusNazriel
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So, I propose that we leave the bickering to PMs, the hatorade thread, and wait until the transfers actually do happen before we go at each other's throats. We're not here to teach anyone morals of what is right or wrong, that taking steroids is cheating, that intentionally using exploits is cheating, that some server records are forever marked by an *. Parents and families should've been teaching morals, not our place to do that. (And yes I am a self righteous ***, tyvm.)



Edited by alexsamma
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I just want to post this so everyone gets an idea of whats up with core groups and borrowing and what not...the other stuff I really dont want to get into, because I dont care.



Core Guerrilla:


Raando- Core


Juvia-Core Phelan-Core


Roxi-Now Empire


Core Game Genie:

Manlio- Core Game Genie

Peyton-Core Game Genie/Mostly gone




Bay-Recently back

Demetri-Core Game Genie

Arina- Core Game Genie


Core Empire:

Athena- Core Game Genie

Animosity-Recently Back

Iota- Gone

Moto-Core Empire

Adele-Core Empire

Akeba-Core Empire

Dominance/Demetri-Core Game Genie

Roxi- Core Empire


Guerrilla-Always missed one dps. Normally we would borrow Athena.

Empire and Game Genie could not queue against each other because too many of their Core players belong to Game Genie. Currently the core rated Game Genie team is defunct, so all their players that had alts in Guerrilla or Empire would queue with us against Hex or Zen, But they wouldn't queue with Guerrilla before they queued with Game Genie.


Also, If we were doing ranked most of our absorbed players would be alternates or not playing ranked with us at all.


Yes. We did borrow players before we queued our own in-guild alternates, the reason we did this was to field the best possible team we could given the players we had online, or that were missing. Ranked was so scarce we did not want to lose that game, and our competitive side of us got the better of us. wanting to win.


*Core (insert guild name) would mean that's the guild they would queue first if given an option, based on assumption.


**Sorry if this seems scrambled, quite tired....or if it missed the point of the post completely

Edited by TheSeanJ
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Yes. We did borrow players before we queued our own in-guild alternates, the reason we did this was to field the best possible team we could given the players we had online, or that were missing. Ranked was so scarce we did not want to lose that game, and our competitive side of us got the better of us. wanting to win.


Disclaimer: I have the utmost respect for most of the members of all 3 guilds and I am proud to call many of them my friends. I have enjoyed every match, with or against you, win or lose, ranked or unranked, and I have always noticed something to learn from them every game. And I'm grateful that you invite me to (and hopefully will continue to) your groups and voice servers.




However, I have some qualms with the way that things occurred. And I don't even think they were done intentionally or consciously, although some may say otherwise. But in the end, it doesn't actually matter.


I think a more community-oriented approach would have led to a sustainable PvP community on our server. While it's perfectly understandable to want to field the best team whenever possible, it's also important to notice that unlike most other MMOs, your opponents aren't just a limitless sea of nameless opponents from a myriad of servers. They're people that you'll interact with on a daily basis in an incredibly small server community. Everything you do or say has consequences, in both the short and long term.


One thing in common with all MMO communities and sub-communities is that people always come and go. People leave the game for various reasons, but at the same time many new people are getting the game, hitting level cap, and starting to experience the different aspects of the game including PvP.


An analogy I like to use is the new Bolster system. Bugs aside, it's really helped PvP participation across the board. Why? Because it gives new players a relatively good experience the very first time they decide to queue up for a warzone. Prior to the addition of bolster, many players would have no idea what expertise is, let alone where to get Recruit gear, and so would join up in their level 45 greens and be curb-stomped. They'd immediately decide after one game that they hated PvP, would never queue up again, and for the life of them could not understand why their newly crowed Wrath of the Emperor or Darth Nox was getting obliterated in milliseconds.


Is there any reason to "go easy" on someone just because they're inexperienced or undergeared? I'd say no. In fact, if I were on the receiving end I would be disappointed if anyone would go easy on me. The onus is not on the stomper to go easy on the stompee (though of course avoiding trash talk would be good in all cases). However, the inexperienced player needs to see that they have a chance and have something to work towards. Similarly, bolster puts all players on a somewhat-equal footing so that new players can actually stay alive long enough to begin to notice tactics, strategies, and how to best use their abilities rather than dying in a single hit.


In the same way, PvP guilds who are trying to form their first ranked team need to see that there is something to work towards, or at least see that there are others with similar skill level that they can test themselves on. That was the entire point of community-oriented events like kickball and ranked PUG nights where the teams are set up to be somewhat equal. These events give people a taste of what ranked is like and hopefully instill in them a sense of something to work towards. However, this feeling is ruined when experienced guilds are acting like "predators" and swooping down with their ultimate A-team upon every nascent ranked team or PUG team or even crashing kickball nights. Even I'm guilty of this although I did not think about the consequences at the time.


I'm not saying there's anything wrong with forming a strong team. Of course it should be done, and in fact, it's inevitable no matter which server you go to. However, I disagree with the notion of running the meta-team (of the best players from the best 3 guilds on the server) any time there's any whisper of a ranked team queuing up. You don't need to be afraid of losing if you have hundreds of ranked games under your belt as a team and you're going against one that has played maybe 10 or less. Sometimes, you need to sit back and let the newer teams duke it out, or even lend them a few players so they can even get a team started. What we saw was the opposite - the only team with a big enough roster to consistently field a team was not lending their players or would even let the newer teams find PUGs to fill in their last spots rather than offer a helping hand. And, I'm fairly new to the server, but in only only one or two instances can I recall GG/Empire/Guerrilla hosting events for the community as a whole. One of those was after they were criticized for not doing so.




Does any of this apply directly to me? Not really. I might be a masochist because I actually prefer losing to winning because that way there is more to be learned. My fondest PvP memories in this game are the dozen or so losses we took as the Hex/Zen team versus Gamepirella. It was wonderful to see what the best of the best could do and actually stay alive long enough to begin to notice their strategies, their tactics, and their great coordination. After each night, we discussed for hours what we saw and what we could improve upon. Until this I had no idea that MMO PvP could have so much depth.


Now that ranked is dead, I almost always solo queue nowadays, or group with my best friend Averth and lose our 4-6 games a day for the dailies. It usually takes me an entire week's worth of PvP to get the 9 wins for the weekly done. We're the minority, however. Most people enjoy seeing they have a fighting chance, thus giving them motivation to queue up again and improve their skills.


I am sincere when I say that I will miss everyone in the PvP community who chooses to depart from this server. It was great to see familiar names in warzones and to learn each person's quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. However, I can only hope that after you do depart, that the next "top dog" guilds do not repeat the same mistakes that have occurred. And yes, no matter how many people decide to leave, there will always be a "top dog" guild.




Once again, I do not attribute any of this to actual malice. The whole point of PvP guilds is to seek competition, so it wouldn't make sense for them to intentionally shoot themselves in the foot by scaring away the competition. I know many members of the 3 guilds and I respect them greatly. However, it takes a lot of work and effort to build a community - it won't happen by accident - a conscious effort needs to be put in by everyone involved in the PvP community.

Edited by Jenzali
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Sithius, if you can't understand that using an exploit to win in warzones is wrong then I do not see how we can help you understand anything, but I'll try.


Using an in game command designed to help you escape glitches that result in your character being stuck (thus the name, /stuck) in order to gain an advantage over the other team is and exploit -- you are using a game mechanic in manner that it was not designed to be used in and in doing so you gain a direct advantage over your opponent


So, let's break it down by map:


Huttball : /stuck to get back to your endzone, to prevent a cap (usually by firepulling someone).

Voidstar(Defense): /stuck to get the "luckyu" respawn door, thus immediately emerging from the respawn with full health/energy.

Voidstar(Offense): /stuck, when used after certain points, will actually enable you to re-spawn ahead of where you died.

Novare/Civil War:" using /stuck allows you to quickly respond to attacks on the two side nodes.


It's obvious that using /stuck gives your team a tactical advantage over the opposing team in every warzone; if one side is doing this and the other side is not doing this then the team that is exploiting /stuck has an advantage.


Finally, when you are so open about using an exploit it is very challenging for people to not believe the accusations that you are cheating.


The Huttball macro:


Two former members of empire let this one out, and since I do not have the right to share their names I won't (one of the reasons I edited my original post).


Absorbing guilds:


This is a RP-PVE server, and while there is a solid core of competent players who become hooked on the pvp meta-game, the large majority of players on this server view pvp as a side-game and prefer to concentrate on other aspects of the game; by merging/allying with guild after guild you effectively created a oligarchy of pvpers - it has been a struggle to build a pvp-oriented guild (at our max we had possibly 10-11 individual members in Zen, some of which we shared with other guilds), not because there is a lack of talented pvpers on this server, but because the individuals who are interested in devoting the majority of their game time to pvp are/were part of your oligarchy. Things were so bad that we literally had to roll imperial alts in order to work with Hex to form a ranked team that could queue up on a regular basis.


In response to your response to my post, when we first started queuing with Hex both Guerilla and GG had enough members to field their own teams, but instead mixed their groups to field an optimal composition each night - throughout the entire time that we queued there was not a single night that Hex, GG, and Guerilla all queued.


Stomping newly formed ranked teams:


Ranked is about competition, and if you jump into queue you need to be prepared to lose, but that does not translate into destroying new teams so completely that they feel that that their is no way that they will ever be able to compete against you.




I find it funny that you are so kosher with Dark Empire(nothing against DE, I enjoy the matches against and with you) taking their time to build a ranked team, but you would log over to republic fleet and **** talk Zen when we were trying to build our ranked team.


You probably don't know this, but the few times we had enough people on we did queue for ranked,, even though that generally meant queuing with 2 commandos, which no one else did. The week that Sevrin's Vanguard hit 50 we made plans to queue for ranked on the next Monday and Wednesday, **** happened, we lost people, obviously we didn't queue. Later, when we joined with Hex we queued every Mon/Wed, regardless of our group comp, until PTS Opened.


And as far as whining/************/complaining goes, our "issues" started back when you would rage after getting your *** handed to you, and then one night you started talking smack about Octavia and told me to "wake that ***** up;" so all of the "whining" and "complaining" actually started on your end - and if calling someone on using an exploit is whining I'll gladly take the title.


First of all, I must say, you are being trolled by whoever it is from Empire that you are talking about. Huttball macro? lol That is just the funniest thing I have ever heard. You know Octavia is a nice person too, but she always seemed a little more concerned about sticking up for the "underdog" and I can't really blame her for that.


But in all honesty, I see no whining coming from me. I see it only coming from the same side that it's always coming from. The same guilds who can't seem to get a ranked warzone win under their belt. The same guilds who think Guerrilla is poaching from other guilds. If you all are blinded by the past, or stuck on things that take no part in what goes on anymore, then you are just completely lost. Please list a name of players that Guerrilla has "poached" Arash. Keep in mind, poaching means talking to players, and convincing them to leave their guild. Players that wanted to leave on their own, don't count as poaching. So please give me a list.


As for Alecia, you are still falling for the same troll that you have fallen for since day one, except this time I'm not telling you that you are garbage. If I'm whining, and you are tired of hearing it, why don't you do something about it? Why don't you put together a ranked team, and WIN?


It's funny, now that I think about it, if you (Alecia), were getting win, after win, after win, the /stuck command wouldn't bother you, and you would call players a joke. But I can understand how frustrating the losing can be, so calling players out because you are losing justifies it. Why aren't players banned for using /stuck? has that ever occured to anyone? I'm not too concerned about it. I see Republic players use /stuck all the time; do I care? NO. I just make it an effort to beat them. I don't mind getting beat in a regular warzone. Sometimes it's hard to carry more than your weight in a warzone. But in a ranked warzone, that's a whole new ballpark. You just won't win. I won't allow it, my friends won't allow it. Cheating would get someone in the swtor community banned, and so far the /stuck command is "working as intended."



I'm kind of confused about what the problem is with being friends with Dark Empire? Arash, explain that to me.

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I'll transfer a toon over, if all of the current teams head over.


PVP wont be better here without GG/Empire/Guerilla, it just means that Zen will be top dog when they can field a full team, or republic or Dark Empire. And any guild will have it's bad apple, someone who wants to exploit or just troll people.


as for all the excuses about whos better, lets get it on, we've a few weeks left.


Lets do ranked, until you leave, then you can all leave and people don't need to dispute whos better.



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I'll transfer a toon over, if all of the current teams head over.


PVP wont be better here without GG/Empire/Guerilla, it just means that Zen will be top dog when they can field a full team, or republic or Dark Empire. And any guild will have it's bad apple, someone who wants to exploit or just troll people.


as for all the excuses about whos better, lets get it on, we've a few weeks left.


Lets do ranked, until you leave, then you can all leave and people don't need to dispute whos better.




Can I hug you? <3

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Don't think anyone claimed to be better.




This whole thread is full of fail, people are selectively reading what they want to read and ignoring entire posts. If nobody wants to actually consider that their point of view could be inaccurate, and consider the other side for just 10 minutes, then we're going to get caught in this endless loop of **** show worthy of the Bastion forums.

Edited by NadirPalo
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My win count is greater than zero Spurlock, I actually seem to recall beating Guerilla back when I was in AB.


Sure, I'll get a team together (or try) and then you can run back to GG and ask them to carry you, like you have been doing for the past few months.


And I would call people out on exploiting/hacking/cheating/etc regardless of where I stood in the ranked pvp food chain.


As for the huttball macro, there's not much involved in setting up a macro to repeatedly click while you have a button pushed down.

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My win count is greater than zero Spurlock, I actually seem to recall beating Guerilla back when I was in AB.


Sure, I'll get a team together (or try) and then you can run back to GG and ask them to carry you, like you have been doing for the past few months.


And I would call people out on exploiting/hacking/cheating/etc regardless of where I stood in the ranked pvp food chain.


As for the huttball macro, there's not much involved in setting up a macro to repeatedly click while you have a button pushed down.


Guerrilla losing to AB? What are you talking about? and Game Genie carrying Guerrilla? See now you are just talking out of your ***. I understand you are frustrated, but beating Republic and Fully Buffed in a rated warzone don't count for anything when you haven't beaten a team that's actually been playing together for a while. If AB ever beat Guerrilla, I wasn't in the guild, so I guess in my eyes, it doesn't count. But for whatever reason, you aren't in AB anymore, so I'm going to assume that you just want to try and recall your one "win" against another guild.


You aren't going to start anything between Game Genie and Guerrilla, it's just kind of stupid to say that they are carrying us. I'm pretty sure if they were carrying us, they wouldn't be associating with us. It goes back to what I was saying earlier, it's really hard to carry someone, so why bother. You seem very desperate for a final grasp at trying to be on top. I like you Alecia, you have a good "I want to win" attitude; but everything else, the rage, the hate, the anger, yeah, it's showing. I wish you luck if you ever beat a team in a rated warzone with a good group. Stop picking on other guilds, and pick on someone whose win factor might not be in your favor.

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