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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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First off if you didn't know:


"MMORPG.com: Are for-pay server transfers coming? If so, when can players look forward to this service? Can you talk about any additional for-pay services players can look forward to?


Cory Butler: Paid Character Transfers were originally slated to be part of Game Update 2.1, but we ran into a few bugs with the new Legacy Achievement system. You can expect Paid Character Transfers to be coming in hot on the heels of Game Update 2.1. No new announcements for paid services to make at this time."



Also there are a few threads already either in the PvP Section or in other server sections of the forums that are talking about getting the PvP community all on one server. More specifically the competitive RWZ teams/guilds. I know there have already been a few players on TEH that have already experimented with creating characters on POT5 and have heard mixed feedback on it. Each PvP server seems to be making their "case" to have all the competitive RWZ transfer to. Hasn't turned into a "battle" yet, but each seem to have their pros/cons.


We all know that the RWZ play on TEH between different guilds might happen once a month and besides that, its just been kickball maybe once a week. I wanted to open this thread up to discussion for the PvPers of TEH if we want to server transfer and if so, where do we want to go?

Edited by BanetheDarkLord
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I would be all for it. Depending on cost of course.


I really on have 2 toons I pvp with anyway. Although I really don't want the rest of my money making crafters on a separate server.


So yea.. depending on cost.


otherwise ill prob re roll, or send over just one.


RE: where.. I don't really care. Where ever the majority goes I suppose.


Any thoughts on starting an Ebon Hawk guild over there?.. Doesn't have to be named that, just a thought.

Edited by DarthBror
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transfer them all here, we'll teach them whos boss :p


no-one out there can kill nolimosity guarded by ulliam




except for, I am reliably informed, Dominance

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Are they actually going to allow toons from PVE and PVE/RP servers to transfer to PVP servers like POT5? I thought that sort of thing wasn't generally done by mmo developers. Edited by Prisoner
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As much as I hate to admit, the state of PvP on The Ebon Hawk is... sad. Ranked Warzones are non-existent, kickball does not even count since kickball teams are also trying to avoid other possible RWZ teams (which is against the point of Ranked WZs) and regular Warzones are neither competitive nor the future of WZs. The transfers will make it only worse for TEH since I don't see any more PvP players or teams transferring here as TEH is not a PvP server or a destination for PvP players. I'm not planning to leave, but I'm curious about the number of players who are interested.


Cross-server queues would do nicely but... Not happening.

Edited by Advanderer
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<Hex> doesn't have a plan yet, as we're waiting to see how transfers are implemented first. Once they go live, we'll make a decision as a guild to make sure no one gets left behind.


I'm guessing (based on informal conversations with our members), that we'll be moving to POT5.


Many ask PVPers on TEH why they chose TEH over PVP servers. I can only answer for myself. I didn't plan on sticking with SWTOR for very long. I was guessing I'd play PVE for my first month, and quit. The PVP game really hooked me, and I've been playing only PVP since pre-launch access. I rolled on an RP server as I've found them to have more stable populations than other server types.


I think moving for ranked play is a mistake though. Currently, ranked is in a bad spot as the design of the WZ's hasn't scaled well with the changes to PVP. From what I've heard, post-2.0 ranked is mostly stalemates due to the strength of post 2.0 healer/tank combos. Even pre-2.0, ranked games were often stalemates. Now it's much worse. This is all based on what I've heard from players on other servers.


Additionally, holding an 8 player team together is nigh impossible. People are busy. Interest in the game comes and goes. It's really, really hard to field a consistent 8 players from week to week when you're in a small guild. Larger guilds have their own problems as folks get bent out of shape when they aren't on the "A" team. It's a complicated issue, and I believe it comes down to the fact that ranked play is poorly implemented.


<Hex> would love to play ranked again, and I believe our best option would be on a dedicated PVP server. We wouldn't move just for ranked though. I personally want to be part of a community who shares a common love for PVP. I think our best bet would be to transfer.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I most certainly will not be leaving Ebon Hawk. I do a fair bit of RP, and I've made a lot of friends here I'd hate to abandon. Plus, we can't have all the PvPers here leave. (Yes, I realize I haven't done much PvP the last couple months. xP )


I might roll alts here to level to 55 then transfer to Pot5 or Bastion or wherever to keep my edge sharp, but my main and most my time would be spent here on Ebon Hawk. After playing on a PvP, an RP-PvP, and RP server on WoW, I find that I vastly prefer the kind of community feel on a RP server, for better or for worse. *shrug*

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Honestly I think transfers for some of the more serious PvP guilds will be a win/win. If I was in a stictly PvP guild I'd imagine I'd be bored going into WZ after WZ with little to no competition. I'd want to leave.


Being mostly a solo queuer it can get frustrating going against the same premade all night. My favorite games are those where there's a couple mix-matched names I recognize but none appear to be in a premade. Those types of games are usually more competitive and end up with a closer score. When I get matched up w/ 4 GG folks, I know it's almost certainly a win, but it's generally not as fun as a competitive match.


So, yeah, I think i will be better for both types of players. Those that soley pvp in well formed premades will have more competition(hopefully) on another server, and those that don't will have the same. I may transfer one toon just to see if there's that much of a difference.

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Coming from Sanctum of the Exalted, I knew both my teammates and opponents, it was a small tight-knit community. Nobody was smashed or steamrolled, it was competetive, there was a camaradarie. With the server merges, that went away. Too many premades were getting paired against total pugs, there were times where I'd go a week or more without a win. My hope is with the transfers coming up, and the hardcore transferring out, the community will shrink again. The steamrolls will stop, and we can get back to enjoying a hard-fought match.
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I'm out of here, and I'm pretty sure 90% or more of guerrilla/empire is going to be headed out as well.


Honestly, if most of the Gamempirilla members left I think you'd see more ranked warzone's on Ebon Hawk, it's just that many in those guilds tend to be very hardcore with PVP and it is difficult for most guilds to find 8 people as hardcore and talented to compete Not to mention their willingness to use /stuck and other exploits rubbing the rest of the community the wrong way here while it is likely common practice on a PVP server.. There is too big of a gap between them and the next tier. So I think they would have more fun moving on to a more competitive environment while the rest of Ebon Hawk would in turn more so enjoy PVP as the curb stomping's would be less frequent.

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TheronFett If your to much of a punk to show your characters names but think you can say you troll Guerrilla.:eek:.. that is a joke. It is true alot of Guerrilla players will server transfer. It is kinda funny to hear ranked matches will be better once we leave because we are "good players" Guerrilla tried to do ranked over and over again we had a few good matches but if you lose a game you dont just stop playing ranked or really you wont get better. I waited along time to see more ranked activity and it just never came. Anyway I wish the server the best.
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So I must say with most people seeming to be excited about a group of people leaving, some of you fail to realize that Game Genie, Guerrilla, and Empires curbstomping on the server was only supressing other guilds who could've been competitive. So Let's say we all roll out of here, and leave. You still have Silent Council playing themselves in regular warzones, Then you have guilds, like Zen, Inconceivable, Team One (aka just nadir), who will begin to curb stomp other players on the server. So what makes you think it will be any different once we leave?


You see, there will always be a number one, and unfortunately, not everyone can be number one. So why not settle for getting your *** kicked, and suck it up sometime. The ranked warzone scene is for competitive gaming; and the /stuck command in game, is not really giving a team an advantage, it's more or less giving yourself a bigger repair bill, and getting yourself set up for the worst of things. What's wrong with setting up for the worse?


With Guerrilla, Game Genie, and Empire gone, there won't be more competitive pvp than there was when the guilds were around. The next forum post in pvp will be about how Pub guilds like the ones mentioned before are steamrolling everyone now. Why be worried about where the other guilds are going. I'm pretty sure with the way the trasnfers will work, most people plan on moving their mains to the other server, and then leave the rest of their toons here. So don't get too excited=P I love all of you, and I don't quite know what trolling Theronfette is talking about, but just sit back and relax. Don't seem so upset when things seem to not go your way.


I don't get trolled, I just play. It seems that most people tend to troll themselves into thinking they are trolling a person, when the apparent "person" doesn't say anything in general chat, don't speak in say chat, and just keeps to themselves. But it was a good attempt.


There is some pretty good stuff going on at TEH, but it's being held back by a bunch of whinning players that can't seem to be satisfied with being 3rd or 4th. I'm sorry that we can't just bend over and let you hand it to us, it doesn't work that way. Again, you all are nice people, and I love everyones personality, but coming from me, I really believe our server has the best pvp players this game has. So take pride in it while you can. It can only last for so long.

Edited by TrueSpurlocK
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Wow, I partially agree with you, though I think you missed the mark a bit... playing against individuals that act like ten year old children, talk ****, exploit (if you're so good why abuse game mechanics... and let's not talk about the auto-clicking macro in huttball that more than one of your group has been temporally banned for) is not "fun," or competitive


et's not forget that Gama-whatever is really a consolidated group of Squad Six, The Code, Resistance, Broken Chains, Guerilla, and Empire (you also team up with Dark Empire now) ----- basically, your little group absorbs any other group of players that could contend with them, leaving the rest of the server in a state were we can barely field a strong ranked comp, much less one that boasts as much experience as yours.


Let's totally ignore any of the questionable stuff that happens around your group, the obvious use of exploits (You've already owned up to them, so why bother to deny it), your ****** attitudes and look at the fact that prior to Hex/Zen putting a team together Guerilla and GG were fighting each other in ranked matches on a weekly basis, the first week we queued up neither team could suddenly field their own ranked team and had to start playing together, eventually forming one mega-guild and always running the same comp (even if that meant passing on members of your own guild).


Despite all of your (group's, though you're the loudest in the bunch) talk about wanting "competitive" pvp, you were always the first to curbstomp, ****-talk, and attempt to destroy any attempt made by any other group to actually compete against you.


For what it's worth, as much I hate dealing with you/your group, I've enjoyed fighting against you (aside from abusing game mechanics, which seems like a slap in the face to me); also, many members of Zen want to transfer out, steam-rolling idiots is hardly our idea of fun.


TLDR: good players, horrible attitudes, hopefully server transfers will result in a more positive pvp community.


So you know, I will admit, I do talk a lot of ****, primarily because I can back it up. Now as far as I'm concerned, 90% of my **** talking is towards you. All the complaining and whinning seems to come from the hypocrit himself, you. I never once said i wouldn't try to curbstomp someone in a warzone, if I have the chance, I'll do it because it's what I'm supposed to do. I'm a dps, I kill things, and I have no remorse. Now I don't know too much about "me" as a person abusing game mechanics, but if you all are worried about a simple /stuck command, you might as well get over it.


At one point in time, all Guerrilla would do was whine about Dizeren using /stuck, and Empire using /stuck, and for what. It was just a simple mechanic. it comes with being competitive. When hex decided to make a group with Zen, it was a bit after the fact that Game Genie and Guerrilla would play eachother constantly over and over again. (At the time, I would tell people in /say chat to queue up for ranked.) Who cares about composistion, or gear, or any of that other nonsense. We got tired of fighting eachother, and finally decided that we would talk more, and chill with eachother. I mean are we that much of a mega guild that we pose that much of a threat?


Over the past few months we have lost a ton of players, not to mention, server transfers are coming up so who knows what's around the corner. Game genie and Guerrilla are pretty much one in the same guild, but what's wrong with that? I love the members of Game Genie and Guerrilla in the since that we have an "I want to win" attitude about things. If we don't win, we figure out what went wrong, and we fix things.


We group with Dark Empire in regualr warzones, but as far as I'm concerned, dark empire is forming up there own ranked team. (Applaud for them they are queueing against unknown odds, and are a really decent group.) We aren't absorbing any guilds, Game Genie and Guerrilla complemented eachother, just as Hex, and Zen did, so we merged.


I don't mean to put you on the spot Alecia, but it seems to me that you seem the most upset about things, and is exactly why I do all my **** talking to you. Queue up for ranked buddy, We can put a team together. Just let us know, and we'll be there. Maybe the pvp community would be better if people just owned up to the fact that they will get dominated by "someone" all the time.


I'm done for now, I probably won't look at this post again, but as far as a hutball macro lol Noone knows what you are talking about.



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There is a huttball macro, and i didn't know about it? Amazing considering no one in GG or Guerrilla besides Juvia has ever outclicked me when i do it the old fashion point and click strategy. Also these temporary bans you have talked about, i want to ask you.


1. Who was banned?

2. How did you come across this information, because there has always been rumors of suppose of "bans" when the person was simple either leveling an alt or having a life outside the game.

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