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Next expansion, what do you want to see?


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More class stories.


Not pseudo-class stories like Makeb, but REAL actual separate class stories.


Bite the bullet and reverse your current position, guys. Plenty of us want it.


And either more full-blown companions or bring the GSF companions to the "ground game", fully and completely.


Nope. Waste of money and ressources on single use content. Won´t happen.

Same goes to companions. Reskins of companions, what for? You already got 5 for every class and 2 more. More waste of money!

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Nope. Waste of money and ressources on single use content. Won´t happen.

Same goes to companions. Reskins of companions, what for? You already got 5 for every class and 2 more. More waste of money!


The thread is asking what people want, not what they think will be the most lucrative for Bioware or what they predict Bioware will actually implement. We all know you are anti-story, but that doesn't change the fact that many people want additional class story more than anything. MMOs are made up of diverse interest groups. What you think is a waste of time and money, other people think is the best use of time and money. What you think is the best use of time and money, other people think is a waste of time and money. No amount of haranguing people for wanting more of what they think is the best part of the game is going to change their minds. And yes, we know it isn't going to happen, but that does't change the fact that many of us still want it.

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I would like to see another planet or two. A rainforest type planet with LOTS of foliage with ancient Tombs deep within the rainforests. Kind of like Yavin IV. Just imagine stepping on a giant rainforest planet and find things off the beaten path. I love things like that.


Also, some form of player housing would be nice. Whether it be in the form of instances or open world or our ship. The possibilites are actually limitless with housing in this game especially. I really want them to do it in the form of RIFT: Dimensions type. So we could buy stuff from vendors or the market to completely customize our own instance the way we want. That's something I would like to see.


I would like to see a graphics update perhaps in the form of some shading. Day/night cycles would be very cool on each planet and you really don't 100 percent have to go with the lore. Any form of day/night would be awesome. This engine is more than capable of it. Dynamic weather is also another thing I would like. The planets feel alive to me, but it's just some candy to make it even better!


The ability to pick dual wield vibroblades for Operative in the concealment tree. I would like to have the option of doing that because I feel like a spy as him, I don't want to carry around a bulky blaster. I have a really cool looking stealth suit and mainly use my blade. Very rarely do I use my blaster. Sure, it comes in handy, and for those who still want it just don't pick the dual vibroblades. I think this could be very cool and would bring more technique within the concealment tree. Just imagine, double backstab. :D


For right now off the top of my head that's it really. Game is going in a GREAT way for me and I really am enjoying it!

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I would like to see another planet or two. A rainforest type planet with LOTS of foliage with ancient Tombs deep within the rainforests. Kind of like Yavin IV. Just imagine stepping on a giant rainforest planet and find things off the beaten path. I love things like that.


Also, some form of player housing would be nice. Whether it be in the form of instances or open world or our ship. The possibilites are actually limitless with housing in this game especially. I really want them to do it in the form of RIFT: Dimensions type. So we could buy stuff from vendors or the market to completely customize our own instance the way we want. That's something I would like to see.


I would like to see a graphics update perhaps in the form of some shading. Day/night cycles would be very cool on each planet and you really don't 100 percent have to go with the lore. Any form of day/night would be awesome. This engine is more than capable of it. Dynamic weather is also another thing I would like. The planets feel alive to me, but it's just some candy to make it even better!


The ability to pick dual wield vibroblades for Operative in the concealment tree. I would like to have the option of doing that because I feel like a spy as him, I don't want to carry around a bulky blaster. I have a really cool looking stealth suit and mainly use my blade. Very rarely do I use my blaster. Sure, it comes in handy, and for those who still want it just don't pick the dual vibroblades. I think this could be very cool and would bring more technique within the concealment tree. Just imagine, double backstab. :D


For right now off the top of my head that's it really. Game is going in a GREAT way for me and I really am enjoying it!


I agree with this post. :)


Dual Vibroblades would be awesome. I mean, you have that cool agent emote where you fan out a bunch of knives, why do I have all those knives if I'm not using them. :p

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I want

1) class stories, the important part being the story and cutscenes, not necessarily needing elaborate quests into unique locations. the locations can be shared with other classes, just the story needs to be truly unique like in 1.0 and nothing like Makeb.

2) mini-games (Dejarik, Sabac, racing, pazak, etc.)

3) planets from existing SW Cannon or tied into the new movie, nothing simply made up

4) companions, focusing on alien species since they are under-represented in game currently

5) Jedi and Sith council to mean something. Cutscenes & missions from there, a conversation questline similar to companions but with characters like Satele Shan. Equivalent system for non-force users as well.

6) Major characters from the tie-in novels & comics to have important roles in game

7) The emperor's story to continue and lead into the next phase of ops

8) flashpoints to highlight aspects of Star Wars lore that aren't as directly tied into the game, for example Spice Mines, Something underwater on Naboo, A visit to the Shadowlands of Kashykk, you could probably make an intriguing Flashpoint out of nearly anything in the lore.

9) An apprentice system where you train up your appropriate companion from a learner to a master

10) Solo tuned flashpoints via a multiple companion at once system. Mechanics in these would obviously be designed around this fact and would give rewards that would enhance solo play and nothing else, focused on the Presence stat

11) Random boss mechanics that are not pre-established at exact times and require 10 minutes of explanation. Instead we'd go at it and learn by doing, not by talking.

12) toggle to auto-skip space stations at Legacy Level 50, except when required for the quest.

13) Flashpoint group size for new expansion to be 6. Que would require 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 dps. The 6th would be a dps if available or a companion if not.

14) Decrease in challenge for Story Mode ops to shave off massive amounts of time. The goal would be to make it so easy that everyone who levels to endgame could complete it without ever watching a strategy video of any kind. This would be so that everyone can enjoy grouping and having fun with the game, not everything needs to be a challenge. Expected completion time should be within 1 hour.

Edited by annabethchase
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I would love to see an app tied into the game so I can manage my gtn, mail, and inventory away from the game. I know it's probably impossible, but god it would be nice lol.


I also would like to be able to read my in game mail from an app.

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new pre 55 pve content , story lines , races , planets , free form pve space missions

mini games _ maybe Pazaak , drinking games on fleet or cantinas , day to night transitions , guild ships or housing

scalable pve content ( gw2)

we got 10 years here so much can be done

Edited by KerryK
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Much of the same have already been mentioned.


I would like:


Expanded planets. Bigger. Less Linear.

One or two iconic Star Wars planets like Kashyyyk and Dantooine.

A bit more competition based gameplay. Give us an ingame DPS-meter.

A simpler story. A villain like Malgus.

Ilum reborn. The way it was at release.

An alternative way to gear up ourself and companions.



Get us away from the fleet.

Make cantinas useful. Let us get buffs for hanging out here. Let us play Pazaak here. Let us sit in chairs.

Let us do PoD-racing on Tatooine. Swoop Racing on Nar Shaddaa.

More interactive travelling between planets. Free flight between orbital stations.


Hell, just hire me.

Edited by LayneStaley
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A major expansion with:


-3 new planets (New places on the "old" planets with the new class/faction story content)


-A Social Hub on Coruscant/Dromund Kaas (I hate to be in the fleet)


-New Main Class Story content or Faction Story Content


-New Class ?


-lvl 60 cap


-New Warzones, Flashpoints and Raids


So I guess never...

Edited by marck
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