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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Next expansion, what do you want to see?


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Fuk the storylines. By now it is clear Bioware doesn't have anything interesting to offer in this regard: Vanilla WoW questing structure with it's million quest giver NPCs and million quest logs read out loud doesn't offer a framework for storytelling that I could care about. Drop VA for all I care.


What I do want is SPACE! Properly done and cultivated so it growns out of it's mini game form. Single seater starfighters controlled by player..able to travel and roam with much freedom; there are no small cages and instances. Capital ships. Capital ships controlled by group/s) of players.


Unrealistic, I know.

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More Mandalorean story/content would make me happy but I'd also like to see Dathomir added with some creepy sith witchery and force animated dead folks etc..


I'd also like to see GUILD CAPITAL SHIPS added finally.


Maybe a new class (droid, noble, Imperial guard), new craft (sith alchemy) or something substantial that isn't just story content or ops related.


Basically something more substantial than a mini expansion.

Edited by NeoWolf
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Possibly a PvP planet.

Ilum was a pvp planet. They've already said they can't do it with this game engine.


A new class would be nice as well.

They won't do this because they would have to write a whole new story line with voice overs. What we might see are new specs within the current classes that would have exclusive weapons or something.


Another cool thing about Star Wars Galaxies I really enjoyed was having actual player bounties that players assigned themselves after being killed.




The game needs more Ops in it as well. This whole BS of taking the old Ops and creating "Nightmare Mode" seems a little half *** to me.


This. A new Op every 6 months is not going to cut it long term if that is the only end game content BW is planning to produce.


For example, in Huttball, it seems like Rotworms ALWAYS get to the ball first. Before the Frogdogs even get down the ramp they have the ball.




Possibly some more PvP gear. Make it a little more strategic where you can buy gear to cap your expertise, or to increase your critical chance or endurance. It seems like no matter what gear you get, you will be expertise capped if you have a full set. Its nice because it's balanced, but takes out the fun of getting to where you want to be.


You can already do this. Expertise will always be static across all gear. If you have a full set of Conqueror, for example, you will always have the same amount of expertise as your neighbor in full Conqueror. You can already min-max to your hearts content. Read my sig post. There's hardly any items in my full min-max set that I got out of the main equipment pieces I bought. So you can already continue to buy items, strip components out and put them in your gear to maximize stats. For example I have maximized power in my set and removed all components with crit to min-max my set for the Combat spec Sentinel that does not need crit.


Being able to customize your starship would be a really nice thing to see.


Rumor is that the Super Secret Space Project will bring starship customization. Theoretically some think it is a space PvP and we will gear our ships just like we do our players.


Basically what I think would be really nice to see, would be some sort of advancement in the PvP system. I see more people PvP than i see doing Ops. So possibly the new planet could also be a major PvP zone. Not the entire planet, but some PvP missions in a select area.


I would also like to see this. We already have the PvP area on Tatooine. All it would take to get people in there would be to add a terminal with a few PvP dailies at the entrance that had to specifically be done in that area.

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1. Flying speeder mounts. - It's Star Wars, we can't pretend flying speeders don't exist. Plus, World Exploration sucks, this would open it up a lot.


2. New Bounty Hunter gear - Sorry, but compared to the sick gear of the other classes that have come out, Bounty Hunter gear (and some Trooper gear) have gotten the shaft in a major way. Sure, we are getting the Cassus Fett set. That's great, I guess. But I'd like to see other sets too.


3.The Super Secret Space Project - Assuming it is an off-rails Space PvP warzone.


4. More factions to get reputation with (no cartel market) - I admit, I haven't done a single thing for reputation in this game except from levelling toons through Makeb. But that's just because the rep system seems so....blah. I come from old-school WoW...in which a lot of grinding and dedication would yield you rewards that people envied. I'd like to see a bunch of factions that you can grind rep with that rewards you better than some silly title. Namely 'omg' -type mounts and such.


5. Dual spec - 'nuff said. The field respec is just silly. Too much work.


6. Multiple "home cities" - All we have as a central location is the fleet. I'd like to see emphasis of having home cities in other places. I get why the fleet is our only hub that most congregate at...population. But still, it's a pleasant thought. Yes, I know that technically Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and Makeb count as hubs for taking care of business....but without a shared general chat among these places and without ALL of the terminals and NPC's these 'hubs' are completely lackluster.


7. Guild Ships with personal quarters - Need I say more?


8. The addition of the Koreallis mounts to the collection section of the CM. I have the Baron and the other 2 mounts, and I LOVE that they have become rare and I'm among the minority that still has them. The problem? They exist on a toon that I have no interest in touching ever again. It's a shame.


9. Companion Storylines


10. Class story replay


11. Hood toggles.


12. A cape for Malgus' gear set. I have it and will never equip it...just looks silly without it.


13. Endgame PVP expertise crystals that are NORMAL! (BLUE!). Jeeze, i have to have a black core, or an orange saber, or some crazy color combination that BW comes out with. I just want the traditional blue!


14. I mentioned World Exploration earlier, but, seriously...it's god-awful. Give us **** to explore.


15. I want my old Character names back. I want to see a system put in place in which people who lost their names during the forced server mergers to people that have yet to have logged in the game since then to have their names offered back to the person who had to give it up. Sorry, some of us (who have played religiously since pre-release) have a bit of RP in us and want our names back. If you check my post history, you will know how badly i'm beating that horse to death...but, sadly, I haven't gotten over it. Go ahead an call me butthurt....I am. :mad:


16. TRADITIONAL JEDI AND SITH ROBES! Think of the robes from all of the movies. That's what we want. Before you say anything, yes, I'm smart to the fact that exact replicas of these robes will hit the CM eventually (once the demand is at an all time high) and the CC cost will be higher than you can imagine...which will result in BW making crazy amounts of money from dopes like me who will throw the bills down for it. i'm just getting impatient.


That is all.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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Fuk the storylines. By now it is clear Bioware doesn't have anything interesting to offer in this regard: Vanilla WoW questing structure with it's million quest giver NPCs and million quest logs read out loud doesn't offer a framework for storytelling that I could care about. Drop VA for all I care.


What I do want is SPACE! Properly done and cultivated so it growns out of it's mini game form. Single seater starfighters controlled by player..able to travel and roam with much freedom; there are no small cages and instances. Capital ships. Capital ships controlled by group/s) of players.


Unrealistic, I know.


Unrealistic is right. Which is very sad, IMO...as Space flight and combat is a HUGE part of the original trilogy. It puts the 'Star' in 'Star Wars'. It's kind of silly to me that planets and the fleet rule the game and space is just a footnote.


Also...what the phantom menace is up with the escape pod on the ships? They serve no function.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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I would also like to see this. We already have the PvP area on Tatooine. All it would take to get people in there would be to add a terminal with a few PvP dailies at the entrance that had to specifically be done in that area.


I was gonna rip on you for almost everything you said until I read this. Genius. And how right you are that a terminal with dailies is all it would take. The dailies would have to be meaningful though....something that made PVP players want to do those dailies just as much as the regular warzone dailies

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1. Flying speeder mounts. - It's Star Wars, we can't pretend flying speeders don't exist. Plus, World Exploration sucks, this would open it up a lot.


2. New Bounty Hunter gear - Sorry, but compared to the sick gear of the other classes that have come out, Bounty Hunter gear (and some Trooper gear) have gotten the shaft in a major way. Sure, we are getting the Cassus Fett set. That's great, I guess. But I'd like to see other sets too.


3.The Super Secret Space Project - Assuming it is an off-rails Space PvP warzone.


4. More factions to get reputation with (no cartel market) - I admit, I haven't done a single thing for reputation in this game except from levelling toons through Makeb. But that's just because the rep system seems so....blah. I come from old-school WoW...in which a lot of grinding and dedication would yield you rewards that people envied. I'd like to see a bunch of factions that you can grind rep with that rewards you better than some silly title. Namely 'omg' -type mounts and such.


5. Dual spec - 'nuff said. The field respec is just silly. Too much work.


6. Multiple "home cities" - All we have as a central location is the fleet. I'd like to see emphasis of having home cities in other places. I get why the fleet is our only hub that most congregate at...population. But still, it's a pleasant thought. Yes, I know that technically Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and Makeb count as hubs for taking care of business....but without a shared general chat among these places and without ALL of the terminals and NPC's these 'hubs' are completely lackluster.


7. Guild Ships with personal quarters - Need I say more?


8. The addition of the Koreallis mounts to the collection section of the CM. I have the Baron and the other 2 mounts, and I LOVE that they have become rare and I'm among the minority that still has them. The problem? They exist on a toon that I have no interest in touching ever again. It's a shame.


9. Companion Storylines


10. Class story replay


11. Hood toggles.


12. A cape for Malgus' gear set. I have it and will never equip it...just looks silly without it.


13. Endgame PVP expertise crystals that are NORMAL! (BLUE!). Jeeze, i have to have a black core, or an orange saber, or some crazy color combination that BW comes out with. I just want the traditional blue!


14. I mentioned World Exploration earlier, but, seriously...it's god-awful. Give us **** to explore.


15. I want my old Character names back. I want to see a system put in place in which people who lost their names during the forced server mergers to people that have yet to have logged in the game since then to have their names offered back to the person who had to give it up. Sorry, some of us (who have played religiously since pre-release) have a bit of RP in us and want our names back. If you check my post history, you will know how badly i'm beating that horse to death...but, sadly, I haven't gotten over it. Go ahead an call me butthurt....I am. :mad:


16. TRADITIONAL JEDI AND SITH ROBES! Think of the robes from all of the movies. That's what we want. Before you say anything, yes, I'm smart to the fact that exact replicas of these robes will hit the CM eventually (once the demand is at an all time high) and the CC cost will be higher than you can imagine...which will result in BW making crazy amounts of money from dopes like me who will throw the bills down for it. i'm just getting impatient.


That is all.


I would agree with most of this although I do think this last Bounty Hunting event did help the BH look quite a bit. One well placed dye and you have a very unique but very BH look.


Class story replay could be a great idea. Class stories but in HM and with good loot drops. Not the side quests, just the class stories.


And, although it seems a mute point, continuing, new and specific class stories. You asked what I wanted to see, and yes, there has to be a way.


Last, I think Ops have been much improved since launch are a great addition. I would like to see more Ops but with maybe one or two less Ops bosses. 8 seems a bit much. And while we are at, random Ops Bosses on many planets. Not WBs but Ops Bosses.

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A new planet devoted 100% to endgame PvE and PvP content. Something that makes it seem like we are actually in a galaxy wide civil war.


I believe they already did that with Ilum, though I suppose they could give it another shot (in regards to PvP).

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A new planet devoted 100% to endgame PvE and PvP content. Something that makes it seem like we are actually in a galaxy wide civil war.


Yeah, there really isn't the general feeling that there's a war going on. Not exactly a civil war though is it? Republic vs Empire. Wookiepedia calls it just the "Galactic War". Some good ideas in this thread.

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After the 'Space Project' that is hopefully coming out soon, i would love to see and expansion that allows for further class specialization.

Like the guys here were talking about with their "Stage 3 Advanced Classes", where from your advanced class you could then choose to go into another path. (E.g. Knight -> Guardian -> Instructor // Knight -> Sentinel -> Battlemaster). Each path could add a few new abilities and perhaps add on to the classes current roles.


Don't know how it would work / be balanced. But somewhere, way down the line, i'd love to be able to go further in my class progression :)

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Fuk the storylines. By now it is clear Bioware doesn't have anything interesting to offer in this regard: Vanilla WoW questing structure with it's million quest giver NPCs and million quest logs read out loud doesn't offer a framework for storytelling that I could care about. Drop VA for all I care.


What I do want is SPACE! Properly done and cultivated so it growns out of it's mini game form. Single seater starfighters controlled by player..able to travel and roam with much freedom; there are no small cages and instances. Capital ships. Capital ships controlled by group/s) of players.


Unrealistic, I know.


Well, I could be mean and say Fuk Space lol. It doesn't mean anywhere near to me, what the individual class stories do. The stories are what its all about to me, and I'm not giving up hope of getting more, and getting them to listen.

It seems you're going to get your wish with the SSSP, if its done well, so be a pal, and don't say 'fuk story' because that's really important too.

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what i want to see (in no order)


1. bounty hunters, agents, smugglers and troopers on both sides as neutral classes) thats how it SHOULD have been from the start

2. World Pvp Revived with rewards (i believe this was considered at one point)

3. Multi person mounts return

4. mini games (sabacc tables) for credits and possibly cartel coins against other people in the pot. (the one in essless drives me mad, because i want to play corellian hold' em)

5. more interesting animations for the jedi guardian and sentinal (and sith as well) i don't feel heroic just slashing people with angles and straight across slashes

6. LONG hair for females twi'leks have lekku (and more hair styles in general)

7. fix the rigging back to what it was pre RTHC, on robes and lekku when i fall i want to see my robe go back in the air

8. interesting looking armor for jedi (IE OLD style armor) to what real knights have





9. Zeltrons.. i don't need to say more then that they would be SUPER easy to put in (i refuse to play a smuggler until they are here

10. more canon planets with more content

11. and more lightsaber shells for artifice, with different sounds, and artifice only color crystals that ARE NOT BOP (similar to the dyes and cartel crystals)



thats enough for more

Edited by Mrdann
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Well, I could be mean and say Fuk Space lol. It doesn't mean anywhere near to me, what the individual class stories do. The stories are what its all about to me, and I'm not giving up hope of getting more, and getting them to listen.

It seems you're going to get your wish with the SSSP, if its done well, so be a pal, and don't say 'fuk story' because that's really important too.


Luckily we both are very free to disagree with one another et all;p


It always puzzled me how something as disposable as a (fairly average in quality..) video game storyline can be a be all, end all type of a thing to people in an MMO. Specially when none of the stories breaks the mold in any way. They all operate under identical, more or less invisible rules: Same planets in same order,same locations. All get some sweet LI action, no companion can die in story. No companion can leave you in story. How people find it in them to stomach more than one or two of stories as stale, slow and restricted as these is beyond me. But then, people are different! Somehow, for someone stuff like..wether to pick "Sure!" in patended dialogue wheel or option " Hmm, maybe..." instead is some sort of a motivation to roll a new character.


In my eyes, mere concept of a space sandbox in Sta Wa universe with all it's means for own stories to carve and tell completely ra..uhh, reaps everything some pre-written dialogue wheel blaaahs could ever offer.

Edited by Stradlin
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I want to see ambition.


I want to see new things being tried out. Not new as in "new in the genre" necessarily, new as in "done in other games but not in TOR". Namely persistent dynamic pve/pvp scenarios.


TOR has a solid base in questing/dungeon and instance based pvp now. It's time to branch out, to stop exclusively sticking it with the "safe option" of crunching out more of the same i.e. "classic" hub questing, daily areas and warzones.


Makeb was ok. But please not just that... I want to see BW dare to dream again. To look at other games. Heck they've got WAR people with them, they don't have to look far for concepts they could refine, adapt and implement.


SSSP holds promise but I personally want it to be more than just existing game play modes in 3d space. More than just instanced warzones/pve daily areas.

Edited by aeterno
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I would also like to see an event as part of the expansion. I enjoy all the events, but the creativeness of the Rakghoul event and the Chevin event is evident. So, I would like the expansion to include a limited time event with some cool gear etc. etc. not only as a selling point, but to re-establish some creativity in the process.
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A new "side-planet" would be nice even if there was no new class content involved with it. And, by that I mean a lower or mid level planet that's basically like Makeb as far as plot's concerned but is for the lower or mid ranged characters to use in order to level up as an alternative so they would only have to go to the other planet for the class quests. Like a new planet that's the same range as Tatooine for example, a player of that level could go to Tatooine as normal and run through everything or go to the new planet instead to level up and only have to come back for the class missions on Tatooine basically "skipping" that planet if they wanted to.


Granted, it wouldn't be the class-content that everyone (including me) is screaming for but I think that having a planet or two like that as on option as you level up would go a long way towards keeping that process a little fresher for everyone who has done it a few times and more exploratory for those going through for their first. And, other MMOs have put that kind of thing in so I don't see any reason why they couldn't here. I also really don't think that it would really take much plot-wise at least, for a character to get "side-tracked" by some holocall or another as the way they handled Makeb has already proved. It would just be "shifted-down" to whatever level.


Anyway, that's just my idea. Loads would probably disagree with me or point out how impossible it is but I'd still like to see it and really think could be done without ruining anything that they've already got. :cool:

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