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I've never seen a greater sense of entitlement


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What if I want to change my face and skin color in WoW? That'll be $15 please! Ok, what if I JUST want to change my skin color, the face is ok. $15 please! Ah....


In fairness, only some of WoWs features are behind a paywall and, as it goes, they tend to be things you do through an external website, rather than Blizzard passing it off as an ingame feature to be utilised regularly, you understand. And the things that are most striking in WoW, armor and hairstyles, are changeable through gold. Changing your face or skin colour on a whim is something you don't usually care about because Blizz don't flaunt it as an "In game feature."


Sw:tor, with its extensive customisation, has literally done with all of its customisation, what Blizz has done with a small portion of its customisation. Real Cash or bust, basically. Theres no balance.

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there is no option to change face or skin color, you would have to do a race change, and i would agree that something as dramatic as a race change should cost more.


but if WoW did add the ability to change skin color or facial structure, i'm pretty sure they wouldn't charge rl money for it.


Then tell them their FAQ is incorrect: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/appearance-change-faq


What is an Appearance Change?

Appearance Change is a paid service that lets you change an existing character's gender, face, skin color, and other cosmetic features. When you perform an Appearance Change, you may also change the character's hair color and hair style (similar to the in-game barbershop) and select a new name, if desired.

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In fairness, only some of WoWs features are behind a paywall and, as it goes, they tend to be things you do through an external website, rather than Blizzard passing it off as an ingame feature to be utilised regularly, you understand. And the things that are most striking in WoW, armor and hairstyles, are changeable through gold. Changing your face or skin colour on a whim is something you don't usually care about because Blizz don't flaunt it as an "In game feature."


Sw:tor, with its extensive customisation, has literally done with all of its customisation, what Blizz has done with a small portion of its customisation. Real Cash or bust, basically. Theres no balance.


To continue being fair, as a subscriber you get a minimum of 500 CCs per month and doing something like changing your hair costs you a whopping 40 CCs. So since, as you say, it's not something you do regularly, you should have plenty of opportunity to customize without having to spend any extra real money for the customizations.

Edited by DaRoamer
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In SWTOR, you can do those things without spending any additional money, provided you've saved up or wait to save up enough cartel coins from your monthly allowance.



Defenitely not the same thing. the reality of SWtOR is that ALL of the changes cost rl money. whether you purchase coins directly or save them up from your subscription, you still had to use rl money to make these changes.


If i decided to make a brand new Cathar Sentinel with the Eradicator Gear, i would first have to come up with 600 coins, the eradicator suit is another 800 coins, and the new matching mask is another 400 coins. thats 1800 coins. i get 600 coins a month for my subscription. so 3 months subscription at $16 a month means i would have paid $48 on my new toon before even attempting to purchase armor dye for him.


In WoW, if i wanted to make a blood elf paladin with Judgment gear, i would simply roll a blood elf and go farm the set. cost me nothing more than the time to obtain it.

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Defenitely not the same thing. the reality of SWtOR is that ALL of the changes cost rl money. whether you purchase coins directly or save them up from your subscription, you still had to use rl money to make these changes.


If i decided to make a brand new Cathar Sentinel with the Eradicator Gear, i would first have to come up with 600 coins, the eradicator suit is another 800 coins, and the new matching mask is another 400 coins. thats 1800 coins. i get 600 coins a month for my subscription. so 3 months subscription at $16 a month means i would have paid $48 on my new toon before even attempting to purchase armor dye for him.


In WoW, if i wanted to make a blood elf paladin with Judgment gear, i would simply roll a blood elf and go farm the set. cost me nothing more than the time to obtain it.


What if you wanted to make a Pandaren monk in World of Warcraft? How much would that cost you?

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To continue being fair, as a subscriber you get a minimum of 500 CCs per month and doing something like changing your hair costs you a whopping 40 CCs. So since, as you say, it's not something you do regularly, you should have plenty of opportunity to customize without having to spend any extra real money for the customizations.


I was meant to say "Something you do regularly in WoW." my apologies. The point being that theres no big song and dance about it being a "Feature."

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It annoys me. Go play another game if this one does not please you.


That is all.


I'm just gonna re-post this here for you, I wrote this in another thread but it fits:


I like this game and want it to succeed. Customers are voicing their concerns in droves. I know most will die off after the initial frustration wears off.. however change after change after change on a whim in order to "nickle and dime" people is a bad business model.


Most will simply leave without voicing a concern on the forums. That is what scares me. The few on these forums that defend everything the company does to the point it seems like they are looking through rose colored glasses are doing a disservice to the game and they don't even realize it.


There will come a time when enough people have reached what ever line in the sand they have set for themselves and they will simply leave. Then all of these people defending every move BW makes will be left with no game at all.


That is also why anyone who uses the argument " if you don't like then leave" is truly a moron.... These people would not be on these forums complaining if they did not like the game ( at least the vast majority of them) They want to see the game get better and yet there are a few people on here who drop this line on anyone who has anything negative to say regarding anything. To them I say be careful what you wish for....

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Then tell them their FAQ is incorrect: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/appearance-change-faq


What is an Appearance Change?

Appearance Change is a paid service that lets you change an existing character's gender, face, skin color, and other cosmetic features. When you perform an Appearance Change, you may also change the character's hair color and hair style (similar to the in-game barbershop) and select a new name, if desired.


my point exactly, an overall appearance change is a BIG change and should cost money. but look at what you can change and compare the costs. WoW charges $15 for a complete toon overhaul. BW charges 1000 coins ($15) just to change the name. Add in the gender, hair, facial features, physique etc. and you can see that it gets rediculous.

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I disagree. Guess what happens when you complain to the cable company or your water/power provider? Nothing. Maybe you should all learn a lesson here: complaining and whining is not always the appropriate solution. And for once look at it from their point of view, they are in it to make money, regardless of you may want/need. I think they've given the F2P plenty. In addition, I think they are making every effort to make the existing game as good as they can for everyone. AND, they keep addressing al of your complaints. So, again, if you're still not happy after, almost, a year and a half, go play GW2. And I played that game, and it stunk.


actually I just got done whining to the cable company and reverted my monthly payment back to the new customer price. Your example is Moo and if whining works once, then their will never be and end. I would strongly recommend it not bother you, otherwise your in for a "long", lackluster, and dissapointing future.

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I was meant to say "Something you do regularly in WoW." my apologies. The point being that theres no big song and dance about it being a "Feature."


You don't do it regularly because it costs $15, not because it's not something people want to do.

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Defenitely not the same thing. the reality of SWtOR is that ALL of the changes cost rl money. whether you purchase coins directly or save them up from your subscription, you still had to use rl money to make these changes.


If i decided to make a brand new Cathar Sentinel with the Eradicator Gear, i would first have to come up with 600 coins, the eradicator suit is another 800 coins, and the new matching mask is another 400 coins. thats 1800 coins. i get 600 coins a month for my subscription. so 3 months subscription at $16 a month means i would have paid $48 on my new toon before even attempting to purchase armor dye for him.


In WoW, if i wanted to make a blood elf paladin with Judgment gear, i would simply roll a blood elf and go farm the set. cost me nothing more than the time to obtain it.


It's hardly fair to say things that come with your subscription cost real money and then say that things that come with your subscription in "that other game" don't cost real money.


In WoW, if I'm Horde Race 1 and I want to be Horde Race 2, I get to spend $25. Period. There is no alternative. $25 is leaving my bank account. Done.


In SWTOR, if I'm Republic Race 1 and I want to be Republic Race 2, I have to spend X Cartel Coins. Now I may have that already saved up so $0 might leave my bank account. Or I may not and I may choose to wait a month or two to do it and, again $0 beyond my sub, which I'd pay for anyway, leaves my bank account. Or, I could opt to pay for it because I want it RIGHT NOW and pay.... less than $25.


Dayum! SWTOR seems less cash-grabby than WoW when you put a realistic scenario together, doesn't it?

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my point exactly, an overall appearance change is a BIG change and should cost money. but look at what you can change and compare the costs. WoW charges $15 for a complete toon overhaul. BW charges 1000 coins ($15) just to change the name. Add in the gender, hair, facial features, physique etc. and you can see that it gets rediculous.


What if you don't want to make a BIG appearance change and instead just make a small one? Here it will cost you about 60 cents to change your skin colour, assuming you don't use your free coins, in WoW it costs you $15.

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I disagree. Guess what happens when you complain to the cable company or your water/power provider? Nothing. Maybe you should all learn a lesson here: complaining and whining is not always the appropriate solution. And for once look at it from their point of view, they are in it to make money, regardless of you may want/need. I think they've given the F2P plenty. In addition, I think they are making every effort to make the existing game as good as they can for everyone. AND, they keep addressing al of your complaints. So, again, if you're still not happy after, almost, a year and a half, go play GW2. And I played that game, and it stunk.

This is not about liking or disliking the game. I dont want to play another game, but the point is the more standard in game stuff I have to buy ontop of my subscription erodes the value of my subscription....until it becomes cheaper and easier to just play the F2P option. I am paying with my monthly fee to have full access to the game.

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actually I just got done whining to the cable company and reverted my monthly payment back to the new customer price. Your example is Moo and if whining works once, then their will never be and end. I would strongly recommend it not bother you, otherwise your in for a "long", lackluster, and dissapointing future.


I just did that with FIOS. I now pay less and get more. As long as their is competition, people can make a difference. :D

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actually I just got done whining to the cable company and reverted my monthly payment back to the new customer price. Your example is Moo and if whining works once, then their will never be and end. I would strongly recommend it not bother you, otherwise your in for a "long", lackluster, and dissapointing future.


Do it again month after month and see what happens. Much like BW, you were appeased once. You will not be appeased all of the time, which, I guess was my point all along.


Oddly enough, I've seen a lot of arguments for and against what BW has done recently. And I guess that is a good thing. But not everyone will be appeased. And to those people I say, take a breath, you'll live longer

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It annoys me. Go play another game if this one does not please you.


That is all.


Never seen a greater sense of entitlement? Let me give you one piece of advice then - get off your *** and take a business 101 class.


Were paying for this game. Entitled? **** yeah i'm entitled. As are you and every other subscriber. This is a business, and its your right as a customer to voice yourself. BW/EA's recent implementations are beyond unacceptable - and you better believe people will complain.


Don't like it? Find it annoying? then i suggest YOU go play another game if forum rants don't please you as i'm sure you'll find who's really the entitled one after you learn the value of money. Can't use daddies credit card to pay your sub forever kid.


That is all.

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It is certainly wise to reduce the emotion and ramp up the logic.


At the end of the day I feel that the feet need to continue to be held to the fire. History in this game proves that gets things done, AND it is what Bioware has specifically announced they are looking for...feedback.

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Never seen a greater sense of entitlement? Let me give you one piece of advice then - get off your *** and take a business 101 class.


Were paying for this game. Entitled? **** yeah i'm entitled. As are you and every other subscriber. This is a business, and its your right as a customer to voice yourself. BW/EA's recent implementations are beyond unacceptable - and you better believe people will complain.


Don't like it? Find it annoying? then i suggest YOU go play another game if forum rants don't please you as i'm sure you'll find who's really the entitled one after you learn the value of money. Can't use daddies credit card to pay your sub forever kid.


That is all.


Well, what ends up happening is most people who play just avoid the FORUMS altogether. I see it written constantly on other forums where people discuss this game that people avoid the official forums because of how caustic they are. So the forum ends up being 90% posts of people complaining. Then the people complaining say things like "See! Everyone agrees with me that you guys are horrible and make horrible things!" when that's not always the case. No one in my guild was complaining bitterly about the changes although certain aspects of the new additions could use some improvements.

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