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YOUR subs are still waiting.


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Was this in some alternate dimension? SWTOR has never had huge patches every month, let alone every week since launch.


Oh boy, where have you been, let me show you.




A few days AFTER release...


Heres a couple more down the road.



Oh whats that? Bug fixes? Hot damn!





Anyone forget what REAL patch notes look like?

Obviously Bioware thinks the games okay since there are numerous bugs in the game here since day 1.

Only about 1 month after release.

Is that 32 bug fixes I see? :rak_02:


These are worth mentioning, hot fixes.

1/19/12 http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.1.0a/1192012

1/24/12 http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.1.0b/1242012




More long patch notes.




A week after... more long patch notes.







LONGEST patch notes I've ever seen from SWTOR.


I could go on forever, but please refrain from speaking when you've figure out how to use your brain.





1/18/12 [Rise of the Rakghouls]







Big gap here.


4/12/12 Legacy







Smaller patches.. smaller patch notes...



6/26/12 [Allies]











9/26/12 [Terror From Beyond]








11/15/12 [Free2Play]

If you haven't noticed, I've been spacing out how far apart the patches are.




12/11/12 [Ancient Hypergate]




1/8/13 [something other than hot fixes or Cartel Market Items.]






2/12/13 [Return of the gree]
















4/14/13 [Rise of the Hutt Cartel]








5/14/13 [Customization]


You get my point..

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What content is solely through the cartel market?


Where are these quests, WZs, FPs, Ops that are solely through the cartel market?


We just got the entire makeb expansion, (nothing to do with cartel market) and people are literally QQing about content only being through the cartel market.

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This patch is a slap in the face to subbers. I am very near giving up on this game.


Oh ffs. Slap to the face of the whiners maybe. The rest of us who understand mmos aren't bothered by it. Such cry babies.

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This patch is a slap in the face to subbers. I am very near giving up on this game.


No its not, calm down. This patch is called customization, it includes customization. Not every patch will be everything YOU PERSONALLY want. Some patches are for different types of players.

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I love how all of the QQ threads start with some form of "Subscriber since day 1" like that somehow increases the size of your internets and instantly validates what you are about to say.
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Yes. As a day 1 ega subscriber and player, I am *still* waiting for quite a lot of players to stop whining. The notion that access to everything in the game should cost 15 bucks is foreign to every game that has continuous post-release development. Pay what you can and play what you can--you'll find that the 600 tokens a month goes a long way, and in the meanwhile there's a whole heck of a lot of game out there to be played.
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While I have no real big problem with the last patch, the old Bioware who cared never existed in TOR and in general stopped to exist around the release of Dragon Age: Origins.


Pretty much that. After the ME3 disaster and Dragon Age 2, it's time to chill out and temper your opinion of Bioware.

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Pretty much that. After the ME3 disaster and Dragon Age 2, it's time to chill out and temper your opinion of Bioware.


ME3 was one of the greatest RPG stories ever told and a solid FPS in its own right. The last 5 minutes non-withstanding. I wouldn't call it a failure. And with the extended ending and the citadel DLC I'm more than contented with the end product.


And DA2 was only a failure in that the areas were rushed and reused. I'm glad they made DA2 on the whole-- they tried something different with the art and combat style. I also felt the story was more mature than DAOs typical saturday morning cartoon plot. It wasn't as epic as DAO and it had its shortcomings but it still maintained its integrity outside of being a little rushed.


All the Bioware brand hate should rest solely on SWTOR. And I'm not convinced it wasn't the Mythic guys they brought in that were to blame as Warhammer had strikingly similar issues.

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What content is solely through the cartel market?


Where are these quests, WZs, FPs, Ops that are solely through the cartel market?


We just got the entire makeb expansion, (nothing to do with cartel market) and people are literally QQing about content only being through the cartel market.


actually open your Cartel Market in-game window by clicking the orange globe- icon thing; at the bottom of your IN-GAME Cartel Market there is in fact a tab where you can purchase the DLC rise of the hutt cartel.


as for the content that's not Cartel Market related, the last wz was ancient hypergate which was released december 11, 2012. the last operation that was not a part of the DLC was Terror From Beyond which was released waaaaaaaay back in september of 2012.


we haven't seen any content that is not on the Cartel Market, or that wasn't part of an "expansion" which costed additional money above and beyond the subscription rate to purchase the DLC this calendar year. there's been no free-to-subscribers content in the year of 2013. it is almost june - 2013 is about half over, and yet the last WZ was six months ago, and the last operation was eight months ago.


that this does not irk you in any way, and you feel the need to defend Bioware's position of Total-Focus on their Cartel Market cash shop as a-okay in your book is laughable.

Edited by Feztonio
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as for the content that's not Cartel Market related, the last wz was ancient hypergate which was released december 11, 2012. the last operation that was not a part of the DLC was Terror From Beyond which was released waaaaaaaay back in september of 2012.


we haven't seen any content that is not on the Cartel Market, or that wasn't part of an "expansion" which costed additional money above and beyond the subscription rate to purchase the DLC this calendar year. there's been no free-to-subscribers content in the year of 2013. it is almost june - 2013 is about half over, and yet the last WZ was six months ago, and the last operation was eight months ago.


that this does not irk you in any way, and you feel the need to defend Bioware's position of Total-Focus on their Cartel Market cash shop as a-okay in your book is laughable.


February: Gree event and reputation system

April: Expansion

June 11th: Next content patch.


What's your problem again? Is ingame content solely WZ's and Operations? If so then I've spent over 2,000 hours doing something else in this game. The content cycle is 6-8 weeks. I'm fine with that and it irks me in no way whatsoever.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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I love how all of the QQ threads start with some form of "Subscriber since day 1" like that somehow increases the size of your internets and instantly validates what you are about to say.


^^this. Totally agree


I'm sick of the whingers who say they've been loyal since beta/day 1. Who cares, a lot of us have as well, and dont need to wave that around like it means anything.


Think bioware is just gonna suddenly change everything once you point that out?


"Oh, you've been with us since beta? Why didn't you say so, let us whip our minions into instantly fixing the game to run the way you want for once"

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February: Gree event and reputation system

April: Expansion

June 11th: Next content patch.


What's your problem again? Is ingame content solely WZ's and Operations? If so then I've spent over 2,000 hours doing something else in this game. The content cycle is 6-8 weeks. I'm fine with that and it irks me in no way whatsoever.


How about the fact that the last several 'Content' updates have all been "Pay to enjoy"?


"Thanks for being awesome and purchasing RotHC! As a reward for being awesome, we're gonna give you something you've wanted for ages! Customization! Of course... You're gonna have to pay for that too."

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Good Post.


As more and more MMOs are going free to play (RIFT going free in 12 June) things like Cartel Market is going to be the future, its just very sad that right now subscribers to SWTOR is taking the piss for being just that...a subscriber.

I dont want extra gear etc as a subscriber, I am contributing monthly and would like to see that there is some return of the investment in the form of more new exciting events not just repeating them like the Gree event, class based story beyond level 50, well designed appearance options/customization options not the crap that 2.1 patch brought us.

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Think this patch was kinda bad tbh with something called Customization i would have wanted to see more of "Customization" in it .... my ship need a new paintjob f ex, would allso be fun to be able to do more on the interior too ..... yeh yeh "This not sims online" .... (kids i know this).... well back to swtor... will sub til elder scrolls online are out then ill just have to see if this game still have any attaction to it for me .....
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Can't we just have a single consolidated whining thread? TBH having all these multiple exercises in misguided self-pity clogging up the forum is a PITA.


Maybe a whiners-only board? There seem to be plenty enough of them to keep one ticking over nicely.

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And in other news... Rift goes F2P on June 12






Does the business model sound familiar? The market place is moving and subscriber only MMOs are on the way of the dinosaur.


So far their model is apples and oranges to this one. And Rift does not charge to use their barbershop. So way to go, Andi! You finally made a post that shows how bad things are done by BW on something. Good job.

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The funny thing about all the sub qq is that nothing has actually changed. Before F2P and after F2P subs still get the same content and they've actually increased the content cycle. Plus subs now get free CCs at no extra cost. The only change with 2.1 is purely perceptual because there was an all F2P patch (in between 8 week content cycle patches). If you unsub because of 2.1 and you felt your sub was valid from launch through 2.0 then you are unable to see what staring right in front of you. If however you've always felt undervalued as a sub and never thought $15 a month was worth the money then you should have left a long time ago.


I for one have and continue to feel that my $15 a month is worth it. I enjoy the game and it's actually gotten much better since F2P.

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My sub will end tomorrow. Vote with your money, that's the best way to do it.

Heh, lot of people don't seem to get it.


Go ahead, vote with your money...but be wary; EAware determines what the votes mean.


So, back when 1.5 million people "voted with their money" to say that they had found an excuse to not want to pay a subscription, we got a game based heavily on microtransaction cartel purchases. People voted "no more sub" with their money, Bioware listened. The game wasn't going to just fail so people could feel smug that their money-powers had gotten them angsty revenge--it simply found a way to profit based on the "no-sub" vote.


Personally, I'm happy for them; I still find the game enjoyable, and worth my sub, and it's good to see fewer and fewer people having cause to complain about their monthly fee, and to see Bioware's profits up 400%. Looks like the game will be sticking around, and that's worth my sub.

Edited by Journeyer
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