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Beware: Dye Modules, TOTAL RIPOFF


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Yet...people keeping following the line_of_stupid through the CM. Or at least claiming they are..... I'm more inclined to think some of these alleged CM expenditures are passive aggressive complaints that the rare dyes are rare and therefore carry a high price between players in the player economy.


The market price for Black/Black on a healthy server economy is stable at 2-2.5M and White/White is 1-1.25M. A simple reach for most players to be honest, unless they are new to the game, or simply cannot manage average levels of wealth accumulation inside the game.


Doesn't stop the listed prices as being stupidly insane on the GTN, and someone still just spent 20 dollars either way for the one dye color they wanted. LAAAAAAME! And if anyone actually thinks having to pay 20 dollars for a dye pack they want is a good thing, is sadly a total idiot.

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Doesn't stop the listed prices as being stupidly insane on the GTN,


Define "stupidly insane". It's an open market economy. If people are paying the prices asked.. they are by definition not insane, stupid or otherwise. Thing is.. even with the rarest dyes... there are market prices established and if you list much above them.. players will just wait you out on the price.


Example: Harbinger, market rate for Black/Black is 2-2.5M credits, and there continue to be plenty listed for this price range. Sometimes people list them for 4-5M credits... AND they don't sell (which is actually true for a good number of game items listed for well above market prices).


So please be specific if you are going to throw around perjorative statements.


Personally, I don't see the value of Black/Black or White/White dye in the game given the current armor sets. But I accept that others think these dyes are awesome and worth the price given their rarity.


and someone still just spent 20 dollars either way for the one dye color they wanted. LAAAAAAME!


No smart person pays $20 for a dye, IMO. Smart people (who feel compelled to own Black/Black dye) buy them using readily available in game credits, which cost nothing. Anyone in the actual market for Black/Black dye, can afford the dye with in game credits IMO. If they can't, then they have no business buying the dye to begin with.

Edited by Andryah
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No smart person pays $20 for a dye, IMO.


Especially when I see credit farmers spamming 1mil creds for less then $15. Not that I'm advocating a bannable activity, but if they can sell a mil that cheap then you can obviously grind this in no time via dailies and what not.

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Define "stupidly insane". It's an open market economy. If people are paying the prices asked.. they are by definition not insane, stupid or otherwise. Thing is.. even with the rarest dyes... there are market prices established and if you list much above them.. players will just wait you out on the price.


Example: Harbinger, market rate for Black/Black is 2-2.5M credits, and there continue to be plenty listed for this price range. Sometimes people list them for 4-5M credits... AND they don't sell (which is actually true for a good number of game items listed for well above market prices).


So please be specific if you are going to throw around perjorative statements.


Personally, I don't see the value of Black/Black or White/White dye in the game given the current armor sets. But I accept that others think these dyes are awesome and worth the price given their rarity.




No smart person pays $20 for a dye, IMO. Smart people (who feel compelled to own Black/Black dye) buy them using readily available in game credits, which cost nothing. Anyone in the actual market for Black/Black dye, can afford the dye with in game credits IMO. If they can't, then they have no business buying the dye to begin with.


If a F2P is in the market for Black/Black Dye, which sells for 2-5mil credits, they can't obtain it. So saying you can obtain it through dailies is a lie.


To say, if gold farmers can sell 1mil credits for 15 dollars, so it must be easy to obtain 1mil credits, is also a lie. Gold farmers work in teams that play 24/7. Yes, yes, normal people with jobs really have that ability.


Stupidly insane definition...2mil credits for an item that can't be reused and if a better armor comes along that you like even more, you're screwed out of. At least with the other armors you can look at your companions and say "Oh hey! You can use this!"


And it still goes back to be a highly asked for feature, in which those who were asking for it, can't easily/cheaply obtain something that should be easy/cheap to obtain.

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If a F2P is in the market for Black/Black Dye, which sells for 2-5mil credits, they can't obtain it. So saying you can obtain it through dailies is a lie.


Derp... F2P should NOT have easy access to the rarest and most desireable items in the economy.


Stupidly insane definition...2mil credits for an item that can't be reused and if a better armor comes along that you like even more, you're screwed out of.


For many many veteran players... 2M credits is not stupidly insane. Many veteran players consider 5M credits "walking around" money.


TL;DR just like in other MMOs...the rare (leet) items are generally not within the grasp of the free players or newer players to the MMO. Longer term players (veterans of an MMO) generally have both the wealth and logisitc means to get anything they want.. no matter how rare or elite it is. Been true for many years now... and it is unlikely to change. You don't have to like it, but that's the way MMOs are.


And it still goes back to be a highly asked for feature, in which those who were asking for it, can't easily/cheaply obtain something that should be easy/cheap to obtain.


There are plenty of dyes that are accessible to newer or more restricted (F2P) players. Just not the handful of rare ones......like most other MMOs in fact.

Edited by Andryah
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If a F2P is in the market for Black/Black Dye, which sells for 2-5mil credits, they can't obtain it. So saying you can obtain it through dailies is a lie.


To say, if gold farmers can sell 1mil credits for 15 dollars, so it must be easy to obtain 1mil credits, is also a lie. Gold farmers work in teams that play 24/7. Yes, yes, normal people with jobs really have that ability.


Not really, any veteran player with a couple of lvl 55's can grind a mil in a day pretty easy. I'm sorry if you're one of those F2P's that think everything in game should be easy to obtain for free, but that's not gonna happen sorry!!

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Derp... F2P should NOT have easy access to the rarest and most desireable items in the economy.




For many many veteran players... 2M credits is not stupidly insane. Many veteran players consider 5M credits "walking around" money.


TL;DR just like in other MMOs...the rare (leet) items are generally not within the grasp of the free players or newer players to the MMO. Been true for many years now... and it is unlikely to change. You don't have to like it, but that's the way MMOs are.


And color dyes should never have been elite/rare items. They should of been "Here! Have the look you want!"


Let me think...hmmm...what MMOs have I played, that I had to seriously go all out for to obtain the color I wanted, when it was an option to do so...


CoH? No.

CO? No.


GW2? No.


WoW and FFXI didn't have dyes (may still not) when I played them. SB didn't have dyes.


So, any game that I did play and one could change the colors of their outfit...easily done! And cheap!


So yes, those rare/elite items being expensive? Sure! Makes sense!

Colors being made to be rare/elite items? Stupidest idea ever!

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Hmmm... this sounds like a no-issue.


It can go one of two ways:


1. You want the offered stuff, pay for it and then get it and likes it.

2. You do not want the offered stuff, keep your money and moves on.


The dyes clearly states they are 2-color packs. It is no secret that armor is 3 colors. Each pack can be previewed before using it. It is stated that it is random.


To complain about it is really just a waste of time...really.....


Move on!

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Not really, any veteran player with a couple of lvl 55's can grind a mil in a day pretty easy. I'm sorry if you're one of those F2P's that think everything in game should be easy to obtain for free, but that's not gonna happen sorry!!


Okay genius. You got me! I'm a F2Per who's posting on a forum one has to be a subscriber to the game to post on.

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And color dyes should never have been elite/rare items. They should of been "Here! Have the look you want!"


Let me think...hmmm...what MMOs have I played, that I had to seriously go all out for to obtain the color I wanted, when it was an option to do so...


CoH? No.

CO? No.


GW2? No.


WoW and FFXI didn't have dyes (may still not) when I played them. SB didn't have dyes.


So, any game that I did play and one could change the colors of their outfit...easily done! And cheap!


So yes, those rare/elite items being expensive? Sure! Makes sense!

Colors being made to be rare/elite items? Stupidest idea ever!


When I played Rift... black and white dyes were much coveted, and were expensive (out of reach, except to veterans).


When I played DAoC, it was a loooooonng time before I could just pony up a stack of gold anytime I wanted to buy black dye for a full set of armor. Eventually I got to the point where a full set of black dye was chump change, but it took a good while before I had that kind of game wealth.


Hey...want low hanging dyes in any color you like.. play the MMOs that give them to you IMO. Oh, wait... they have other drawbacks.. don't they... like your are bored of them or they have shut down. Oh well.


Personally, while I have no desire for the rare dyes in this game, I respect the elite nature of them (as I do other elite items that people QQ about how expensive they are to aquire from other players). Players who have them feel "special", and that is classic in MMOs... it's why elite and rare stuff exists to begin with.

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When I played Rift... black and white dyes were much coveted, and were expensive (out of reach, except to veterans).


When I played DAoC, it was a loooooonng time before I could just pony up a stack of gold anytime I wanted to buy black dye for a full set of armor. Eventually I got to the point where a full set of black dye was chump change, but it took a good while before I had that kind of game wealth.


Hey...want low hanging dyes in any color you like.. play the MMOs that give them to you IMO. Oh, wait... they have other drawbacks.. don't they... like your are bored of them or they have shut down. Oh well.


Personally, while I have no desire for the rare dyes in this game, I respect the elite nature of them (as I do other elite items that people QQ about how expensive they are to aquire from other players). Players who have them feel "special", and that is classic in MMOs... it's why elite and rare stuff exists to begin with.


Let's see, just jumping in game...now here's my smuggler in her outfit, that when I got it for her, WAS BLACK!


Then at some point, BW put in a patch that turned my Smuggler's outfit grey.


Now, to turn it back to the color I want, I have to pay 2mil+ in creds to get it back to the color I had it originally.


Now, I don't mind Black/Purple Dye for her outfit, but the idea of paying 2million creds for what should be "Oh hey! You know that thing everyone has been asking for? Here have it!"


Nope, I'm not the credit making machine of other players obviously, but I have had over 2million creds sitting on a character at one time a few times, so it's not like I can't reach that point again.


And oh look, the color combo I'd prefer (out of the current available color combos) isn't even for sale on the market! *GASP* There is no Black/White for sale at all! So much for the whole, don't spend real money for a chance at it, buy it on the GTN.


So basically, I can still think this was the stupidest way of implementing it.


Also, still play TERA and CO :o Sooo, obviously, they must have something going for them for me to still be playing them. And seeing as they both have cash shops they must be taking money away from TOR who's cash shop could use some improvement so I spend even more money on it's cash shop, you know, like selling the color combos individually from the market :p


In fact, if they did that, 25 CC a pop, not only would I be buying them for my character, I'd be buying them for my characters companions, and I'd be buying multiple of them for one character, as sometimes, I'd prefer the look of a piece that isn't unified in color, but can't be the colors I want without a different dye pack (like those Handmaiden Bracers that I love so much).

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I agree with this as well. But I am sure we will see more dyes (NPC vendor, crafted, and CC only) in future patching... just like everything else in an MMO. If they give us everything on day one, what do we have to crave for the future? :)


Yea, its a good point. I was a bit worried that it was based on available textures, but I did see the combinations I have been looking for on armor in the game so that will probably not be an issue....I'm sure they will come with time.

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Players who have them feel "special", and that is classic in MMOs... it's why elite and rare stuff exists to begin with.


"Yes, we're all individuals!"


Got to love special snowflake syndrome. :)


I actually don't know if gating customisation options is more or less profitable than letting all options being available, could probably be argued either way based on other MMOs.


Personally, I think freedom of customisation choices should be considered the roleplaying part of a roleplaying game. And the illusion of being unique is enough to keep most players happy as long as they don't have to work too hard for it. I don't get the impression that it's a big enough carrot for the majority playerbase, instead it is a quality of life feature that supplements the "game" side of an RPG.


Basically I think a lot of players will feel that working hard for a dye may as well be working hard for a hairstyle.

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Got to love special snowflake syndrome. :)


I'm from Wisconsin...I see snow every year, this year, for far to **edit**ing much, and I've NEVER EVER heard this phrase before here.


Can you please explain this new phrase the same group of people have been using? It seems like "entitled" got old, now that pack is using this phrase...what exactly does it mean?

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I'm from Wisconsin...I see snow every year, this year, for far to **edit**ing much, and I've NEVER EVER heard this phrase before here.


Can you please explain this new phrase the same group of people have been using? It seems like "entitled" got old, now that pack is using this phrase...what exactly does it mean?


It's basically a false statement. :p


It's a statement in which people believe (wrongly) that no two snowflakes are alike. It's a myth (urban legend?), started with a high speed camera taking pictures of falling snowflakes, in which a repeating pattern wasn't found. Physically snowflakes do repeat patterns (for what the eye can see, and the point of the phrase) however.

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I'm from Wisconsin...I see snow every year, this year, for far to **edit**ing much, and I've NEVER EVER heard this phrase before here.


Can you please explain this new phrase the same group of people have been using? It seems like "entitled" got old, now that pack is using this phrase...what exactly does it mean?


Wisconsin? The land of Cheese, Frozen Custard, and the Packers.


I hope that they come back and revisit this system. I'm a little bit discouraged after reading the summer of SWTOR post. It looks like they just tossed this one up against the wall and moved on.

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The dyes clearly states they are 2-color packs. It is no secret that armor is 3 colors. Each pack can be previewed before using it.


This also really bothers me about the dye system. You can "preview" dyes on all armor. Even on armor that doesn't have an armor slot. It's not a huge deal because you don't like waste the armor or waste the dye but I'm always like, "GRRRRRRRRR" when I realize that a particular piece doesn't have the slot.

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But we can't... still.


Each piece of gear has at least 3 (THREE!!!!!!!!!!!) colors. The Dye Modules change up to 2 (TWO?!?!?) colors.


The phrase "can't change the color of our gear, still" and the phrase "we can change two colors of our gear" do not compute.


Move the Turtle.

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The phrase "can't change the color of our gear, still" and the phrase "we can change two colors of our gear" do not compute.


Move the Turtle.


LOL... so yeah. Millions upon millions of credits and an untold number of Cartel Coins wasted on gambling packs and we have a garbage system that lets you change two of the three colors. Awesome job. Why again did everyone quit?

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