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ROFL - Dye system ! you must be kiddin


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Armor dyes were implemented in the worst way possible. A terrible terrible design concept for something so ridiculously simple. What a complete failure.


It was designed to make maximum profit from Cartel Coins, what did anyone expect, really? A forward thinking dye system that made sense and was useful?


This is SWTOR man, lube up or get out I guess.

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Armor dyes were implemented in the worst way possible. A terrible terrible design concept for something so ridiculously simple. What a complete failure.


This is pretty much my response to this system.


Gear dye is such a straightforward concept, done well by myriads of games. How did they manage to come up with this cluster-****?


I've been waiting since beta for barbershop and customise functionality. I am disappointed once more.


They could have copied Lotro, GW2, City of Heroes, any other game. And this is what they came up with?


I guess mugging players for gamble packs is a higher priority than pleasing your paying customers.



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This is amusing in a fearing for humanity sort of way.


So before this patch, my characters had armor and they looked more-or-less OK in it. Except my Sorceror who looks like a flying squirrel because of the horrid shoulder and arse pads.


But anyway, even the ugliest one isn't ugly because of COLOR. It's DESIGN.


So here comes this patch that gives us the ability to change the colors of our armor and it's laughably implemented for how it applies colors and horribly implemented for how it distributes the most desired colors.


And I look back to 24 hours ago and say, "You know what, I really don't need to dye my armor."


And I can just skip over the whole darn thing.


You guys really have armor that's designed well but you hate the color that much that you're having so much angst over it? Really?

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enough, I cancelled, not because of dyes, I wasn't that bothered one way or the other, it was only ever going to be the next half ***'ed attempt at providing BASIC customisation so I had low expectations, not low enough for BW to meet though, yet again! It was bad enough to think you would have to buy the dye, but you cant even do that, you have to buy a pack that has a two dyes with a chance of a rare dye - *** is that about?


This on top of the 3 level expansion (which for 10 bucks was fair enough, but one planet of 3 levels for 18 months?), 2.0 which has fixed a few things, changed a lot more, wrecked so much and on top of that half the 'now this thing (alacrity for example) will really be meaningful' is just wrong. Add to this the PvP bolster train wreck!


18 months in and the game quality is still in the toilet, plenty of folks (myself included) having lots of trouble just getting to play after patch 2.1


BW needs to do something right, sadly it seems beyond its capability and by quite some margin.


I love Star Wars, I love MMO's but Jesus *********** christ BW you make it impossible to love this game :(

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You guys really have armor that's designed well but you hate the color that much that you're having so much angst over it? Really?


I have a guildie who would really like Purple for his Sorcerer tier gear - the Verpine set - so I saw the Deep Purple dye module was available to my Artificer and thought to myself "Oooh, My guildie will like this, that's awesome!"


It looks like a crayon.


Every dye module I've seen thus far (green, blue, orange, red) look like crayons. There's no subtly to the shades, no nuance, just THIS IS THE RED ONE. AND I HAVE A GREEN ONE.


Would you like a picture of a house? I drew it myself using DYE MODULES. Yes the dog is purple.

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I have a guildie who would really like Purple for his Sorcerer tier gear - the Verpine set - so I saw the Deep Purple dye module was available to my Artificer and thought to myself "Oooh, My guildie will like this, that's awesome!"


It looks like a crayon.


Every dye module I've seen thus far (green, blue, orange, red) look like crayons. There's no subtly to the shades, no nuance, just THIS IS THE RED ONE. AND I HAVE A GREEN ONE.


Would you like a picture of a house? I drew it myself using DYE MODULES. Yes the dog is purple.


Right. So it's laughably implemented. So skip it and carry on as if it never happened.


If enough people don't use it, perhaps the developers will put a bit more thought into it and fix it. And maybe they'll even put a bit more thought into the NEXT thing, too, so they get it right the first time.

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So, you got an extra patch of stuff you don't want to use -- and that made you cancel your sub? Meh, to each his own.


Not only that -- but the dyes are tradeable. Most are already up on the GTN on our server. I wanted to change my gree armor to be black/purple instead of black/blue -- but the dyes look HORRIBLE on Gree gear.


Oh well. EXTRA update. 2.2 is coming in 4 weeks, and is 8 weeks from 2.0 -- so it is an actual update along their promised time-frame. My BH doesn't have a huge butt anymore, and for that I'm thankful. Otherwise -- I'll ignore the rest of the system. Plenty of people love it.


its not an "extra" update. this took up a dev cycle. it took up dev time and resources. there is nothing extra about it; we subscribers funded this content cycle and now in order to actually use the majority of the patch we have to pay additional money. go figure

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This is SWTOR man, lube up or get out I guess.


As a recent resubber, I'm beginning to understand that as a sub I get ABSOLUTELY no preferential treatment... At least with WoW as a sub they only nickle and dimmed you on transfers/name changes... most of the mounts and pets in the store are lame anyway.


The business practice of alienating your ALREADY paying customers blows my mind... A profit is only so good as people stick around and keep giving you money. I think the sentiment a lot of people are trying to convey is one of frustration. Most of these systems are seemingly built for F2P players, yet, Subs are being asked to pay MORE for hair colors and styles, new races, to simply dye your *********** armor. Not to mention the whole collections thing is total and complete let down, nothing like what I'd hoped it would be. It baffles me they could even come up with such a completely useless system (that of course, as with everything else, favors you buying MORE **** off the CC market).


QQ Already unsubbing, there are better games on the horizon... if I pay for a monthly subscription, I expect to be treated as such... not some reprobate rakghoul...

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its not an "extra" update. this took up a dev cycle. it took up dev time and resources. there is nothing extra about it; we subscribers funded this content cycle and now in order to actually use the majority of the patch we have to pay additional money. go figure


Actually 2.2 is coming out in two weeks, within the usual cycle and within eight weeks of Makeb. So, that does technically make the 2.1 update "extra" but no less disappointing.

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Right. So it's laughably implemented. So skip it and carry on as if it never happened.


If enough people don't use it, perhaps the developers will put a bit more thought into it and fix it. And maybe they'll even put a bit more thought into the NEXT thing, too, so they get it right the first time.


Their track record thus far seems to be the opposite... poorly designed system after system designed purely with maximum CM profit in mind!

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I have my owen Thrad about the Dyes System but also Post here what i think about the System (The Points are named Before here so i'am glad that i'am not alone with my complains)


1.The Colors They choose are a Pain in my Eyes There are to 99% to Bright and Neon-colored in Terms of intensity


2.The range is very small but this is something i Unterstand and i think they will expand the palett in the Future,i hope you bring more decent Colors with color gradation


3.I have prayed amd hoped since Armor Dyes were announced to be in cartel market that we can buy the Cartel Colors direct for a reasonable Price (For Exampel 50 Coins,i have abandoned all hope that you will make customization free for subscribers)


But we have?

Random Color Packs with only Two Colors for a Price that is far to high


4.Please rethink your Primary/Secondary System with the current version you make exactly that what is not the function of the Dye-System Limiting the Options for appearance.

We all get more benefit from the System when you change it and make Two Color Slots

one Primary and one Secondary =more diversity

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Ya more gambling packs was a total failure. I know a lot of people are buying this stuff but I'm a subscriber and I will never buy a random dye pack.


Thought we would be able to buy individual due packs from cc that we wanted and had a chance to look at before purchase. This random idea ruined the whole system for me!!


I REALLY hope 2.2 has something amazing in it! Getting fed up with the cartel market taking the most resources and all the new cool looking stuff placed in it. Endgame gear looks pretty bad again and the cartel market gets new awesome sets very often?!

We can't take this forever Bioware!! Throw your SUBSCRIBERS a huge bone soon or this won't end well!

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I'm one of those people who spends way too much in F2P games. (Read: thousands)

I'm one of those people who love to look pretty if a game enables you to.

I purchased around 350 dye packs in GW2 and got most of the colors.

GW2's system for dying armor worked very well.

GW2's system for acquiring and unlocking dyes worked very well.


I will not be purchasing any dye packs from SWToR.

The dye system is crap in ToR.

ToR is subscription-based, GW2 is B2P.

GW2's dye system is far superior to ToR's and has made much more money.


So why the heck didn't EAoWare just copy Arenanet's system other than the illusion that they'd make more money?

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Some of the dyes are pretty outrageous. >.< One of the dyes I got from a pack was red and purple . . . what a nice vintage Super Villian look. :p


There are some much subtler, more pleasant combinations though. I also got a dark blue/brown and black/white (not 100% sure of those names) and they previewed quite nice on my character's robes. I don't have a character that does Artifice though, that sounds lousy if all the colors they get are Crayola-esque. And don't get me started on the colors chosen for the CE vendor, ugh.


The way dyes are in this game, I don't think,"Yay, now I can choose my favorite colors for my armor!". I think, "Oh good, now I can dye that hideously colored chest piece that I love the style of to a decent color!" So no, I probably won't get my Preceptor's set in a nice light cream color with dark brown accents. But I can at least ditch the bile yellow!

Edited by Gwena
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I just wanted to paint my consular's robe dark blue. I tried two dye packs using sub coins but they were pastels that seemed intentionally garish, reminding me of early Burning Crusade gear. I guess I have to wait until someone posts the perfect dye. I'd rather just pick my colors and pay some CCs.


The re-customizer is great, though.

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COMPLETE GARBAGE !!!!! How many more things are you going to implement (and badly at that with the color combos), and KEEP trying to siphon MORE money off subscribers... why is there not an option to use in game credits vice Cartel Coins??

You SCREWED THE POOCH and the subscribers AGAIN.. Shame on you. Way to ruin more of the actual PAYING players desire to stay.

I suggest you fix this ASAP before you see a large chunk of paying members bail on you, and you will only be left with the F2P types which will KILL your income completely.



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I've been looking forward to this release since they announced it as I have several characters and companions whose armor I wanted to tweak a little bit with the dye modules. I'm not even that interested in black/white/purple, but more so in shades of grey and other military colors. I was looking forward to trading in my CC for them. It never occurred to me that we would not be allowed to buy the specific colors we wanted from the CM. I haven't been able to play today as I'm at work, but over the course of the day, as I've been reading about this, my enthusiasm has turned to bile.
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Right. So it's laughably implemented. So skip it and carry on as if it never happened.


If enough people don't use it, perhaps the developers will put a bit more thought into it and fix it. And maybe they'll even put a bit more thought into the NEXT thing, too, so they get it right the first time.


People are skipping it. They are skipping the whole game, not just the dyes :). And if enough people skip the game, maybe EA will tone down the CM a bit...

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What colors are purchase only and what colors are the ones that can be crafted? Also, it was my understanding that you COULD change both a primary and secondary color. I guess you just need one of each dye in order to do so?
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The dye system sounded annoying enough already, but I straight-up cancelled my subscription this morning after I saw that the Cartel Market-only dyes (which are, of course, the ones that people actually want) are only obtained by real-money gambling on randomized packs of dye.


Why can't I take a piece of armor to some kind of armor painter, and pay credits to change the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors to whatever the hell I want? And before any of you BW cheerleaders jump in and say that I'm asking for something for free:


1. Before this morning, I was a subscriber, so no new content was free.


2. Hell, EA could charge a one-time Cartel Market access fee to said armor-painter or whatever, and I would've paid it. 500 CC/character, 1000 CC/account, or something along those lines.


Instead, if I want to sort-of paint my armor black (I still won't be able to change the tertiary colors no matter what, which are the most prominent color in some armor sets), EA thinks I'll spend a hundred dollars in Cartel Coins trying to win rare black dyes from their idiotic lotto system.


Well, you're wrong EA. What I did was cancel my account and decide never to spend any money on this product ever again. I hope others do the same.


Same here. The Rise of the Hutt Cartel has been a rollercoaster of disasters for me. I've not played much SWTOR over the last 2-3 weeks, and I was actually looking forward to the dye system today. I thought that, maybe if I could repaint my old Champion Gear, I'd get some incentive to play again. I love character customization... but I'm not nearly moronic enough to take my chances with their retarded dye system. This patch was nothing but a giant middle finger.


2.2 better be miraculous. I feel no incentive to play anymore. They butchered my favourite class/spec (Balance Shadows), increased the level cap for no reason (gear grind yay!) and introduced buggy-as-**** bolster system on end game. Now we get this money-grubbing dye system. Damion Schubert's Baby, as it were. One hell of an ugly baby.

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Sigh.. how hard can it be. 2 dye slots, select the dye color u want (from CM or crafted and for subscribers mayb also purchasable for credits) and put it in. Its that simple, and its what ppl want. I dont want BW to decide what color combinations i use. I mean seriously, green and yellow.. i dont want to be the main character in a chikita banana commercial.
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