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Where are the Black Dyes?


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Yeah, they should wonder why and laugh their arses off about how stupid their customers are whenever it happens. I mean, they've killed nobody and made nobody homeless via fraud, right


Or maybe people who vote in online polls assume that a company that makes consumer products would be more likely to respond to consumer dissatisfaction expressed in a survey than a gigantic multinational banking, insurance, or pharmaceutical industry. The people who run those industries already know that literally all normal citizens hate them, but they don't care, because they wield so much power and influence over our civilization that they don't have to care.


Whereas a company that essentially makes toys might actually notice intense consumer dissatisfaction and make some attempt to respond to it (although EA has made no efforts in that vein yet).


Seriously, all of you screwballs who say, "EA was voted the worst company over Bank of America? HAHAHA, EA customers sure are stupid," ask yourself if you think there is even the tiniest chance that Bank of America executives would even notice coming out on the top of such a poll, much less react to it in any way whatsoever. At least EA execs had to issue a patronizing, blame-shifting public response (they literally tried blaming homophobia for the poll results).


Addendum: I'd like to propose that EA change their motto to, "Hey, at least we haven't killed anybody."


Addendum 2: I'd go with, "Hey, at least we haven't killed anybody or made anybody homeless," but given their employment practices, I doubt it's true.

Edited by SBernard
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I just got a White/White one from a CM dye module. So that combo is out there too.


Stop buying cartel packs and coin, and make EA understand you want a game and not a 'gambling honestly earned money in a system that is worst than Las Vegas roulette' .


The only way to make EA understand is to hit them where it hurt, in the wallet (as sadly enough we can't hope

for any chance to hit their direction board in the *****....)

Dude, get over it. This game doubled its monthly revenue since they went F2P. So obviously a lot of people are fine with the CM. If no one was spending money on Cartel Coins, there would be no game for you to play and complain about.

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Or maybe people who vote in online polls assume that a company that makes consumer products would be more likely to respond to consumer dissatisfaction expressed in a survey than a gigantic multinational banking, insurance, or pharmaceutical industry. The people who run those industries already know that literally all normal citizens hate them, but they don't care, because they wield so much power and influence over our civilization that they don't have to care.


Whereas a company that essentially makes toys might actually notice intense consumer dissatisfaction and make some attempt to respond to it (although EA has made no efforts in that vein yet).


Seriously, all of you screwballs who say, "EA was voted the worst company over Bank of America? HAHAHA, EA customers sure are stupid," ask yourself if you think there is even the tiniest chance that Bank of America executives would even notice coming out on the top of such a poll, much less react to it in any way whatsoever. At least EA execs had to issue a patronizing, blame-shifting public response (they literally tried blaming homophobia for the poll results).


Addendum: I'd like to propose that EA change their motto to, "Hey, at least we haven't killed anybody."


Addendum 2: I'd go with, "Hey, at least we haven't killed anybody or made anybody homeless," but given their employment practices, I doubt it's true.


You voted for them in that poll, didn't you?

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Still haven't seen the fabled Black/Black. Oh well maybe one day.


I haven't seen so much QQ so fast! I mean when did this patch drop...oh yeah...like 3 hours ago! And people are WHINING their a**es off! WAAAHHH! No black! WAAAAAHH! Why isn't this free! WAAAAHHHH! EA bites! Yet people are buying dye packs & other customizations like no tomorrow and posting them on the forums.


Be glad you can report you haven't seen a black/black yet! I'm stuck at work & haven't seen ANYTHING from the patch yet! Thanks for the entertainment!

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I haven't seen so much QQ so fast! I mean when did this patch drop...oh yeah...like 3 hours ago! And people are WHINING their a**es off! WAAAHHH! No black! WAAAAAHH! Why isn't this free! WAAAAHHHH! EA bites! Yet people are buying dye packs & other customizations like no tomorrow and posting them on the forums.


Be glad you can report you haven't seen a black/black yet! I'm stuck at work & haven't seen ANYTHING from the patch yet! Thanks for the entertainment!


Wouldn't have to be free, o'ye subscriber to small-minded assumptions of polarized extreme. This isn't a 'l337 hardmode vs silver platter' debate.


This is a matter of that it costs 200CC to get two dyes that will almost certainly be on the order of Bright Puce/Asphalt or Neon Purple/Goldenrod or Burnt Umber/Cow Poo.


The selection available to artificers doesn't look like the sort of thing I, for one, could find myself wanting to use...ever. Its not a matter of taste on a given character; its a total lack of taste on the part of Bioware.


And we know its not some sort of innocent accident. We know very well, because its a road on which many thousands of miles have been travelled by many millions of people, that colors like black and white are lightning rods, highly desirable, much coveted.


So we know they're going to be gated behind the Trials of Hercules + Las Vegas + A Trek Up Everest, with cartel coin tollbooths every 30 feet of the way.




That's the point here.


The rest of 2.1 actually looks pretty alright. The customizer's good. Can't complaint that it costs CC to use, that's fine. Kinda on the fence (personally) about hair/scar/etc options being unlocks we subscribers have to buy, but ok, I can understand the rational presented in that it was intended for us to use our stipends on what are, in fact, purely aesthetic options.


That's fine. I'm on the fence about whether I'm -happy- about it, but I can look at that hair pack and go "Well, it applies account wide, and that's not a bad deal. I know what I'm getting for my CC."


A Dye pack? 200 CC for a pull on the One-Armed Bandit, and you can rest assured of one thing; you're almost certainly going to get garbage. Seriously; garbage. Not just something mediocre that you can't sell for big creds; garbage that you, if you're not limited to seeing in greyscales, will almost certainly make you wonder who thought most of these color combinations were a good idea.


You can see the 'We know you're going to hate most of these combinations and that they're really awful; keep gambling. Keep pumping CC into packs trying to get the exclusives that you actually want. But remember, you don't ~neeeeeeed~ them *Sing-song tra la la*"


For the common 600CC stipend a subscriber with a security key'll get, you can get 3 dye packs a month.


I cannot, at this time, recommend getting even 1. It will almost certainly be garbage that will be useless to you and everybody.


Understand now? Even a cartel pack guarantees you something useful, even if its just something modest; some sort of XP enhancer and companion gift. Nothing all that fancy, but still -something- that is at least a nod in the direction of making sure you get a consolation nickel for the dollar you quite possibly got nothing special in return for.


A dye pack? Enjoy your plethora of Puce/Indigo and Mushroom Grey/Lavender and hideous Powder Blue/Ice Blue combinations. You will probably not be one of the lucky few to win the trip to Maui and score a black/black or white/black.


But you don't ~neeeeeeeeeed~ theeee~eeeem. Tra lala~

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Did people really expect about any combination involving black to be easily aquirable? :eek:


Seriously, my faith in humanity just dropped another notch if people are this stupid.


Black equals desirable (especially when you see all the emo kids imp side and the Anakin-wannabees pub side)

Rarity equals even more more desirable (the special snowflake effect)

Desire equals stupid

Stupid equals easy money


So all this was REALLY obvious to expect in advance. I was actually pretty amazed that both the Voss and the Section-X vendors had a black combination on offer.

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Black equals desirable (especially when you see all the emo kids imp side and the Anakin-wannabees pub side)

Rarity equals even more more desirable (the special snowflake effect)

Desire equals stupid

Stupid equals easy money



Is this the gray Jedi code ?

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I've actually had a lot of fun with changing my characters colors. Got a few packs as well, always do that when something new comes out. Got a few purple combinations that were nice but my favorite was the dark blue/light blue-combo. Also waiting for pink for my scoundrel.


Now I will just lean back and wait for all the things to turn up on GTN in a day. Open a few packs for fun when new things comes out, just enjoying the lottery. As for the rest of the stuff that I really want, those things I will get from the GTN. Would have been fun with a few more craftable versions, but I am much happier with this system in place than no customization at all. I have faith in people putting it up on GTN for me so I don't have to buy any more packs now that my lottery-party is over.

Edited by SilentKitty
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Black equals desirable (especially when you see all the emo kids imp side and the Anakin-wannabees pub side)

Rarity equals even more more desirable (the special snowflake effect)

Desire equals stupid

Stupid equals easy money



I do believe that this is the code of the the CM devs.....pretty much exactly.

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Did people really expect about any combination involving black to be easily aquirable? :eek:


Seriously, my faith in humanity just dropped another notch if people are this stupid.


Black equals desirable (especially when you see all the emo kids imp side and the Anakin-wannabees pub side)

Rarity equals even more more desirable (the special snowflake effect)

Desire equals stupid

Stupid equals easy money


So all this was REALLY obvious to expect in advance. I was actually pretty amazed that both the Voss and the Section-X vendors had a black combination on offer.


Black can be rare, that's fine. But how about color combinations that weren't carefully selected to be as cruddy as possible?

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I haven't read the whole thread, but I can say definitively that black dyes are in the dye packs. My second or third one dropped I'm going to assume an ultra rare black/purple dye kit. Also the Section X Reputation vendor sells schematic for Deep Red/Black dye kit. You do have to hit Legendary status and the schematic costs 100K creds and it is for Artiface but it is there.
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It is going to be rare and expensive as in other games. I'm not sure it will be a Cartel Market exclusive either... maybe a rare schematic drop.


This will NEVER happen in this game every again for something that is cosmetic. EA has a grip on anything that isn't required (and in some sircumstances even required), and has slammed the iron fist of revenue generation.


Welcome to Free-To-Play

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There is absolutely no chance that black will be player-made.


There is also no chance Black will every satisfy the players. The color system in place pretty much precludes the ability to get to a truely black/black/black outfit unless it is designed and released that way.

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Black can be rare, that's fine. But how about color combinations that weren't carefully selected to be as cruddy as possible?


I have played with a lot of them today on different armor pieces, and many look quite good to me. It is clear that they are careful about which color combos they provide as there is some rather fixed structure to color schemes in the gear.


Tip: go play with dye preview on Rist Statesman Coats. Do the whole Rist Statesman outfit (well except for that silly hat) in fact and see how the dual dyes really change that entire armor set.


Personally, I found the newer armors form the more recent cartel packs to work better with the dyes. But it all comes down to personal tastes anyway.

Edited by Andryah
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There is also no chance Black will every satisfy the players. The color system in place pretty much precludes the ability to get to a truely black/black/black outfit unless it is designed and released that way.


That was absolutely not my point and you know it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't mind them being rare, but what the hell are we going to do with all these clown colors? They aren't going to sell on the GTN, there aren't going to be ten thousand people on a server who want to be pink & purple.


My mandalorian girl character could need some pink & purple. Only got some boring green/red and other clown colors in 3 packs i bought though.


Only dyes i'm interested in is the Black/Black Dye, Pink & Purple and the Light Blue one (which i already got and seem fairly common).

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