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Does anyone else hate RED ERROR TEXT as much as me?


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Im a new player, been playing for 2 weeks, decided to subscribe.... But after Looking at








for a good portion of my fights I decided to look around for a fix, a possible disable, over even a way to make it not so big. I found 2 years worth of posts of people asking, then telling, then RAGING on developers to help fix this SPAM problem. The last dev post was in 2012 summer time.. haha seriously?


Does that make anyone else rage as much as me to see developers of a game not giv3e a crap about them SPAMING their own players with garbage text in the middle of the screen. Sometimes i can just block it out, but man when i cant it annoys me sooo much i just un subscribed.... After 2 weeks of playing i can see some major issues with the developers of this game not able to complete simple tasks for the community.


I can see why its free to play now. /Facepalm:mad:


Enjoying the SPAM






Since 2011!!!!

Edited by DjCritz
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:rolleyes: Just because its not the L2P fanboys problem, does not mean it doesn't effect other players. :p Take your Epeen out of this forum post. This is a major problem for thousands of players and just because its not you doesn't mean you can come here and post - L2P - or I don't have that problem. If you don't have this problem then why exactly are you here trolling this thread?


Here are links to just a few blogs, Forums and player posts who have the exact same problem I have with this. So again if you don't have this problem please leave this thread.


SWTOR Forum Threads asking to remove combat ERROR TEXT:











Other Forum Posts related to removing combat RED ERROR TEXT:














Stop trying to spam abilities, it never bothered me :)

Been playing since beta and have never seen this, L2P :rolleyes:

No. Most of actually watch the cool downs and use other abilities, instead of just mashing the keyboard with our fists and yelling at the monitor.



If you don't have this problem then why are you trolling this post?

Edited by DjCritz
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I guess I will leave this game for the children to watch the cool down bars, that must really make you feel pro ;)


Enjoy those cool down bars, thats real entertainment for americans. Screw whats going on on the screen, SWTOR pros are all about staring at the cool down bars.. I guess I better L2P like you pros :D



I guess you never used key binds or macros. /facepalm .. real pros up in here.:rak_03: I better take my newb *** to a game that can make a decent UI then hey?



sad, such fanboys.

Enjoy your free to play game. Its worth every penny,


Um, insulting much?


You don't have to stare at the cool downs, just glance. They are right there on your screen. Really, unless your monitor is ten feet high and you are sitting 2 feet from it this should not be a problem.



Edited by Blackavaar
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I guess I will leave this game for the children to watch the cool down bars, that must really make you feel pro ;)


Enjoy those cool down bars, thats real entertainment for americans. Screw whats going on on the screen, SWTOR pros are all about staring at the cool down bars.. I guess I better L2P like you pros :D



I guess you never used key binds or macros. /facepalm .. real pros up in here.:rak_03: I better take my newb *** to a game that can make a decent UI then hey?



sad, such fanboys.

Enjoy your free to play game. Its worth every penny,


turn off macro?

after that there is no excuse.

every time your getting a red text error its because your pressing a button and its not doing anything.


yes i feel the need to state the obvious because your post screams ignorance, among other things.

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I better take my newb *** to a game that can make a decent UI then hey?

Maybe you should, if TOR ain't your cup of caffeine-free herb tea with a wedge of lemon and a dollop of honey.


Gotta love the posts which imply (or outright state) "This game sucks (but I pay for it anyway)." That's some high ranking on the credibility scale, there.

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*best Adam Savage voice*


"Well, there's your problem!"


*end Mythbusters skit*


Seriously, TOR doesn't require macros of any kind. I use keybinds, sure, and I get the occassional 'not ready' red text, but that's it. If people are getting spammed with red error messages... well, sounds like a PEBKAC problem to me. ;)

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Yah this bugs me too, but it's not just error text for me it's mostly quest objectives updating. In WoW there was a way to do a script macro to where if you hit the macro when you first log onto a character it would disable the error text and quest updates that shows up in the middle of your screen. I think there was a way to do it permanently too, but i never looked into that. I think last i heard though SWTOR had no support for macros? so i'm guessing no support for scripts either.
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DjCritz SMASH!


Done:rolleyes: Just because its not the L2P fanboys problem, does not mean it doesn't effect other players. :p Take your Epeen out of this forum post. This is a major problem for thousands of players and just because its not you doesn't mean you can come here and post - L2P - or I don't have that problem. If you don't have this problem then why exactly are you here trolling this thread?


Here are links to just a few blogs, Forums and player posts who have the exact same problem I have with this. So again if you don't have this problem please leave this thread.


SWTOR Forum Threads on combat ERROR TEXT:









Other Forum Posts related to combat RED ERROR TEXT:













Edited by DjCritz
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Im a new player, been playing for 2 weeks, decided to subscribe.... But after Looking at



for a good portion of my fights I decided to look around for a fix, a possible disable, over even a way to make it not so big. I found 2 years worth of posts of people asking, then telling, then RAGING on developers to help fix this SPAM problem. The last dev post was in 2012 summer time.. hahahahahahahahhah seriously,


Does that make anyone else rage as much as me to see developers of a game not giv3e a crap about them SPAMING their own players with garbage text in the middle of the screen. Sometimes i can just block it out, but man when i cant it annoys me sooo much i just un subscribed.... I am so glad i only paid for 1 month sub because even after 2 weeks of playing i can see some major issues with the developers of this game not able to complete simple tasks for the community.


I can see why its free to play now. /Facepalm:mad:


Enjoying the SPAM


Since 2011!!!!


Red text only appears when you try to do something you can't, just stop doing that and play intelligently.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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Done:rolleyes: Just because its not the L2P fanboys problem, does not mean it doesn't effect other players. :p Take your Epeen out of this forum post. This is a major problem for thousands of players and just because its not you doesn't mean you can come here and post

Looks to me like anyone can come here and post.


So again if you don't have this problem please leave this thread.

OK, Mr. Thread Cop. Got any other life-altering problems you'd care to share?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Looks to me like anyone can come here and post.



OK, Mr. Thread Cop. Got any other life-altering problems you'd care to share?


Forum trolls, keeping threads alive with content that has nothing to do with thread title since 1998. I guess reading thread titles is hard?:rolleyes:

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Red text only appears when you try to do something you can't, just stop doing that and play intelligently.


when your target runs out of range you need to be told?


When your target hides behind a building you need to be told?


When you are healing and your target runs behind a pillar, box or anything you need to be told?


In pvp every second your not using an ability you need to be told cause you pushed the ability a Mili second too soon?


If you need to be told this stuff through BIG RED TEXT IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SCREEN, you are not very intellligent:confused: Just sayin.......

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when your target runs out of range you need to be told? When your target hides behind a building you need to be told? When you are healing and your target runs behind a pillar, box or anything you need to be told? In pvp every second your not using an ability you need to be told cause you pushed the ability a Mili second too soon? If you need to be told this stuff through BIG RED TEXT IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SCREEN, you are not very intellligent:confused: Just sayin.......

If you're trying to use abilities you claim you don't need to be told you can't use. you are not very intelligent. Just sayin'.


Forum trolls, keeping threads alive with content that has nothing to do with thread title since 1998. I guess reading thread titles is hard?:rolleyes:

OK, ready?


No one hates red error text as much a you. You are the undisputed inter-galactic red error text hating champeen.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Sorry, but you don't get to tell people to leave your thread. These forums are for the free use of everyone who subscribes to the TOR, and that includes posting in topics you created.


And if you say something's a problem, and other people respond to tell you they don't think it's a problem, that's not trolling. It's not off-topic, either. It's a disagreement with your point, and it's totally on-topic.

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Sorry, but you don't get to tell people to leave your thread. These forums are for the free use of everyone who subscribes to the TOR, and that includes posting in topics you created.


And if you say something's a problem, and other people respond to tell you they don't think it's a problem, that's not trolling. It's not off-topic, either. It's a disagreement with your point, and it's totally on-topic.


This again has nothing to do with the thread and is off topic and trolling. I do appreciate the thread bump though (;



In case you got bit too excited and didn't see these, if you can read more than 2 sentences, here are links to the thousands of others with the same problem. Thanks for stopn in!

SWTOR Forum Threads on combat ERROR TEXT:









Other Forum Posts related to combat RED ERROR TEXT:













Edited by DjCritz
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Okay, let me see if I can catch up to speed here...


OP makes a thread about how much he hates the annoying 'Spamming Red Text' and asks if anyone else finds it as annoying as he/she does..


People respond contrary to the OP's opinion, and explain to him/her that it doesn't occur that often unless you are smashing keys too much, running macros, or simply needs to pay more attention to the cooldowns...


(true, some did the last part in a very... snarky manner, but hey, it's the interwebz..)


Then, the OP proceeds to call everyone and anyone who disagrees with him/her a troll, among other various overused (and misused, I might add) internet memes...


That about it? Kay, good. I'm off to go play TOR, and look for all this infamous RED SPAM ERROR TEXT that supposedly affects sooo many people. :rolleyes:

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