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What do you consider a successful run?


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Just curious how do you self - assess after a HM FP. What do you think was a good run?


All bosses down at first attempt?

No one died during the whole run?

All bosses done, including bonus?


I will always try to let no one die, but usually I think we had a good run if all bosses fall at first try. I would like to hear some other opinions though because I can see a whole spectrum of opinions from the random groups. Sometimes i will get slightly snarky remarks at the end of the run if some DD died 1 or 2 times (but the rest was smooth sailing) "that the run could have been better" and sometimes I get words of joy and praise if we make it through with all bosses, even we wiped at least once per boss ...

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if you get all bosses down in 1st attempt I call it a perfect run, regardless if u wiped on trash.


a good run is when there is no drama and your raid group just beat the guild record for the best time of that instance.

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A good run is when the tank didn't use any cooldowns.


You are joking right ?:D


Unless you are heavily overgeared, or use many CCs on trash (which makes the run longer tbh) it is almost impossible for tank to survive 55lvl hm fps witohout using cooldowns;)

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A good run is one in which no one dies, everything is killed without issue, and you don't want to reach through your monitor to commit unspeakable atrocities on anyone in your group.


So basically, unless you take 4 people you know, it never happens.

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Unless you are heavily overgeared

Bingo. Healing pulls like the hounds in Cad without the tank using any CDs is the only interesting part now.


A good run is one in which no one dies, everything is killed without issue, and you don't want to reach through your monitor to commit unspeakable atrocities on anyone in your group.


So basically, unless you take 4 people you know, it never happens.

Ain't that the truth.


I wanted the classic ops weekly last night, and someone was trying to convince me to heal a 16-man pug through EV. I declined, and grabbed three guildies to 4-man it instead. We come out after killing Soa, and I see half the pug standing around. Turns out they were wiping on Annihilator.





Edited by Aurojiin
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A perfect run is where I don't screw up with my healing. If I push all my abilities as far as I can, and we still wipe then there is a pretty good chance that we were going to wipe regardless, but I can lay there waiting for a rez knowing that my teammates are morons and I did everything I could :p. If I screw up and we wipe then it could have been my fault and that's not even close to being perfect.


Another example of a perfect run is when I squeeze Aurojin so hard that a compliment manages to escape his tightly sealed compliment bladder.

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I always leave feeling pretty good when something goes wrong, or a non-standard meathod is attempted and we still pull through.


Of course the unexpected perfect run can be a nice surprise, but they get boring sometimes. ^^


This. Things like losing 2 DPS to the storms on Dash'Roode, Solo healing phase one of HM TFB since a DPS died, got ressed and then a healer died, missing pillars on on Kephess and having to endure a full burn phase with only tanks left standing, Solo healing up to third set of missiles on Titan 6 because DPS ignored the 'not ready', Running HM Esseles in vanilla without mainhands and my personal favourite:


Ignoring the last set of adds on Trasher only to have the turrets spawn and wipe after Trasher dies, go back and turrets are still up, wipe, go back, grab all loot and reset phase. And then do it again next week.


And as Aurojin said 4 manning 16 mans etc.

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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Note to self: Next time don't preemptively pop CDs on those pulls. In fact, to make it really fun I should pop Enure + Rakata Medpack 10 seconds before pulling?

Now you're getting into the spirit of it.

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I always leave feeling pretty good when something goes wrong, or a non-standard meathod is attempted and we still pull through.


Of course the unexpected perfect run can be a nice surprise, but they get boring sometimes. ^^


Yes, I get a super boost in confidence when a few extra packs get pulled (or a knockback into something) and as a full pug group with no communication we pick it up, and everyone makes it out all right. Adds an excitement to the run, and those are the runs I remember.


As for a successful run, I do try to ensure 0 deaths for my runs, outside of the odd "why were you standing near the edge?" or "yeah fire hurts silly, don't stand under that" And usually a successful run, is one that ends with people complementing each other not the "ty *leaves group*" I want to see the "thanks for the run guys, great tanking/heals" or "that run was smooth thanks" or "that was fast"


On that note: At low levels especially I make a point to complement dps when they do an exceptional job since they don't tend to get the thanks that tanks and healers do, if I see a dps CC'ing without being prompted, catching mobs that run at me, or even throwing out bubbles or heals if something went wrong I make sure to thank them. If everyone enjoyed playing the game, that's a successful run.

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A lot of things constitute a good run.


I like healing noobish tanks through their very first HM if I've got DPS that will manage their own threat accordingly.


I love healing for a guardian tank with 2 gunnery commandos for DPS. This can be just an amazing combo. There is nothing like seeing a guardian leap into a huge pack of mobs, only to have the commandos AoE down everything except the tanked target. Or for the commandos to do a split tech override>CC on different targets and then help the guardian power down their target.


Nothing stinks worse than a run with a DPS who believes that they're not doing their job if the tank isn't struggling to hold agro. Or a tank who loses aggro on the strongs while trying to tank all the weaks.


Overall, I'd say the best runs are just ~ when the DPS and tanks play in a fashion that fits together naturally. And where they don't get in a contest over targets.

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A good run is any run when the entire group would be willing to run together again.


I have been in groups that steamrolled the content, but I never ever wanted to run with one or more of them again. So to me that was a unsuccessful run.


I have also been in groups with a fresh tank in greeen that had no clue, but everyone was friendly, helpful and we went through the entire instances slowly, but easily. Many would say it was a terrible run, but the group made it a successful run as far as i am concern.

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A run where I had fun of course.


I think my best run ever involved a FP where we wiped 6-9 times on one group of bosses. But after each wipe we'd make adjustments and get just a bit closer to downing them. We didn't have ideal group composition, we didn't look up the fight (which none of us knew really well), but everyone was persistent and very good natured.


We were all very happy when we finally got it. In part because we were tired of being stuck at that encounter, but even more because we had stuck it out as a team without anyone quitting or complaining.


Having a group that's a good group when things are going well is ok, but having a group that's a good group when things aren't going well is something special. Especially in an MMO group-finder PUG.

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A good run is one in which no one dies, everything is killed without issue, and you don't want to reach through your monitor to commit unspeakable atrocities on anyone in your group.


So basically, unless you take 4 people you know, it never happens.


Then your luck is consistenly awful for some reason. I've had terrible pugs, ok pugs and awesome pugs.

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A successful run means no wipes. A perfect run is no wipes and no deaths. But a successful, or even perfect run isn't always the most fun. I'm with what others have said about pulling extra mobs, or being solo healing some boss fight in an Operation. I like a challenge, and when I rise to it, and impress people with my healing skills, thats fun.
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Before 2.0 when we were 50s I had newbie tank in pugged Kaon HM. He did a bit slow but ok, we had no idea he was new. Until that creepy room... Instead of pulling 1 pack and immediately going back where we stand, he rushed to the center of the room, pulled 2 packs of mobs and started to fight. Typed him to run back. 1 death, no wipe. At the end of the FP one dps whispered to me: "Cool healing! I can't imagine how we survived that double pull".

When group member notes your healing (which happens very rare in my experience), then I call it successful.

In general, successful run means having friendly party where everyone knows what to do or is able to learn fast after wipe. No rushers, no quitters.

Edited by space_mechanic
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Good run would be a simple and fast affair really with people that either know what they are doing, or are willing to tell that no, they don't know what they are doing, and after such actually can go with directions. As far as what as a healer makes a good run would be challenge. Challenge to heal the people and actually Do the things my role is supposed to do in good company :) I don't mind a few wipes here and there. A wipeless run is a perfect run as far as I'm concerned and people rarely complain about my healing. Obviously acknowledgement of said healing is always nice, but not really required for good run :)
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As far as what as a healer makes a good run would be challenge. Challenge to heal the people and actually Do the things my role is supposed to do in good company :)


Good point, have to say, last night a guildie wanted to do a hardmode run on his fairly fresh tank alt, so I brought along my main healer that I was most confident with, the run was so smooth I got bored... he knows his classes well so knew how to avoid dmg, and despite being undergeared, was geared optimal for what he had, so I was really going through the motions. However after I mentioned such, he spiced things up, by randomly dropping aggro so I could spend some time healing the dps, and making the last boss on hammer station hit them, that gave me a little fun challenge :)

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