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What was the last big thing we got for free?


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Also, when did we get it?


Off the top of my head, I'm thinking it was the new space missions that nobody (that I know of) does. When did we get those?


I'm honestly not going to count 2.0 because that went part and parcel with RotHC and if you didn't buy that, the patch didn't do a whole lot for you.


I'm sure someone on the forums can spout it off the top of their head, so I thought I'd ask.

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Uh. :confused:


Oh, we got 30 free days a few weeks after launch.


Their first and last act of goodwill towards us.


Well there's also the free coins they gave us when 1.5 hit, but that was more of a 'sorry we messed up, please stay with us' kinda thing.

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You mean besides every bit of additional content (flashpoints, ops and warzones) between launch and Rise of the Hutt Cartel? Also, the new Op Scum and Villany. Whether or not you count 2.0 is irrelevant. It is content and it was free. Edited by TheBBP
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You mean besides every bit of additional content (flashpoints, ops and warzones) between launch and Rise of the Hutt Cartel? Also, the new Op Scum and Villany. Whether or not you count 2.0 is irrelevant. It is content and it was free.
I am relatively new, so it's entirely possible that I missed some stuff. That said, I don't remember there being any new flashpoints, operations or warzones recently (that don't require a purchase of RoTHC, which would, by definition make them not free.) Are you thinking of anything in particular? Edited by schmel
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I am relatively new, so it's entirely possible that I missed some stuff. That said, I don't remember there being any new flashpoints, operations or warzones recently (that don't require a purchase of RoTHC, which would, by definition make them not free.) Are you thinking of anything in particular?


So, you have not been around long enough to know what we have gotten and you are complaining about what you have not gotten?

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I got the game for free; but then I waited until it went F2P before joining and subscribing (after participating in the beta I knew it was only a matter of time before it did).
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So, you have not been around long enough to know what we have gotten and you are complaining about what you have not gotten?
Maybe you could try saying that again, but this time in a way that makes sense? Not really sure what you're trying to say there, bud...
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