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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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On topic, uh...I got nothing. Except I accidentally ended up "tanking" Prophet of Vodal on my Sentinel after the tank died to the flames and we killed it anyway? That's weird, kind of? Or, well, funny. Not sure why the healer didn't combat rez the tank, but whatevs.


I had a pretty dumb sent dps in that flashpoint last week. He wasn't moving out of aoe and I made it my job to kill him at the final boss. He died three times there. Still didn't learn. :D

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...but you'll get 2 stacks of TA when you pop out of stealth at the start of combat, and your third one usually comes as soon as you hit Recuperative Nanotech if not from the first tick of Kolto Probe. Also, if you're already healing before combat starts, then when combat does start, the first aggro event most of the mobs are going to have is your heals...


No, just no. Using stealth to gain TA is a sign of bad OP healer. Nothing makes me rage harder than an Operative that uses stealth for TA and spams Kolto Injection. The aggro you get from Kolto Probes is negligible. As an Operative healer one should have 2 x Kolto Probes on all party members (4 in flashpoints and 8 in operations).

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No, just no. Using stealth to gain TA is a sign of bad OP healer. Nothing makes me rage harder than an Operative that uses stealth for TA and spams Kolto Injection. The aggro you get from Kolto Probes is negligible. As an Operative healer one should have 2 x Kolto Probes on all party members (4 in flashpoints and 8 in operations).

Warzones too. Always nice to send out a team with HoTs. In FPs, even if the mobs are scattered, but I trust the tank and the DPS players will get them under control quickly, I know I can eat the few hits I might get from other healing abilities. As for stealth... I hardly use it in FPs apart from CCing.

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Just ran The Foundry HM on my level 53 Operative healer. Had a level 50 Marauder DPS, 52 PT tank and 52 Juggernaut DPS. Since FPs only have three other players and I usually am the first one ready to go, I tend to check everyone's gear. The tank actually had DPS implants, but no biggie, I've healed through worst defensive. The DPS players were both adequately geared as well, so off we go.


Things went just fine for the first four, five pulls until the tank suddenly stops running and asks me to stop spamming Kolto Probe when we are not fighting. I ask him why I should that and he replies "The green spray hinders my line of sight". I explain to him that I really like to have the Tactical Advantages I get from the ticks, so in case something goes wrong really quickly, I can use Surgical probe and Kolto Infusion. Moreover, it's nice for the healer to keep a little HoT on all the characters, since it costs me next to no energy and the healing was usually enough to mitigate the small amounts of damage the DPS guys took from the mobs.


Finally I am given an ultimatum: I either stop using Kolto Probe out of combat or the tank initiates votekick. I asked if he was serious and sure enough I see a votekick pop up. The DPS playes snickered and voted against, causing the tank to quit himself. One of the DPS fellows asked his guildie to join as a tank and with an Assassin tank geared with 72's/78's we got through darn easily! On the plus side, the Assassin did not mind my Kolto Probes at all...


wow, that's new, a tank complaining a healer trying to keep up the heal xD No kolto probe, that's funny

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wow, that's new, a tank complaining a healer trying to keep up the heal xD No kolto probe, that's funny

Far as I could tell, he was totally okay with during combat though, but the probes became a nuisance the moment we were not fighting. Guess he needed his line of sight outside combat, but could handle the pulls even with my floating spray cans annoying him...

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Far as I could tell, he was totally okay with during combat though, but the probes became a nuisance the moment we were not fighting. Guess he needed his line of sight outside combat, but could handle the pulls even with my floating spray cans annoying him...


I get the feeling that he doesn't understand the magic of using ze mouse to change his POV and zoom level. Not sure he'd be much fun to run with regardless knowing that.

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I've never seen Kolto Probe ticks pull aggro in an encounter, but it could be because I tend to stand pretty far away when the fights start. Or at least that works with Juggernauts/PTs, who often leap to combat and I run after them and so on. Keeping up the probes also gives me more sustained TAs during the fights, since spending several GCDs to apply them mid-combat is just a waste of time. At least in my experience this is particularly true in boss fights that have AoE damage and where the players can be quite spread out (the droid with the electric current in the Boarding Party comes to mind).


Also, in that fight all the folks were relatively competent, the tank included. He just had a weird pet peeve. Good thing we didn't have to wait more than two or three minutes for the replacement.


Healers gain aggro from effective heals / 2 spread evenly. So if he is topped off you will not gain aggro, but if he starts losing health before the dps start attacking you will gain aggro from those left alone. Considering they only heal you for 1300 per tick the amount of aggro you get is negligible in most cases, but in cases where there are enemies spread apart I could understand the tank wanting to get a small chunk of aggro before healing starts (esp melee tanks) and then he can save his AoE taunt for a more appropriate time. My guess is he wasn't using his saber reflect often. I often use it to get a good chunk of aggro on ranged enemies that are spread apart.

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No, just no. Using stealth to gain TA is a sign of bad OP healer. Nothing makes me rage harder than an Operative that uses stealth for TA and spams Kolto Injection. The aggro you get from Kolto Probes is negligible. As an Operative healer one should have 2 x Kolto Probes on all party members (4 in flashpoints and 8 in operations).




I guess I'm a bad healer then. or... just someone with a different strategy


1. I see no point in having everyone with 2 stacks of kolto probes at all time. its just pointless overhealing and waste of global cooldowns. especially if you are healing operations. the ONLY time I bother to do that is if I know there's group wide damage incoming.

2. I can keep the double stack rolling on a tank AND stealth between pools if needed.

3. while Kolto injection is situation rather than spam worthy (and I'll use my stimpack for TA gain before I'll use injection - incidentally, that's why I stealth between pools, I like keeping my stimpack for for emergencies ) its still a good big useful heal. especially if you are healing assassin tank.


so.. i guess keep raging? and I'll just continue to keep my groups alive. my way. all the while maintaining my nice lovely energy reserves (and before you say anything, yes, I have healed and still heal hardmode operations)


to get back to topic..


I keep running into tanks that augment for endurance (with mainstat) - and these are tanks in basically flashpoint gear. naturally, they are spikey as hell to heal. but recently I ran into one that totally took the cake. he wasn't just augmented for endurance. he was augmented for endurance AND power. i just... why? I mean... I appreciate that you put all these effort into augmenting, but at least if you are going to spend all these credits, spend them on something a little bit more appropriate?

Edited by Jeweledleah
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No, just no. Using stealth to gain TA is a sign of bad OP healer. Nothing makes me rage harder than an Operative that uses stealth for TA and spams Kolto Injection. The aggro you get from Kolto Probes is negligible. As an Operative healer one should have 2 x Kolto Probes on all party members (4 in flashpoints and 8 in operations).


8*2*1.5 seconds = 24 seconds. That's how much time it takes to get it to a stack of 2 on 8 people. Once it's up then it's 8*1.5=12 seconds to just maintaining them. That just can't happen unless you are running content way below your gear level.

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A blind, deaf comatose patient can heal HM operations. And anwg; you are wrong.


Anyways, continue on with the funny stories. I won't derail this anymore.


Actually, you are wrong, One can do both. Drop hots on a group and still have time to stealth before they expire. Not that I do that, I just don't need to unless I wish to use shot first for what ever reason.

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A blind, deaf comatose patient can heal HM operations. And anwg; you are wrong.


Anyways, continue on with the funny stories. I won't derail this anymore.


yeah, that's why so many people are clearing them left and right. in pugs.


and actually he's very much correct. if you were maintaining 8 stacks of hots on everyone, not only you'd have to have perfect latency, but you wouldn't be doing anything else. theoretically - the probe is supposed to last 18 seconds. practically, you have to refresh it no later than 16 or risk both stacks falling off. moreover - without perfect latency, and inhuman reflexes, you won't be refreshing it every 1.5 seconds on a dot. it will be closer to 2 seconds per probe. which means that this is literally all your are doing. no cleanses, no other abilities used, just going through probe refreshing rotation. and that's not counting mechanics that may add time to that already tight interval


its inefficient, its down right bad, its putting far too much strain on your healing partner, and so the only time I do the "roll probes continuously" deal is on 4 people at the time, 5 tops and the only in situations where I KNOW they will be taking continuous damage.


but that's ok, please do continue making your exaggerated pointlessly elitist claims that have no basis in actual reality.


(and because I do use other abilities besides kolto probe, stealthing between pulls makes absolutely positively sure that I have a minimum of 2 stacks of TA, more efficiently and with less pointless overhealing.)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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How about on Colicod war game the tank saying at the start he wont tank if the DPS aggros 1st. Then in the same FP both turret fights were started 30 seconds before all 4 of us were there. My 1st time healing colicod war game turned out to be the fastest I have ever done it even though I havent done it in months.
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I have another story to tell, and even though it's not a GF story, I reckon it's nice enough to share.


So, let's check what's going on. I, trying to pull my lvl 53 Gunslinger through Makeb (gear = horribad), decide that it might be a good idea to do the Heroic 4 quest on Frinn Mesa (forgot the name). I find a Tank and another Gunslinger reasonably quickly (read: 30 minutes after first asking in chat). The Guardian has about 30k HP and is lvl 55, the other Gunslinger is lvl 54 and his gear is... well, it's better than mine, I'll give him that.


Unfortunately, no luck finding a healer. And none of my teammates has an adequately geared healing companion (I prefer using Bowdaar). But off we go anyway, because nobody else volunteers. We have some trouble on the first group (because the 2nd Gunslinger doesn't take cover... or shoot at all, for that matter). And then our hero Gunslinger runs head on into quite possibly the biggest and most dangerous group in the first part of the quest. He then complains about a lack of healing from the companion (:rolleyes:) and we wipe. I'm also the only one to notice that you can instantly respawn within the instance without having to wait 10 minutes for the probe, but more about that later.


So we successfully sneak past all the other mob groups in the first part of the instance (I kinda said it might be risky to leave all those enemies behind you if you get in trouble, but it never became a factor) and get to the turret encounter. For those of you who are unaware, there are 3 turrets to be killed. 2 of them are always shielded to invincibility and if the vulnerable one takes enough damage, they switch and spawn a group of adds (which heal the turrets).

We fail gloriously. And they refuse to believe me that you can revive inside of the instance without waiting for 10 minutes :rolleyes:. However, I have mercy with the other Gunslinger who, again, complained about a lack of heals (and with good reason, because our Tank forgot about Doc) and decide to look for another group member.


At this time, I present to you a short interlude to talk about something that annoys me. People thinking they have to explain the entire game to you. At lvl 50+. Now, I understand that you might have doubts about other players, especially if you read this thread fairly often. But don't try to explain things to people who haven't done anything wrong in your presence :confused:.


Anyways, back to the story. Still no Heal. We find another DPS, another Gunslinger, to be precise (I should have known that it couldn't go well). Our hero Gunslinger complains about this in chat, asking why I'd take another DPS into the group (little does he know the guy was the *only* candidate across 3 instances of Makeb). I don't reply, because I'm fed up about the guy at this point. I was actually thinking about telling him (sarcastically, ofc) that my intention was replacing him, but I didn't.


In the meantime I have some trouble getting back to the quest instance. The pipes required to go there constantly have me fall short, at one point I hit a wall face first and drop all the way back to the ground :p. Later I get stuck inside of some terrain, but I get there eventually. Our new guy does even worse than me, though. At first, he doesn't find the way. And then he doesn't know how to get up to us, he doesn't even bother asking. Then, he gets to the part before the last jump. But he never makes that jump. He always drops back down to a ledge below him and redoes the whole thing. When asked why, he said he didn't know. Then, at one point, he does that thing again, but then he drops too far and crashes to the floor, dying. He claims he had to go and leaves the group. Fabulous.


Our hero Gunslinger then insists I should, again, try to find a Heal. I try, and we have a little debate in chat about the approximate population sizes of the roles of the trinity, after I claim that our chances of finding a Heal are very slim. He then tells us that he had a date at 6 pm (which was about 20 mins away at the time) and that he'd leave then. So, I invite the only person willing to do the gosh darn quest after convincing our DPS that, given his lack of time, we should rather try again with another anything than try to find a certain role.


So we go again, now we have a certain bug going on that makes all 3 turrets shielded :rolleyes:, so we have to reset.

There we go again, and the guys kinda fail horribly. Our new, decently geared Shadow DPS, takes about 30 seconds every time to realise when a turret has become invulnerable. We wipe, and our Shadow proclaims that it was useless. But I'm not ready to give up. I now employ some leet next level tactics I learned by playing other games.


I camp. To the left of the turret encounter, there is a bunch of crates, which I use to break LoS with the turrets. Apparently, my DPS was so supreme that I had every turret and all of the adds aggroed even when not shooting for a solid minute. Thankfully, I put some points into a skill that would make me recover 1% HP every few seconds in cover. So I was literally undefeatable. I kept the fight going long enough for the rest of my group to return to the land of the living multiple times. By the end of this fight, the hero Gunslinger, who I actually kinda grew to like, encouraged me and was also the one to down turret #1. I killed the other 2, one of them 100% solo. Oh well.


The rest of the quest is a breeze in comparison. We just obliterate everything else, and get through the boss without a Healer. But man, those turrets.


Needless to say, our hero Gunslinger was waaaayyy late on his date. But I appreciated that he took this one for the team. :)



PS: Sorry for the wall of text. If anybody finds this enjoyable, well, then I'm glad.

Edited by Darkelefantos
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yeah, that's why so many people are clearing them left and right. in pugs.


and actually he's very much correct. if you were maintaining 8 stacks of hots on everyone, not only you'd have to have perfect latency, but you wouldn't be doing anything else. theoretically - the probe is supposed to last 18 seconds. practically, you have to refresh it no later than 16 or risk both stacks falling off. moreover - without perfect latency, and inhuman reflexes, you won't be refreshing it every 1.5 seconds on a dot. it will be closer to 2 seconds per probe. which means that this is literally all your are doing. no cleanses, no other abilities used, just going through probe refreshing rotation. and that's not counting mechanics that may add time to that already tight interval

Just to clarify, once the encounter starts, I move on to healing whoever needs the heals and let the HoTs run their course until I get a good chance to refresh them. When the fight is over, I slap them on again to save time as everyone can heal on the run. Maintaining the HoTs with four players is easy, but with eight there is very little time for anything else and therefore it won't be a good strategy.

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PuG'ing Rep-side in 50/55 [HARD] Flashpoints, I seem to notice an awful lot of Gunslingers --always fem-toons, dressed to the ****-nines in CM crap, almost certainly played by guys, spamming /dance whenever we have a wait for someone or whatever-- being total derp-heroes, and immature drama-llamas.


I wish that would stop, they're giving my beloved AC a bad name on a great many levels.


Thankfully, Imp-side, on my Mercs (damager, my other beloved AC) this is much less common. Also, the damager-Mandos I PuG with Rep-side usually seem to know what they're doing as well. Same is true for Snipers, I'm happy to note, although I almost never see those in FPs, if I'm PuG'ing my Eng-Sniper, then I'm most often the only Sniper in the group.


But please, all Gunslingers:


Learn your class, learn your role, stop being a douche --our class is worthy of much better, and if you must, then roll a smasher.

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I was wondering how many people have run into pt's or vanguards that think they are ranged tanks?


I was on my 45 smuggler healing and ran into one today in an fp, I tried to help him out but he didn't speak English and I my suggestions were answered with total silence so I just powered through, but that wasn't the first one, ive run into quite a few of them over the last few weeks , i ran into a 43 guardian tanking in shi-cho the week before.

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Running Foundry today, SM, not expecting anything too crazy. Mara so I naturally have to run around on my quest waiting for GF to pop as not many guildies were on. We get in and from the start it's the healer. Have to wait for him to respec which took about the longest I've ever seen it take. So, we get into the FP and he's whining about every little thing. Granted the tank is clearly still learning as I'm having to CC bots multiple times due to poorly executed aoe, but we're really not having any major issues so why not just accept that it's low-level and we're surviving nicely?


We get to the pull with the three Jedi, then the pair of heavy extermination droids and pair of humanoid extermination adds. It seems that the tank somehow managed to aggro the whole room at once within a few seconds, but whatever, I CC on of the big bots and proceed to cut down the weaker bots and then attack as necessary to keep aggro off the healer. We survive with no one going lower than half way on the health bar so no big deal. The healer starts screaming that the Jugg needs to hold aggro. Well, in that situation anyone who's played for a while knows that just isn't something a Jugg is going to manage very easily, more so if he's newer to tanking, and between myself and the other DPS we managed to keep most everything off of the healer and used cooldowns and abilities as necessary to make things go as smoothly as possible. Regardless I have to go back and forth with the healer about with the crisis having been averted there's really no reason to rant and rave over it.


So we get to HK and things are going okay. The tank is losing aggro to me but taunting back, no one is breaking CC--I hit one of the heavy bots when they pop to keep things easier on healing and DPS--and the rotations are going fine. Hitting HK for a few on the core but I glitch and end up getting killed when the core drops. Again, newer tank so after that he has trouble keeping aggro focused on him and the other dps drops, then the tank, then the healer. After we res there's a smart remark about how that must have been his fault--his heals were not really up to snuff, but they were survivable so I wasn't going to harp on it--and I simply say I glitched, so no worries. Well, he goes on another mini rant then quits. Down one whiny Op healer. We share a few comments along the lines of good riddance, I throw him on ignore, and we proceed to wait for GF to bring us glad tidings.


A few minutes later we get a lower level sorc healer who puts him to shame. Much better use of resources and much more timely healing. After we quickly down HK the tank comments on the noticeably improved healing from our new friend and states that perhaps our old healer just sucked, to which I replied that it was clear our now former comrade clearly sucked something. We breeze through the rest of the FP with our attentive healer keeping me up easily even when I steal aggro. No issues on momma worm, the bot, or Senor Revan. It was a much better time for all.


In the end I can't see the point in rage quitting a lower level FP after one wipe. You're pugging. Accept that you're running not only with unfamiliar partners and without voice, but also possibly less experienced players. Today was simply a reminder of why I always look to fill up FP and Op groups from the guild. It would have been a simple thing for the healer to offer some constructive criticism to the tank, but he instead was a complete ***. Definitely satisfied knowing that even with our brief wait we were able to finish in less time and in a better mood than we would have with him still in tow.

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Czerka Labs HM.


So okay, the trash was cleared with a breeze. I'm on my main healer. I noticed this Sage DPS being 26k in health and I thought "this would be interesting" and boy, I was right.


Nevermind the 26k health and gear if you know what you're doing, I thought. We arrived at the 1st boss, that big droid. Droid channelled "Charged Plating" and the water turns electric. Guess what, the sage DPS just freaking stands there in the electric water. I healed him up to full. Then the electric water happens again. He still stands idle in the water. I pulled him to me.


He gets pulled by the droid again, and STILL STANDS THERE WHILE BEING ELECTRIFIED BY THE WATER. He died. He blamed the adds on general chat. Of course, of course, the adds. I replied "the water". K. He asked for a rezz. K. So I did.


He got up, I healed him, luckily the tank was decent, so I don't really need to heal him all the time. And again, he still stands there in the electric water and ultimately died. So we were 3 manning the droid and of course, it enraged. So here I am as a Sage healer supplementing DPS and healing through the enraged droid. We made it.


I whispered to the tank that I don't mind for a vote kick. The tank did, but alas the vote kick failed perhaps because the other DPS didn't confirm it. We got to the Chief Zokar. He was lucky he didn't get targeted by the dreaded 27k dmg rocket until he finally did. He didn't move away from any AOEs. At this point I'm so close to crying. But I said to myself--it's a challenge to heal. We did the last boss pretty quickly cause it was just me and the tank navigating the fight and adds.


I'm tempted to teach that Sage how to play, but meh, RL calls.

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Czerka core Meltdown HM.


Join group in progress as DPS, they are on one of the mini-bosses (the one that creates the sandstorm and has to be tanked near a generator. No one is talking in chat,, not even responding to hello. Tank finally attacks beast and stays in center. He does not walk beast over to generator and the sandstorm is eating us up slowly. Tank dies, wipe. I type in to say when generator glows, tank the beast over there so he destroys the generator. No response from tank. Second try, same thing, but he tanks boss near a non-lit generator. I type in "move him over here" to the lit generator. tank doesn't taunt to hold aggro, beast wipes healer and me. Other DPS quits, we get new one. Third try, same thing, tank dies nearly instantly. At this point healer says "I've had it" and we bail.


The tank was a 55, didn't check his gear but not sure how he ever could have got to 55 playing that way.

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Sounds like my PUG the other night doing Hammer Station HM, where we wiped four times because the Jugg tank didn't understand that he had to go in and turn Kreshan around instead of just attacking him from where we standing and getting us all practically one-shotted by his AoE. It was like, haven't you ever tanked this in SM?
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So I was in Mandolorian Raiders SM leveling my new gunslinger. Everybody’s zoning in and I start the hellos the other dps and heals say hey but nothing from the tank. Ok no big deal I have had times where nobody said hello back and the run was smooth so I don’t think anything of it. Then the tank runs ahead and starts the action with the group that runs out of the doors, again I think nothing of it these are just trash mobs and its common in SM and HM for someone to run ahead and down these real quick.


However he didn’t down them he immediately runs over to the door that opens up and lets you in to the FP and starts engaging this group to leaving the other group I guess for us to handle along with the new group he’s just agro-ed. Thankfully the healer was up to par and was able to keep everybody alive. Everybody was taking serious damage except me I have several other alts and my 25 gunslingers gear it all purple modded out. I am sure the healer was at least thankful he didn’t have to waist energy on me to because from the looks of it he’s gonna need it all for our superman tank who won’t stop to even regain his own health.


So we are running through the FP at this break neck pace the tank won’t stop for anyone to regain health or recharge energy. Several times he’s close to death and the healer who was awesome was somehow able to keep him and the other dps up. The whole time the tank doesn’t stop not for one second, now I understand the want to get it done as quickly as possible I have run in groups like this before. But the tank in my opinion was being a total butt about it not letting anyone regain HP or energy including himself. We then come to the first boss with the dogs again the tank doesn’t stop he just runs in right after the fight with the dogs in the hallway. Again not stopping to regain health or energy it was at this point where I start to get really annoyed. Especially because in the previous fight the tank couldn’t hold agro and I was almost beat down because of it so I was for the first time at low HP and energy.


He just runs in low health low energy and everybody else is to. Again he losses agro to me and the boss kept running over and attacking me, the dogs were on the healer. The tank for the first time in the whole FP finally speaks but it’s only to spam the chat saying “DON’T HIT BOSS”. Had he any sense he would have realized I wasn’t I was on the dogs but because of his pig headedness he was probably out of taunts or didn’t have enough energy to use them and could no longer keep agro. So I am trying to get the dogs of the healer and run from the boss at the same time. I really can’t say what the other dps is doing as I am trying to save myself and our healer.


Somehow (again I chalk this up to abilities of our healer ) we down him. So now everybody is spent and I’m thinking surely he will rest for a sec now, nope he runs into the next room and starts the fight. I ran in and helped out and here we have our first death of the FP our other dps died. After the fight we rez the dps and then I see in chat the tank start a countdown 5,4,3,2,1 and the other dps isn’t even at full strength yet. It is here I left the group I say to the tank “I’m out I don’t like your attitude” then hit the quit group button he then says “What? Keep it moving” to which I reply “I understand that but you’re a butt about it”. As I am zoning back into my previous location I see whispers from the tank saying “Put me on your iggy list You’re a noob” “hahahaha lalalalalala NOOB!” “ I simply said to him before I put him on ignore “And you’re an a**! Who before long will be on everybodies ignore list.” I don’t know if he had any more to say after that as he went on ignore immediately but I have been running into a lot of tanks like this in the lower lvl fps lately. It’s really making me not want to do them until I get my new gunslinger to 55. :(

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So I was in Mandolorian Raiders SM leveling my new gunslinger. Everybody’s zoning in and I start the hellos the other dps and heals say hey but nothing from the tank. Ok no big deal I have had times where nobody said hello back and the run was smooth so I don’t think anything of it. Then the tank runs ahead and starts the action with the group that runs out of the doors, again I think nothing of it these are just trash mobs and its common in SM and HM for someone to run ahead and down these real quick.


However he didn’t down them he immediately runs over to the door that opens up and lets you in to the FP and starts engaging this group to leaving the other group I guess for us to handle along with the new group he’s just agro-ed. Thankfully the healer was up to par and was able to keep everybody alive. Everybody was taking serious damage except me I have several other alts and my 25 gunslingers gear it all purple modded out. I am sure the healer was at least thankful he didn’t have to waist energy on me to because from the looks of it he’s gonna need it all for our superman tank who won’t stop to even regain his own health.


So we are running through the FP at this break neck pace the tank won’t stop for anyone to regain health or recharge energy. Several times he’s close to death and the healer who was awesome was somehow able to keep him and the other dps up. The whole time the tank doesn’t stop not for one second, now I understand the want to get it done as quickly as possible I have run in groups like this before. But the tank in my opinion was being a total butt about it not letting anyone regain HP or energy including himself. We then come to the first boss with the dogs again the tank doesn’t stop he just runs in right after the fight with the dogs in the hallway. Again not stopping to regain health or energy it was at this point where I start to get really annoyed. Especially because in the previous fight the tank couldn’t hold agro and I was almost beat down because of it so I was for the first time at low HP and energy.


He just runs in low health low energy and everybody else is to. Again he losses agro to me and the boss kept running over and attacking me, the dogs were on the healer. The tank for the first time in the whole FP finally speaks but it’s only to spam the chat saying “DON’T HIT BOSS”. Had he any sense he would have realized I wasn’t I was on the dogs but because of his pig headedness he was probably out of taunts or didn’t have enough energy to use them and could no longer keep agro. So I am trying to get the dogs of the healer and run from the boss at the same time. I really can’t say what the other dps is doing as I am trying to save myself and our healer.


Somehow (again I chalk this up to abilities of our healer ) we down him. So now everybody is spent and I’m thinking surely he will rest for a sec now, nope he runs into the next room and starts the fight. I ran in and helped out and here we have our first death of the FP our other dps died. After the fight we rez the dps and then I see in chat the tank start a countdown 5,4,3,2,1 and the other dps isn’t even at full strength yet. It is here I left the group I say to the tank “I’m out I don’t like your attitude” then hit the quit group button he then says “What? Keep it moving” to which I reply “I understand that but you’re a butt about it”. As I am zoning back into my previous location I see whispers from the tank saying “Put me on your iggy list You’re a noob” “hahahaha lalalalalala NOOB!” “ I simply said to him before I put him on ignore “And you’re an a**! Who before long will be on everybodies ignore list.” I don’t know if he had any more to say after that as he went on ignore immediately but I have been running into a lot of tanks like this in the lower lvl fps lately. It’s really making me not want to do them until I get my new gunslinger to 55. :(


I think a lot of people are rerolling into PT/vanguard because it is the FoTM. Many into shadow/assassin since it will be FoTM in 2.5.

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I may have been at fault in this story.


I typically play as a Republic player. However, I queued in group finder for a flashpoint as a tank - sith jugg. It was an insta-pop. This was my 2nd imperial character, however my first toon never got to run this flashpoint. The flashpoint was - The Foundry (SM) . I was interested in seeing the story with how it connects to the Boarding Party storyline.


Someone says 'hello" in group chat. I announce in group chat that it was my first time in here. Someone else responds "No problem, we will tell you what to do" or something along those lines. I get up to the first conversation and begin to watch the story conversation. The same person who said they would tell me what to do kept typing "press spacebar". After the 3rd time he typed it I replieid, "but it's my first time here, I'd like to see the story". The reply was something like "We dont have time for that".


So, I said I was sorry, and that I would leave and I dropped group. Hopefully they found a new space-bar friendly tank after that.


I plan to solo the flashpoint on my lvl 55 assassin to enjoy the story first. Do you guys think I was at fault?

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