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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I'm unsure myself, but... F2P can't go above 50, and he said the guy was 57/58... To be at that level, that guy must have been a Sub, and have the latest expansion aswell. :confused:


I guess it was simply a clueless guy. Like the many you can see ever since 12Exp was launched the first time for all... Nowadays not all of the new players bother to learn how to play, and this leads to some of the very intriguing histories on this thread. :rolleyes:


F2P can't reach 60 because if they buy SoR they will become Preferred.

RotHC is included in both SoR and Subscribtion.


He could have either been a clueless Preferred or clueless Sub.


Also, if you L2P you can do Ravagers and ToS SM in pvp gear.

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Huh, I play on Red Eclipse and Progenitor and very rarely meet a group terribad enough to make it into this thread. I always hit enthusiastic people that want to get the job done and do it well. Even with HM, hit Battle of Rishi about 3 times so far and not a single time got a group that would give up even after at least 4 wipes and got always commended for my healing. I thought bad groups are a fairytale, that is..


..until I thought it'd be a good idea to make a bunch og alts on the Mantle of the Force. Yes, French server. I had special plans for these characters and also thought that the different lingual server would keep me from getting distracted by the chat so I could get the job with them done fast. All went smooth until I started q'ing up for Flashpoints. Aside from the fact that the light population on the server made way for a dreadfully long q's I also got more than few outrageous groups that would fill at least 15 pages of this thread, if I only I could remember them all.


But sure, to give you an example, I managed to meet not with one(!!) Sage/Sorc with a Living Legend title q'd up as a Healer and then meleeing everything in SIGHT. Like.. what..? Then there are my many excercises in our beloved KDY (which somehow is utterly disturbing on the Imperial side while suspiciously filled with good players Pub side). I managed to meet many unpleasant chain pullers, rushers, players that think they're playing a completely different class and utter idiots. Like that one 'Sin in the cells scenario, we go into the eastern room, he goes exact opposite and somehoe manages to pull the entire western room on top of us. Yes, we wiped, badly. Then there are chain pulling Healers, well EXCUSE ME.


Now fast forward to yesterday, me peacefully enjoying the game on my Shadow on Tatooine until I'm unfortunately blessed by the League of Heroic Healers. I get 4 normal Flashpoint q's in a row (possibly only a few minutes apart). Dropped every single one. And mind you, in not a single one of them was I the first to drop it, almost everytime it was the Tank that got enough of the Healer shenanigans first.


So, first Flashpoint, Mandalorian Raiders. Kay. Healer disconnects right in the first room. ... Why. Sure, whatever, we 3-man the FP until the first boss. Wait for the healer for about 15 minutes. In that span try to pull the boss twice, it always reset somehow. Healer never returned. First drop.


And now the extraordinary healers. The other 3 FPs were all Cademimus. Two Sage Healers, yes, one with a Living Legend title~! And one Commando. The first Sage (no title) DPS'd by meleeing, got even pointed out about thrice tht she should heal, she had no bloody clue. Second drop. Third FP, the Commando, healed only himself. Tank got fed up and dropped. Third drop~! Fourth FP, the "Living Legend" healer showed his competence by meleeing and spamming Project while very occasionally using Force Trance. Tank dropped first again. Fourth drop, got tired of it and instead q'd for KDY. It popped pretty fast, and guess who was also there, our Living Legend Healer! Again showed his competence by chain pulling with Forcequake. Great. At least we finished the FP this time.


So the moral of the story is, no matter how bad an altoholic you are, don't ever torture yourself and make alts on the Mantle of the Force. You don't want to repeat the mistakes I made. I'm serious, don't even chance a risk.

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Saw Ravagers forming at fleet, guildmate and I decided to join in. Things got weird after Bulo; a Sorc DPS inspected all of us and demanded that people with set bonus pass on loot so she (the gender of the toon) would get everything, the argument was something along the line of "you already have set bonus, there are more people who need it more than you". This was met by protests from one of the tank, guildmate and I. We joined for the loot, why do we have to gear someone else's toon? :confused: The Sorc cussed the three of us, called us "socialist" and "Obama", then dropped group. The other tank and one of the healers agreed with the Sorc, and refused to participate in the Torque fight until people with set bonus promise to pass on loot. Group disbanded after first wipe.


On hindsight the fault lies on the op leader for not setting loot rules. I asked repeatedly if they would Master Loot, but they didn't answer. Guildmate and I decided to Need on every token until we got one, per the usual established one token per person in our server. Apparently this didn't sit well with some people.

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It's not exactly a group finder tale but I thought it was worth sharing anyway.


We're all familiar with the heroic 2 boss from CZ-198, right? Anyway, on occasion you're not the only person in the area while doing a credit run (I'm not sure if it's the same for other servers but it's usually empty here). Today seemed to be the exception with the droid already being dead when I arrived.


I spend... maybe 15 seconds waiting. Not long at all, really. During this time a gunslinger turns up and waits too. The droid spawns moments later and I proceed to attack, as does the gunslinger. The droid goes down, as expected.


Normally I'd stick around and help said gunslinger in return. However, the moment the droid is dead I get this in the chat box:

<gunslingername> spits.

<gunslingername> spits.

Assuming they expected to have the first droid kill to themselves and leave (in hindsight they were awfully fast to start shooting), I decided to leave and get on with my last daily. A few seconds later the general chat was filled with the gunslinger's seething, misspelt, insult-filled rage.


Apparently a shadow was lazy, ran away and something about ops, all followed by a butchered spelling of part of my guild name. There was also something in there about growing up. Anyway, another player in general asked them what was wrong which then led to another rant, this time about Bioware's design.


At this point I was stuck between not acknowledging them and calling them out. The following claim that they didn't remember the "sucka shadsow's" name before ignoring them and the ignore list doesn't show the guild name led me to the conclusion that they didn't need anymore. I'm not sure who they actually ignored (if anyone) but they seemed rather convinced that they would never see me in a FP because of it. (There's your group finder tie in :p)


TL;DR: Gunslinger attempts to steal objective and proceeds to shout in general chat when they fail, making a bit of a fool of themselves in the process.

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If there are a bunch of people at that droid and they are my faction I usually just group up. Most people are sensible enough to realise that is a better idea than a four-way race to see who can hit it first.


In daily areas like Yavin where you often get multiple players after the same objective, I'd do the same. In CZ-198 though, it's usually pretty empty (I think the most I've seen there in the last month at once is 6). As a result I tend to go through the area on auto-pilot.


Could I have avoided it by showing more initiative and grouping with them? I guess I could have.

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I've been pugging with one of my tanks this week.

In Athis healer complains about my gear halfway through, even though I'd been holding agro and not dying at all, or even taking that much damage. Was not seeing many green numbers on me throughout the rest of the FP. Only time I died was on the final boss because either the healer or one of the dps kited all four of the fireballs right to me just as the boss reappeared. Hadn't dropped my health below 75% the whole fight until that time.

If I'm undergeared AND causing trouble, fine, complain or kick all you want. There were absolutely no issues with the FP and my tanking throughout, so being undergeared was not a factor (maybe I could have survived all four fireballs, but since that's never happened to me before, I don't know if that would have saved me).


Then in Mando Raiders, I'm lvl 26 (and freshly upgraded on gear) and one of the dps is lvl 29. As soon as I zone in he tells me to respec to DPS, since I won't be able to hold agro because of his higher level, and he'll tank the FP. Now I've seen that being a problem when I'm tanking as a 55-59 and the other DPS are 60, but I've never had an issue tanking content before 50 and slightly higher levels pulling off of me.

I've never respec'd before or been told to, for that matter, so I changed my stance to the dps one, but my rotation is mostly reduced to about three or four abilities that only do minor to moderate damage and don't taunt or generate threat.

So this dps is now micromanaging the whole flashpoint with long, unnecessary instructions and trying to play as the "tank". The healer is constantly getting knocked down to 50% and the poor other dps is always getting knocked down to 10-20% by the end of trash mobs (healer was newish, so we were giving him slack). Meanwhile I'm basically spamming two - three attacks, doing very low dps but following proper kill order, so the entire flashpoint takes about 15 minutes longer than it would have otherwise.

Part of me wanted to ignore the "tank" and help the healer and dps that was constantly getting hammered, but I was actually finding it amusing to witness how much time was being wasted by this guy who thinks being 3 levels higher means I couldn't possibly tank this thing. I told them I wanted to see how this goes and they actually thought it was kind of funny, too.

We did get through without any deaths (health bars dropping to 10% notwithstanding) and the "tank" was very positive overall in his demeanor, so I didn't want to be a dick to him and complain about how much time this was all taking. He was actually using a lot of Jugg tank moves that I'm familiar with on my Jugg tank, so I wonder if he queued as dps even though he's actually a tank (100% counterintuitive, but we've all seen in this thread that heals and tanks queuing as dps is somehow a thing)

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There were absolutely no issues with the FP and my tanking throughout, so being undergeared was not a factor (maybe I could have survived all four fireballs, but since that's never happened to me before, I don't know if that would have saved me).


Fireballs only damage the person they're targeted on unless that person vanishes out, in which case they lock on the nearest (I think). If that happened, you were hosed by a moronic shadow/sin/scoundrel/operative.

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Tanked rav via group finder today, joined group in full dark reaver (I have resurrected but why bother) so of course I got grief about my gear not being good enough even tho I told them group finder bolsters, so technically I'll have full set bonus and better gear than most of them (comm gear mix of 192 and 198s).


We pull Sparky and I notice neither tank has issues with holding aggro, and hit enrage the first time (lol), one tank leaves but most of the group can't understand why (ummm we enraged on easiest ops boss ever, maybe that's why?). We eventually get another tank and with some instruction to the dps we clear Sparky. Get to Bulo but nobody wants to volunteer to run barrels (either scared to, don't know how, or just cant be bothered). I run them but multiple people die to standing in blue circles too long. Have to try a few more times before people understand that standing in anything is pretty much bad.


Get to Torque, and there's a debate over if we're gonna need repair droids since dps was bad in Sparky, group votes to not use them (imo dps would just kill them anyway), well... Turns out Torque destroyed all the panels (never seen it happen before lol) which encourages the group to use repair droids next pull but we had issues between melee standing in fire and ranged killing them for some reason, I mean aoes being used on single target makes sense. :rolleyes:

Master blaster, other tank psts me saying he wants Blaster as he's worried about kiting fire wheel of death, so I tank Master but other tank was correct in that during the fire wheel melee refuse to move and die so healers rezzed them once only to have it happen a 2nd time and we wipe because not enough dps. I respec to dps and just taunt Master and kite, we get past and onto Pearl and Cort.


Group wants to push Cortanni and just let Pearl enrage, "okay that's fine but make sure to stack for easier heals" which of course means snipers and Sorcs should use their max range and stay away from group and especially run away when targeted. We wiped a few times due to Pearls dmg getting too much for heals but eventually downed it.


Repair bills certainly accumulated fast

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First time i have ever given up on a group. It's Athiss

Im on my assassin tank lvl 21, there is a lvl 20 sorc dps, 25 assassin dps and a lvl 20ish sorc healer.

The healer decides to pull each group using force storm before i was anywhere near the group. they did this on every group including the first boss.

We also get no heals from this sorc healer but we dont die somehow. moving on to the next section we can use stealth cc on several mobs to go past them with no issue. I steal cc a mob only for the assassin dps to start attacking it. we get to the group just before the water when both me and the sorc dps get fed up with everything and give up.


Were we right to give up on the group or not?

We had told the healer to heal the group instead of fighting mobs and for the assassin to not attack cced mobs as we could run past them but neither had listened to what we had said

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First time i have ever given up on a group. It's Athiss

Im on my assassin tank lvl 21, there is a lvl 20 sorc dps, 25 assassin dps and a lvl 20ish sorc healer.

The healer decides to pull each group using force storm before i was anywhere near the group. they did this on every group including the first boss.

We also get no heals from this sorc healer but we dont die somehow. moving on to the next section we can use stealth cc on several mobs to go past them with no issue. I steal cc a mob only for the assassin dps to start attacking it. we get to the group just before the water when both me and the sorc dps get fed up with everything and give up.


Were we right to give up on the group or not?

We had told the healer to heal the group instead of fighting mobs and for the assassin to not attack cced mobs as we could run past them but neither had listened to what we had said


It's personal preference, but I usually only leave groups if there is a significant amount of deaths. It's aggravating and eye-rolling when players don't play their class or they break cc's or pull too early, etc., but if we're not actually dying, I'll just keep with it.

You didn't mention, but did you or the sorc dps explain in chat what they were doing wrong? If you did and they kept playing that way, it's more understandable to quit the group.

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A while back two guildies (Sorc Healer, Jugg Tank) and I (Sorc DPS) were going through a HM Rakata. A pug Sorc DPS joined in and we were off. The pug was cutting it pretty close with getting his licks in before our tank did, and nearly died on the first 2 pulls. We kind of just decided to let him do his thing on the 3rd pull, and predictably he jumped right in and started attacking 2 groups of trash. He died within seconds and our healer said "Um... how about we let the tank be the tank instead of you just jumping right in?"


The guy retorts, "I know myself pretty well and have a good understanding of when the tank will pull aggro."


I said, "Obviously you don't, which is why we're still alive and you're on the floor."


He said, "Well your tank is too slow, and also the DPS seems low soooo.. good luck." and he started to port out to leave the flashpoint. Before he was able to leave I threw in, "Our DPS is low because we're busy peeling your *** off the floor and I had to pick up your slack. Somehow I think we won't need any luck finishing this with you gone. Good riddance."


HK and I had no problems melting through everything till we got to the bonus boss and a replacement finally made it in who actually had a brain and no ego, and we finished the flashpoint without issue.




Recently my lady and I decided to get some tacticals done. Usually I don't expect much out of tacticals because well... they're tacticals and sometimes not everyone knows what they're doing just yet. But I think I was feeling especially irritated on this particular day. I ran my Sorc DPS and my lady took her Sorc Healer, and we had a pug 59 Mara and a 60 Sorc join us for Czerka Labs.


We got through without much fanfare till we got to the jungle boss. A lot of times I end up sorc tanking because of the DPS pull... my guildies and I usually will just tank the boss against the corner next to the rock and wait for the spore to keep respawning because usually the DPS is well enough for it not to be an issue and it's easier not being bounced around the room trying to tank this thing. But I know not everyone does it that way and they strictly follow the mechanics, of course that's okay too. But I was definitely pulling this guy and I nestled myself in the corner.


Of course the Sorc and Mara are trying to tell me to pull him out of there and while they're chirping at me they're totally being useless and not damaging the boss at all. Meanwhile I've got him at below 20% and they're still chirping despite my lady telling them to just burn the boss there, that the DPS is good enough to get it done, blah blah. The Sorc extricates me and I get knocked around the room a couple of times. I told him not to do that again. I pulled the boss back to the corner and we finished in under a minute.


So that was a minor scrap. But then we get to the part where we have to hit switches to open the last area to the final boss battle. The know-it-all Sorc goes right in the middle ring for no reason and pulls everything. The Mara who doesn't know better follows him and they both die. My lady and I melt through everything, hit the switches, and we didn't say anything till we got to the boss.


At the final boss battle, Mr. Smart Sorc starts destroying nodes one after the other without destroying the adds after each node. So we ended up with like 4-6 adds on us the whole time. On top of that, was completely ignoring the nodes upstairs too. My lady and I were scolding him to stop destroying nodes simultaneously, and to move the friggen' damage circles to the outside, because they were definitely placing them in the middle wherever they stood. It was just pretty annoying from start to finish. He even had the nuts to argue "But we have to destroy them. That's the mechanic" and we told him to do it ONE at a time and to kill the adds first, and I also pointed out to him he was skipping an entire row of nodes upstairs. We had to go back and hit all the missed nodes. I was happy to be out of there the moment the boss hit the floor dead. That's probably the first time I had to deal with that kind of crap in a tactical. I guess I consider myself lucky. :rak_03:

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I just had a healer try to blackmail us in a Manaan HMFP.


We attempted the bonus boss once but things went pear-shapped (I am sure I started the cascade as I bloody-damn well get irregular latency spikes in that one FP; but I later heard from the tank that the healer wasn't performing regardless). Anyways, I say if they can 3-man it (the other DPS was just as well-geared as me) I'll stay outside so I don't lag out and ping a droid again. Tank doesn't care too (no one but the healer was keen in the first place) so the 3 of us are happy to move on to Flow Boy.


Healer doesn't want any of it. He tells us 'bonus or I go.' That's key right there. He leapt off the top rope from the get go. The 3 of us are like, 'really, for a MK2 drop?' After another demand or 2 of 'bonus or I drop,' he finally links the bonus boss achievement and tells us (now mind you, not at start) it is the only reason he joined.


I was very happy that the 3 of us laughed at his blackmail and told him 'toodles.' He dropped and happily enough another healer joined us and we finished the FP just fine.


But that was my first personal experience (in this game at least) with class-role blackmail. Good times!

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funny KDY story.

was on my lvl 49 JK (Soresu spec ofc) had a lvl 23 Sage healer, a lvl 43 Jedi knight DPS and a lvl 18 DPS slinger.


I only really play imperial side so i dont know some animations etc.


First off i notice the other JK is in Soresu form.

Asked him why.

Him: ''I do enough damage even though im shien specced''

Me: ''Well your role is dps so please switch to Shien form.''

Him: ''You should try tanking with Soresu in dps spec once.''

no reaction from me.


mid way through the weapon stash scenario i notice our slinger is barely doing any dps and channeling healing animations.

so i ask if he's healing specced and he says yes :eek:

I ask him why he que's as dps when hes healer specced. ''Cause i can do both''

whole argument follows (started by me).

At the start of the second scenario (prisoner one) i notice our dps JK switched back to Soresu.

Then i notice they are both from the same guild.


At the end of the arguing and the second scenario the JK challenges me to a duell.

I accept, pulling my guard off him in the middle of the duell.

I win with 45%+ health.


Boss at the last scenario: Lord Modo

Easy enough boss although with the agro drops it gets annoying at the end.

I controll all agro from start till his buff and even then i barely lose agro.


After that the JK duells me again (in his shien form this time) and i still beat him, although at 30%.

So he starts a pvp talk and i can talk a bit with him since i read a bit and did some pvp.

Turns out to be a really nice guy, he also didnt follow his guildy's vote kick up. (was towards me ofc.)

Talked some more before i had to leave and exchanged friends.


Turns out, not all bads in KDY have bad attitude.


Now i look back at it my reaction was kinda childish and im a bit ashamed cause of my actions so i guess im the fool together with the slinger here. :p

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funny KDY story.

was on my lvl 49 JK (Soresu spec ofc) had a lvl 23 Sage healer, a lvl 43 Jedi knight DPS and a lvl 18 DPS slinger.


I only really play imperial side so i dont know some animations etc.


First off i notice the other JK is in Soresu form.

Asked him why.

Him: ''I do enough damage even though im shien specced''

Me: ''Well your role is dps so please switch to Shien form.''

Him: ''You should try tanking with Soresu in dps spec once.''

no reaction from me.


mid way through the weapon stash scenario i notice our slinger is barely doing any dps and channeling healing animations.

so i ask if he's healing specced and he says yes :eek:

I ask him why he que's as dps when hes healer specced. ''Cause i can do both''

whole argument follows (started by me).

At the start of the second scenario (prisoner one) i notice our dps JK switched back to Soresu.

Then i notice they are both from the same guild.


At the end of the arguing and the second scenario the JK challenges me to a duell.

I accept, pulling my guard off him in the middle of the duell.

I win with 45%+ health.


Boss at the last scenario: Lord Modo

Easy enough boss although with the agro drops it gets annoying at the end.

I controll all agro from start till his buff and even then i barely lose agro.


After that the JK duells me again (in his shien form this time) and i still beat him, although at 30%.

So he starts a pvp talk and i can talk a bit with him since i read a bit and did some pvp.

Turns out to be a really nice guy, he also didnt follow his guildy's vote kick up. (was towards me ofc.)

Talked some more before i had to leave and exchanged friends.


Turns out, not all bads in KDY have bad attitude.


Now i look back at it my reaction was kinda childish and im a bit ashamed cause of my actions so i guess im the fool together with the slinger here. :p


A Slinger (which is a Sniper) with healing casts?


You meant Scoundrel


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I've been reading this thread for a while, but never had any story to share. Today though, I got something funny.

I queued as my sorc DPS, got grouped with a sorc healer, jugg tank and merc dps. Everything goes smooth until the first gear drops. It's a willpower piece, so either for me or the healer. I don't need it, so I press greed. Healer however, selects need. So does the tank. He wins the roll. I start to think that he is one of the ninja-looters, but then he writes "what the f, i didn't want it. who needs this gear guys?" He then gives it to the healer who needed it. I assume it was an accident, so nothing wrong here. We continue. He selects need on every loot, even when it is not for him, but is willing to give it to others... I start to think it's some kind of very complicated trolling, so I ask him "why do you need on everything?" "Because I don't want it" was his reply. "then select greed", I say.

Turned out that he wasn't native English speaker, and in his language, "greed" meant something along the lines of "I want this thing, and I'm gonna get it whatever it takes", while "need" meant "I could use it, but I'm fine if I don't get it". I'm not a native speaker either, but somehow I never had this problem with need/greed :p Oh well. Language issues can be annoying. But the tank learned the lesson and apologized for his continuous needing on other classes' gear, and we had a good laugh about it. :D

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Was kicked out of ToS SM GF for being undergeared. In mostly augmented 190-192s with low end enhancements. Sure, no setbonus yet. But still, just...wow. Seriously.


of course 56k merc in full 198 stock gear with 93% accuracy and 2000 dps is much better :)

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Going to post two stories...one which is a repeat...one which stands out on its own.



[The Highlight Story - HM Assault on Tython]


About 6 weeks ago myself and a guildie queued for 60 HMFP. I'm on my all 198 and augmented Jugg Tank. He's on his all 192 and augmented Powertech. My Jugg is properly geared for Defense > Shield > Absorb and the split tank relics. He, a dps, has the correct 100-101 ranged and 110-111 accuracy rating and decent crit and surge.


The queue pops for the obvious reason: I'm a tank and tanks pop the queue.


So we arrive in the open grass of Assault on Tython. So we're thinking: "Cool! This we can do without breaking a sweat!"


Who arrives next, another dps and a healer. Both are well under 50k.


But I'm thinking, "I've run this with worse, some people really are good at this game."


I inspect their gear and then realize, "Uh oh!"


Me: "Um guys, not only are both of you slightly undergeared, but the healer has no alacrity whatsoever and the dps has no accuracy rating whatsoever."


They acknowledge, but then proceed to go straight into outright trash talk mode. They basically demanded we just shut up and get on with it basically while trying to find every reason under the sun to demean us by implying that we get carried in HM fps and SM OPs., don't know mechanics, etc.....all they while they're running ahead unaware myself and my guildie haven't even moved.


So of course, we catch up to them, and discover they completely missed the first target. So we spend the first 10 minutes running in a circle. As a group we looked pretty darnn lost and stupid.


It was embarrassing really...we looked like noobs.


Anyhow, we arrived at the first boss. First attempt was a wipe. Fault went both ways:


Heals not there and my guildie got confused on which corner he was to cover.


Meanwhile, the other guys continue to trash talk.


Second run went very rough - but we go it done - barely. Keyword = Barely


The other two guys continued their trash talking no sooner the fight had ended:



They: "We had to take care of YOUR adds"


Me: "Really? Then how is it that myself and my guildie were in your corner helping YOU take down YOUR add still with a shield and 100% HP?"





Total unadulterated silence with a pregnant pause to boot.


My question was never answered.



We get to the second boss - and boy did the table get turned.



At 3/4's of the way into the fight, heals misses a heal on me while I'm aggroing the adds properly for a burn. I had to pop a CD to recover....


...both the heals and his buddy dps turned out to have died.


That left me and my guildie as the only two standing...no heals.


Boss has a 1/4 of his health left...and 45 seconds later we burn him down without breaking a sweat.


I have cleanse in my Enraged Defense - my guildie Powertech has Kolto Overload. Doesn't require rocket science to figure out how easy this was.


The dps makes a request: "Can I get a rez?"


My guildie walks over to his dead body and does the Emote: "SLAP!"


...and refuses to rez him.


From this point onward, we actually finished in a very civil fashion. No further trash talking from them. No commentary was necessary from me as we had already gotten past the first boss. We even exchanged the usual courtesies when the flashpoint was done.


There's a lesson here:


When I point out that you're slightly undergeared for something or have a stat shortcoming, it doesn't mean that I'm trash talking you or don't want to do the the HMFP. I'm just giving you an honest assessment. For every one player who really knows how to play the game - there 9 other pickup players who going to have a difficult time and burn an awful lot of credits.


When I hand YOU a dps with no accuracy rating free pyro grenades as I do in Korriban Incursion - I'm not trying to one up you - I'm trying to help you make up for the stats shortfall on the AoE side of the equation.


I'm simply doing my job as tank. That is all...



[Korriban Incursion - HM - PUG after PUG]


Of all the 60 HMFPs, Korriban Incursion is probably the easiest one to do - it's a cakewalk really....




The droid fight.


Korriban Incursion is where I see the highest rate of undergeared players zoning in or players zoning in with horrible stats distribution for their class or spec. Healers with 0 alacrity rating, dps with 94 and 104 accuracy rating, tanks with DPS gear. You name it, I've seen it all including empty gear slots.


So as I tank, I immediately hand out free pyro grenades to the two dps BUT not the healer.



Healer: "Why don't I get any?"


Me: "Your job is to focus on heals and nothing else."



It's often after the first wipe where the healer and dps are running around with adds on their behinds that they finally cooperate with me:


1. Run the adds through me and continue running on by..

2. I'll CC the adds with SMASH and then AoE them with Sweeping Slash and Pryo Grenade #1.

3. Repeat #1, and I'll CC them with SMASH and AoE them with Sweeping Slash and Pyro from DPS1.

4. Repeat #2, and I'll CC them with SMASH and AoE them with Sweeping Slash and Pyro from DPS2.


It's fun actually...more often than not I'm the only one left standing with really poorly geared PUGS. But after it's done, you can sense the big sigh of relief, and the big boost of morale that gets carried into slaughtering the poor helpless pubs the rest of the way to the finish.


In some cases we'll even turn around and go back for the bonus - because after all someone really needs the gear.



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Ran tos with three different groups today (on each of my healers), obviously bolster can hide things but man, two out of the three groups hit enrage on underlurker multiple times (clearly a healing issue if nobody dies and they wanna burn boss at 50%), and the other wanted to do hm strats on commanders, for some reason.


It's gotten to the point that pugging tos is simply going to lock me out. God help these people if tos gets buffed to 65. :/

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