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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Actually, this sort of crap is all too common, almost always courtesy of the tank.


It's why one of my favourite homilies --or, given its frequency of use, maybe I should say clichés-- is "It takes a special kind of ******e to be a tank."


These immature, selfish little children know that they can hold up to 15 other people hostage sheerly by dint of that little purple shield under their portrait, and they know that they can get away with doing so whenever they want, almost without consequence.


Have you /ignored a tank recently for being a useless bad/ninja/social retard/whatever, and you play DPS or heals?


I have many times on general principle --I deal with enough loud-mouthed, entitled, self-important insignific**ts IRL, I will not bloody well tolerate it in a service I pay for, done for supposed fun-- but I am well aware that I am ultimately screwing myself in the long run.


And more to the point, they know this too.


It takes a special kind of ******e to be a tank.


Yep. Yet another major reason why the incredibly outdated "holy trinity" needs to go: It gives tanks (and healers, to a lesser extent) a huge license to act like jerks, since 1) They know the group is far more likely to put up with their idiocy, and 2) If they get put on ignore, it's one less tank/healer in the queue for the damagers.


Though admittedly that horse has probably left the barn long ago, even if BW didn't have a hardon for the trinity.


Now let the appeals to tradition begin...

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Three of us guildies at level 60 were queuing for Lost Island HM during the Rakghoul event.


We got a Knight, level 51 I believe...just remember it was pretty close to the level of the FP...who immediately took off like he knew what he was doing so we chuckled in Vent and followed him.


I was healing and the tank and dps from my guild were also part of our Progression group so we were geared well enough that we weren't worried too much.


This guy apparently decided to test our abilities to the fullest. His health was low...really low and upon inspection I saw that he was still in gear ranging from a level 20's ear piece to the highest piece being a 50 blue implant. No relics and maybe a third of his pieces were actually strength pieces.


No amount of trying to chat with the guy worked so we took it as a personal challenge to get this guy through LI.


I think he thought it was a tac because he kept jumping in ahead of the tank and no amount of healing from me was keeping him alive. We'd try, but at the end of nearly every fight I was rezzing him.


After dying through all of the trash and two boss fights he finally put in chat in all caps "YOU GUYS SUCK" and quit group. Not really sure if trolling or just clueless.


Clueless. Trust me, I did an HM BH last week where this one deeps kept apologizing for dying (he stood in every single AoE etc) and I told him it was fine, since this was the first time he'd ever done an HM FP (he had no HM FP achievements aside from the ones he got that run). His toon stopped running, and apparently he checked his achievements just to be certain because then he started linking them and typing "Yay! Playing with the big boys now!"


... May god help him if he ever joins an HM Monolith pug or the like, thinking it's SM.

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Had a laugh the other day on Manaan.

I was on my scoundrel healer. 2 players were newbies, the third, marauder, was semi aware. So they naturally go for the bonus.

When we get there tank immediately clicks the panel and door closes with him and the other dps inside. So they pull and die.

Then, no questions, no pep talk, we're all inside, tank pulls. When probes come out they all get blown up, I stealth out, laughing to myself :)

Tank says: guess we have to avoid them. Pulls again, uses aoe taunt in the middle of the probes, they all blow up, I stealth out, laughing to myself :)

Now they're ready to listen. I explain the fight except the part about cleanses and the part, where you have to explode one of the probes when they come in a row. I took cleansing and exploding (thx for +30% utitlity on the shield) on myself. Tank pulls and we kill it.

It was just funny watching them die for their own ignorance and inability to communicate.

But next time they will have to learn about cleanses and rows of probes on their own.

Edited by power-alex
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What I don't get is why you are nagging at the healer rather than trying a few pulls (with the standard of the trash on that one healing isn't really an issue, bosses will be close run but no point quitting before trying)


I managed to do rishi with a 37k healer before, both dps were sub 42k and my jugg was mixed 192/198 2 piece set. When I started I was thinking to myself it was likely to go badly, turned out this guy knew his class. Apart from my usual movement issues and jumping like a pvp'er on final boss to update my position outside of aoe I had no real issues, just had to rely on my DCD's more than normal on second boss as healer would need to spam heal themselves after picking up lightning balls.


Why are people so obverse to the idea of popping some CD's or a medpack, or some dps off-healing?


I don't get the "oh, 1 person in the group is sub 40k, therefore the concept of even trying the first pull is ridiculous", seeing as everyone has been waiting you might as well try.



As for all the tank bashing, if you don't like long queues roll a tank. Once its understood that they aren't played the same way as a dps theres really not much to it (especially tanking with those aggro-whore shadows and sins).

Edited by BobFredJohn
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As for all the tank bashing, if you don't like long queues roll a tank. Once its understood that they aren't played the same way as a dps theres really not much to it (especially tanking with those aggro-whore shadows and sins).


I'm not bashing tanks, I'm bashing ******es. many of whom happen to be tanks, and, being the ******es that they are, they are well of aware of how being a tank lets them get away with it, and that they use it to cut down/screw others.


(Run-on sentence FTW!)


That's what ******es do.

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As for all the tank bashing, if you don't like long queues roll a tank. Once its understood that they aren't played the same way as a dps theres really not much to it (especially tanking with those aggro-whore shadows and sins).


The tank bashing has nothing to do with the long queues.


We are bashing on the tanks that are only playing as tanks because of the power-trip it gives them.


We are talking about the ones that: bad-mouth everyone else in the group; who ninja loot and then joke about it; who threaten to kick anyone who dares to question what they are doing; etc. The best part about these "tanks" is that they cannot hold aggro to save their lives, they never place Guard (not even on the Healer :p) and they are the first to quit after a wipe (which was invariably caused by them) usually with a parting shot of "noobs" or "scrubs" into party chat.


I personally don't mind waiting longer in the queue if it means I get a tank that really is a tank and not just a primadonna.

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Every role group has plenty of ******e* but you are less impacted by an a****** dps or healer than a tank.


So... yes... let's blame it on tanks being *ss**l** rather than people deciding to play the more popular roles and removing potential players from the tanking pool. Yep, those ***ho** tanks are entirely to blame, so much easier than looking in a mirror.

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Every role group has plenty of ******e* but you are less impacted by an a****** dps or healer than a tank.


So... yes... let's blame it on tanks being *ss**l** rather than people deciding to play the more popular roles and removing potential players from the tanking pool. Yep, those ***ho** tanks are entirely to blame, so much easier than looking in a mirror.


*I* play a DPS.

*I* don't ninja loot.

*I* don't put down the rest of the group.

*I* follow kill order and use my aggro drop and defensive cooldowns.

*I* go out of my way to keep the healer alive.

*I* make sure stuff dies and dies fast.


Why should *I* look in the mirror when I am faced with a tank that believes that because he is the "tank" he is automatically "king" and can do whatever he pleases (from ninja looting to insulting to playing badly and then blaming others)? When we encounter these kinds of tanks we make sure that they learn that they aren't "king", that they aren't going to get away with their behaviour. If that leads them to stop tanking, we are all better off because of it.


If a DPS who is misbehaving can be kicked, and a Healer who is misbehaving can be a kicked, I see no reason why a tank that is misbehaving shouldn't be kicked either. Being a "tank" doesn't make you better than anyone else. You cannot clear a flashpoint by yourself: you need the rest of the group just as much as they need you. Play your part properly and don't misbehave.


You also seem to think that we are blaming "all tanks". Far from it. We know when we get a good tank. We also know when we have a new tank, someone who is willing to learn (they *gasp* ask for help, let the group know they are new, ask for pointers, etc.). We work with these tanks so that we all have a good group experience. Hopefully they will continue to tank and we will have good tanks all around.

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I think the point he was making was that, although there are ***** that play as tanks, there are also ***** playing as dps and healers.


The idea that dick-tanks get special privilege seems ridiculous. Tbh most of my pug runs are as a tank, so I haven't met many dick-tanks but I have met a lot of healers who don't cleanse then say "don't tell me what to do", or dps who pull first, break cc then moan that they died because "noob tank can't taunt" and I have never kicked any of them.


Most people don't get kicked (at least in group's I am with) so to say "tanks have special privilege because they don't get kicked" is a skewed view. Most people don't get kicked period, because by now most players have gear such that they don't care if someone needs to be carried or is taking all the 184/186 gear.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I think the point he was making was that, although there are ***** that play as tanks, there are also ***** playing as dps and healers.


The idea that dick-tanks get special privilege seems ridiculous. Tbh most of my pug runs are as a tank, so I haven't met many dick-tanks but I have met a lot of healers who don't cleanse then say "don't tell me what to do", or dps who pull first, break cc then moan that they died because "noob tank can't taunt" and I have never kicked any of them.


Most people don't get kicked (at least in group's I am with) so to say "tanks have special privilege because they don't get kicked" is a skewed view. Most people don't get kicked period, because by now most players have gear such that they don't care if someone needs to be carried or is taking all the 184/186 gear.


No. You have the cause and effect reversed. He said that "dick tanks" don't get kicked because the rest of the group knows that they'll likely be waiting a long time for another to show up (and thus they usually prefer to have a "dick tank" than none at all), and thus they have much less incentive to change their behavior. He never said that damagers and healers are saints, or that all tanks take advantage of this to act like idiots.


And yes, if you mostly only play tanks then naturally you wouldn't meet as many other tanks as healers and damagers, and as a result would obviously would see few "dick tanks."


I myself was talking about how the trinity is the problem, and that it's a concept whose time has long gone. And how it's only in SWTOR because "SWTOR has always had it" and "WoW/*insert early MMO here* had the trinity, so SWTOR has to have it too."


Anyway, we're getting way off topic. Back to group stories.

Edited by HandOfKane
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Ninjas are alive and well all over. Many on TRE, esp. from eastern europe and russia. Had a russian guild member merc healer ninja a cunning earpiece from me today in Mandos. I just calmly put the dork on ignore and took his new gun which dropped at endboss. Quid pro quo.
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Had a russian guild member merc healer ninja a cunning earpiece from me today in Mandos. I just calmly put the dork on ignore and took his new gun which dropped at endboss. Quid pro quo.


Unfortunately sometimes it is indeed best to "fight fire with fire..."


If one asks the ninja nicely as they need the loot, and if the ninja is rude/abusive, then they deserve what's coming to them... :eek:

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So you know what the solution is to there being a larger portion of a****** tanks? Be a tank! Cause complaining about it and putting more tanks on ignore accomplishes nothing but to make your queue times longer.
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So you know what the solution is to there being a larger portion of a****** tanks? Be a tank! Cause complaining about it and putting more tanks on ignore accomplishes nothing but to make your queue times longer.




But w/e. This horse has been beaten to death. Time to move on.

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Yes very aware you want more terrible tacticals


TFPs (specifically KDY) are an example of great idea, poor execution.


or do you want the gw2 version, everyone chase the npc with a circle around it like decapitated chickens and spam random buttons?


Sounds like you haven't actually played GW2.


Now are you actually going to get back on topic, or just keep arguing in circles?

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Me clarifying my point from the previous page was apparently not ok with you but I guess you have an issue with that point. I guess it's hard for you, Drax, to conceive I might have been speaking/replying to someone else.
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Me clarifying my point from the previous page was apparently not ok with you but I guess you have an issue with that point. I guess it's hard for you, Drax, to conceive I might have been speaking/replying to someone else.


Um, no. Your arguments were just "But damagers and healers can be idiots too!!!" which was rather meaningless as no one had claimed otherwise, and "If you can't beat em, join em" which does nothing to address the actual issue.


And if you only want people who you're directly talking to to respond to your posts, then take it to PMs.

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So... speaking of idiots...


Originally, I didn't really intend to post this story, but since the last few posts are deviating from the original purpose of the thread, I guess I have to.


On my TK sage, going to 60 HM FP, Assault on Tython. Got a sage healer, a sentinel, and a guardian "tank". Tank is definitely NOT the word I'd use considering I saw his stance was Shien (DPS for those that don't know).


First mob pull, the heals barely kept the guy alive when he jumped in. Seeing the dude nearly die, I kick up the DPS and slaughter the mob, just as they were turning to kill me. Close one.


I notice the guy was in DPS stance and figured he had two sets of gear. Benefit of the doubt. My shadow and VG are primarily tanks, but they both have a decent set of DPS gear on them. Almost HM ops worthy. Certainly more than enough for FP's.


So I tell the guy he's in DPS stance and should respec. All he does is switch to Soresu (Tank stance) and runs on. Now my spidey-sense is tingling.


Going to the 2nd sensor, he avoids the mob guarding the bridge. The sent and I do the same, but the heals gets caught and the entire mob goes full auto on her/him. (Toon was a female, but that means nothing)


Both knights leap in as I break out the force quake which only stuns 2/7 of them before the channel is done. *Angry fist at BioWare for the stupid nerf*

(Can Force Quake at least stun the weak mobs outright instead of relying on an RNG? I mean, come ON. It's so short now!)


The guardian spams strike after his MS is used up, while I'M getting shot at. At 5% HP, I reflexively bubble down and wait for the storm to end. The sentinel did his double saber toss through the group, so he gets eaten alive before he could use Guarded. The heals and tank follow shortly after. I barely survived by doing some self-heals and force wave/quake, with TK wave for good measure.


IMO, I told the guardian, quite nicely, that we need a real tank, not another DPS. No insults, no snide comments. The guy quit group. I thanked him for understanding. As the 30 second timer was counting down, he called us a bunch of bads.


Well, since he was being rude, I gave him my honest thoughts. I pretty much told him that he was a total idiot for checking off the tank role just to get a faster pop on GF. Or maybe I called him moron... doesn't matter. That was just an early assumption based off previous experience.


Timer was done and any reply he wanted to make went with him. We queued, but after a few minutes, the heals dropped. The sent thanked me for the brief group and left as well. As I was leaving, the idiot started whispering to me that he was the only one that could tank. I told him that he wasn't a tank, so he shouldn't pretend to be one.


The next series of comments were even more odd. He said he was the only one with the mitigation that could tank. I replied that heavy armor doesn't make him a tank. He called me a noob.


Irritated, I told him to uncheck the tank box, AND the DPS box, since he sucked at both. I main a Guardian DPS, and I firmly believe that... even if it did sound immature. :p


He told me his DPS was better than mine and that I suck (I'm paraphrasing that). The guy was in 186/192's with only some augs. My sage? 192/198's, optimized, set bonus, augged, and pretty much a little bundle of death and destruction.


A few more comments about how my sage AND my guardian could pretty much beat his butt into the ground, he finally called me an idiot, cause he never queued as a tank.


Recall: 2 sages, 1 sentinel, and a guardian. Exactly how would GF interpret this? I highly doubt the sages could check off the tank role, and unless BW made another boo-boo, I doubt the sentinel could either. So, we have a total of 4 players, and yet, he claims he didn't queue as a tank. I pointed that out to him and called him another nasty name. He said something even more childish in return, but I don't remember what it was.


It had taken me a few more moments to finally grasp the problem. I learned that not only he was a bad, but he also couldn't count. This guy has the total win-win package going for him. Sadly, he took the sissies way out and ignored me before I tell him that. Which is fine with me, since he was the one that started whispering to me when I was prepared to forget he ever existed. /shrug


All in all, just another shining example of human stupidity (silliness?) at its best. I queued again, got HM Rishi, and completed it, no problem.

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Tried out BH HM for the first time a few weeks ago with two guildies, one dps and one heals.


Queue up for it and get paired with a sorc healer who got slotted as dps, yay! First boss, the sorc decides that while doing basic rotation of "I didn't bother to respec from heals" to also stand in the lightning balls... He dies and fight gets finished. In the meantime, following the sorcs death, they start typing in chat about how I am a terrible tank for not keeping them from getting damage and that the healer is terrible for not keeping them up... woot!


Now we all remembered why we don't use groupfinder anymore, why put up with this **** when there is utterly no beneficial reward for doing so?


Anyways kick him and get a marauder who comes in and always runs in the opposite direction from us three to try and solo the challenges like it was a TFP or something. Anyways, he manages to stay alive for most of the boss fights and the running off to die is sort of funny and definitely a better level of stupidity than we might have gotten from a kick and requeue. Close out the flashpoint and we vow never to do it again.

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On my sentinel this time. I queued and got an insta-pop. :eek:


HM Rishi, in-progress group. I phase in and see everyone on the final boss. As I wander in, the tank asks if I know the fight.


I respond with a cheeky answer meant to lighten the mood. I said I'd be running and screaming in terror from the AOE's, bleed to death at the feet of the adds, etc.


Instead of lol'ing, the tank immediately launches into a detailed explanation of the fight. Get to the shield, kill the adds ASAP, that sort of thing. Clearly, at least to my eyes, the tank has had a rough time of it, (192/198 geared, so I was guessing it wasn't him that was the problem) so instead of giving him a hard time about how I know all the fights inside and out and basically flashing my e-peen, I stay silent, occasionally saying okay or yes at the appropriate times.


We one shot the boss, cheer, and I ask how long they've been as this.


The last DPS got killed a few times before on other fights. They wiped 2 time on the boss fight. At this point, I confessed I knew the boss fight well. Got a bit of a laugh out of that. Ended the FP and parted ways.

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So, we're in Athiss hard mode and the tank dies on some trash mobs. We were all level 57/58 and this is usually really easy so I was kinda surprised! Then the healer says "Why do you have such low hitpoints" to the tank and I don't usually bother inspecting people's gear but I did this time just to see what the healer meant and he's wearing mostly 109/107's??!!! ***?


He was a guardian tank with about 10000 hitpoints and I am a guardian DPS with about 37000 hitpoints :D


So then we get to the first boss and wipe cos the tank dies and so does the healer. But no one cussed him so that's cool! The healer takes him to the fleet and buys him some new gear and the other DPS leaves so we re-queue for a new tank and got one then carried him through it with him as DPS :)


Awww, what a nice story!! I suggested that he should do the Revan Q line to get new tank gear.


But how do you even get to level 58 without getting better gear than that? Even a little bit better? He said it was the best he could get?


Then he said he had a lot of WZ coms that he was saving until he was 60 for tank gear and the healer told him "those are only for WZs ya know?" "Oh really?" :D

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Not sure why he couldn't get better gear. Maybe he's F2P?


Leveled an operative to 60. Bought purple stuff as soon as I hit 50/55.


Interestingly, when I started ops at 58/59, EV/KP/EC NiM, I was pulling more aggro than some of the 60 DPS. All I did was strap a ton of accuracy and power too. So why don't people upgrade? I haven't the faintest.

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So, we're in Athiss hard mode and the tank dies on some trash mobs. We were all level 57/58 and this is usually really easy so I was kinda surprised! Then the healer says "Why do you have such low hitpoints" to the tank and I don't usually bother inspecting people's gear but I did this time just to see what the healer meant and he's wearing mostly 109/107's??!!! ***?


He was a guardian tank with about 10000 hitpoints and I am a guardian DPS with about 37000 hitpoints :D


So then we get to the first boss and wipe cos the tank dies and so does the healer. But no one cussed him so that's cool! The healer takes him to the fleet and buys him some new gear and the other DPS leaves so we re-queue for a new tank and got one then carried him through it with him as DPS :)


Awww, what a nice story!! I suggested that he should do the Revan Q line to get new tank gear.


But how do you even get to level 58 without getting better gear than that? Even a little bit better? He said it was the best he could get?


Then he said he had a lot of WZ coms that he was saving until he was 60 for tank gear and the healer told him "those are only for WZs ya know?" "Oh really?" :D


Not sure why he couldn't get better gear. Maybe he's F2P?


Leveled an operative to 60. Bought purple stuff as soon as I hit 50/55.


Interestingly, when I started ops at 58/59, EV/KP/EC NiM, I was pulling more aggro than some of the 60 DPS. All I did was strap a ton of accuracy and power too. So why don't people upgrade? I haven't the faintest.


I'm unsure myself, but... F2P can't go above 50, and he said the guy was 57/58... To be at that level, that guy must have been a Sub, and have the latest expansion aswell. :confused:


I guess it was simply a clueless guy. Like the many you can see ever since 12Exp was launched the first time for all... Nowadays not all of the new players bother to learn how to play, and this leads to some of the very intriguing histories on this thread. :rolleyes:

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