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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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this one was me. my very first time in kp, we had just killed the robot boss and the guild master (knowing that some of us were noobs) says in ts not to go into the next room. you know the one i'm talking about. well i didn't, so i just ran my happy *** straight in! this of course wipes everyone and since i was the first to die, first to rez. not recognizing where i am, i immediately run right back into the same room. now everyone wants to know why they are back in combat, and i can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound stupid as **** even to me.
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this one was me. my very first time in kp, we had just killed the robot boss and the guild master (knowing that some of us were noobs) says in ts not to go into the next room. you know the one i'm talking about. well i didn't, so i just ran my happy *** straight in! this of course wipes everyone and since i was the first to die, first to rez. not recognizing where i am, i immediately run right back into the same room. now everyone wants to know why they are back in combat, and i can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound stupid as **** even to me.


your healers mustve been terrible.

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I group up with this guy who pretty much told us what to do every step of the way in full detail. He tried to be a natural leader but for one thing. He told me to CC a droid in a really easy fight. I didn't because it was pointless. If he was a good tank if we had a good healer (we had a kickass healer) then it would have been fine.


Well after the fight he tried to get me kicked for "Doesn't know how to play their class". He was a Tank using crap might mods. I had more health and threat generation and I am a gunslinger.


The guy was a moron who didn't seem to know that if he was gonna tank and tell everyone what to do then he should have tried to know how to gear and what to do in a fight against 3 regular enemies.

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After that I warped out. I just couldn't anymore.



Was I right to drop or not?


TBH I think I would have dropped before that and think you must have the patience of a saint.


I had a SM RR with my Sage Healer again the other night and after the tank went down and one of the DPS I thought oh my god (This was the first bit where you have all those mobs). This is going to be a long run.

All roughly the same level (Slinger, Guardian DPS and Shadow tank)

The tank, (I think he was a good tank tbh) jumped into 1 mob, now you think the dps would follow. Nope not this group, the each aggro'd the other mobs to the sides and then pulled them all back to where the tank was.

As much as i tried I coudlnt keep them all up, and was left with me healing the Guardian DPS., throwing heals on him and myself and using disturbance to get the last mob down.

At this point the Tank and other DPS just watched rather than jump back into the fight.

I apologised, the tank said no problem it happens and we continued on our way.

I thought it was going to be a long run, but it went really quick after that. Apart from Ikoral's lightning not killing the adds and we all jump down into the pit to reset the fight it was really good.

Bit of ninja looting going on but all in all a good run, everyone agreeing and saying thanks.

Couple of people added to friends list. Why can't they always be like this lol

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so here's a story about "weird" people you meet in GF. not that the pugs themselves were weird in the same way of the pugs in most of your stories, but that this kind of group is rather uncommon.


i'm on my sage healer and que up for a lvl 60 HM FP to practice with the new 3.3 changes. i get in a group with a vanguard tank, shadow dps, and slinger. the FP is Rakata Prime. we all load in, say hello, then get started. the trip was pretty uneventful to start. the shadow would CC mobs so that we could sneak past groups, and occasionally, someone would accidentally pull. but no one got mad or said anything when that happened, even after it happened multiple times. we just killed the mobs and moved on.


when we got to the point where we had to destroy the 4 weapon cashes, after destroying the first one, the tank suddenly dropped the group. i looked in chat, and he had said "crap gtg." i figured it was an emergency since he had to leave so abruptly, and wondered what the other two pugs were going to do.


well wouldn't you know it, but we all started discussing how we were going to move on from there. without a tank, we would have to be more careful. each one of us picked a target marker that we would use to denote which mobs we would be CCing. i also pulled my Qyzen out to tank for us while we waited for another tank to que. good thing i had him geared in the 192 Yavin companion set. it was a little awkward directing Qyzen during that one boss fight with the infinite army conscripts, but he was able to hold thread on the boss and most of the adds, keeping them clumped up nicely for aoes.


we actually ended up finishing the rest of the FP with Qyzen tanking. no one died either. after the final cutscene, the shadow and slinger /clap'ed and /cheer'ed for me and my companion. we also stood around and talked for a few minutes while Revan rained down fire on our heads.


props to the dps for knowing their classes, playing smart, and communicating well. it's unusual to see all three of those characteristics in a single random pug group. that was one of the most pleasant and fun runs i've had through GF.

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After getting 50+ lvl and buying 146 gear for commendations, I regged to random heroic FP.

We got Lost Island. On the first boss (crab-like thing) we wiped oh-so-fast. Thought it was some kind of mistake, engaged one more time and wiped again. Then we inspected our jugger tank, and saw that he had no shield offhand, and had some crap 112 green equip. Our healer told him to equip offhand, so he did. After third wipe we asked him - "are you tank or dps?", and he replied with a mysterious "a bit of both" answer. Idk what the hell it was supposed to mean. He had soresu stance on though.

Our group was patient, and suggested he go to the fleet and buy better gear, and we'll wait for him. He went off to fleet, standed there about 5 minutes wasting our time, and in the end said "I'll just leave, so you can find a better tank".

Well, okay, that was not the end ot story. I had 58 tank jugger friend online, and asked him for help. He couldn't queue with us, so we all disbanded, regrouped in fleet, and entered LI by the foot.

Well, crab didn't posed much a threat, but amount of healing tank recieved was very small. Healer had 50 lvl, and said something about not being able to get 55 because he was f2p. What the werid hell is that I don't even.

Then we did a few wipes on the robot, bcz healer and other dps (mara) didn't seem to care about **** with the lightning circle on them. We killed it though after about 20 minutes, lol.

And then ultimate monkey threat appeared. Even though we repedeately explained very simple tactics, mara was constantly getting thrown into lava, and healer wasnt able to heal pipe phase. So they left and we disbanded after that.

It was first werid and awful experience with GF to me.

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Yesterday, late at night, on my Republic alt, while having nothing better to do, I que for all FP. I get Manaan Tactic and think - well. it's going to be quick and easy run. Yea, right....

The set up is me (Vigilance JK 60 lvl in Ziost gear), Shadow, gunslinger, and a Sage (I think). All Dps, and smuggler is level 56, Shadow 60. (or maybe the other way around). Sage leaves immideately - when I appear inside there are already 3 of us and red text in chat that "x left the group"- and without saying a single word. I am waiting for any reaction from others (and i am not a leader of the group anyway), bu they stay silent. Eventually we reque and move forward. I think "oh well, its Tactical, whats the worst gonna happen?" and pull out Doc. For a moment I entertain a thought of switching into Shien form and try tanking, but dismiss it - I dont have any tanking gear on me, am not in the right spec, and have zero experience in tanking anything, so why bother.

I die at one at the first trash packs, before the 1 boss - admittedly its my own fault for not watching my HP, no big deal.We press forward and a second Smuggler, lvl 60 joins us. He and the other DPS jump at the boss, leaving me and last DPS behind the force field. Wipe.

We try again, all together now. I die during the fight, but still blaming myself - after all i am a returned player, back in my time there weren't any Tactical FP, so the idea of running to kolto station for self-healing in the middle of battle is not something I always remember.

After the boss we go to the console - and during cutscene with Wookie smuggler 60 lvl leaves the group. He wrote "oh ****" in chat at least, so probably his reason was valid.

We move forward. I want to remind shadow that he can stealth click the panels, but I start thinking about it way too late, so we have to just kill everyone.

Ortuno's time. There are still only three of us, and I think we did not reque. And no one said anything either. I run out of the water when the boss casting Flow.. but the other people don't. wipe.

At this point I begin to suspect I am not the root of all problems here, I ask the other DPS - it turns out its a first group run at least for one of them. Okey. I explain the Flow mechanic. We go again. Shadow still dies in Flow, but at least I remember about kolto now. (I also asked the others to use it when my health is low, but they rarely do it) At this point I gave up and switched to Shien. Its not very helpful since boss hits pretty hard and uses stun on me three time more often then I can use my CC breaker. I still die and have to run back... its me, 2 adds and a nearly dead boss this time - but I fail to burn the boss before he burns me. Wipe.

We try again. I remind everyone about the Flow, but Shadow manages to die there again (3rd or 4th time) Me and gunslinger finish the boss.

Before the last boss I explain about the fire part. We kill him without any significant problems, though i still have to aggro him couple of times to get him into fire. During a fight a 4 DPS finally appears (we reque after Ortuno) I dont know who - have no time for checking out.

We kill the boss and finish the FP. Normally this is the part where I say thanks to all, but I am too tired of this group, so I just inform them that they are horrible and leave. I get response only from shadow - "am tired" says he.

In the end I am left with the 22k repair bill and a feeling of satisfaction a person has when he kills a boss after plenty of wipes, Never thought I am gonna get this feeling from tactical FP, though. Maybe I should have just left the group, but alas, I am the type ready to wipe a hundred time hoping for eventual victory,

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In the end I am left with the 22k repair bill and a feeling of satisfaction a person has when he kills a boss after plenty of wipes, Never thought I am gonna get this feeling from tactical FP, though.


Granted your group didn't know what they were doing. But you didn't show much skill yourself, to be honest.


If you're a good player, all lvl 55 tacticals are solable, lvl 60 you can do with a little bit more effort. Honestly, I q for tacticals only if I'm low on conquest and once inside I don't even care what the rest are doing, I just run forward, only wait for them on the boss, so that doors don't get shut before them.

Edited by power-alex
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Honestly, I q for tacticals only if I'm low on conquest and once inside I don't even care what the rest are doing, I just run forward, only wait for them on the boss, so that doors don't get shut before them.

Good for you. Not everybody lives by your standarts though. Or have your gear. Or your class. Etc.

Edited by Gelious
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Good for you. Not everybody lives by your standarts though. Or have your gear. Or your class. Etc.


Not to be judgmental - but as a 60 guardian you have plenty of cooldowns to survive even when grouped with really bad players, not to mention you just need to stay alive long enough to move from kolto station to kolto station to heal yourself, so you really shouldn't be dying over and over in a 55 tactical.


Basically 'don't panic', kite trash or boss to kolto barrels and stations to heal, roll cooldowns (don't blow them all at once).

Edited by DawnAskham
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Not to be judgmental - but as a 60 guardian you have plenty of cooldowns to survive even when grouped with really bad players, not to mention you just need to stay alive long enough to move from kolto station to kolto station to heal yourself, so you really shouldn't be dying over and over in a 55 tactical.


Basically 'don't panic', kite trash or boss to kolto barrels and stations to heal, roll cooldowns (don't blow them all at once).

Yes, I know about JK cooldowns etc. Like I mentioned - its not my main character. As a matter of fact it was the second FP i used him in - unless you count Talar and Maelstorm Prison 2 years ago.:) . I am not yet completely used to all his abilities enough to use them properly under duress.

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Yesterday, late at night, on my Republic alt, while having nothing better to do, I que for all FP. I get Manaan Tactic and think - well. it's going to be quick and easy run. Yea, right....

The set up is me (Vigilance JK 60 lvl in Ziost gear), Shadow, gunslinger, and a Sage (I think). All Dps, and smuggler is level 56, Shadow 60. (or maybe the other way around). Sage leaves immideately - when I appear inside there are already 3 of us and red text in chat that "x left the group"- and without saying a single word. I am waiting for any reaction from others (and i am not a leader of the group anyway), bu they stay silent. Eventually we reque and move forward. I think "oh well, its Tactical, whats the worst gonna happen?" and pull out Doc. For a moment I entertain a thought of switching into Shien form and try tanking, but dismiss it - I dont have any tanking gear on me, am not in the right spec, and have zero experience in tanking anything, so why bother.

I die at one at the first trash packs, before the 1 boss - admittedly its my own fault for not watching my HP, no big deal.We press forward and a second Smuggler, lvl 60 joins us. He and the other DPS jump at the boss, leaving me and last DPS behind the force field. Wipe.

We try again, all together now. I die during the fight, but still blaming myself - after all i am a returned player, back in my time there weren't any Tactical FP, so the idea of running to kolto station for self-healing in the middle of battle is not something I always remember.

After the boss we go to the console - and during cutscene with Wookie smuggler 60 lvl leaves the group. He wrote "oh ****" in chat at least, so probably his reason was valid.

We move forward. I want to remind shadow that he can stealth click the panels, but I start thinking about it way too late, so we have to just kill everyone.

Ortuno's time. There are still only three of us, and I think we did not reque. And no one said anything either. I run out of the water when the boss casting Flow.. but the other people don't. wipe.

At this point I begin to suspect I am not the root of all problems here, I ask the other DPS - it turns out its a first group run at least for one of them. Okey. I explain the Flow mechanic. We go again. Shadow still dies in Flow, but at least I remember about kolto now. (I also asked the others to use it when my health is low, but they rarely do it) At this point I gave up and switched to Shien. Its not very helpful since boss hits pretty hard and uses stun on me three time more often then I can use my CC breaker. I still die and have to run back... its me, 2 adds and a nearly dead boss this time - but I fail to burn the boss before he burns me. Wipe.

We try again. I remind everyone about the Flow, but Shadow manages to die there again (3rd or 4th time) Me and gunslinger finish the boss.

Before the last boss I explain about the fire part. We kill him without any significant problems, though i still have to aggro him couple of times to get him into fire. During a fight a 4 DPS finally appears (we reque after Ortuno) I dont know who - have no time for checking out.

We kill the boss and finish the FP. Normally this is the part where I say thanks to all, but I am too tired of this group, so I just inform them that they are horrible and leave. I get response only from shadow - "am tired" says he.

In the end I am left with the 22k repair bill and a feeling of satisfaction a person has when he kills a boss after plenty of wipes, Never thought I am gonna get this feeling from tactical FP, though. Maybe I should have just left the group, but alas, I am the type ready to wipe a hundred time hoping for eventual victory,


Tanking stance is SORESU. Shien is for vengeance tree DPS.

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I had an annoying run of KDY today on my new level 23 Mercenary. Oddly, it was a proper group - Assassin tank, Marauder and Powertech DPS, and me as a Healer. It started out fine through the first area (Cannon Emplacement), until all three other players started fights with different mobs at the same time: the tank headed for the grenades, the PT was trying to clear a path to one of the targets, and the Marauder jumped straight at the Load Lifter.


I was suddenly spamming heals at the guy on the miniboss (though at 23, I don't really have the abilities and passives to be letting a lone DPS tank a champion), but fortunately (or so I thought) after about 15 seconds, the tank seemed to realize what was going on, and headed straight towards the droid. Only to run past and pull the strongs by the elevator door instead... The PT, who seemingly had no idea what was going on, finished up his group, turned around, saw the mess, and switched to Ion cylinder, put his guard on me (so helpful if you don't do anything to take the aggro off me...), and went to go help the tank. So at this point we have: a tank and DPS in tank mode fighting two strongs (not focusing on one at a time of course), a DPS fighting a champion, and me trying to keep us alive while having aggro on the group that the tank started on, who decided I was the bigger threat once the tank ran away from them.


Then, when the tank had ALMOST killed his guy, he realized that the Marauder wasn't going to survive the champ, and leaves his droid to go pull the champ. Now we have a mostly dead Marauder randomly running around trying to loose aggro, a mostly dead off-tank taking on two strongs, and a half dead tank taking on a champ with no defensive CDs left, meanwhile I'm still under fire from around 4 random mobs.


Amazingly, we survived, and while there were no deaths up to the final boss (droid), it was a disaster the whole way through. Then the boss. I messed up and didn't get out of the way of his cannon fast enough, and go down. Judging by the constant declines of their health bars, no-one bothered going for the med-stations while I was on my way back, and the Marauder goes down as well. But instead of respawning, he just lays there spam-swearing at me for letting him die. Then the tank and PT get caught by the cannon and go down, and I say screw it, and make sure I die before they get back so we can restart. We kick the marauder, get a Sorc as a replacement, and finish the FP.

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Good for you. Not everybody lives by your standarts though. Or have your gear. Or your class. Etc.


Besides the fact that you're messing up the names of the stances, his standards are average at best. It IS fairly solable, and only if you watched your debuff.


The reason you got stunned a million times is because you were probably standing inside the water. The boss shocks you in the tacticals, which is why you get stunned so long as you were in the water. If you kited him, you'd be fine and you'd reach all the kolto stations you wanted w/o dying.


It wasn't an insult. It was constructive criticism. You haven't used that toon in 2 months/years, whatever, well, now you learned something. Accept it and move on.

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People are so scared of first boss on Tython. I had so many groups that just refused to even try to do mechanics. This is so silly...

Guess standing on the stairs like idiots for 3 minutes is someone's idea of fun...

Today tank and healer argued over this. Healer requested a kick and tank left.

Just go play whack a mole or something. But don't queue for a flashpoint if you're afraid of running to a point on cue or afraid of trusting people to do the same.

Edited by power-alex
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People are so scared of first boss on Tython. I had so many groups that just refused to even try to do mechanics. This is so silly...

Guess standing on the stairs like idiots for 3 minutes is someone's idea of fun...

Today tank and healer argued over this. Healer requested a kick and tank left.

Just go play whack a mole or something. But don't queue for a flashpoint if you're afraid of running to a point on cue or afraid of trusting people to do the same.


The worst is that the most adamant 'we must run out' player usually is the last to react when the adds come, and runs right into the orbitals dropped by the rest of the group while running down the stairs, and dies instantly.


And I just don't get why people cannot avoid a big orange / red circle on the ground, nor just stay in their corner zone and not run across the entire platform like idiots stacking the orbitals all on top of each other.


Same issue with the last boss in that FP - way too many people feel they need to run around the entire room dropping their purple circles right on top of me instead of finding an empty spot and running in a small loop dropping their circles away from everyone else.

Edited by DawnAskham
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For a moment I entertain a thought of switching into Shien form and try tanking, but dismiss it - I dont have any tanking gear on me, am not in the right spec, and have zero experience in tanking anything, so why bother.


I have to ask... WUT????


Shien. The form Vigilance gets at level 41, a tanking stance??? What is your usual stance??????


EDIT : I saw it had already been said.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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After finishing my pvp dailies I got bored and when someone advertised a ToS SM 3-5 I thought why not, I can carry them if they haven't gotten enough DPS.




7 wipes to red crosses even though our PT tank used his reflect mass taunt. Only once did noone die to or before the first cross (Yes apparently cou can die to SM UL before the first cross. It wasn't one of the rocks)

On the last try I had 5k DPS on the first group of adds and when the boss started casting Rage Storm the last add hat 50% left. Three defensive cooldowns and a few seconds of Marksmanship burst later I was one of 5 ppl to survive the first cross.

How can 3 DPS and two tanks not out DPS a single Sniper?



Last week a guildie asked me to tank DP NiM. It started of with two people announcing in TS that "The group leader has to reset...". Needless to say, they were standing in front of DF.

Inspected them after they finally found a way in and managed to pull both add groups in the entrance room. DF/DP only 8man SM after 3.0, 0 augments, 0 set bonus. Those were a DPS and a Healer. 2nd Healer had 4pc set and only 6 augments. Other Tank only had 4pc set bonus and 0 augments.

The remaining were the group leader (from a good guild, good player), the only two people in my guild who can out DPS my sniper and myself as a Tank. All in min/maxed 192/198 aug 6pc set.

Bestia went down in 3rd try which was still so badly executed we wouldn't have killed Bestia HM at 55. Had a really big OH F********K moment when I told the other tank to taunt the boss after I mass taunted the whole room and it took him 8 seconds to say "Wait a second". At that point I had 15 stacks and was atracked by 3 large and one small adds and the boss.

Group leader said we should have one maybe two large adds around at the same time. Record was Bestia, 4 large adds, 3 small adds and a tentacle and nothing close to dying. Luckily we had two PT DPS who each taunted one of the large adds while the marauder killed the tentacle.

Gave up after 6 tries on Tyrans (He's #2 isn't he?) Where we never got him below 60%. People died to the debuff after simplification (where you have to jump down) even after it being explained the 4th time... Not to mention the flames...

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this one was me. my very first time in kp, we had just killed the robot boss and the guild master (knowing that some of us were noobs) says in ts not to go into the next room. you know the one i'm talking about. well i didn't, so i just ran my happy *** straight in! this of course wipes everyone and since i was the first to die, first to rez. not recognizing where i am, i immediately run right back into the same room. now everyone wants to know why they are back in combat, and i can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound stupid as **** even to me.


*wipes away tear of joy*

It's just like it was back before RotHC...

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It's been 3 months since 3.2, and many people -still- quit Blood Hunt HM right after zoning in, without even trying. What's wrong with them all? :mad:


Because they're like the little speck on chicken poop.

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It's been 3 months since 3.2, and many people -still- quit Blood Hunt HM right after zoning in, without even trying. What's wrong with them all? :mad:


Because I've gotten BH HM, done 4K dps while tossing heals on myself while swapping to boss for final burn while CC'ing adds that are up, and still had the boss enrage and one shot the tank and wipe the group.


So if the other dps can't do enough to help kill boss with me doing 4K while healing and CC'ing, why should I bother?


And yes - it really isn't that bad - I've also gotten a group on my tank where two players got the achievement for killing the boss, and we did it in one shot without a problem.


But for whatever reason, this boss just wrecks groups with poor players, and there seem to be far more poor players than good ones in GF.


Everyone over 50K HP, I'll give it a go. Anyone at 40K or less, I won't even zone in. In-between, I'll zone and inspect.

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Everyone over 50K HP, I'll give it a go. Anyone at 40K or less, I won't even zone in. In-between, I'll zone and inspect.


high health doesn't always mean good player. in fact, half the time, the ones with lower HP tend to perform better than the ones with higher HP, from what i've experienced. or maybe i'm just lucky.

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