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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Lol you hit the soft enrage on that boss which means the dps weren't doing their job. But of course they will call out the healer because they died. I like everyone to stack on that boss for aoe heals and to make using aoe on the adds easier.


Haha, cheers!

Edited by THobbsy
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Had a fun guy in Blood hunt yesterday.

I was on my mara, tank and healer were from the same guild and had great token gear (i believe healer had nighmare df dp 2 set and 4 piece from current ops).

Second dps dropped instantly. I asked the other 2 not to leave, ensuring them that I was a good dps.

We req and get 50k comms gear shadow. I tell them to stay on the boss and leave adds to me.

After second set of adds shadow's dead.

He releases and comes back by the 4th set of adds. At 30% I decide to burn the boss, he enrages at 1%, we kill him and enraged 4 adds. I don't know how we survived (i think shadow died though).

Then shadow runs forward, instadies on 2 mobs and leaves without a word. We decided he thought it was a tactical :)

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So, I queue up for KDY. On my Sniper this time. My main's a Slinger, same skill tree, so I know my way around the class. There was another Sniper, a Marauder, and a Sorcerer healer. We're not doing too badly on the first level. It's the generators.


We get to the second level. The hangars. It's going pretty well. We kill the elite defender, and we're going to the ambush when...




Somebody needs to talk to me IRL, so I tell them I'll be afk for a couple minutes, and they can vote kick me if I'm gone too long.


I'm gone about two minutes, and they've already kicked me by the time I get back. Reason: come oooooooooooon


All I can figure is that all three of them ignored my message. Not the same guild or anything, just got queued with three people who can't bother to read. It's especially odd because when I said hello at the beginning, they responded.

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More bads... though not via Groupfinder. I actually had a pretty good first time ever run for Athiss with my saboteur gunslinger. Got through the bosses and the guardian tank seemed to know the mission pretty well. I only had some difficulty with the final boss (I stood in those flame things by accident the first time they appeared but the healer managed to keep me alive) but we got through.


Then I returned to Nar Shaddaa and a new tradition of me being stuck with bads for Mandalorian Rage seems to have started. (It's only a tradition if it happens twice or more.)


Saw someone asking for "one more" so I whispered to join. 1st bad sign: Noticed the others were one guardian and two sentinels. Thought about suggesting a healer but wanted to try to get through it. 2nd bad sign: Not very well geared. 3rd bad sign: After the 2nd loss the guardian said he had to return to the med droid to revive. So did one of the sents. 4th bad sign: Oh and at one point they suggested my character heal. Had to point out that gunslingers do not heal.


Eventually it got to the point where only my gunslinger and one of the sentinels were at the final boss site. So I deployed Treek in healer mode, the sent deployed T7 and we killed the final boss. Then I qt back to the industrial sector. Left group and turned in the quest. I'm half afraid to find out what will happen a third time I bring a character through Nar Shaddaa.

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So, I queue up for KDY. On my Sniper this time. My main's a Slinger, same skill tree, so I know my way around the class. There was another Sniper, a Marauder, and a Sorcerer healer. We're not doing too badly on the first level. It's the generators.


We get to the second level. The hangars. It's going pretty well. We kill the elite defender, and we're going to the ambush when...




Somebody needs to talk to me IRL, so I tell them I'll be afk for a couple minutes, and they can vote kick me if I'm gone too long.


I'm gone about two minutes, and they've already kicked me by the time I get back. Reason: come oooooooooooon


All I can figure is that all three of them ignored my message. Not the same guild or anything, just got queued with three people who can't bother to read. It's especially odd because when I said hello at the beginning, they responded.

You probably exceeded their attention span with being gone for too long. 2 minutes is about as much as you can expect from pugs, really. :p

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You probably exceeded their attention span with being gone for too long. 2 minutes is about as much as you can expect from pugs, really. :p


That isn't PUGs, that's people in general today. If it cannot be compressed into a FaceBook meme, like a certain YouTube video says, 'ain't nobody got time for that.'

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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That isn't PUGs, that's people in general today. If it cannot be compressed into a FaceBook meme, like a certain YouTube video says, 'ain't nobody got time for that.'


^That:^ So true :(


I once got kicked --after telling the group that I had an RL distraction to deal with, and that being acknowledged in /party-- after less than one minute.


It was at the last boss, too!


(How the Hell do some people expect to succeed in real progression-level content with attention-spans like that, anyway? And Gods forbid: One wipe, RAAAAAAEEEEGQUIT!!!1111oneone! Ugh, /facepalm.)

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^That:^ So true :(


I once got kicked --after telling the group that I had an RL distraction to deal with, and that being acknowledged in /party-- after less than one minute.


It was at the last boss, too!


(How the Hell do some people expect to succeed in real progression-level content with attention-spans like that, anyway? And Gods forbid: One wipe, RAAAAAAEEEEGQUIT!!!1111oneone! Ugh, /facepalm.)

I once didn't get kicked after my game crashed in a pug. I was pretty surprised. Took me a good 4 minutes to get back in.

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Had a puzzling run last night.


HM Legacy of the Rakata. I was healing on my Commando, and the Guardian tank, Gunnery Commando, and Watchman Sentinel I was with were all from the same guild. The tank had a lot of trouble holding aggro, but at least apologized for it and claimed to be trying to multitask. The DPS was very slow, due to a combination of 186 gear (and some pieces even worse) and subpar play, but they didn't do anything too awful.


We clear laboriously through the trash, kill the first boss slooowly, and continue on. Aggro is all over the place; the tank is good on bosses, but everyone seems to take about the same amount of damage on trash. We get to the trash with the Revanite caches and the tank leaps in while I'm still catching up, causing a wipe. He comments that he doesn't remember this area being so difficult, and that he usually splits the group and has two clear each side. I remind him it's a hardmode, not a tactical, and he surprisedly says "what? I don't tank this in hardmode!"

Huh. I reassure him that we should be okay so long as we use proper tactics.


We kill the second boss, and, at the tank's insistence, take one whack at the bonus boss. Amazingly enough, we clear it on the first try, although both DPS die at various points. We proceed to clear the rest and kill the final boss without any deaths, without me even needing to pop Supercharge.


So this is what I got: slow DPS, a tank that can't even hold aggro off the healer at times, a group overall that requires spam-healing at every trash pull, but somehow oneshots the bonus boss of HM Legacy of the Rakata.

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So this is what I got: slow DPS, a tank that can't even hold aggro off the healer at times, a group overall that requires spam-healing at every trash pull, but somehow oneshots the bonus boss of HM Legacy of the Rakata.


This is an achivement how exactly? :p The bonus boss is the easiest boss in the instance, hands down.

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This is an achivement how exactly? :p The bonus boss is the easiest boss in the instance, hands down.


Get out of here and stop lying! In WHAT WAY is the bonus boss (or any boss for that matter) easier than Commander Rand?

In all seriousness, it's very difficult to heal compared to the rest of the bosses due to all the group damage going out. It's also very unforgiving of PUGs with subpar coordination due to the Field Scavenger and Unstable Barrier mechanics.

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I think that I was "the guy"


Ok so at the weekend I tried tanking for the first time in a flashpoint ever with my Vanguard on Hammer station, I think I was either level 14 or 15 at the time and got a level 16 guardian and a level 17 Shadow along with a healer probably about 16ish, now I admitted I was new to tanking right at the beginning but judging but by the level of the DPS I knew it was not going to turn out well as they would both grab aggro like crazy and I did not have guard available at this point to reduce either threat (there was something else I did not notice but I will get to that in a minute).


Now as expected I could not keep aggro from the 2 "DPS" and part way through I did apologise to the group for being unable to hold aggro, at this point the guardian wispered me and noted that the Shadow was in his tank stance which was why I could not keep aggro (now I did not notice if he was always in this stance or if he switched to it, also I forgot to check his gear to see if he had a shield equipped).


I would not have mind if the Shadow had said he wanted to tank I would have gladly switched to DPS as I had queued for both. The guardian was actually nice and even gave me a tip about tanking the final boss after the flashpoint.


I ran it again shortly after as I did not get the drop I was after and tried again as a tank, it felt much better and I at least now had a guard to put on one of the DPS's. I did keep aggro on my target all through the flashpoint (don't know about other mobs, I am still working on that one) but I did die at the final boss as I "ran out of health" I had used my med pack and had already used reactive shield I just could not keep myself up any longer.


Bottom line is I am not sure if I am cut out for tanking or not as I have never seen the tank die at the boss before so I am not sure if it's something I did or if the heals were not quite up to scratch, but either way I have not be encouraged by my first 2 attempts

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Get out of here and stop lying! In WHAT WAY is the bonus boss (or any boss for that matter) easier than Commander Rand?

In all seriousness, it's very difficult to heal compared to the rest of the bosses due to all the group damage going out. It's also very unforgiving of PUGs with subpar coordination due to the Field Scavenger and Unstable Barrier mechanics.


Just stay in the hut where the boss is, keep him turned away. During the AoE damage spike, a healer heals. That's what it requires. One AoE heal probably takes care of the damage it deals. :p

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I think that I was "the guy"


Ok so at the weekend I tried tanking for the first time in a flashpoint ever with my Vanguard on Hammer station, I think I was either level 14 or 15 at the time and got a level 16 guardian and a level 17 Shadow along with a healer probably about 16ish, now I admitted I was new to tanking right at the beginning but judging but by the level of the DPS I knew it was not going to turn out well as they would both grab aggro like crazy and I did not have guard available at this point to reduce either threat (there was something else I did not notice but I will get to that in a minute).


Now as expected I could not keep aggro from the 2 "DPS" and part way through I did apologise to the group for being unable to hold aggro, at this point the guardian wispered me and noted that the Shadow was in his tank stance which was why I could not keep aggro (now I did not notice if he was always in this stance or if he switched to it, also I forgot to check his gear to see if he had a shield equipped).


I would not have mind if the Shadow had said he wanted to tank I would have gladly switched to DPS as I had queued for both. The guardian was actually nice and even gave me a tip about tanking the final boss after the flashpoint.


I ran it again shortly after as I did not get the drop I was after and tried again as a tank, it felt much better and I at least now had a guard to put on one of the DPS's. I did keep aggro on my target all through the flashpoint (don't know about other mobs, I am still working on that one) but I did die at the final boss as I "ran out of health" I had used my med pack and had already used reactive shield I just could not keep myself up any longer.


Bottom line is I am not sure if I am cut out for tanking or not as I have never seen the tank die at the boss before so I am not sure if it's something I did or if the heals were not quite up to scratch, but either way I have not be encouraged by my first 2 attempts


Nobody picks up tanking straight off the bat (I know some tosser is going to reply with how pro they are they knew it all off by heart the second they installed the game, so now I have pre-empted you, **** off). Seeing as that guardian gave advice and knew about stanced you could, if you remember his name, ask to pick his brains. If not, join a guild, ask for advice and continue pointing out you are rusty at the beginning of the mission (that way people will accept small mistakes and offer advice).


Dont take all advice thrown at you as gospel. If someone tells you to change your rotation or do something different or whatever, give it a go and if you find yourself losing aggro go back to what you did before. As a general rule, just hit everything in the current pull, try to avoid being knocked back into another group of mobs and taunt if necessary (it will be at low levels, just wait till level 35 ish when your stock-strike will be able to instantly rip of any over-zealous dps).


As for the dieing theres really very little a tank at that level can do about lazy healers. The basic comms vendors dont sell tanking pieces until around level 33 I think. Before then, if you gear with basic comms, you are just a dps in tank stance with a shield, unless you gear up with crafted stuff or stuff off the gtn but tbh thats a waste.

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Thanks for the re-assurance, I may be just a little hard on myself I know the impossible is expected from tanks so maybe I am over looking at things (like dying when I have never seen tanks die there before, well not without a complete wipe anyway) and yeah you are kinda right about the low gear, I think there is no mods with +shield until about 30ish, but there are some at around this level with absorb and defence so maybe when I upgrade him I will grab some absorb enhancements as I suppose its better than nothing. I guess next up would be Mando raiders to try and tank.
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If dps is in tank stance that will cause problems for healer if tank has no experience running with second tank or tank is new to role.


Tank stances:

Vanguard, Ion Cell: blue-ish white icon (you see this same icon on many elite droids and it even has the same name so you're probably already familiar with it)

Shadow, Combat Technique: yellow color, both hands, saber held almost horizontally, can easily be confused with Force Technique for Serenity but it's a lot darker yellow

Guardian, Soresu form: person with green background

Powertech, Ion Cylinder: same as Vanguard.

Assassin, Dark Charge: it looks like green vertical beam with dark background

Juggernaut, Soresu form: same as Guardian

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I did keep aggro on my target all through the flashpoint (don't know about other mobs, I am still working on that one) but I did die at the final boss as I "ran out of health" I had used my med pack and had already used reactive shield I just could not keep myself up any longer.


The final boss of Hammer Station, Battlelord Kreshan, is meant to teach tanks about conal attacks. His Sweeping Gunfire channel hits everyone in front of the boss, which means the tank needs to keep the boss facing away from the group (a good habit with nearly every boss) to avoid the DPS and healer getting wrecked. However, once the channel starts Kreshan doesn't turn, so you can run off to the side or behind the boss to avoid taking more damage than you need to. Just make sure to get back in front of him once the channel finishes! (Be aware that some enemies with conal channels WILL turn during the conal, so this strategy won't work against everyone.)

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Just stay in the hut where the boss is, keep him turned away. During the AoE damage spike, a healer heals. That's what it requires. One AoE heal probably takes care of the damage it deals. :p


Too many people can't figure out the simple 'stack and aoe heal' method that can cheese a lot of mechanics.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Get out of here and stop lying! In WHAT WAY is the bonus boss (or any boss for that matter) easier than Commander Rand?

In all seriousness, it's very difficult to heal compared to the rest of the bosses due to all the group damage going out. It's also very unforgiving of PUGs with subpar coordination due to the Field Scavenger and Unstable Barrier mechanics.


I've never had any problem healing that in a PuG unless, said PuG go hide and is out of sight.


Anyway, back on topic. 2 days ago I was doing Korriban Incursion tactical for conquest points. We were 4 deeps and apparently I pulled the biggest number because even after going stealth to lose aggro (I'm an infiltration shadow and keeping aggro is not a good thing for my rotation ^^) I kept aggro. We arrived at the second boss, the big droid. I noticed one of the other guy, a shadow in, I assume serenity judging by his stance, had gear with shield, defense and absorb. I ask him if he would want to tank the boss since he had tanking gear and I thought he just switch stance to d the FP. What was my surprise when he replied he was a dps not a tank...

Edited by LudhaninRolgge
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To address the people telling me to just stack and heal:


You underestimate the badness of some bads.

While that strategy might work for some groups, the group in question made healing on that boss extremely difficult. I don't know if it was low gearing, or if the tank wasn't getting aggro on the adds, or if the DPS were just too dumb to use their DCDs strategically, but I was having to use Supercharged Cell, Reserve Power Cell, and Recharge Cells nearly on cooldown to keep up with all the damage. Between the knockback, the multi-grapple, the adds, and what damage we took from the shield on our way out of it, people were melting pretty fast.

And not to toot my own horn too much, but I can pretty much faceroll healing in most 60 HM FP boss fights. (For reference, in that same run, I spent most of the Commander Rand fight DPSing and didn't have to pop Supercharge at all during Darok and Arkous. Just something about the bonus boss and that group, I guess.)

I will give stack-and-heal a go next time I'm in a group that's having trouble on that boss, though.


I'm really starting to hate getting HM Blood Hunt or HM Battle of Rishi. As much as the fights are perfectly doable, and quite thrilling to heal if the tank and DPS are competent, there always seems to be that one DPS who quits immediately, not even bothering to check anyone's gear before deciding to give up. Happened again last night...

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To address the people telling me to just stack and heal:


You underestimate the badness of some bads.

While that strategy might work for some groups, the group in question made healing on that boss extremely difficult. I don't know if it was low gearing, or if the tank wasn't getting aggro on the adds, or if the DPS were just too dumb to use their DCDs strategically, but I was having to use Supercharged Cell, Reserve Power Cell, and Recharge Cells nearly on cooldown to keep up with all the damage. Between the knockback, the multi-grapple, the adds, and what damage we took from the shield on our way out of it, people were melting pretty fast.

And not to toot my own horn too much, but I can pretty much faceroll healing in most 60 HM FP boss fights. (For reference, in that same run, I spent most of the Commander Rand fight DPSing and didn't have to pop Supercharge at all during Darok and Arkous. Just something about the bonus boss and that group, I guess.)

I will give stack-and-heal a go next time I'm in a group that's having trouble on that boss, though.


If no one leaves the room, there will be no adds. That was the point of staying stacked during the AoE damage spike. :)

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Too many people can't figure out the simple 'stack and aoe heal' method that can cheese a lot of mechanics.


As someone else said, though, the sheer, egregious, hilaribad badness of some baddies knows no limits.


I had the same thing happen on that boss recently, even after I'd typed repeatedly in /party (4 wipes total) to stay in the freaking room with your backs to the walls, and showed them exactly where to run to --behind that taller broken vase-- during his group-wide AE overload-channel thingy.


Read the frigging /party chat for ****'s sakes, baddies: It exists for a reason :(

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As someone else said, though, the sheer, egregious, hilaribad badness of some baddies knows no limits.


I had the same thing happen on that boss recently, even after I'd typed repeatedly in /party (4 wipes total) to stay in the freaking room with your backs to the walls, and showed them exactly where to run to --behind that taller broken vase-- during his group-wide AE overload-channel thingy.


Read the frigging /party chat for ****'s sakes, baddies: It exists for a reason :(


You don't even need to hide. I've healed this boss without even going behind the vase for a long time and have been healed that way for pretty much the same amount of time.

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Memo-, there will always be the occasional add due to his knockback creating momentary separation. Also, what makes you think a group of bads will be able to follow simple instructions like "stack directly on top of the boss"? Did you never fight HM Project Sav-Rak pre-2.0?


FYI, I think they might have patched out the vase strategy.

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As for the dieing theres really very little a tank at that level can do about lazy healers. The basic comms vendors dont sell tanking pieces until around level 33 I think. Before then, if you gear with basic comms, you are just a dps in tank stance with a shield, unless you gear up with crafted stuff or stuff off the gtn but tbh thats a waste.


Since when they changed the planetary vendors to level scaled vendors on fleet (since 12x exp), they sell tanking enchancements from lvl 13, so you can gear up your tank pretty easy now (2 comms for any mod, 50 comms for a full upgrade).

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